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JAMILA: Que Sera Sera
JAMILA: Que Sera Sera
JAMILA: Que Sera Sera
Ebook61 pages37 minutes

JAMILA: Que Sera Sera

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Dive into an Epic Love Story that will Leave You Spellbound


If you are looking for a romantic novel to dive into, JAMILA is the perfect choice. Featuring an epic love story that transcends time, distance, and adversity, this novel will transport you to a world of passion, beauty, and intrigue. With its breathtaking setting and unforgettable characters, this book is sure to leave you spellbound.A heartwarming tale of love and family that will tug at your heartstrings. Perfect for a cozy night in





Life goes on! When it goes right; and it goes wrong! But it goes on! So, if you close your eyes, life will pass you by.


As the season glow, the story of Jamila reminds me how life can flow back to it source. Like a matching wind, it flows with the rubbles of a glazing shadows full of detriment of dry bones, but at down, life becomes glow that fades the dark spot of our skin and brings us inner peace

Release dateOct 20, 2023
JAMILA: Que Sera Sera

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    JAMILA - Favour Gbless



    Que sera sera

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    2023. Copyright © 2023 Gbless Amadi.

    Written by Gbless Amadi.


    Life goes on! When it goes right; and it goes wrong! But it goes on! So, if you close your eyes, life will pass you by.

    As the season glow, the story of Jamila reminds me how life can flow back to it source. Like a matching wind, it flows with the rubbles of a glazing shadows full of detriment of dry bones, but at dawn, life becomes glow that fades the dark spot of our skin and brings us inner peace.


    Dedicated to You!!!


    The life Odes

    Here lived in the city of Port Harcourt, a maiden named Jamila, she is beautiful and smart, brave and intelligent, hardworking and outspoken. Every other maiden admires her beauty and courageousness. Jamila lives with an old woman who she often calls grandma.

    At Jamila’s House.

    Grandmother: (calling Jamila) … Jamila…! Jamila………...! where is this girl? Don’t tell me she is still on bed up till this time. ha (calling again) Jamila…Oh!

    Jamila: yes grandma!

    Grandmother: what are you still doing inside up till this time? Don’t you know is morning already?

    Jamila: grandma…. Yeah, I know, I’m awake already…. I’m washing the dishes, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you calling (Jamila smiling)

    Grandmother: you didn’t hear me calling and you answered? Please get ready for school….

    Jamila: I know grandma, I’m almost done.

    (Then Jamila went back inside to get ready for school….)


    Jamila: (calling her grandma) grandma……! I’m done, I’m off to school…. bye….

    Grandmother: come Jamila! You didn’t eat the food I dished out for you?

    Jamila: grandma don’t worry I’m already late for school, when I come back, I will eat……

    Grandmother: what do you mean? You are telling me; you won’t take your breakfast before going to school? No dear… this can’t happen.

    Jamila: oh! Grandma please I’m already late (Jamila kept a crying face) grandma please I promise once I’m back from school, I will eat please…….!

    Grandmother: Hmmm! Okey, if you say so...

    Jamila: (smiling!) thank you grandma, bye….

    Grandmother: make sure you come back early oh!

    Jamila: sure grandma…. (Immediately Jamila left for school)


    (At Jamila’s classroom)

    Becky: (Becky is Jamila’s friend and classmate) hey Jamila!

    Jamila: Hi Becky, how are You?

    Becky: I’m good…. And you?

    Jamila: I’m good…. (Immediately Best interrupted)

    (Best, Jamila and Becky are friends)

    Best: really…. Somebody forgot about me (with an angry face)

    Jamila: No nah…! I was about asking Becky about you, before you cut me short.

    Best: really….?

    Becky: yeah…. So how are you?

    Best: I’m good… just my parents are having issues.

    Jamila: hey… don’t think about it too much… okey…

    Best: yeah…! Sure but…...

    (Best was about to say something before their class teacher Walked in….)

    Mr. Ben: Good morning class...! (greetings)

    The Class: good morning Mr. Ben….!

    Mr. Ben: (asked) what was our last topic?

    Esther: sir...! ‘construction’ (Esther answered)

    Mr. Ben:

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