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Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family
Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family
Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family
Ebook70 pages56 minutes

Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family

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After Kerry the Sorcerer is terminated from his chemistry position for doing irrelevant experimentation on the job, he decides to redeem himself by using his self-created magical powers to save the world from the most powerful villains. Once it dawns on him an assistant can help him handle fiascos occurring simultaneously, he brings in Kabrina Wand as his apprentice who he then molds into his partner.


The biggest dilemma they face with their sorcery is not being able to cast their spells quickly enough when it matters the most. This will spell doom if they cannot rectify this before the time comes to rescue the Royal Family from their extraordinarily mighty captor.


Will they pull this off? The only way to find out is to buy this book.

Release dateMar 5, 2019
Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family

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    Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress - Todd Hicks

    Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family

    Kerry the Sorcerer and Kabrina the Sorceress: Mission to save the Royal Family

    By Todd Hicks

    Copyright by Todd Hicks in March 2016, November 2023

    About The Book

    This is a black magic novel about two magicians who save others from harm and battle challenging foes. Their biggest mission is to save the royal family in London from an evil villain who has enormous magic power and a dangerous mansion before it’s too late. The characters in this story are fictional and any resemblance of them to any actual persons is purely coincidental. 

    Chapter One

    A radical change awaited the unsuspecting creature. Pausing his walk, the lizard began drinking from a London lake which was polluted by the nearby nuclear power plant merely seconds ago. Suddenly, the reptile underwent a dramatic transformation.

    He noticed his body making major changes. He suddenly started growing taller and bigger. Additionally, He started growing wings while slowly turning into a dragon. The lizard-turned dragon reached a height of 50 feet and a width of 10 feet. 

    Another drastic change took effect. The dragon could now talk and emit fire. As it exhaled, it let out a fireball. The monster realized it could spew fire simply by blowing its breath. 

    It then said, Whoa! I can breathe fire now. I might as well use this new power to create havoc. I will now call myself Leonard the Dragon.

    The dragon then flew to a nearby park and set a large ball of fire on the ground that started spreading. Those who were in the park started running for their lives. Unfortunately, the fire caught six people who were close to the dragon before it set the fire. One of them was able to save himself by rolling over on the ground but the other five were not so fortunate, as they quickly died. The dragon soon flew away to cause destruction elsewhere.

    Help was on the way, but only a little. A truck from the local fire department arrived to put out the fire in the park but the fire became more massive and it soon spread to the houses that were nearby. Alas, the firefighters could not put out all of these fires quickly.

    Thank goodness for Kerry Rod a.k.a. Kerry the Sorcerer, the now-chemical products salesman who lost his job as a highly-paid chemist many months ago. While inside his castle a few miles away, Kerry looked into his magical ball to see if any major danger was occurring in the area or elsewhere.

    To his dismay, he spotted the fires just set by Leonard the Dragon in his neck of the woods and a massive forest fire causing havoc thousands of miles away. What to do about this dilemma?

    Determining his better course of action was to tackle the local calamity where more lives were immediately at stake, he powered up his magic amulet and flew to the scene of the dragon-made fires, hoping to save lives and redeem himself as an underemployed man. The firefighters had only two of the fires under control.

    Kerry knew he needed to douse the other fires himself. He also knew he had to do it with one spell if possible because there was too little time to spare and his amulet would only stay charged to the maximum for a finite amount of time. 

    He said, Hocus pocus. Create a fire extinguisher and bucket of water for the fires not being attended to. 

    As commanded, Kerry’s amulet emitted magic dust and created a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water around each fire. The fires were doused within seconds, saving many lives and homes. About a mile away, the dragon was encountered by the king’s knights as it was walking on the streets and trampling motorists to death. Five knights who were clad in armor all over approached the dragon from the front with swords. 

    They had on body armor suits that were made of steel but it did them no good, as the dragon’s fire was hot enough to melt their armor and fry them to death. Next, two armored knights stabbed the beast from behind but their swords could not penetrate its skin. Suddenly, he turned around and eliminated them. The dragon then flew away. It was soon encountered by Kerry the Sorcerer in the air. 

    After Kerry told him to stop, the dragon said, Prepare to meet your doom. 

    As the dragon threw a flame toward him, Kerry said, Abracadabra, douse the fire. 

    Suddenly, a wave of water met the fireball and put it out.

    I must take a different approach, Leonard the Dragon thought. 

    Then he sent two fireballs that missed Kerry intentionally and then hit him from behind. Kerry felt pain for a few seconds from being lit on fire but he

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