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Mated With Four Alphas: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #2
Mated With Four Alphas: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #2
Mated With Four Alphas: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #2
Ebook211 pages3 hours

Mated With Four Alphas: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

She's more than just their Breeder--she's their mate.

Rose never intended to fall in love with the Alphas, but now that she's in the castle, trying to have their babies, she's lost her heart.
Thankfully, all four of her men seem to love her, too.
There's just one problem--and her name is Emily.
Not only is the king's cousin trying to come between them, King Gene seems to be up to something, too.
Do Rose and her Alphas have any chance at a happily ever after?

This is a steamy reverse harem romance series--with lots of hilarity--and you must read all of the books to complete the story.

Release dateFeb 18, 2024
Mated With Four Alphas: Pregnant With Four Alphas' Babies, #2

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    Mated With Four Alphas - Bella Moondragon



    Seeing Reece in the garden with Emily was unsettling, to say the least, and I didn’t give him a chance to explain. I couldn’t just stand there and listen to him try to tell me it wasn’t what it looked like.

    Unless he wasn’t planning on saying anything like that at all.

    I rush back to my room, trying to remember that I’m supposed to be focusing on Tristan today, not Reece. I’ll have to worry about him tomorrow.

    Somehow, before I get to my door, Reece appears in the hallway in front of me, out of breath.

    Rose! he says, stopping and doubling over. Wait.

    I stare at him, look down the hallway in the other direction, where he came from, and then back at him. How did you get here so fast? I ask him. 

    The other door…. He is still breathing hard, but he takes a few steps toward me now. Listen, Emily was coming on to me, but I was telling her no. My hands were in my pockets. I just… didn’t want you to think that anything had happened between us. Because nothing did.

    I can tell that he means it, but my heart is still rattled. Okay, I finally manage.

    Seriously–you believe me, right?

    I nod. Sure. At the moment, I don’t know what to think, but I do know I don’t want him to worry about it while I try to sort it out.

    Oh, thank you, little darlin’, he says, moving over to me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. With my cheek pressed against his muscular chest, I can’t help but feel like everything is all right, and I shouldn’t be too concerned.

    He clearly has feelings for me.

    But then… whoever wins will end up with Emily anyway, so maybe he should be getting to know her better.

    Just in case.

    It’s not as if any of these men actually belong to me.

    In Reece’s arms, though, I feel like he is mine, or at least like he is more mine than he is hers.

    Thank you, Rose, he says again before he kisses my cheek. I want to kiss you on the lips, but I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that. I don’t want anyone to accuse me of trying to take more time than I’m allotted.

    I nod–the rules to this contest are growing more complex every day.

    Later that afternoon, I receive a handwritten note from Tristan that says, Little flower, your presence is requested at my room tonight at 9:00. Please wear your most comfortable pajamas, bring your toothbrush, a change of clothing, and anything that you need in order to spend the night as this will be a sleepover.

    As I read over the note a second time, my face begins to turn a little pink.

    Clearly, Tristan has learned his lesson from last time.

    What is it? Vienna asks me. Are you well, miss?

    I’m fine, I tell her. Just… Tristan’s invitation is so sweet. I hand it to her, and she reads over it and then smiles.

    This could be fun, she says. We should get you a teddy bear and a little blankie to take with you. You know, like when we were girls and used to have sleepovers at friends’ houses.

    I nod, but I didn’t have a lot of friends from when I was younger, and then there was all the kicking I’d done so I don’t really know firsthand what she’s talking about when it comes to fun sleepovers, but I can imagine.

    A few hours later, I am ready to go to Tristan’s. Vienna is very resourceful and has found me an overnight duffle bag, a teddy bear, some cute pajamas that are nothing like the sexy ones I usually wear for my men, and has packed us some snacks, as well as my necessities.

    When Tristan knocks on the door, I smile at him, my hair in pigtails as I am already wearing a onesie with different colored hearts all over it.

    His eyes widen, and then he cracks into a grin. Well, hello there, he says. Don’t you look adorable?

    I shrug. I never really got to have a sleepover when I was younger, so I figured I may as well indulge myself in the fun of it all.

    He laughs. I’m glad to be the first one to have you over for such a fun event, then.

    Tristan offers me his hand, and I take it. He leads me to his room where he changes out of his suit and into a pair of pajamas. I am surprised to see he has a grown-up version of superhero pajamas, with little symbols on the pants and a removable cape.

    Would you like to watch a movie? he asks me. That’s what I used to do with my friends at sleepovers. We could play some video games, too, though I don’t think we’ll go wrap toilet paper around anyone’s house.

    Did you do that? I ask him, sitting on his bed and holding the new teddy bear Vienna found for me.

    Oh, yeah. TPing houses was great fun, but I can’t imagine the king would think it was cool if we did that.

    Actually, I say, trying not to laugh. Later tonight, we could go TP the other Alphas’ doors. I’m not sure how to make it stick but–

    Get it wet, he says with a shrug, and we both burst out laughing.

    We get comfy on the bed and watch a funny movie while eating pizza, junk food, and popcorn instead of the formal meals we usually have. We drink way too much soda–though Tristan also has a beer or two–and then we play a video game that he is really good at. Me, not so much.

    After that, he asks, Do you want to watch a scary movie? My eyebrows raise. Oh, come on. I’ll keep you safe.

    I let out a deep breath and agree, and he puts in a movie I’ve never even heard of before about a possessed doll.

    It is terrifying, and before it’s even halfway over, I find myself with my head buried in his chest.

    You’re safe, little flower, he says to me.

    I look up into his eyes, and his mouth comes down on mine.

    We begin to kiss as if it’s the only thing that will save us from that devil doll. His hands roam over the soft fabric of my onesie, and then… he is unbuttoning it, and I couldn’t care less about what’s on the television.

    Tristan completely unbuttons my pajamas, and I slip my arms out. Then, he pulls his shirt off over his head and takes off his pants, turning the television off before he climbs back into bed with me. We are naked, and he is touching me, his mouth devouring mine.

    He pulls me close as his other hand settles between my legs. You’re so wet, he whispers against my lips.

    I take his thick cock in my hand. You’re so hard, I remind him.

    Well, I guess there’s just one thing to do about this.

    He slides on top of me, and I spread my legs for him. With one quick thrust, he moves inside of me, and his pace increases quickly. I moan, a mix of pain and pleasure, and he all but stops, staring down at me.

    Sorry, little flower, he says in a gentle voice. I’ll be easier on you.

    I’m okay, I tell him, lovingly stroking his cheek.

    He shakes his head. I want to savor you. 

    Tristan starts moving his hips again, but this time, his pace is much slower, and with each movement of his hips, he grinds against me. It feels so good, I am putty beneath him in only a matter of moments. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight. 

    It takes a long time for him to join me in my euphoria, but in that time, my mind has grown cloudy as my thoughts jumble together. Everything about the way he is touching me is heavenly, and when he finally comes, my body begins to tingle with electricity. 

    When he’s finished, he holds me close, and I concentrate on the sensation of my body coming back to this plane. I feel like I’ve been in another dimension.

    Pressed against his chest, I listen to his heartbeat as he gently caresses me. Thank you, Rose, for being so amazing, he says. That was… so special. I’ve never been with a woman like that before.

    I smile at him and run my palm along his cheek, rough with unshaved whiskers. You’re welcome. Thank you, I tell him as he catches my hand and kisses it.

    You know, when I was younger, there was a woman who was a maid to my mother who was very beautiful. She was about fifteen years older than me, and she started working in our house when I was ten. She would always look at me in this certain way that made me think about women way before the rest of my friends even knew they existed… apart from their mothers and aunts. Anyway, Camilla waited until I was fifteen to make her move, and by then, I thought I was ready.

    She propositioned you when you were fifteen? I ask him. When I was fifteen, I still thought babies came from a stork.

    He nods. Yeah, in a closet near my father’s study. She said she was going to teach me how to be a man. And in some ways, I guess she did, but she wanted it rough…. And quick so we didn’t get caught. I thought… I thought that’s how it was supposed to go, you know? If she wasn’t in pain, I wasn’t doing it right. He drops his head and shakes it slowly.

    So that’s how you’ve always been with all of the women you’ve slept with? I ask him.

    His eyes meet mine. That’s right. It never occurred to me that some women would rather just take it slow and enjoy it. With you… I get that.

    I smile up at him. Thank you for sharing that with me, Tristan. It means a lot to me.

    Thank you for being so easy to talk to, he replies. He leans down and kisses me, and I believe we have bonded on a new level.

    We lie there together for about an hour, and I am just about to doze off when Tristan asks me, So… are you ready?

    At first, I think he means to have sex again, but then I remember our secret mission. Laughing, I say, Oh, I’m ready.

    Both of us are chuckling like kids as we get dressed and go to the bathroom to find our secret weapon.

    It’s too bad I won’t get to see the other Alphas’ faces when they walk out of their rooms in the morning. Now, that would be funny!



    Sitting in my room, I feel like I can’t breathe. I didn’t sleep well last night as my mind kept going in circles. What does the breeder girl have that I don’t possess in bucket loads? If anything, I am way better than her in every way. 

    Nobody goes against Emily unless they are really stupid. I have to get rid of that nuisance. She is a painful pimple in my life that needs squeezing.

    I stand up from the fainting couch and slide on a pair of slippers. I am all pumped up to put my plan into action. It’s time to say goodbye to ‘Lil Miss Breeder.’

    I wave away the servants that come rushing up to attend me. I am in no need of their help and instead just want to get to the king as soon as possible. I can’t help but smile at how much of a genius I am; I have no doubts about the success of my mission.

    Tara rushes to catch up with me as I stride down the hall toward the throne room. I am sure I will find my cousin there.

    Are you not going to dress in something more befitting for a walk around the castle, my lady? Tara asked as she does a little run to keep up with my long strides. 

    Hmm. No, Tara. I have more pressing issues to attend to. 

    Ahh, my lady. What if we run into one of the Alphas? It is your mission to seduce them, is it not? Yesterday didn’t go so well because you were overdressed for a simple thing like a walk in the garden. Perhaps today we tone it down and you wear a pretty sundress. Have you seen how cute yet elegant they look on Lady Rose?

    I frown, stop, turn, and glare at her. Did my lady in waiting just compare me to that filth?

    Mind your tone, Tara! Do not let my current arrangement with you give you a sense of familiarity we do not have! You are just a servant and should know your place.

    Immediately cowed, Tara bows her head as a sign of submission. I sniff in satisfaction at the display of deference. Dismissing my presumptuous maid from my mind, I turn back to see a retinue of servants that are filing out of the wing leading to the Alphas’ rooms.

    I am curious to find out what is going on, so I find myself moving in that direction. I haven’t had the chance to put on my makeup, and I’m feeling rather vulnerable, but the fear of missing out overtakes me.

    Alpha Mark stands outside the door to his room with a confused look on his face. He raises his hand and runs his fingers through his hair as he watches two servants who seem busy cleaning something at his door. I don’t want to talk to him, as I am not dressed properly to be in his presence, so I just try to stretch my neck to see what’s going on. 

    I see servants putting some white ribbon-like things in a garbage bag. More servants are doing the same and removing similar ribbon-like papers from the other Alphas’ doors.

    Stand in front of me, Tara, I command. I need her to cover me so that the Alphas don’t see me. 

    Was there a party of some kind here last night? I can’t help but wonder with regret. If so, how was I not invited? Why else would there be ribbons everywhere? As a maid walks past us, I grab her hand.

    What is going on? I ask the maid, who seems not too happy to be confronted.

    The Alphas all woke up to find tissues stuck on their doors. We are just cleaning them now, the maid says.

    I raise an eyebrow. That is weird. Why would anyone put tissues on the Alphas’ doors? What type of witchcraft was that? Maybe it was a ritual performed by Rose to get the Alphas to fall for her. I knew that the way she has all of them eating from the palm of her hand was not normal. 

    Definitely, some love ritual being practised by the dirty breeder. The witch!

    My resolve strengthens, and I turn around and stride purposefully to my previous destination.

    When I enter the throne room, I find the king standing with his back to the door. There are no guards at the entrance to announce my arrival, so I just walk in.

    Your Highness, good morning.

     He turns, looking a bit startled by my voice.

    "Emily, what are you doing in here? As much as you are my kin, you do realize that it is not proper for you to

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