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The Trouble with Women
The Trouble with Women
The Trouble with Women
Ebook127 pages1 minute

The Trouble with Women

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Ever noticed that women don't feature much in history books, and wondered why? Then this is the book for you. In The Trouble with Women, feminist artist Jacky Fleming illustrates how the opinions of supposed male geniuses, such as Charles Darwin (who believed that women have smaller brains than men) and John Ruskin (who believed that women's main function was to praise men), have shaped the fate of women through history, confining them to a life of domesticity and very little else.

Get ready to laugh, wince, and rescue forgotten women from the "dustbin of history," while keeping a close eye out for tell-tale "genius hair."
Release dateSep 20, 2016
The Trouble with Women

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Rating: 4.344827387931034 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Both informative about all of the female (and male) historical figures of the past which may have otherwise escaped our notice. Darn that dustbin trapping all those genius women! Far Side meets Tom Gauld with a dash of Grant Snider thrown in for good measure. In short, delightful.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Snarky, funny, sarcastic - in other words, utterly delightful!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Down through the ages, women have been trouble, or maybe that should be they have been troubled, or perhaps trouble just follows them. Regardless, they have overcome their shortcomings! Even though they started out with heads that were too small, arms that were too short, and bodies that fell over when not supported by corsets, the rise of feminism after only 2,000 years is something to behold and to hold on to. This lovely little book filled with delightful illustrations and satirical commentary will charm the socks off both male and female readers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed reading this devilishly satirical book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Trouble With Women by Jacky Fleming illustrates, quite literally, the omission of women from the annals of history. I wanted so much to give 5 stars but I found the over misuse of the word genius too annoying.I realize the word genius was used to make light of the intellect of these men in relation to the equally intelligent women of the day but I am already annoyed at the over use of the word every place today. Many of the men mentioned as genius were not considered genius even though they may have been responsible for important discoveries or ideas. I find this type of satiric humor more effective if the word that is repeatedly skewered was indeed one used in describing the object. Genius was certainly under-used when describing women but even Darwin was not widely considered a genius. Yes, I realize this is as much about my feeling about the misuse of the word in contemporary culture as it is about the repetitive use of it in this book, so it will likely not bother many other people.One would think the need for such books would have decreased during our "enlightened" times but that is not the case. There are still many who honestly believe that early (acknowledged) creators, inventors, thinkers and writers were men because, well, they're men. Those are the ones who need to constantly be reminded that the history they learned bears only a passing resemblance to what really was. Unfortunately this work won't reach them and really isn't written in a manner that would persuade them, it is written for those who already are aware and like to laugh and shake our heads at those poor ignorant beings who don't know better. In other words, this book is written specifically to preach to the choir, so to speak, not to make new converts. That said, it could be used to educate if used as a springboard into more detailed history. I would have used it in a lower level WGS course when I taught or perhaps in a writing course to prompt both writing and thinking about what is being talked about here.I would highly recommend this to those who like some humor in their history though it isn't very well suited for a reader who might still think women never were able to write or think coherently until the last century, or maybe even this century.Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.

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The Trouble with Women - Jacky Fleming

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