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His Mate His Girlfriend: Mate Bond Or Not
His Mate His Girlfriend: Mate Bond Or Not
His Mate His Girlfriend: Mate Bond Or Not
Ebook245 pages3 hours

His Mate His Girlfriend: Mate Bond Or Not

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"Ellis," I followed Ellis' gaze, and he was staring at the woman behind me.


My knees weakened as Ellis whispered the words. I took a step back.

"Ellis, baby," I regained composure and went to him in an attempt to get his attention.

"Mate," he whispered again, ignoring me and looking at Charlotte. I could barely breathe, and all I did was step aside. Ellis took steps forward to her and slowly cupped Charlotte's crying face with trembling hands.

"Hello, mate,"

No, no, no. I silently begged the moon goddess to wake me from this nightmare...


Love Chasia is heartbroken when her boyfriend of ten years finds his mate and chooses her, forgetting the promise he made to stay by her side forever.

The best and only option for her is to leave and never see him again, but what happens when she discovers she's pregnant?

Five years later, they meet in a way they didn't expect. Now, he is her new boss. The passion, love, and lingering feelings they thought were buried come back with full force, especially now that she works in his company.

Release dateFeb 4, 2024
His Mate His Girlfriend: Mate Bond Or Not

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Didn't like this one at all, the main character are so immature that it drives me crazy?

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His Mate His Girlfriend - Sunshine Princess

CHAPTER 51 Do You Want To Marry, Mommy?

I held Lilac by her shoulders, and she leaned into me. I was two inches taller than me so it was comfortable. 

Lilac, Lilac, I- That woman whatever she told you. I love you so much, he was agitated. He couldn't even formulate coherent sentences. 

Lilac was just speechless, so I did the best thing I could do for my girl, unleash on her behalf. 

You love her enough to get another woman pregnant on her, I scoffed. Jace. If you loved her, you wouldn't have been fucking that woman, 

It was a fucking mistake, he barked, desperate. I shook my head, 

A mistake! Lemme guess you were walking along the side street, and your dick fall into her pussy, and since it was already in, you thrust, to fucking make a baby! No, it wasn't a mistake, you were aware of your actions! I said in two breaths. I was angry at Jace. All this anxiety was making me anxious as I was reminded of what happened to me. I glanced at Ellis, and his face was wounded. He had no right to act hurt, I should be hurt, I was the one who was denied a mate by the moon goddess, and the man I loved for ten years was blessed with one. 

Love, maybe we should- Ellis started, but I interrupted him. 

No! A mistake is when you do it only once. Even that is unacceptable. Lilac would never do that to you! Ever, because it's always the men that cheat! 

I needed to calm down. I took in deep breaths and held Lilac closer in my arms. There was quietness for a moment when Jace spoke,

I'm so sorry. I fucked up, and I regretted it the first time it happened. I was in a bad place that time after the miscarriage, but I don't want to make excuses, he stepped forward, and following Lilac's actions, I moved back. 

I love you so much. I hope you can forgive me. I want to marry you, and be with you for the rest of my life, Jace said. Lilac scoffed and crossed her arms against her chest. 

What the fuck do you take me for? Lilac spoke up, That you'd bring up marriage, and I'd jump back into your arms. No, it's not happening, she declared. She was getting her strength. I moved away, giving her space. She nodded once, and I took it as a sign to leave. I nodded at her for strength, and Ellis touched her shoulder before following me. We went to a salon, and I stood against the glass, watching the forest. I stiffened when Ellis stood beside me. A manly scent emanated from him, and I couldn't help but inhale it. My inner Lycan purred. I glanced at him, and our gazes locked. He opened his mouth. 

Love, he called me gently. 


Are you alright? his question caught me off guard. 

I'm alright. I just lost my cool back there, I told him, feeling red now. 

I understand. I don't know if I should say this but Charlotte and I only slept together the day we met, I narrowed my eyes on him before I snapped them away to the beautiful scenery. I vividly remember Charlotte telling me they'd slept together after he left my place. 

'The bitch lied!' growled Vee. Se fucking lied to me. I felt emotions swirl in me. 

I don't care. Why are you telling me this? I asked. He exhaled. 

I don't know, Love. Just in case you thought we did it again the following days, he said. 

Thank you for telling me, I said. Our eyes locked again, and he smiled. 

What's that smile? I asked. 

Your eyes smiled at me first, he said warmly. 

No, they didn't, I refuted. My fingers involuntarily went to touch the end of my hair. I didn't know what to do or say now. Why was he giving me that look? It screamed, I love you, and I want you. I could hear the thunder in my chest.

Mommy? I turned around to see my son enter the room, thanking the goddess he walked in when he did. Solara followed after him, 

Daddy! You're here! They all ran to him like they were going to open presents on a Christmas morning. Ellis carried them and kissed each one of them. I was smiling as I felt a sense of calmness wash over me as I watched their interaction. I got my phone and captured a few pictures of them. 

Why are you here? There's no school today, Cayden said. 

I know. I'm here to see you guys, Ellis smiled at him. 

Breakfast is no, no, no, Daddy, Solara giggled, shaking her head. Ellis kissed her jaw, and she threw her head back. 

It tickles, Daddy, 

I'll make breakfast, I said, and went to the kitchen, Ellis followed me, still carrying our children. 

You can cook now? he asked, putting them on the large counter. 

Of course. I could always cook. CC taught me, remember? I glanced back at him. I went to the refrigerator and got bacon and eggs. 

Well, you didn't cook the most delicious food for me, he said. 

Well, I was your girlfriend, not your wife, I retorted, cracking eggs in a bowl, and putting them on the pan. 

Wow, he murmured. 

You and Mummy are not married? Solara frowned. Oh boy. 

No, I answered when Ellis didn't. 

But why? she started to look sad, And how are we here if you are not married. My best friend, Cia, said mommy and daddy need to be married to have a baby, she said, looking between us. 

Are we adopted? Cayden looked mortified. 

No! Ellis and I said at once. 

Look, I wanted to marry your mommy so badly, but I did something really bad, and she was angry at me and went away. I deserved it, he said, taking all the blame. I didn't avert my gaze when he looked at me this time. 

Do you still want to marry, Mommy? Solara asked, and my heart started to pound in my chest.

CHAPTER 52 Fond Memories


Do you still want to marry, Mommy? My beautiful princess asked me. Her big blue eyes were looking at me, waiting for a response. I could hear Love's heart racing in her chest. I looked at her as I gave my true answer. 

Yes, I want to marry your mommy, I answered. It was true, I wanted to marry Love. I wanted to be with her not because she is the mother of my kids but because I love her. It was the place my heart wanted to be forever, by her side.

Solara clapped, I can't wait for you to marry my mommy, Daddy! 

What she said registered to me, and I'm lost for words. I look at Love for help. That is what she meant by obscuring the kids. 

Lara, it's not like that now, Love said carefully. She gave me a startling look that always made me contemplate my actions. I gave her sorry eyes, but I wasn't remorseful for telling my children the truth about how I felt. 

How about this? It's complicated for now, I said. 

So you won't marry mommy? Cayden asked. 

We don't know yet, but I love you so much, and I'll be here for you, always, I told him. I glanced at Love, and she quickly turned her gaze away. The kids had a million questions. We answered most of them. We ate breakfast and talked about other topics. The kids wanted to go to Disneyland, and I promised to take them with Love, which earned me a glare from Love. 

Disneyland wasn't Love's favorite place because when we went there something bad always seemed to happen. On our last trip together, she was chased by a white turkey, and the previous one, she threw up after each ride. It was worrying but hilarious, especially when a bird chased her. 

I'm not going with you, she said solemnly. 

Come on, don't be that way, I jested, I was holding back my muffle. It was such a funny scene when the turkey hunted her through the crowd.

What happened? Why don't you like Disneyland, Mommy,? Cayden asked. Love snapped her head away, angry at the recollection of that day. 

I don't want to talk about it, She said quickly. The twins faced me. 

Daddy, she never wants to talk about it. Do you know why she doesn't like Disneyland? My daughter asked. Love gave me the don't dare tell eyes. Oh, but I was going to tell. 

A huge Turkey, the largest you've ever seen chased her around the crowd, and she was screaming and pushing everyone as she ran. It was chaotic, I told them. 

No way. Why didn't you help her, Cayden said, laughing at the scene playing in his head. 

I couldn't because I doubled over in laughter. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry, I chuckled. Just thinking about it still made me laugh. 

Love was glaring at me as the children were laughing with me. If this were a cartoon, smoke would come from their mother's ears. 

You know that thing was trained by one of your stalker FANS, right? she said through her teeth. 

That bird was trained to attack me while you laughed. I so, wanted you dead in that moment, she hissed. 

We'll never know why that turkey targeted you alone, but don't blame me for it, I told her, raising my hands in front of my chest. 

I didn't admit it to Love but the turkey was trained to attack her indeed. However, the woman was punished for her actions. 

I know, and you know why I was the prey of that vicious attack, Love said. 

A girl in love with him did that? Cayden sounded impressed. Why was he amazed by that? I nodded, pleased I impressed him, even with something as trifling as this. Love noticed his interests and added,

Yes. Your Daddy had lots of girls and boys chasing after him back then. Others even had huge posters of him, waiting wherever we went, and he was signing on them like a popstar, Love was still bitter, I see. I smirked, and she scoffed. 

Wait, you were famous?! Solara gasped. 

I was. But I was younger back then, 

Cayden is popular with the girls at school. They want to dance and play with him, Solara said with a smile. 

That's one thing we have in common, I said, and Cayden raised his fist to give me a fist bump. I felt like a conqueror in this moment. We fistbumped, and my inner Lycan, Lias, howled in happiness. That was a huge step forward in our relationship. Love and Solara were smiling at us. 

So, are you not popular anymore? he asked. 

Well, not like that anymore. My companies are more popular than me now. But it's good this way and peaceful, I told them. 

We see you on TV and in magazines, Solara said.

Love and I told our little ones about all the fond memories we shared, and they were happy as we did. She told them unappealing things that happened to me during my celebrated days, and I told them all the embarrassing things about her. We were content to be in sync. I wished it couldn't end.

Fond memories, I sighed, locking eyes with Love.

Fond memories, indeed, She added.

We were still chatting when Jace entered the kitchen. 

I could see the pain in his eyes. I knew they were having problems, but didn't think things were this rough with them. They had always been the perfect couple.

'Jace, how did it go?' I asked through the mind link. His gaze went to my kids who were looking at him curiously. 

'She wants time alone. I'll give her time, but I won't let her go, Ellis,' he declared, and I nodded encouragingly. 

Hello, twins, he greeted, smiling at them. They looked over to their mother. When their mother nodded, that's when they waved at him from their seats. 

Guys, this is Uncle Jace, my beta and friend, I told them. Jace glowered at me. 

Friend? he asked. I groaned. 

Grow up, I snickered. 

That's Daddy's best friend, Love stated. Jace nodded proudly. 

Yes, Uncle Jace. It's lovely to meet you. You must be Lara and Cay. I've heard wonderful things about you from your father, he told them. 

Hello, Uncle Jace, they said at once. 

Excuse me, Love left the room, not before glaring at Jace first. She was pissed that he had hurt her best friend. 

They look just like you and Love, he smiled. It was a sad kind because of what was happening with Lilac. We stayed with the kids for another hour until we were ready to leave. The kids protested. I didn't want to leave them, but we had to. Love and Lilac wouldn't want us around now, and we had to see the woman my idiot best friend knocked up. 

CHAPTER 53 Jace's Predicament

I decided to drive as we went back to the city. Jace was in no condition to. 

Jace, what happened?

I didn't want him to feel like I was judging him. I wanted him to know I understood and be his ear. He dealt with my shit when Love left me. I was a mess and unbearable to be around, but he stood by my side. I want to do the same for him. 

I was drinking at a bar alone, and she just came to me, and we talked for a long time. She was a good listener and had some good advice, he chortled. There was no emotion in his laugh, One day, I had too much, and she was there. We fucked, 

But it happened again, Jace, The moment it happened again, it stopped being a drunk mistake. 

Yes. The worst part is that I was aware of my actions. I knew exactly who was in that bed with me. It wasn't my Fiance. It wasn't the woman I loved. It was another woman. I knew Lilac would be devastated when she found out, but I still did it, he said, looking at me now. Could it be he blamed Lilac for the loss of their child, and this was some way to retaliate against her? 

Do you blame Lilac for the loss of your child? I asked. He was silent for a long time before he answered. 

I did, but not anymore. I was just blinded by pain at that moment, he answered truthfully. 

I ended everything with that woman, and Lilac and I were doing well until she appeared, he grumbled, rubbing his face with his hand, Seeing Lilac's emotional walls tumble down like that was the hardest and most heartbreaking thing I've seen. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and fix my wrongs, 

I didn't know the right words to say to him. Seeing the woman you love in such immense pain and knowing you're the cause of it hits differently. It destroys you from the inside.

I stopped driving once we were in the city. 

So where does that woman stay? 

J- Avenue Street, 57, he answered. 

I drove to the apartment building, and I was there in five minutes. So, what's the plan? I asked him. It was evident he had no goal. 

What do you mean? he asked. 

Are you allowing her abortion or not, I asked.

I don't know. I need to see her. I don't know if it's my child, or not, he sighed, getting out of the car. 

The concierge didn't even stop us as we went up the elevator. 

We reached the door and rang the doorbell. A woman in her late twenties answered. She had long brown hair that matched her eyes and looked irritable. She was breathing heavily. 

She was human. I glared at my best friend. How could he be so reckless to fuck a human? We co-existed with them peacefully, but we didn't get intimate with him because it got complicated, especially when they got pregnant. Not all humans can carry a supernatural baby, a beta pup especially. It might kill them. 

'I know, know, don't give me that look now. You're here as my friend, not alpha,' he murmured through the link. I decided to let it go for now. 

Are you alright? Jace asked with a frown. 

You're here. Thank you for coming, She gave my beta and me a ghost smile. Her eyes widened when she locked eyes with me, and a huge smile plastered on her lips. 

You're Ellis Carter. I just saw you on TV. I honestly thought you were extremely handsome, but in person, you're a hundred times better! she spoke fast in excitement. 

Please, come in, she made way for us inside. The house was messy. Clothes and shoes were scattered all over the small salon. 

I'm sorry I didn't clean up. I was sick the whole morning, she said. 

'It's my pup,' Jace said through the link. I took another sniff, and indeed, it was his child. I could feel the strong beta aura. 

Eratu quickly picked the clothes and shoes from the floor, throwing them in another room. 


I can't, I can't let you kill my child, he said after hearing what the woman had to say. He stood from his seat, pacing the small living area. He didn't want to accept it, but even if the woman carried the child to full term, they would lose both lives. This woman was human. 

I can't be a mother, Jace. I simply can't. I wasn't born to be one, and I'm okay with it, she said

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