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The Stolen Breeder: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #5
The Stolen Breeder: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #5
The Stolen Breeder: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #5
Ebook208 pages3 hours

The Stolen Breeder: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #5

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The Breeder is missing--and so are their babies.


When Rose goes missing from the castle, the three remaining Alphas know they must find her right away. Not only does the life of the woman they love hang in the balance, so do the lives of their unborn babies.

But with so many enemies both within the walls of Black Rock Castle and beyond, how will they even know where to look first?

Time is running out as the Alphas make a frantic dash to find her.

Will they reach Rose and the babies in time?


Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies is a reverse harem romance full of spice and comedy. You must read all seven books to reach a satisfying conclusion.

Release dateApr 15, 2024
The Stolen Breeder: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #5

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    The Stolen Breeder - Bella Moondragon



    I’m glad to be done talking to Skullmark, that idiot who’s currently doing my bidding to get rid of Alpha Eli. Of course, he doesn’t realize that as soon as he’s done with his assignment, I’ll be getting rid of him next. 

    I’m positively surrounded by morons. 

    I move a bit to stretch out my leg and hit my head on the bottom of my desk. Ouch, I say out loud, then I quickly clasp my hand to my mouth to shut myself up. No one must know where I am!

    I’m not sure how long I can manage to hide down here. It’s dark, and it’s a tight fit, and I might need to use the restroom soon. And I’m starting to get hungry.

    Just as I get up the nerve to push my desk chair back and climb out from underneath my desk, I hear some noises on the west side of the room. 

    ‘Good Goddess!’ I think. ‘That’s the side with the passage entrance! If she’s on the loose, that’s where she’ll be headed next!’ 

    It’s too late to block her off since I’m already hearing her rustling like a little rat on the other side of the wall. All she needs to do is push on the door and poof! She’ll be in my office. Goddess damn it, I should have thought of that before and had that damn thing sealed off!

    Instead of coming out from under my desk, I retreat into it further, grabbing hold of my desk chair and pulling it in toward me as tight as I can. I hold my breath as I hear the secret panel door open. 

    She won’t find me here!

    GeGe! the old bat hollers. 

    The sound of her squeaky voice makes me wince, and my hands start shaking like a pup coming out of the creek after a swim. My mind is instantly transported back to my puphood, remembering Mommy as she carefully pulled the covers up around me and tucked me into bed. I felt so safe there. She’d tuck them under my feet and around my shoulders until I was snug and comfortable, happy and warm. 

    GeGe? Is that you hiding under your father’s desk? she asks. I see you, my little Goofy GeGe! Come see your mommy!

    With the sound of her voice, I’m suddenly jolted back to reality, and my heart sinks deep into my stomach. Her footsteps draw closer, then suddenly a rush of air comes in as she pulls back my office chair with a screech of the hardwood floor. 

    There you are, my little GeGe, she says, leaning her wrinkled, caved-in face close to mine. 

    I shove her back. Back up, woman! I holler as I kick my way out of my safe place and duck to avoid her arms, which are outstretched for an embrace.  I’m not your little GeGe anymore, Mommy… er, Mother. I am the King! I nod, certain that it will further assert my power. 

    King? she asks. You’re not old enough to be the king yet, dear. You have to wait until you grow up, and then your father will pass down the crown.

    I am grown up! I say assertively. I straighten up my posture to match my strong and powerful words, although I notice that my feet are still backing away from the woman. 

    Sure, you are, my dear, she says, coming closer. 

    Stay back, woman! I holler. You are… you are an impostor! Yes, that’s it! I add, although I don’t mean to say that last part out loud. 

    Impostor? she asks. Don’t you recognize your Mommy?

    I rack my brain trying to remember the name of that Goddess damn guard who’s watching over my special prisoner. He’s the only one I trust! Although I’ll have to kill him at some point, naturally. But for now, I need him to take this woman away to the dungeon. I’d been so sure that a simple lock on the tower door would do the trick, but I guess I forgot to seal it up last time I took the old bag some food. 

    Seymour! That’s his name. ‘Seymour!’ I holler in my head.

    ‘Yes, sire!’ the man answers instantly. Finally, someone knows their sense of duty. It’ll be a shame when I have to kill him later. Well, first thing’s first. I need to dispose of the queen. 

    ‘Seymour, get up here now… to my office,’ I tell him in the mind-link. ‘I have a problem for you to get rid of.’

    ‘Yes, Sire! Right away!’ he answers. Damn, what a waste of a fine, loyal guard.

    Within moments, he has arrived, and I’m impressed with his speed. All the while I’ve been dodging the woman while backing up and running around to the other side of the desk. She keeps catching up with me somehow—she’s spry for an old bat—but then I get ahead of her again. But I can’t keep this up forever. 

    This woman is an impostor! I announce. You will transport her to the dungeon immediately, where she’s to be held under lock and key in the same way that I dealt with that other… ‘problem.’ 

    Right away, Sire! he answers, and he takes the old troublemaker roughly by the arms and leads her away. 

    I cover my ears as she wails down the hall, GeGe! Gene! Don’t be like this to Mommy now, Gene!

    But soon the sound fades as he takes her further down into the depths of the dungeon, where I’ll never have to hear that Goddess-awful screeching voice again.

    My stomach feels better already.


    I’ve found the perfect way to get comfortable down here. It’s a filthy way to rest, but without a proper mattress or any of the comforts of home—or even a single fucking piece of furniture—it’s the only way to keep my back from aching while being on this dirty floor.

    I’m lying flat on the ground, my feet straight ahead and parted a little and my arms out to the sides. I don’t know if it’s from someone who was here before or not, but somehow there are some little indentations on the floor that, if I lay in this position just so, fit perfectly into my delicate curves so that I can pretend that I’m lying in my nice, soft bed. 

    Well, sort of.

    But now I’m hearing something, which is odd for this part of the dungeon since it must be very deep underground. Normally, I hear only the incessant babbling of the old coot in the next cell who insists he’s really the king—fat chance—or the footsteps of the guard who occasionally drops by some water and slop to eat but never says a word.

    This time, it sounds like more than one person coming from the dark doorway at the end of the hall. 

    I hate to get up when I’ve just worked my way perfectly into the indents in the dirt floor, but from the sound of it, this is practically a party for these parts, so I really want to see what’s going on. 

    The problem is getting out of this position, which is more of a challenge than you’d think. It takes a combination of rolling and twisting to get up out of the hole and make my legs hold my weight up.

    Fuck, I miss my wolf. Kane had better hurry his ass up and rescue me.

    I manage to stand up straight at about the same time that the noise is approaching closer to my cell. It’s the guard, and he’s carrying something on his back, slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. As he gets closer, my eyes adjust a little, and I see that it’s a person.

    It’s a woman, even, old and ugly, small and frail, and she’s pounding her fists on the guard’s back and babbling something about… GeGe? Whatever the fuck that is.

    Still, the guard says nothing. It doesn’t seem to take any effort at all for him to haul the woman around like that. She has to weigh practically nothing; I think her torn-up clothes account for half her weight at least. 

    As the two get closer, I hear the crazy old coot stir in the cell next to me. He’s probably pretty bored too and wants to see some action for himself. It takes him a lot longer to get to the front of his cell than it took me to get to mine, and when he’s finally there, I see him straining to keep his eyes open to see. 

    All the while, the old woman is babbling nonsense.

    Marcy? the old coot says in a raspy voice. Is—is that you, my love?

    Eddie? says the woman, and when their eyes meet, there’s a spark in the air that’s as powerful as wolves feel when they’re in the presence of two… mates.

    Marcy… Eddie… it can’t be a coincidence. I take a deep breath and engage the mind-link in my head. ‘Kane!’ I holler. ‘Kane, if you can hear me, answer now! There’s something you need to know!’



    Adam, I told you–I’m fine! I shout after the Beta as he does his best to get Kelly back into my room. From the way he’s hollering, one might think I was dying.

    I see blood! he shouts. And if you’re bleeding, that’s a problem for me! He makes a face and looks away, and I have to wonder how in the world he manages to fight in battles and those sorts of things when there has to be a lot more blood in a situation like that than what just happened to me.

    I went to pick up my plate of peanut butter and pickles and one of my fingernails rammed into the nightstand, bending it back slightly. A bit of blood came to the surface, but it’s not actually bleeding.

    I did say, Ouch, and a swear word or two, but honestly, it’s fine now that I’ve shaken my hand a few times.

    What’s going on? Kelly asks, at the front of the path. She has cobwebs in her hair, and she’s sputtering a little, like she ran right through a web. Mark and Tristan are right behind her. Briefly, I wonder how they were back in the tunnel behind Kelly. Where did they come from?

    Before I can even answer, Reece comes flying in through my bedroom door. What’s going on? he echoes, the concern on his face as notable as the others.

    Nothing! I insist. I just bent my fingernail.

    The three Alphas exchange looks that tell me that their hearts have lurched into their throats, and at my words, they are slowly descending back into their muscular chests.

    All of them turn to Adam. You were shouting like you thought someone was dying or the babies were coming! Reece says.

    Yeah, we ran out of there, leaving that creepy old woman alone with the door open! She could be anywhere by now if there are other tunnels besides the two that we found.

    I have to ask, How did you two end up with Kelly anyway? I thought you were in the library or something .

    We were, Mark tells me. But we found an opening in the wall, and we went to investigate and ended up where Kelly was–with the creepy old lady. Reece, aren’t you going after–uh–out?

    I don’t know what they’re talking about, but it seems fishy. I file it away for later as Reece says, Yes, I was, but then I heard yelling.

    I’ll get to the bottom of where Reece was going later, but for now, I look at all of them, my expression blank for a moment as I wait. When none of them says what I want to hear, I clear my throat.

    Sorry, baby, Tristan says. He’s been strangely quiet, and I think I see the remnants of tears in his eyes. Perhaps he’s just a big softy after all. We should have believed you when you said you had a weird old lady in your room.

    Thank you, Tristan, I say with a sharp nod before looking at Mark and Reece.

    The other two look down at the ground like little boys who have gotten in trouble for stealing cookies out of their mother’s cookie jar. Sorry, they both say in sing-song tones.

    I should hope that, in the future, you will not be so quick to dismiss my concerns, based on the fact that I’m carrying around your children in my body cavity!

    Yes, Rose, they all three say at the same time, making me feel like a schoolmarm.

    Are you sure that’s all that’s wrong? Kelly asks. Just your finger? I mean, Adam is a seasoned warrior. Surely, for him to be that worked up about it, there has to be more than just a few drops of blood, right?

    One would think, I say with a shrug. But my finger doesn’t even hurt now, so I just go back to eating my pickle and peanut butter. Did you find the old ghost?

    We did, Kelly says as Adam shrinks back into the wall from her look. He’s not using a secret passage. He’s just trying to sink into the wallpaper. She’s the queen.

    I almost choke on the pickle slice I have in my mouth. I cough a few times, and all three of the Alphas rush to hand me my water, bumping into one another, tripping, and nearly knocking the nightstand out the window behind it.

    Eventually, Tristan reaches it first, and with a proud smile, he hands it over. Here you go, little flower. You okay?

    I shake my head and take it. With a quick sip, I dislodge the sour fragment. I’m fine, thank you. I am still looking at them like they are each a different version of mess–probably because they are.

    It does cross my mind, though, that there are only three of them here with me, and I don’t like that. Has anyone heard from Eli? 

    Again, the three Alphas are exchanging glances that apparently only Alphas can decipher because I don’t know what those hushed looks are supposed to mean.

    Not recently, Reece says, stepping toward me. It’s hard to see him behind Tristan’s massive shoulder. But we’re thinking he’s either just too busy to answer us or his mission took him slightly out of range. I was headed out to look for him.

    At least now I know what that look was about. Out of range? I repeat. That doesn’t make sense. I mean, he was only going to deliver Emily to Stephen’s village, right? Isn’t that what I’d pieced together from the hush-hush discussions I heard from you guys and Reece muttering in his sleep?

    They have to pause to look at one another, and it’s almost enough to make me haul my big fat belly out of this bed and strike them.

    Someone just answer me! I yell, and all of them look at me wide-eyed. I’m sorry, I say, a bit more calmly. That must’ve been a hormonal spike.

    It’s Kelly who steps forward. She sits down on the end of my bed, away from the broad-chested men. I’m worried about him, too, Rose. It’s been a bit longer than I like. He usually checks in with me pretty frequently when he’s out on these missions.

    I can tell by the way her lips are drawn into a thin line that she’s nervous.

    He’s probably just busy. Mark shrugs as he looks from Kelly to

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