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Four Alphas, Four Babies: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #6
Four Alphas, Four Babies: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #6
Four Alphas, Four Babies: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #6
Ebook241 pages3 hours

Four Alphas, Four Babies: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #6

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The babies are coming--whether Rose is ready for them or not!


When Rose goes into labor, Eli is still missing. The stress of not knowing where her fourth love is makes labor even more difficult, and by the time the fourth baby is born, there's a chance one of the five of them will not survive.

Beyond that, enemies still lurk, and they seem to be multiplying. When you're birthing the heir to the throne, you cannot trust anyone.

Will Rose and her four babies make it through the birthing process alive? And if they do, will their enemies be lurking at the gates?


Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies is a reverse harem romance series with lots of spice and comedy. You must read all seven books to get the full story.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Four Alphas, Four Babies: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #6

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    Four Alphas, Four Babies - Bella Moondragon



    Alpha Kane rushes off, leaving me alone with just the woman who was in here earlier. She is staring at me with a puzzled look on her face, and I want to tell her she should go help with the invasion, but I am under the impression that she has been assigned to guard me.

    At least it’s her and not one of those other two guys. They were both so stupid, I’d probably be able to trick them into leaving me alone long enough to get out of here without them being able to catch me, but at the same time, they were creepy, and I don’t trust them not to do something stupid or weird.

    So… she finally says, folding her arms under her chest. Her blunt haircut makes her look older than she is, I think. Her skin is smooth and clear. She’s actually pretty, when she’s not glaring at me like she wants to kill me. I guess that bit about not remembering shit was a bunch of lies then?

    I shrug. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    How did you think that was going to help exactly? she asks me, and she’s giving me the same look that she gave those two men when they’d say something stupid.

    Well, my theory was that maybe if I didn’t remember who I was, no one would think that I was a threat, I tell her. They would think I was just some helpless pregnant woman and leave me the hell alone. I hope that makes sense to her. It’s not like I had a lot of time to think of a strategy. I had to do something. You heard Kane’s plan for me and my children, right?

    She shrugs. Serves you right. Rich Alpha’s daughter bitch with four lovers.

    My eyes widen. Uhm, clearly, you don’t know anything about me.

    She scoffs, a laugh escaping her lips. Which part of what I said was wrong exactly? Your father is an Alpha, which automatically makes you rich, and those four Alphas knocked you up, so whether they love you or not, they’re still your lovers, right?

    I narrow my gaze at her. First of all, my father is a horrible Alpha. He misappropriated a whole bunch of funds, and we are far from rich. Kane and Stephen attacked him, so I have no idea what’s left of my pack, but I’m sure my people are struggling right now.

    She is staring at me intently, but she doesn’t roll her eyes or accuse me of lying.

    So I continue. Then, you should know that I have had anything but a glamorous life up until the time that I came to the castle, and quite frankly afterward. Back in my home pack, because my parents had spent so much money they weren’t supposed to, I had to take a job in a neighboring pack at the sewage treatment plant. I had to shovel shit for a living. That was just one of the jobs I’ve had in my life, so coming to Castle Black Rock to become a Breeder wasn’t exactly my choice. I just did what my parents told me to do.

    Her eyes stay on me for a long time, like she’s not sure what to say to me. I think she believes me, though. Eventually, she says, You’re not the woman I thought you were. Kane says you’re a spoiled, rich brat, something like Barbara, I guess, and if we kill you, the world will be a better place. He says that your babies will be the equivalent of demon babies, and we may as well kill them, too. He says the Alphas are a bunch of conceited assholes who want to rule the world.

    It sounds to me like Kane is the one who needs to either be killed or put in his place, I say with a shrug. He’s not being honest with any of you, and he’s making you do things you don’t want to do just because he’s your Alpha and he can boss you around.

    She seems like a smart woman. She continues to think about what I’m saying to her, chewing on her thumbnail now.

    Listen, you have to know that Kane can’t possibly defeat all four of the Alphas and their armies, right? I ask her.

    Well, he has help. Alpha Stephen, for one, is helping him. There are others, too.

    I shake my head. No one is going to be able to beat the four Alphas. They are the strongest, most powerful Alphas in the kingdom. That’s why King Gene chose them to be the ones to participate in this contest to begin with. So… Alpha Kane will lose, and when he does, the people who fight on his side are going to have to pay for what they’ve done. Do you want to be the person who was responsible for watching me when I died?

    She swallows hard but doesn’t speak.

    What’s your name? I ask her, using a gentle voice.

    What difference does it make? she asks, defensively. Are you trying to get me in trouble?

    I smile and shake my head. No. Just curious. You know my name. I wanted to know yours.

    She hesitates a bit longer before she says, Diana.

    Hi, Diana, I say, thinking I might actually be friends with her under different circumstances.

    Hi, she says, but she doesn’t seem very enthusiastic. In fact, since I mentioned to her that she’d be in big trouble when this is all over, she looks very nervous. 

    I think, though, you have a good opportunity to change the tides here, you know? If you can help me, then, when this is all over, I’ll be able to tell the Alphas that you were a friend to me, that they owe you, and when one of them is the new king, they can reward you for your help.

    I hold my breath, watching her, hoping she’s willing to help me because I don’t think I can do this on my own.

    It takes a long while, but eventually, she nods and says, Fine. I’ll do it.

    A smile spreads across my face. Thank you, I say.

    It won’t be easy, though. You’re carrying four pups, and there are guards everywhere. It’s not like I can dress you up like a soldier.

    Are there any secret passages or anything? I ask her.

    She shakes her head. No. But I do have a plan. Do you trust me? 

    I inhale sharply and then let it out really slowly. Do I have a choice?

    A smile spreads across her face and she replies, No, you don’t. Come with me.

    Reluctantly, I push up off of the bed and get to my feet, unsteady from all of the drugs. I’ve got to make this work, one way or another.



    It would be faster to heal if I stayed in wolf form, but the tiny seats in these utility vehicles aren’t exactly built for four legs. Since my hand is still injured, I’m stuck riding shotgun while Kelly drives. And I wish she’d go faster.

    She’d insisted that I eat, but I didn’t want to waste time, so I inhaled about half a sandwich before I finally convinced her to leave, so now I’m finishing up the rest of it one-handedly while we speed through the forest. Luckily there’s a rough path here, so the vehicles are making good time, although in wolf form we may be able to run faster—but again, there’s my injured hand, so I’d probably trudge along like a snail. 

    While I’m in a generally useless state, I have time to think. There’s an ache deep in my gut whenever I think of Rose being kidnapped, and that’s making it more difficult to finish the sandwich. Though I could easily ask Kelly what happened at the castle, I really don’t think I want to hear the details. I know Rose would never let anyone take her alive, so imagining what someone had done to drag her out of there is just… unthinkable.

    The result of whatever happened is that Rose is missing, and she’s probably been kidnapped by Kane’s people, which means she’s in the hands of Kane right now. At that thought, I’m completely done with my sandwich, but I force myself to down some water because I’m going to need the hydration to heal up and fight that evil bastard. Out of all the Alphas, he’s the lowest because he’s willing to kill anyone he needs to just to have as much power as he can grab. Well, maybe Rose’s father is the lowest after what he's done to her throughout her life.

    But Kane… he’s terrifying, which means whoever he has guarding Rose will never go against his commands. I never want to harm innocent wolves, but I’ll have no choice if they stand in between me and Rose.

    I look over at Kelly, who is really focused on driving, so I decide not to bother her. She probably doesn’t know where our armies are anyway. ‘Reece,’ I say in the mind-link. 

    ‘Eli? Are you okay?’

    ‘I’m fine,’ I tell him. ‘What’s the situation?’

    ‘We have our main forces headed to Kane,’ he says. ‘But the other Alphas and I are going after Stephen.’

    ‘What?! Why?’ 

    ‘Barbara said that Stephen took her,’ he says.

    ‘And you believe her?’ That knot in my stomach has turned into pure anger, and it’s welling up in my chest.

    ‘No,’ he says. ‘But if it’s true, then we’ll waste time with Kane while Rose and the pups are still in danger. It’s pretty much on the way to Kane’s anyway, so we’re taking the chance. If she’s not in Stephen’s castle, then we can get to Kane fairly quickly.’

    I take a deep breath. It’s a gamble, but he’s right. I know Barbara is working with Kane and would do anything to help him. But on the other hand, Barbara is all about Barbara, so if it’s in her best interest to help us—which it is since we’ll be the ones ruling the kingdom—then she’s just as likely to sell Kane out without hesitating. If we ignore her, then Stephen could be hurting Rose right now. We just can’t take the chance. But with three Alphas heading toward Stephen, my place is with the troops going after Kane.

    ‘I’m headed to Kane,’ I tell him.

    ‘You’re in no shape for that,’ says Mark. Apparently, Reece had brought the other Alphas into the mind-link conversation.

    ‘I’m fine,’ I say. ‘Kelly brought herbs from the healers and they’re working fine. Nothing is going to keep me away from Rose. We need an Alpha overseeing the Kane attack.’

    There’s silence, so I know everyone understands that there’s no sense in trying to talk me out of it. We all feel the same way about Rose, and we just need to rescue her as soon as we can. 

    ‘We’ll get her,’ Tristan says, and then we disengage the mind-link. We all have troops to command and no time to waste chatting about it. 

    And that’s exactly what I do, contacting my warriors to get their position so we meet up with them before they reach Kane’s fortress. I’m so pissed about Cora, and I pray to the Moon Goddess that she didn’t bring any of my trusted warriors over to her side, whatever her side is. I’ll have to worry about that later.

    The landscape flies by at a dizzying pace, with specks of green blending into the deep browns of tree trunks as the smell of pine and cedar fills the air. I close my eyes, needing a moment to regroup inside my head before we meet up with our troops. Images of Rose flow through my mind—lingering on one picture of her smiling face gazing at me drearily as we wake up from a night of lovemaking. The pain of missing her is biting, but I can’t help smiling at her beautiful face as the memory of her scent dances in my mind.

    I feel a sudden, violent jerk and open my eyes to see the bushes and trees still moving by quickly, but I’m no longer in the utility vehicle—my body is flying forward. I shift mid-air and jump down with too much forward momentum, landing violently on my injured front paw and letting out an ear-piercing howl as I roll on the ground, the pine needles mixing with the blood on my fur until I finally come to a stop at a giant tree.


    ‘Take one for the team,’ I say in my mind, ‘The Alphas need you.’ I’ve been repeating my little mantra for the past hour, but I don’t think I’ve convinced myself that sitting here listening to Barbara and Gene bicker about—clothes?—is somehow going to win the war on Kane and get Rose back. But since it’s all my fault that she’s gone, I sigh.

    I can’t believe I didn’t guard that damn secret passage door.

    I am to be the Luna Queen! Barbara hollers. How can I be seen in these worthless rags? They’re hardly worth burning in the castle furnace for heat! She seems to have perfected the art of bellowing almost as effectively as Gene has. 

    These are made of the finest fucking silk! screams Gene. No, he’s still the champion at bellowing. 

    I don’t give a fuck what they’re made of, she says. I’m not going to be caught dead in these drab colors and unflattering styles. I’ll need the royal seamstress to start from scratch.

    They rattle on for several more minutes, and I close my eyes, just to give myself a few milliseconds of peace.


    I jump in my seat and open my eyes to see Gene’s face no more than twelve inches away from my own. It’s horrifying. 

    Y—Your Majesty, I say.

    There’s silence as he stares at me without speaking, and I can see that he’s even drooling a little. 

    You’re to escort Luna Barbara to the seamstress to measure her for new outfits! He finally backs away from me, and I’m guessing it’s so that I can get up and take Barbara where he’s ordered me to. I’m torn as to whether this is a good thing or not, but I guess going from dealing with two of them to just one is a win. Yes, I’ll call it a win.

    Yes, Your Majesty, I say as I stand up, give Gene a half-assed sign of respect and heading toward the door.

    He’s already pouring a drink at his private bar when I close the door behind Barbara and me. I need a drink myself right now.


    Now Barbara’s face is in front of me, and while she has somewhat attractive features, she has a nasty habit of contorting them into horrifying configurations that make her look like a witch. I quickly dodge her and wish I had some bleach to clean that awful image out of my mind, and we both head toward the sewing room to find the seamstress. 

    She keeps talking while we walk, babbling on about nothing and clanking her heels on the floor. I don’t know how she walks in those huge heels. They seem to defy gravity. To tune her out, I escape into my own head for a while… Shelby, yes, she’ll do it for me. She’s so hot, and I remember how I snuck up behind her in the shower a few days ago and grabbed her gorgeous ass from behind. She was mad at first, but then I reached my fingers around and massaged her nipples until they were all perky and delicious, then I turned her around and tasted them. They were fabulous. 

    I’m almost at the sewing room door now, so I come out of my thoughts and realize that I’ve successfully tuned out Barbara. I don’t hear her babbling—or her heel clacking, come to think of it—anymore. I turn around and face a blank hallway. 

    Fuck. I had one job, and I blew it once again.



    Where are we going? I ask Diana as she leads me out of the room where Kane had intended for me to stay toward the sound of troops shouting and running outside. I think they must be preparing to shift in order to go fight against the Alphas, and I don’t want to go that way. It seems dangerous to me.

    We’re going to Alpha Kane’s office, she tells me.

    I stop in my tracks. ‘What? Why?" That sounds like an even worse idea than where I’d thought we were going, toward the sound of fighting troops.

    Well, we need a phone, she explains, and in order to get one, we’ll have to go to his office. It’s the only phone in the entire castle.

    I’m still confused. But won’t he know we’re in there? I ask her.

    She shakes her head. He only spends time in his bedroom banging all of his maids or in the war room shouting orders at his commanders. Other than that, he’s usually out on the battlefield. He doesn’t spend a whole lot of time in his office.

    What about other people? I ask, still not walking toward her. Doesn’t he have a secretary or his Beta or something? Someone who would be in or around his office?

    She lets out a loud sigh. "No! I’m telling you, the office is the best place for us to go right now. He’ll never look there. It’s probably more dangerous for you to be out of your room because he’s more likely to go in there and want to harass you than he is to go into his office. But it sounds like your boyfriends are keeping him busy right now, so as long as

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