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Fomorians In Their Own Words
Fomorians In Their Own Words
Fomorians In Their Own Words
Ebook23 pages12 minutes

Fomorians In Their Own Words

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About this ebook

Ever since the Dwarven Homelands in Connacht were sealed off in the mid 19th Century, the Fomorians or orcs who replaced them have been seen as lumbering, witless monsters. Now, six Fomorians from different backgrounds give their viewpoints on it. Some were born as Fomorians. Others were not.


A collection of the following stories that originated as blog posts on my own site:


  • Preface – a doctor attached to a detention centre for orcs introduces the writers.
  • The Guardsman – a former soldier muses on how he was turned into an orc.
  • The Nurse
  • The Former Slavers' Daughter – comments on the dark world that is western Connacht.
  • Son Of The Brotherhood – a child of the Fomorian Brotherhood tries to justify his people's actions.
  • "Mstr D"
  • "Ms S" – One Who Was Thrown Behind. A dwarf forcibly turned into an orc, ruminating on how it happened.
Release dateAug 17, 2022
Fomorians In Their Own Words

Philip Rowlands

Philip Rowlands is a software engineer, originally from Dublin and now resident in Galway. He first got the idea to write fiction set in Co. Galway after recurring hikes into the hills of Connemara while studying Physics at the University of Galway, but it didn't really take off until the COVID lockdowns of 2020-2022.

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    Fomorians In Their Own Words - Philip Rowlands


    As anyone with even the most cursory knowledge of current affairs should know, the ongoing quarantine of the Dwarven Homeland Region in Ireland is in part motivated by the presence of the Fomorians. Fomorians, or orcs, are popularly known to be lumbering, mentally stunted minions of the bean sidhe with brainpower inversely proportionate to their muscle power, fit only for extermination or menial labour under heavy guard. The Church of the Tunnels has been quite strident in simultaneously advocating their extermination and rehabilitation, and one need only peruse the popular press for exchanges where one individual has accused another of being a covert sympathiser.

    In the course of my duties as an alienist attached to the War Office, I have made the acquaintance of numerous Fomorians that have been detained by the British Army and Royal Navy. Some are guardsmen, forcibly exposed to Fomoritis in the line of duty. Some are children raised beyond the Corrib. This personal experience has lead me to conclude that affairs are far more

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