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The Infinite Wealth Mindset (Extended Edition): Unveiling The Spiritual And Mental Path To Infinite Wealth
The Infinite Wealth Mindset (Extended Edition): Unveiling The Spiritual And Mental Path To Infinite Wealth
The Infinite Wealth Mindset (Extended Edition): Unveiling The Spiritual And Mental Path To Infinite Wealth
Ebook146 pages2 hours

The Infinite Wealth Mindset (Extended Edition): Unveiling The Spiritual And Mental Path To Infinite Wealth

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The famous masterpiece on how mindset creates success...


Release dateFeb 16, 2024
The Infinite Wealth Mindset (Extended Edition): Unveiling The Spiritual And Mental Path To Infinite Wealth

Neville Goddard

ABOUT NEVILLE GODDARD:Neville Goddard was a mystic and spiritual teacher who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and later moved to New York City, where he began to study spiritual and mystical teachings. He also studied the work of psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Goddard's main teachings focus on the power of the imagination to create one's reality. He believed that everything in our lives, from our circumstances to our health, is a result of our imaginal acts. He taught that by changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our lives and manifest our desires.

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    The Infinite Wealth Mindset (Extended Edition) - Neville Goddard


    This book is a public domain ebook, enriched with new content that delves into the life and teachings of the original author. The additional material serves as an insightful expansion, designed to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the context surrounding the author's work. By incorporating details about the author's life and the philosophical underpinnings of their teachings, this enhanced edition offers a comprehensive exploration that goes beyond the original text. Readers are invited to engage with a more comprehensive narrative, gaining not only knowledge of the author's literary contributions but also a nuanced perspective on the factors that influenced their work.


    The Infinite Wealth Mindset is an extraordinary book that invites readers on a profound journey into the teachings of Neville Goddard. Centered around a lecture that has now become part of the public domain, this book presents an invaluable opportunity to explore the transformative insights and profound wisdom of Goddard.

    The Infinite Wealth Mindset is not merely a book; it is a guide that opens the door to a deeper understanding of spirituality and personal growth. As readers embark on this journey, they are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and contemplate the profound implications of Goddard's teachings. Through introspection and application, readers can harness the power of prayer and manifestation to create positive change in their lives.



    Neville Goddard (1905-1972) was a profound spiritual teacher and author whose teachings continue to inspire and transform countless lives to this day. Born in Barbados and later immigrating to the United States, Goddard dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of consciousness, imagination, and the power of prayer. His profound insights and teachings have made a lasting impact on the fields of metaphysics, spirituality, and personal development.


    Neville Goddard, originally named Neville Lancelot Goddard, was born on February 19, 1905, in St. Michael, Barbados. As a young man, he migrated to New York City, seeking opportunities and a new life. It was during this time that he encountered a series of mystical experiences that would forever shape his path.

    Goddard's Awakening occurred after attending a lecture by the Ethiopian mystic Abdullah. In this transformative encounter, he realized the power of his own consciousness and imagination to shape his reality. This revelation sparked a deep curiosity and ignited a lifelong exploration into the nature of human consciousness and its relationship to the world.


    Goddard's core teachings revolved around the concepts of imagination, assumption, and the power of consciousness. He believed that every individual possessed the innate ability to manifest their desires through the deliberate use of their imagination. According to Goddard, imagination was the creative force that shaped our reality, and by assuming the feeling of our desired outcome already fulfilled, we could bring it into our physical experience.

    His lectures and books emphasized the importance of self-reflection, self-awareness, and the conscious use of mental imagery. Goddard believed that individuals had the power to manifest their dreams and aspirations by aligning their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with the desired outcome.


    Throughout his life, Neville Goddard delivered countless lectures and wrote numerous books, which continue to be celebrated for their profound wisdom and practical application. Some of his notable works include The Power of Awareness, Feeling is the Secret, The Law and the Promise, and Awakened Imagination.

    Goddard's teachings have influenced spiritual leaders, authors, and thinkers across the globe. His unique approach to metaphysics and the power of consciousness has resonated with individuals seeking personal transformation and a deeper understanding of their role in creating their reality.


    Neville Goddard was a mystic and spiritual teacher who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and later moved to New York City, where he began to study spiritual and mystical teachings. He also studied the work of psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

    Goddard's main teachings focus on the power of the imagination to create one's reality. He believed that everything in our lives, from our circumstances to our health, is a result of our imaginal acts. He taught that by changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our lives and manifest our desires.

    One of Goddard's unique concepts is that of the law of assumption. He believed that whatever we assume to be true about ourselves and our lives, we will experience. This is because our assumptions shape our beliefs, which in turn shape our reality. Goddard taught that by assuming the feeling of our desired outcome, we can bring it into manifestation.

    Another important concept in Goddard's teachings is that of the state akin to sleep. He believed that in order to create our desired reality, we must enter into a relaxed, receptive state similar to sleep. In this state, we can use our imagination to visualize our desires as already manifested, and thus bring them into physical reality.

    Goddard also taught that we are all one consciousness, and that the physical world is an illusion created by our collective consciousness. He believed that by changing our consciousness, we can change the world around us.

    In terms of practical advice, Goddard emphasized the importance of focusing on our desired outcome and ignoring any negative thoughts or beliefs that might contradict it. He also stressed the need to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for what we already have, as this creates a positive energy that attracts more of what we desire.

    Neville Goddard's teachings have had a profound impact on the field of metaphysics and the study of consciousness. His emphasis on the power of the imagination and the law of assumption have inspired countless individuals to take control of their lives and create their own reality.


    It is your state of consciousness that attracts your life. by Neville Goddard

    From New Thought, the International New Thought Alliance Bulletin, summer, 1953

    I have edited this article slightly, to make it more readable. My own

    comments are underlined. -AD WITH so vast a subject, it is indeed a difficult task to summarize in a few hundred words what I consider the most basic ideas on which those who seek a true understanding of [practical, applied] metaphysics should now concentrate. I shall do what I can in the shape of three fundamentals. These fundamentals are:

    1.  Self-Observation;

    2. Definition of Aim;

    3. Detachment.

    First Fundamental: Self-Observation

    The  purpose  of  true  metaphysics  is  to  bring  about  a  rebirth  or  radical psychological change in the individual. Such a change cannot take place until the individual first discovers the self that he would change. This discovery can be made only through a careful observation of his reactions to life. The sum total of these reactions defines the individual's state of consciousness, and it is the individual's state of consciousness that attracts the situations and circumstances of his life.

    So the starting point of true metaphysics, on its practical side, is self-observation

    in order to discover one's reactions to life, reactions which form one's secret self – the cause of the phenomena of life.

    Note that the deeper, secret, self that Neville is talking about is the deepest personal or individual self, and not the ultimate, universal, formless self. Neville is thus referring to our deepest— and often buried and unconscious—self-concepts, not our ultimate true Self, which is conceptless.

    With Emerson, I accept the fact that "Man surrounds himself with the true image

    of himself . . . what we are, that only can we see."

    There is a definite connection between what is outer and what is inner in man,

    and it is ever our inner states that attract our outer life. Therefore, the individual

    must always start with himself.

    It is one's self that must be changed.

    Man, in his blindness, is quite satisfied with himself, but heartily dislikes the circumstances and situations of his life. He feels this way, not knowing that the cause of his displeasure lies not in the condition nor the person with whom he is displeased, but in the very self he likes so much. Not realizing that he surrounds himself with the true image of himself and that what he is, that only can he see, he is shocked when he discovers that it has always been his own deceitfulness that made him suspicious of others.

    Self-observation would reveal this deceitful one in all of us; and this one must be accepted before there can be any transformation of ourselves.

    At this moment, try to notice your inner state. To what thoughts are you consenting? With what feelings are you identified? You must be ever careful where you are within yourself.

    Most of its think that we are kind and loving, generous and tolerant, forgiving and noble; but a careful observation of our reactions to life will reveal a self that is not at all kind and loving, generous and tolerant, forgiving and noble. And it is this self that we must first accept and then set about to change.

    Note what Neville is emphasizing here. If we want to become the person we always wanted to be, we must first accept what we are now, even if we don’t like it, even if it scares and repulses us. Don’t suppress self-awareness, driving it deeper into unconsciousness, just because you don’t like it. Don’t ignore it, look straight at it. And don’t try to change it before you have fully accepted it. Remember this principle of our course: Whatever you are, at any time in your life, is perfect. Why? Because God, Being, is perfect and all-in-all. Part of the great illusion is that there are imperfect and evil beings in the real world.

    Rebirth depends on inner work on one's self. No one can be reborn without changing this self. Any time that an entirely new set of reactions enters into a person's life, a change of consciousness has taken place, a spiritual rebirth has occurred.

    Second Fundamental: Definition of Aim

    Having discovered, through a careful observation of your reactions to life, a self that must be changed, you must now formulate an aim. That is, you must define the one you would like to be instead of the one you truly are in secret. With this aim clearly defined, you must, throughout your conscious waking day, notice your every reaction in regard to this aim.

    The reason for this is that everyone lives in a definite state of consciousness, which state of consciousness we have already described as the sum total of his reactions to life. Therefore, in defining an aim, you are defining a state of consciousness, which, like all states of consciousness, must have its reactions to life. For example: if a rumor or an idle remark could cause an anxious reaction in one person and no reaction in another, this is positive proof that the two people are living in two different states of consciousness.

    If you define your aim as a noble, generous, secure, kindly individual—knowing that all things are states of consciousness—you can easily tell whether you are faithful to your aim in life by watching your reactions to the daily events of life. If you are faithful to your ideal, your reactions will conform to your aim, for you will be identified with your aim and, therefore, will be thinking from your aim. If your

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