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Goodbye Sister: Killer Sister, #3
Goodbye Sister: Killer Sister, #3
Goodbye Sister: Killer Sister, #3
Ebook57 pages50 minutes

Goodbye Sister: Killer Sister, #3

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About this ebook

There are two things that Kylie is certain of: 

1. Kara is coming back.

2. Only one sister will make it out of their final showdown alive.


While Kylie digs to find the truth before her sister's return, Kara is plotting her revenge. 


Who is the real monster? 

Is it Kylie, who still remembers nothing about her past? 

Or was Kara wrongfully accused all along?


In the final installment of the Killer Sister Trilogy- the truth will come out. 


And there will be killer consequences.  

PublisherKatlin Stack
Release dateFeb 2, 2024
Goodbye Sister: Killer Sister, #3

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    Book preview

    Goodbye Sister - Katlin Stack

    Chapter 1


    As it turns out, it’s not so easy to cancel a groundbreaking surgery that is being filmed, paid for, and studied.

    Waking up in the morning, I’ve got about a dozen missed calls from the surgeon, the doctor, the film crew, and everyone else under the sun it seems.

    Kylie, we need to talk about this. This surgery could truly do wonders for you and the field of science. Call me back as soon as you get this, my surgeon said.

    Kylie, I know our session didn’t go perfectly the other day but you’ve been looking forward to this operation and I’m concerned about your sudden change of mind. Call me as soon as you get this, my therapist said.

    Kylie, there has been a lot of money, time, and effort that has been put into this documentary. And I need to remind you that you did sign a contract. You’ve been paid a portion already for the interviews you did but you don’t receive the rest until the surgery is complete. And on top of that, the contract does state that you would not be backing out of the surgery for anything other than health reasons. Call me back as soon as you get this, my film director said.

    I put my phone down and let the heaviness of it all sink into me.

    This is my own fault, I know that. I should have read all of those letters beforehand. I probably should have told my therapist too.

    Instead, each time I got one of those stupid letters, I’d hide it away and pretend it didn’t exist, hoping that it would be the last one. But there was always some part of me that knew that if the letters stopped it was going to be for a reason.

    And not a good one.

    So, why didn’t I look at them? Why was I such a chicken?

    I’m confident that there is a deep-rooted answer inside of me somewhere but the reality is, when your long-lost twin sister tries to stab you to death- anything that has anything to do with her is going to terrify the shit out of you.

    So, why didn’t I go to the police?

    That’s a harder one to answer. And if I did a deep dive into my thoughts, I may not like what I find. Which is probably why I’ve avoided thinking about it. Maybe I didn’t want her to get caught. Maybe I knew if I told the police the letters would stop. Maybe I always knew one day that I’d open them to get answers.

    If I had been brave enough, these are all the things I would have thought about well before the night before my surgery.

    Instead, I am having to think about all of that now.

    And I can’t say I’m any closer to answers. Still.

    I know what Kara put in the letters. I must have stayed up all night reading and rereading them. Trying to dissect each story, each word, and find a truth or a memory in any of it.

    But I still don’t have a clue.

    Any thought or memory that starts to pop into my mind makes me question if it’s a real memory or if it’s one that Kara has now planted inside me.

    My mind is like an empty black pit. Each time I try to reach inside to find something, nothing is there.

    It’s like when you reach a handout to catch a fly. You know the fly is there and you move as quick as you can to catch it in your fist. You think you finally have it but when you open your fist, it was never there to begin with. You never caught the fly.

    It’s likely a stupid analogy, but it’s all I can come up with. Because as hard as I try, I keep coming up empty-handed.

    Kara’s letters didn’t do anything but put more confusion into my life.

    I know the answers are buried inside of me somewhere, they have to be. This is why I was so sure that I was ready for the brain surgery because I was

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