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Summary of The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles
Summary of The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles
Summary of The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles
Ebook88 pages51 minutes

Summary of The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles

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About the original book:

"The Paris Library" is a historical fiction novel written by Janet Skeslien Charles and published in 2020. It is based on the true story of the librarians at the American Library in Paris during World War II. The novel tells the story of Odile Souchet, a young woman who works at the library when the Nazis invade Paris. Odile and her fellow librarians join the Resistance and use the library as a secret meeting place and hiding spot for refugees.

Release dateFeb 5, 2024

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    Summary of The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles - Condensed Books

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    Summary of The Paris Library

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    This is an unofficial summary of The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles, designed to enrich your reading experience.

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    The Paris Library: A Novel, by Janet Skeslien Charles, was published in 2021 and tells the story of the American Library in Paris during the Nazi occupation. This work of historical fiction, based on a true story, celebrates bravery, the value of intellectual curiosity, and the meaning and importance of friendship.

    Odile, the main character, recounts events in Paris, while a secondary narrator—a young girl named Lily, who is growing up in a small Montana town in the 1980s—allows the author to revisit Odile later in life and emphasize the timeless nature of friendship.

    Charles worked as a program manager at the American Library in Paris and now splits her time between Paris and Montana. The novel is one of five finalists for the American Library in Paris Book Award in 2021. It was a New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today bestseller.


    Odile is a strong-willed young woman. Odile is adamant about not relying on men for financial security, influenced by her mother's disapproval of her beloved Aunt Caro, who divorced for good reason. Odile seeks and secures a job at the American Library in Paris in the months leading up to World War II, owing to her love of books and fascination with the Dewey Decimal System.

    Odile's conservative parents, particularly her father, would prefer that she marry rather than work. Her twin brother, Rémy, with whom she is close, and Paul, her new suitor, are, on the other hand, both supportive. Odile enjoys her job at the Library, where she feels at home among like-minded people.

    It's a community of intellectuals and English speakers looking for a place to call home in Paris. Margaret, an English woman in a loveless marriage, finds a home at the Library and befriends Odile. Odile looks up to strong and kind women like Professor Cohen of the Sorbonne and Library Director

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