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Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 5 (Light Novel)
Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 5 (Light Novel)
Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 5 (Light Novel)
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Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 5 (Light Novel)

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White Night Castle is shocked by the Ein’s sudden and drastic growth spurt. Only he and his grandfather know the truth behind this metamorphosis, but they have vowed to keep it a secret. Meanwhile, Ishtarica prepares to settle the score with Heim, and the royal family is dispatched to a neutral island for further negotiations. However, Warren appears to be especially wary of this course of action. Following an exhausting battle of wits, Ein and the royals return to home to discover that Magna has been nearly burned to the ground. Just what happened while the crown prince was away? And does he have a hope of saving the now-ruined city?

PublisherJ-Novel Club
Release dateMay 2, 2024
Magic Stone Gourmet: Eating Magical Power Made Me the Strongest Volume 5 (Light Novel)

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    Book preview

    Magic Stone Gourmet - Ryou Yuuki


    As the royal water train sped back to Kingsland, the crown prince lay dreaming in his carriage. It’d only been a few hours since he faced off with Marco within the Demon Castle’s great hall. In his dream, Ein was but a bystander.

    He found himself inside a damp, dark cave.

    Why was he born and for what purpose? No matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn’t find an answer. A few hours had passed since he realized he had control over his body, but this discovery merely served to confirm his own existence. He proceeded to lean against a boulder.

    Eh... Eh... he gasped.

    This was the cry he had let out as a newborn. The impossible weight of his body along with the terrible emptiness of his stomach both mystified and frightened the boy. He could only push himself to let out awkward cries in his attempts to call for help.

    Nice to meet you, small skeleton. You don’t seem to understand words just yet though, a woman’s voice called out to him.

    Now that could finally move his body, he was secretly relieved to learn that he wasn’t alone. The robed woman suddenly appeared in front of him, rummaging through her pockets before taking out a few magic stones.

    Eat up. You must be hungry, she encouraged.

    He instinctively knew that sustenance was being offered to him. Despite his sluggish body, he mustered up the strength to chomp down on the stones. While they were tasteless and the shards of chewed up stone passed right through his bony frame, he could feel an inexplicable sense of satisfaction with every bite. He no longer felt like he carried a heavy weight on his shoulders. In fact, he felt more nimble than he ever had before.

    Are you a child slave, perhaps? the woman wondered. I can’t possibly imagine why a little one such as yourself would be here all alone. Yesterday’s earthquake caused this tunnel to collapse, and exposure to miasma must’ve turned you into a monster.

    He couldn’t understand a single thing the woman said.

    You poor thing, she said. You’ve been left all alone.

    She tightly embraced his bony little body and the sound of clattering bones echoed throughout the cave. He had no idea what was happening to him, but he could feel her warmth.

    Why don’t we go together? she offered. I don’t have a destination in mind, but I’m sure it’ll be much less lonely than staying here by yourself.

    The bony child stared at her with a look of befuddlement.

    My name is Misty Silvia. However, I don’t use my family’s name often. Please, just call me Misty.

    Only then did Ein, as a bystander, remember something from Katima’s ancient Elven tome. The name Elder Lich Silvia had been transcribed within the text. Thus, the woman’s real name was Misty Silvia.

    After leaving the cave, the pair walked quite a ways. They spent many days trekking across mountains, rivers, and more on their way to a giant forest. He wasn’t exactly sure how many months had passed, but the Elder Lich and the bony child continued along their journey.

    Why don’t we rest for today? Misty suggested.

    After hearing her suggestion, he laid his bony body on the ground. He’d grown stronger and larger than before. Perhaps due to the magic stones he ate along the way, he was able to push a few words out of his mouth.

    Ei... he started saying.

    However, he quickly fell asleep. Within the next few minutes, Misty noticed the skeleton boy was fast asleep.

    Good boy, she said. Ah... I should think of a name for you.

    Names were an important thing for a monster to have—it paved the way for their evolution. Monsters didn’t become stronger just because they received a name, but it was a critical ritual that hopefully led to a brighter future. Misty placed a finger on her lips for several minutes, deep in her thoughts.

    What about ‘Ramza’? she murmured, glancing at the small skeleton that slept beside her.


    Years passed.

    Nom nom nom!

    Before an audience of two, a young silver-haired girl voraciously devoured magic stones. But that was not all, as she was surrounded by the dried meat and fruits the pair had prepared for their journey.

    She really does eat a lot... the woman remarked.

    Misty, what species is this child? the man asked.

    A demon...perhaps? But she’s still a bit too small.

    Nom nom nom... Don’t misunderstand, the girl said between chews. I’m a chunk of potential. I’ll have a growth spurt soon enough.

    I-I see. Well, forgive me for my assumption, Misty replied. But why are you here all alone?

    I have no tail nor do I have wings. So I was discarded. That’s all.

    Indeed, at a glance, the young girl looked like a normal human.

    What do you mean? Ramza asked.

    That’s all there is to it, the girl replied. My mama threw me away because I wasn’t a normal demon. There isn’t a deeper meaning to it.

    Misty showed her generosity to the child, just as she had for Ramza many years ago. Would you like to come with us?

    Huh? Me? Where to? With you guys? the demon girl asked in a spat of confusion. The girl clearly had her hopes up, but she remained cautious in fear of the inevitable sadness that would follow if those hopes were dashed.

    What’s your name? Misty inquired.

    I don’t have one, of course.

    Then you can just give her one, Misty, Ramza said. Like you’d done for me.

    The three continued their journey, Ramza walking ahead with Misty following while she held the girl’s hand.

    How about Arshay? How does that sound? Misty asked.

    Arshay eagerly nodded, her eyes twinkling with delight.


    Shy and introverted, Arshay was a girl who loved sleeping. She had her likes and dislikes as anyone else would, but her flaws were far from all she had to offer. The girl was blessed with a difficult-to-obtain ability that allowed her to increase her strength. Most monsters valued power above all else.

    No way. Impossible, Arshay argued. I don’t get it all. I don’t think it has to be me.

    The young girl was currently faced with a life-changing decision.

    I think my sister, Misty, is the perfect one for the role! Arshay whined. She’s got the appearance and her strict personality is a perfect fit!

    Sounds like someone doesn’t want dinner tonight, Misty replied.


    Why’d you just chirp like a bird? Ramza replied wearily. It can’t be helped, can it? As the Demon Lord, you should be the one standing at the helm. Those we spared wish for that too.

    I don’t care, Arshay cried. This must be some sort of mistake! I’m sure of it!

    I remember a certain someone calling herself ‘a chunk of potential’ during our first meeting.

    I don’t know who you’re talking about.

    As the girl played dumb, an exasperated Ramza placed a hand over his head.

    Ramza and I will do all the work, Misty assured. You just need to sit regally on the throne, Arshay.

    Really? Do you swear? You’re not lying, are you? Arshay asked.

    Have I ever lied to you?

    You once said that there were no vegetables in my bag of snacks, but I noticed some sneaked in there.

    I don’t know what you’re talking about. Misty gazed into the distance, feigning innocence.

    Don’t play dumb. I’ve got a good memory.

    If that were the case, why doesn’t she remember what she said when they first met? Ramza was tempted to point that out, but he remained quiet. However, it seemed Misty’s words had done the trick as Arshay reluctantly nodded.

    But why me? the little girl asked. I’m just a demon. Not like brother Ramza who evolved into a Dullahan, and certainly not an Elder Lich like you, Misty. I could make a mistake that makes you both hate me! The thought of my older siblings hating me just makes me want to die.

    We’re family. You have nothing to fear...but you’re not wrong. It might be a bit too late at this point, but why don’t we give ourselves a proper family name? Misty suggested.

    Don’t you already have one? Ramza asked.

    Sure, but I’ve got no use out of it. The name came to me on a whim anyways, so it means nothing.

    Generally, monsters never had family names to call their own. Most monsters didn’t hold meaningful relationships and very few ever wished to forge familial ties, but this trio was among that special minority.

    If you’re planning on setting us up with a family name, I’m all for it, Ramza said.

    M-Me too! I’m for it too! I agree! Arshay quickly added.

    Hmm, let me think... Misty said. Are you two aware of the name of this continent?

    I do! I do! It’s Ishtar! I don’t know who started calling this place that, but I know that it’s Ishtar!

    As Arshay had stated, the name Ishtar had stuck, but no one was sure of its origins. Nowadays, it wasn’t just monsters who were familiar with this name—even humans had grown to widely adopt the Ishtar name.

    In the language of the gods, the word ‘riqua’ means family, Misty said. Since this is a good opportunity, why don’t we borrow that? But ‘riqua’ is a bit difficult to pronounce, so how about we simplify it to ‘rica’ instead?

    Ramza and Arshay had never felt so excited before. The fact that they would officially become a family was more valuable than any jewel in the world.

    Misty opened her mouth once more. So, our last name will be...

    Ein’s vision faded to white. He was unable to hear Misty’s final words, but it wasn’t hard to put two and two together. After all, her words were the start of the long history of Ishtarica’s royal family.

    Chapter One: The Crown Prince’s Growth Spurt

    At just past ten o’clock in the evening, White Night’s audience room was illuminated by an unusual set of lights. A small crowd had gathered in the hopes of getting answers from King Silverd.

    Father, just what kind of request did you make to Ein?! Olivia shrieked. Her trademark elegance had fallen by the wayside to reveal the desperate face of a terrified mother.

    Glistening like gemstones, Olivia’s brown locks fluttered in the air as she questioned her father. The star crystal adorning her bosom shook about as she was gripped with fear for the one who’d presented her with the priceless gem—her son.

    C-Calm down, Olivia! Silverd said, unable to provide an answer.

    The king had received a message from the crown prince, stating that he’d be a bit late as he was stopping by Barth on the way home. However, Ein had also requested that his little detour be kept a secret from everyone else, including his mother.

    Your Majesty, Krone said frostily.

    Krone! Quell Olivia’s distress! Silverd pleaded.

    But before he could claim that he knew nothing as well, Krone replied, Forgive my insolence, Your Majesty, but please tell me. Just what were your orders to Ein?

    Silverd had hoped that Krone would understand, but it seemed she was just as worried as his daughter. Krone appeared to be calm on the surface, but the thorny bite to her words told another story. Her beautiful, silvery-blue hair flowed behind her as she took an ominous step forward, approaching the monarch. The young advisor’s pale skin and amethyst eyes were pointed straight at him. Her overwhelming presence even caused the king to turn away.

    Oh dear, the chancellor said. You seem to be in a spot of trouble, Your Majesty.

    W-Warren! the king cried. Don’t just crack an uneasy smile while stroking away at your beard! Do something! Anything!

    Unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything either. If I were to choose, I’d side with the ladies.

    The chancellor didn’t side with the king. Grrr... Just what is that crown prince up to?! Silverd thought in desperation.

    Ein should be returning from Barth shortly. Just then, the doors of the audience room opened.

    A-Ah, there you all are, Martha said. The first servant rushed into the room, clearly out of breath.

    Martha! Whatever is the matter? Silverd said, finding the maid’s sudden appearance to be a godsend. He approached her and spoke more casually than usual.

    Er, Sir Ein has returned. However...

    The news couldn’t have come at a better time.

    Is Ein really back? Olivia said, pouncing on Martha’s words.

    H-He has, Martha said uncomfortably. I believe Sir Ein has returned. However...

    Olivia and Krone’s faces grew dark as the maid trailed off. Their faces were riddled with anxiety.

    Has something happened to Ein? Olivia inquired.

    Something has happened, indeed... Martha replied. He’ taller.

    Everyone in the audience room was confused by these words. As perplexed glances were exchanged, Martha added, I think it’s best if you saw for yourselves. He’s waiting for you all in the grand hall, so if you would please head there, and quickly left.

    While it seemed clear that Ein had returned, no one could quite understand just what had happened. The group left for the grand hall.


    A short while ago, the royal water train had pulled into White Rose Station and Ein stepped out onto the platform. That dream earlier was... he thought. Based on the characters that appeared before him, Ein had glimpsed into memories of the Dullahan and the Elder Lich. If what he saw was to be believed, Demon Lord Arshay had an even-keeled personality for the most part. At the very least, Ein knew for sure that she wasn’t keen on the idea of wiping out the entire continent.

    I knew it. Someone deliberately caused her to go berserk, Ein slowly said as he placed his hands in his pockets.

    His fingers grazed the pink star crystal at the bottom of his pocket, a reminder that yesterday wasn’t a dream.

    Did you say something, Sir Ein? Dill, Ein’s personal guard, asked.

    Nope, nothing. I’m glad we finally made it back!

    Indeed. The trip was much longer than I anticipated. Of course, it seems like you’ve had a good reason for it...

    I-I know! I’ll refrain from doing anything like this again in the future!

    As Ein walked along, he felt like he was seeing everything again for the first time. Thanks to his Demon Lord growth spurt, the crown prince now walked with a longer stride and saw the world around him from newfound heights. Even though he was intimately familiar with White Rose, he felt like he’d never been there before.

    We should hurry, Dill advised.

    Right, Ein agreed. I don’t think the citizens should catch a glimpse of my new appearance just yet.

    Unfortunately, that’s not what I mean. Everyone at the castle, His Majesty included, must be worried sick about you.

    Right, we should really pick up the pace.

    The two rushed out of the station and sneaked into the prepared carriage awaiting their return.

    Upon his return to the castle, Ein could feel the dumbstruck gazes of those around him. He couldn’t blame them for their reaction to his new stature, nor could he raise an eyebrow at the whispering servants wondering who he was. They noted that the man walking beside Dill carried a resemblance to Olivia and Ein. Had someone pointed out that the crown prince had simply matured, no one would’ve questioned it—the man was clearly of royal lineage. However, as none of the servants were familiar with this enigmatic man just yet, they couldn’t hide their confusion.

    Ein placed his belongings on the ground and asked, Where’s Martha?

    The man’s booming voice was clearly that of the crown prince, but his timbre had dropped in comparison to just a few days ago. His voice had changed, but it was Ein’s voice without a shadow of a doubt. Martha immediately made her appearance, and Ein lowered his head.

    Where is Sir Ein? Has he not returned? she asked her son, Dill.

    He’s right beside me, Dill replied.

    She was unable to brush this off as simple nonsense. Martha had recognized Ein as the crown prince when he entered the castle, but the unbelievable nature of this phenomenon had taken her aback—she needed time to fully process it.

    I can’t believe you’re truly Sir Ein... she murmured.

    Something happened and I grew a couple centimeters, Ein replied. I’ll fill you in on the full details after I speak with my grandfather.

    I haven’t a clue as to what’s going on, but I understand. All I can tell is that you require a change of clothes, Sir Ein.

    His shirt and slacks had become a little too small, to put it mildly.

    I’d like that, thank you. Could you please inform grandfather and everyone else that I’m back? I’ll be here, unpacking my stuff, Ein said. He sounded tired, but he smiled like his usual self. Oh, and could you bring something to tie my hair back with? It’s gotten a bit too long.

    With his hair long like his mother’s, a bit of makeup might’ve made it look like Ishtarica had a pair of second princesses. Ein still retained a bit of his boyish charm, but he gave off an air of smoldering maturity whenever he narrowed his eyes.

    I shall tell them right away, Martha. And I shall bring you a hair tie immediately.


    Ein watched as Martha swiftly left before he turned back to his belongings.

    Oh, and Dill... he said while unpacking his things.

    Yes, Sir Ein? Dill asked.

    It can be any time you’re free, but could you come shopping with me?

    Dill had been reaching out to assist Ein with his belongings, but froze upon hearing the crown prince’s sudden request. I shall happily do so. What are you looking for?

    Now that I’ve grown a bit, I’m going to need some new clothes. It’d be great if you could accompany me.

    In that case, I shall introduce you to a store that I frequent.

    The two conversed as they always did, but everyone around them was still at a loss for words as they gazed on at the prince. It was only natural that they would question the crown prince’s new look. While the onlookers stood there stumped, a familiar beauty approached the duo.

    Sir Ein, you’re ba— Chris said before stopping in her tracks. The Elf served as Olivia and Ein’s personal guard.

    Beautiful as a goddess of the moon herself, Chris’s sapphire eyes glimmered brighter than any jewel. Unlike her usual hairdo, the knight’s golden hair was down as it fluttered behind her. back? she questioned.

    If she had a tail, she’d undoubtedly been wagging it furiously. She was ecstatic to hear about Ein’s return, but her excited footsteps slowed down as she approached the young man. When she was just a few steps away, she stopped. She was like a cat who awkwardly kept its distance upon reuniting with its master after a long absence.

    I’m back, Chris, Ein said, squinting his eyes apologetically. He felt bad for being so late.

    H-Huh? Are you...Sir Ein? the Elf asked.

    Yup. I’m Ein.

    He stopped unpacking his belongings and approached her. His physical appearance had completely changed, so he couldn’t blame her for looking so hesitant.

    Why did you grow? she asked. And your hair is so long now...

    The two had been of similar height before his

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