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New Puppy! From New Puppy to Brilliant Family Dog
New Puppy! From New Puppy to Brilliant Family Dog
New Puppy! From New Puppy to Brilliant Family Dog
Ebook201 pages1 hour

New Puppy! From New Puppy to Brilliant Family Dog

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About this ebook

Biting? No sleep? Puddles?
How to survive the early weeks and still love your puppy!


You've got the new puppy you longed for - BUT things don't seem to be quite as rosy as you expected!


Your new pet is terrorising the children, ripping jumpers and trouser-legs, never wants to sleep and seems intent on keeping you up all night. On top of that, there's pee everywhere.


What happened to the lovely picture you painted of children and puppy playing happily in your nice home, and being able to put him in his basket when you need a break? Don't worry - we can turn this all round very quickly.


Having helped thousands of new puppy-owners to navigate these early weeks and keep their sanity, professional positive dog trainer Beverley Courtney will take you by the hand and not let go!


Follow the force-free, science-backed, and dog-friendly guidance in this book, and your puppy will soon be playing nicely with the children, sleeping like a log all night, and doing all his business outside. And nowhere will you be saying "NOOO" or "Ah-ah".


Very soon you'll all love him again!


And there's lots more - diet, exercise, socialisation, and how to stop your puppy jumping up - on you, visitors, and the furniture. And if you haven't yet got your puppy - there's a really useful guide on how to choose the dog that's going to share your life for the next 15 years.


"Your advice and encouragement are invaluable! I felt so lost on Monday … it's only Wednesday and it's like a whole different world opened up! Thank you Thank you THANK YOU!" Lisa and Maple, Collie


Buy New Puppy! now and start your new life with your Brilliant Family Dog.

Release dateFeb 13, 2024

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    Book preview

    New Puppy! From New Puppy to Brilliant Family Dog - Beverley Courtney

    New Puppy!






    Books by the author


    Your free e-book is waiting for you!


    1. Sleeping the night through

    So where should he sleep?

    Want to know what the secret is?

    How long should he sleep?

    Crate training

    Separation Anxiety

    A typical day for your new puppy


    In this chapter we have learnt:

    2. Biting - ouch!

    Why the nipping?

    Help! My puppy thinks my toddler is another puppy!

    The right age to get your puppy


    No-one should ever play with the puppy without a soft toy in their hand.


    Nine Rules for Playing Tug

    Children and puppies


    In this chapter we learnt:

    3. Socialisation

    Is it really necessary?

    First - what Socialisation is!

    Processing this information

    What socialisation is not (Myths exploded)

    Puppy play

    This is the Puppy Play you should look for

    What about older puppies?

    My puppy will be a playmate for my older dog!

    A word about children


    Five Second Rule



    In this chapter we have learnt about:

    4. Exercise

    How much exercise?

    What sort of exercise?

    Is exercise what walks are for?


    Indoors or outdoors?

    Retrieve, fetch, bring …

    Walking nicely on the lead

    All Day Training


    In this chapter we have learnt:

    5. Feeding

    This is a minefield!

    Day 1

    How do I change my puppy’s food?

    What to feed?

    Vegetarian or vegan?

    Read the label!

    How much should I feed?


    How should I feed my puppy?

    Food toys

    So what do I feed my own dogs?


    In this chapter we have learnt:

    6. Jumping up!

    Why does my puppy want to jump up in the first place?

    What most people do

    What YOU’re going to do

    First law of feet on the floor

    Jumping up at visitors

    Impulse Control


    In this chapter we have learnt:

    7. Housetraining

    A word about crates

    The two keys to success

    1. Puppies need to sleep a minimum of 17 hours a day

    2. A well-reared puppy will not soil his bed

    Housetraining is a management issue!

    No paper please - apartment dwellers

    Poo problems

    Fast-track your puppy to being clean and dry!


    In this chapter we have learnt:

    8. Stealing and running off

    Why does my puppy take things and run off?

    Want to know how to change this?

    I can’t catch my puppy!

    The Precious Name Game

    Mayhem and destruction?


    In this chapter we learnt:

    9. Choosing a puppy, if you haven’t yet done that!

    Narrowing down the choice

    The right dog for your family

    Where should I get my puppy from?

    Meeting your prospective puppy

    Choosing YOUR puppy

    Have fun choosing your puppy

    Now you can follow your heart

    Or take pot luck

    In this chapter we’ve learnt




    Don’t go without your free book!

    About the Author

    Copyright (C) 2018 Beverley Courtney Ltd

    The right of Beverley Courtney to be identified as the author of the work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    Second Edition 2023


    Essential Skills for a Brilliant Family Dog

    Book 1 Calm Down! Step-by-Step to a Calm, Relaxed, and Brilliant Family Dog

    Book 2 Leave it! How to teach Amazing Impulse Control to your Brilliant Family Dog

    Book 3 Let’s Go! Enjoy Companionable Walks with your Brilliant Family Dog

    Book 4 Here Boy! Step-by-step to a Stunning Recall from your Brilliant Family Dog

    Essential Skills for your Growly but Brilliant Family Dog

    Book 1 Why is my Dog so Growly? Teach your fearful, aggressive, or reactive dog confidence through understanding

    Book 2 Change for your Growly Dog! Action steps to build confidence in your fearful, aggressive, or reactive dog

    Book 3 Calm walks with your Growly Dog Strategies and techniques for your fearful, aggressive, or reactive dog

    New Puppy: From New Puppy to Brilliant Family Dog

    New Puppy! Biting? No sleep? Puddles?

    How to survive the early weeks and still love your puppy!

    Fetch It!: More skills for a Brilliant Family Dog

    Teach your Brilliant Family Dog to catch, fetch, retrieve, find, and bring things back!


    In a few places I’ll recommend you check something with your vet. Like babies, young puppies can go downhill very fast, so never hesitate to visit your vet if you are at all concerned.

    Having said that, puppies will also bounce back fast!

    I am not a vet!

    But I’m not a medic of any kind, so any opinions I express are based on my best efforts to study the literature, from personal experience, and from case studies. Not gospel, in other words. In matters of your puppy’s health, defer to your vet.

    Puppies learn just the same - whether big, small, male, female … I switch from he to she on a whim.

    All the photos in this book are of real dogs - either my own, or those of students and readers (with their permission). So the reproduction quality is sometimes not the best. I have chosen the images carefully to illustrate the concepts - so we’ll have to put up with some fuzziness.


    Get the next piece of the puzzle for your dog!

    Get the first digital book in the series

    Essential Skills for your Brilliant Family Dog -

    Calm Down! Step-by-step to a Calm, Relaxed, and Brilliant Family Dog

    absolutely free at


    You’re getting a puppy! Such an exciting time!

    It’s your first-ever puppy, and you’re anxious to get it right.

    Or it’s your first-ever puppy and you assume it’ll be plain sailing!

    Maybe you’ve always had a dog - but hey, your lovely pet just died aged 17! and you’re a bit rusty on what will happen with your new puppy.

    You could have an older dog in the household and you’re concerned at how that will go - or at the other extreme, you think your older dog will train your puppy for you and you won’t have to do a thing!

    Maybe all you want is to survive the first few weeks and start nudging your puppy towards being a Brilliant Family Dog.

    Or perhaps you realise that fashions have changed and there’s no need to order your dog about or treat it as a lesser being in order to keep control. You want to know what the latest kind methods you’ve heard about actually are.

    You are in the right place!

    Help! What have I done?

    Whatever your reasons for dipping into this book, you’ll be sure to find lots of answers here.

    Far and away the great majority of people who visit and its large store of force-free dog-training articles are new puppy-owners with two questions at the front of their mind:

    I have a new puppy - will I ever sleep again? and

    Ouch! How can I stop my puppy nipping me/the children/the cat?

    So in this book I address those questions in detail. But I also show you a few other things you need to know to turn your wild puppy into your Brilliant Family Dog! Some things you already know a bit about, and there are others that are a closed book to you. So I’m giving you all my secrets to rearing a puppy successfully - without conflict, shouting, dramas, chewed-up phones, spoiled carpets, exhaustion, and wails of Whose idea was it to get a **** puppy?

    I’ve reared eleven puppies of my own, I’ve boarded and homeschooled many more of all kinds and sizes for clients, and I’ve run small, force-free, Puppy Classes with Puppy Walks for almost ten years. So I kinda know my way around a puppy!

    You won’t find information on vaccination schedules, what breed of puppy to get, or a lot of what you often find in most puppy books.

    This one focusses on the training aspect of life with your new pup. There’s an extensive section where you’ll find links to lots of other puppery - things that I recommend you read, watch, or get - to make life easier with your new family member. And we’re not going into detailed training protocols here (though I’ll recommend a number to follow on to). This is a book on how to survive the early weeks, and start forming a dog who listens to you and wants to please. Most of them want to please - it’s just that they aren’t shown how! It’s all guesswork for them, and very frustrating all round.

    You will build a bond with your new dog that is unbreakable

    What do you want?

    After all, you didn’t get a dog to make your life worse! You need to keep in the front of your mind why you chose to get a puppy in the first place. It’s probably somewhere in this list:

    A companion to avoid loneliness

    A playmate for

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