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Finding Magic
Finding Magic
Finding Magic
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Finding Magic

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In the picturesque setting of the Devon Moors, Magic, a lonely pony, waits for his cherished owner, Victoria, unaware of the tragedy that has struck the Dixon family.

Lizzy, a newcomer to the area, stumbles upon this neglected pony during her explorations of the countryside. At the sound of her voice, Magic’s ears perk up, signalling the beginning of a new chapter. Lizzy, moved by his plight, names him Magic and embarks on a quest to uncover his past. Her journey leads her to the heart-wrenching reason behind his abandonment.

As Lizzy forges a deep connection with Magic, they encounter resistance from those who disapprove of their bond. Together, they navigate challenges brimming with danger and adversity, testing the strength of their newfound friendship. This heartwarming story is a testament to the power of compassion and the unbreakable bonds formed in the face of hardship.
Release dateFeb 2, 2024
Finding Magic

Stella Perrott

Stella grew up in the beautiful landlocked African country Zimbabwe. Some of her fondest memories are evenings spent with her family around a log fire under the African night sky. A great animal lover, her mature-years have allowed an opportunity to spend time with her children, grandchildren and their many pets, Stella and her family share a love of all creatures great and small. Her young adult books capture the adventure, joy, and humour of having animals in your life. Enjoy the escapism of Stella’s fresh uplifting fiction.

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    Book preview

    Finding Magic - Stella Perrott

    About the Author

    Stella Perrott grew up in the beautiful African country, Zimbabwe. Some of her fondest memories are evenings spent with family around a log fire under the African sky.

    Stella then moved to Australia, where she now lives close to her daughters and granddaughters.

    Her mature years have given her the opportunity to share life’s experiences, ensuring the humour and adventure of this world is not forgotten. Enjoy the escapism of Stella’s fresh uplifting fiction.


    My horse-crazy granddaughter, Anna.

    My not so horse-crazy granddaughters, Emma, Joy and Jessica.

    Copyright Information ©

    Stella Perrott 2024

    The right of Stella be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781528976275 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781528982672 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    A huge thank you to Cherie Michele Basile for her expertise in editing this book for me.

    My daughters, Rachel Gerber and Toni Symmonds, for proof reading and their never-ending support.

    My darling sister, Avril, for her never failing, support and encouragement

    My dear friend, Val Smetheram, for her advice and encouragement.

    My friend, Stephen Scott, from ‘Yet Another Creative’, thank you for setting up my amazing website and other creative ideas which have been invaluable.

    Chapter 1

    Finding Magic

    Elizabeth and her parents had moved to live in the village of Two Bridges on the Devon moors. It was the spring term holidays and a frosty February morning in the south of England where Elizabeth sat in the kitchen, deep in thought. This move is great for my dad’s work, but for me it has meant leaving everything I have ever known behind. My friends, my pony club and the fields I loved to roam with Grandad. Elizabeth had had a special bond with her grandfather, and she was sad when he passed away. His death was one of the reasons they had moved to Devon.

    ‘We know you’re not happy about leaving your friends and moving here Sweetie, but you’ll soon meet other girls of your age.’ Her mother paused in the middle of unpacking and gave Elizabeth a big hug. They had only been in their new house for a few days, but Elizabeth still hadn’t found anything to lift her spirits. She was feeling down and grumpy.

    ‘I’ll never have good friends like Rosie and Margaret ever again or a pony like Saffron. This house is so different to the one we had in Nottingham—everything about this place is gross!’

    ‘Rosie and Margaret were good friends to you Elizabeth, and of course you’ll miss them, but I have some good news for you.’ She waited for Elizabeth to lift her head and make eye contact before continuing. ‘Now you’re nearly a teenager, your father and I have agreed that you’re responsible enough to take on the part lease of a pony.’

    Lizzy flung her arms around her mother’s neck. ‘Oh, wow! Thanks, Mum!’ Then she remembered she was meant to be punishing her parents for taking her away from everything she loved, and she quickly unwrapped her arms. It didn’t take long for her excitement to overtake her huffish attitude. ‘Will I be allowed to choose my own pony?’

    ‘Of course. It’ll be your pony and your choice. Just give us a few weeks to settle into the new house, then we’ll check out a reputable stable.’

    The lease of a pony was the only thing on Lizzy’s mind when she pulled on her boots and made her way out the back door ten minutes later. She made her way to the post office to speak to Mr Porter about the Equestrian Stables he had mentioned to her the day before.

    ‘Turn left at the give-way sign and keep going until you reach the T-junction, then turn right. It’s about a fifteen-minute walk—you’ll see the sign, Hamilton Equestrian Stable.’

    ‘Thanks, Mr Porter.’ She left the village and soon found herself walking along a country road with hedgerows on either side. Just as she rounded the bend, she spotted two sturdy stone pillars with a wrought iron sign swinging in the breeze—Hamilton Equestrian Stables.

    She looked at the large barn and paddocks, thinking to herself. Hmm, this looks like a fancy place. I’m sure I’ll find the right pony for me amongst all these horses.’

    The paddocks were lush with deep green grass and the stable doors stood open—ponies, horses and foals of all shapes and sizes munched away in their separate paddocks, enjoying the warm sunshine.

    Lizzy, as she preferred to be called—only her parents called her Elizabeth, had a habit of talking to herself and muttered away happily while she hung over the post-and-rail fence admiring the great condition of the animals.

    ‘That bay pony looks spirited, Oh! Look at that one, she’s almost champagne colour—oh, she’s too beautiful! she has a white star on her face.’ She was still chatting to herself when the graceful motion of a black stallion trotting towards her caught her eye. He came up close enough for her to see his deep brown eyes.

    ‘Well, aren’t you a handsome fellow?’ She greeted him, continuing to speak softly as he cautiously approached her. He stretched his long neck towards her, allowing her to ruffle

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