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Online Stalking and Online Activities: An evaluation of risks and their perception
Online Stalking and Online Activities: An evaluation of risks and their perception
Online Stalking and Online Activities: An evaluation of risks and their perception
Ebook57 pages36 minutes

Online Stalking and Online Activities: An evaluation of risks and their perception

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As the world evolves, new crimes arise, and it is necessary to understand the perception of individuals which may be exposed to new risks in order to evaluate the implementation of new preventive strategies. Because of the spread of the internet, cyber crimes increase, for this reason their assessment is fundamental. The aim of this study was to test the overall awareness in relation to cyberstalking and its dynamics, as well as its aftermaths. In order to evaluate the perception of risks, this research has been extended to online behaviours trends. To obtain data it has been developed a questionnaire that has been proposed to internet users. The literature review made in regard to cyberstalking provided interesting starting points to assess this crime, and it was also essential to extrapolate answers to present to respondents in order to test their knowledge about this offence.

This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee Board of the University of Essex (England)

Release dateNov 19, 2018
Online Stalking and Online Activities: An evaluation of risks and their perception

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    Online Stalking and Online Activities - Alessia Malachiti

    Online Stalking and Online Activities - An evaluation of risks and their perception

    Alessia Malachiti

    University of Essex – BA Criminology and Criminal Justice

    This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee Board of the University of Essex



    During my University career I have been constantly supported by my tutors and student advisors from the University of Essex, and I am deeply grateful to them for their guidance. In particular, I would like to thank Dr. Hilary Miller, that supervised this project and helped me to find the way to properly develop it.

    I think about my final dissertation since the start of the University journey, and I see this project as one of the main goals of my life. It was essential to believe in myself, and to develop the proper confidence to arrive to this point, I have been guided by all my tutors and I am particularly grateful to: Dr. Mary Hill, which at the start helped me to understand how to organize my studies.

    I am grateful to the persons that financially and morally supported my studies: my grandparents Anita Villella and Francesco Gigliotti. I am lucky to have them by my side.

    I would like to thank my mother, Angela Gigliotti, for her constant support in all the fields of my life: I am aware of her sacrifices and I hope to be able to repay them in the future.

    A special thank goes to my aunt Angela Pilato, that financially supported the final Module of this journey and that brought a piece of my heart with her and Luis Pilato in Argentina.

    I am thankful to the rest of the family: Erika Belfiore, Francesca Giangrande, Gabriel Peretti, Gabriele Peretti, Roberta Riva. It was not easy for me to overcome certain personal problems, but they helped me to regain the strength necessary to achieve this goal.

    In difficult days I could count on the love of Iside, Ronnie, Peter, Hook, Ambra, Camilla, Arthur, Trilly, Anacleto. I am grateful to have them in my life.

    I am thankful to my friends, that believed in me, in particular Elisa Ragolia and Matteo Valier.

    I wish I could celebrate this goal with my loved ones that are no longer here, but they are always in my heart and I know that they would have been happy to see that I have achieved this important goal. I am grateful to my aunt, Maria Antonia Gigliotti, that always supported me until her last day on hearth. I am extremely grateful to Timmy, that made me understand what is love. I am grateful to have had Alessandra Grande Nowicka in my life as a friend, and I will always remember her and her confidence in my skills.

    I want to dedicate my research project to all of them, and especially to Timmy, Maria Antonia Gigliotti and Alessandra Grande Nowicka.

    Alessia Malachiti

    A. Abstract and Introduction


    As the world evolves, new crimes arise, and it is necessary to understand the perception of individuals which may be exposed to new risks in order to evaluate the implementation of new preventive strategies. Because of the

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