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Angel Song
Angel Song
Angel Song
Ebook352 pages5 hours

Angel Song

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Angels eagerly watch over Ann Fletcher's every move. She just doesn't know it yet.

Ann Fletcher has returned to Charleston to see her younger sister Sarah receive her master's degree. But she soon finds herself riding in the back of an ambulance, watching helplessly as Sarah fights for her life. As they race to the hospital, Sarah talks to someone who is not there...and hums a melody Ann has never heard before.

That unfamiliar, unearthly beautiful melody keeps finding Ann--first in the hospital chapel, then in her dreams, and finally in Sarah's empty house.

Two neighbors have a profound effect on Ann. Ethan McKinney lends her a shoulder to lean on. And as a carpenter, he volunteers to help Ann get the Fletcher family home into shape for selling. His strong presence is a pleasing distraction. Ann's twelve-year-old neighbor, Keith, has Down Syndrome and the guile to believe he can actually see and hear angels. In fact, he insists they are looking out for her in ways she's never imagined.

God begins to reveal himself to Ann--both in her newfound friends and through supernatural events. As she discovers the very real presence of angels around her, will she finally open her heart to receive God's healing love?

Release dateAug 1, 2010

Sheila Walsh

Sheila Walsh es una poderosa comunicadora, maestra bíblica, y autora best seller con más de cinco millones de libros vendidos. Es autora de los galordonados títulos: Gigi, Princesita de Dios, Peace for Today, Loved Back to Life, La tormenta interior, y Five Minutes with Jesus. Vive en Dallas, Texas, con su esposo, Barry, y su hijo, Christian.

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    Angel Song - Sheila Walsh



    Title page with Thomas Nelson logo

    © 2010 by Sheila Walsh and Kathryn Cushman

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    The authors are represented by the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920,

    Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, e-mail [email protected].

    Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

    This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, businesses, organizations, and locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available for this title.

    Walsh, Sheila, 1956–

    Angel song : a novel / Sheila Walsh and Kathryn Cushman.

        p. cm.

    ISBN 978-1-59554-685-2 (pbk.)

    I. Cushman, Kathryn. II. Title.

    PS3623.A36615A8 2010b



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    This book is dedicated with love to my friend

    Eric Kuntz who helped me hear the angels’ song.

    —Sheila Walsh

    To Caroline Cushman—you are a bright ray of sunshine that warms our lives. This world is a happier place because you are here.

    —Kathryn Cushman

    For he will command his angels

    conceining you guard you in all your ways.

    PSALM 91:11 (ESV)



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40


    Reading Group Guide

    Dear Friend

    About the Authors


    The sun’s first light crept across the wing. Ann leaned across the empty seat beside her, moving close enough to the airplane’s window to watch the skyline she loved grow smaller and smaller. Behind her lay the frenetic pace of millions of people, all trying to succeed on the hard streets below. Only the best, or luckiest, would make it; the rest would become casualties in the meat grinder that was New York City. Ann had proven she was strong enough to survive there. She could make it without anyone’s help, on her own terms.

    But now her plane sped closer to the polar opposite of all that she was, to a city where antebellum homes lined the streets and natives valued history and family bloodlines over modern innovation. The place whose very existence was like a weight, an anchor that should long ago have lost its chains. Somehow Charleston never seemed to loosen its hold.

    But her sister was there, the one person who made this trip bearable. Probably at this very minute Sarah was frantically cleaning the house, sweeping the front porch, and making some of her famous chocolate oatmeal cookies—and more than enough for just the two of them. She’d share them with the neighbors and anyone else who happened to drop by the house over the course of the weekend’s festivities. Sarah was so much like Nana had been.

    Ann quickly grabbed a copy of Architectural Digest from her portfolio bag and began leafing through the pages. There. A picture of a beach house somewhere on the Florida coast. Bright colors, seashell prints on the wall. It was tastefully done, but then again, it was all so . . . predictable. She pulled out her sketch pad and began redesigning the room.

    First, the couch needed stronger edges, almost squared. And white would be perfect. She feathered in texture with her pencil, then added a row of pillows, shading a couple of them completely to black. She penciled in a table lamp like the one she’d seen just last week—uneven squares of black bamboo stacked on each other with a square shade on top—then added a piece of modern art above the couch, pale gray with streaks of black and white.

    It still needed something. Monochromatic decorating required absolute precision in design, a challenge Ann savored. She compared the two rooms. Hers still needed work, but she was pleased with what she’d done.

    You’ve got a good eye. The man one row back was leaning across the aisle. He was casually dressed, short brown hair with just a touch of curl, probably in his late forties. Nice looking. And vaguely familiar.

    Embarrassed to have been caught in her game, Ann shrugged. Thanks.

    Are you a designer?

    Yes. I work for a home staging company. She knew he probably had no idea what that meant, but she didn’t really care. Redesigning rooms from magazines helps keep the creative juices flowing.

    Do you work in Charleston?

    Ann shook her head. The City.

    Now that’s something I’m truly glad to hear. He leaned a little closer and offered a dazzling smile, complete with dimple on his left cheek. Do you have a card?

    Ann looked at him dubiously. Are you thinking of putting a home on the market?

    He smiled. You could say that. He reached into the back pocket of his designer slacks, pulled out a leather wallet, and withdrew a business card. He dangled it by its corner, the print facing away from her. Trade?

    What could it hurt? Ann’s card didn’t contain any of her personal information, just the office address and phone number. Sure. She reached into her small purse and pulled out a card, and just for good measure, she removed one of the trifold brochures she always carried around with her.

    After they made the exchange, Ann looked at his card. It almost fell from her hands. Patrick Stinson? She looked at him in surprise.

    He smiled broadly, seeming pleased that he held so great a secret. Guilty.

    What are you doing on this puddle jumper of a plane?

    There’s an event I need to get to in Charleston tonight. This is a nonstop flight. The Newark airport is much more convenient.

    I guess I expected you to be flying in private planes.

    When it’s business and I’m taking a team with me, that’s what I do. When it’s just me, going to an event and back, well . . . trying to keep a small carbon footprint. He winked.

    Sir, we need you to sit back in your seat. We’ll be landing soon.

    Oh, right. Thank you. He was all charm.

    Ann couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been. She had been sitting across from a major New York real estate developer and hadn’t even known it. It didn’t really matter. Marston Home Staging did work in some high-end residences, but the Stinson company was in another league altogether. He would probably have a good laugh with his associates over this whole episode.

    But why should he? Ann’s work was good. Good enough to be featured in last year’s 100 Designers to Watch For put out by New York City’s Design magazine.

    When the plane came to a stop at the gate, Ann threw her bag over her shoulder and descended the metal steps onto the tarmac. The humid morning air felt about ten degrees warmer than in the City. She made her way up another set of steps and began walking through the concourse. She debated about whether she should wait for Patrick Stinson, say something else to him, but then she saw Sarah standing just outside the security checkpoint, waiting for her.

    Her blonde hair bounced with curls; her preppy outfit looked freshly pressed. Annie, Annie. Over here.

    Ann hurried to her sister’s waiting embrace. Well, if it isn’t the graduate herself.

    That’s me. Sarah squeezed tight. Thank you so much for coming. Welcome home.

    I wouldn’t miss this for anything.

    They hugged for a moment before making their way toward baggage claim. Just then, Patrick Stinson breezed past them, casting a grin over his left shoulder. Enjoy your stay in Charleston, Ann Fletcher. I’ll be in touch. He disappeared through the exit with his leather carry-on dangling from his right hand.

    "Who was that?" Sarah made no pretense of keeping the suggestive tone from her voice.

    "Someone who definitely will not be in touch."

    Somehow I have the feeling you’re wrong about that, Sarah said with a grin. Let’s get your luggage and get you home.

    Chapter 1

    Red and blue lights spun off broken glass and twisted metal, shooting cold barbs through the warm South Carolina night. Ann Fletcher sat on the curb, hugging her knees to her chest. How could this have happened? She closed her eyes, trying to regain some sense of equilibrium, but that only intensified the stench of hot rubber and engine fluid. She gave up and opened her eyes.

    The multicolored strobes highlighted the scene around her. She glanced at a policeman in black barking orders into a walkietalkie. Nearby, a fireman in yellow turnouts sprayed water over a steaming engine, and a duo in blue jumpsuits hovered over a gurney. She was staying out of the way, as she’d promised the EMS team. If sitting here would keep their attention fully on Sarah, then that’s what she would do.

    Here, I’m thinking you could use this. A woman in a black pantsuit held out a bottle of water, which Ann reached for gratefully.

    Thanks. She took a long drink, and then another, surprised by how thirsty she was.

    Is there anything else I can do to help you? The woman’s hair shone like copper in the flashing lights, and her face looked vaguely familiar, like someone Ann knew a long time ago. Anything at all?

    Ann simply shook her head and looked toward the medics. There’s nothing.

    That’s your sister. The woman stated this as a fact, not a question, but she waited as if for confirmation.

    Yes. Ann watched a third jumpsuit emerge from somewhere behind the smoke. He walked over to the others, exchanged brief conversation, then hurried to the front of the ambulance.

    The woman pointed toward it. If you climb up into the back now, before anyone realizes what you’re doing, they won’t kick you out. On the ride to the hospital, she’ll hear your voice and know she’s not alone. She spoke with authority, as if she understood the situation completely.

    Ann looked through the open double doors at all the sterilelooking equipment inside. How could Sarah not be terrified amid all that? You’re right. She pushed to her feet and stumbled toward the vehicle.

    Hey, you can’t ride back there. The male voice sounded barely old enough to be past puberty—and completely lacking in authoritative confidence.

    Ann started to ignore him altogether, putting one foot on the step-up, but then thought better of it. Keeping her foot firmly planted, she paused and turned. He and another jumpsuit were fastening straps around Sarah on the gurney, the sight of which fueled Ann’s determination. That’s my sister. I’ll stay out of the way, I’ll keep my mouth shut, but I’m not going to leave her.

    The female medic barely flicked a look in Ann’s direction as she pulled the last strap into place. Get in the far corner and sit against the wall.

    Her young partner looked up. Shouldn’t we at least make her ride in the front?

    Don’t have time for that. We’ve got to move. Now. One, two, three.

    Ann ducked quickly into the ambulance, the smell of antiseptic growing stronger as she moved into the back corner. The jumpsuits acted in sync, bringing Sarah toward her. Soon everyone was crowded inside, the back doors shut, and their little world was moving in a blaze of speed and blaring sirens.

    With Sarah only inches away, Ann longed to hold her hand, to stroke her face, anything that might offer comfort and remind her that she was not alone. But with a long gash bleeding slowly across Sarah’s left cheek, and her left shoulder standing up at an awkward angle, Ann was afraid to touch her. She didn’t want to cause more pain, so she reached for a lock of Sarah’s long blonde hair that was splayed across her pillow. Ann rubbed it between her fingers, desperately wishing she could transfer some of her strength through it. Hang in there, Sarah. You’ve got to fight. Stay awake.

    Sarah opened her eyes and looked toward Ann, blue eyes squinted in pain. So sorry about this. Don’t know . . . what happened.

    Ann spoke as soothingly as she could. Just a little accident, don’t worry about a thing. Everything’s going to be all right.

    As the vehicle swayed, Sarah turned her face toward the coiled tubes, blinking monitors, and cabinets full of things that people don’t like to think about. Her eyes remained open, something for which Ann was grateful, even as her breathing became labored. Ann focused on the sound of each breath, each gasp, each wheeze. As long as she heard these things, her sister was still alive and breathing. If nothing else, she would keep Sarah’s lungs moving by sheer willpower.


    Ann leaned forward. She reached toward her sister but somehow stopped her hands less than an inch before she touched her. What was she doing? She had no medical training. In fact, she’d barely passed health in high school. But she had to do something.

    She grabbed the shoulder of the female medic, wondering why this woman was ignoring the obvious. Help her! She’s choking.

    The medic shrugged off Ann’s hand and continued uncoiling some sort of tubing, her face barely registering a reaction to either Sarah’s gasping or Ann’s outburst. She’s not choking. She’s humming.

    What? Ann looked down at her sister.

    Sarah’s face was not locked in the expected contortion of pain. Her mouth was open; her eyes were wide and focused past her right shoulder, above the tools and gadgets. "Glorious. She drew another ragged breath, but her lips curved into a smile. She lifted her right hand until the restraints of the gurney stopped her, then stretched her fingers up as if reaching for something. Colors so brilliant, oh my . . . The string of words was little more than a strangled whisper. Song . . . Pure joy." A choking sound gurgled up from her throat and she gasped for breath, but still she managed to hum through it.

    The male EMT was wrapping tape around the IV line, but he looked up. The morphine must be kicking in.

    You gave her morphine? The woman’s persona of cool control slipped with the crackle of anger in her voice.

    I . . . uh, no. I thought you must have.

    You don’t give narcotics to a multisystem trauma without explicit instructions. Especially with a falling BP, shallow respirations, and a short ride to the hospital. Got it?

    Yeah, I know. It’s just, when she started singing and talking to people who aren’t here, I guess . . . I just sort of assumed she had narcotics on board. He looked at Sarah, whose eyes closed while she continued to hum, then went back to his work with the tape.

    Desperate for a way to help, Ann began to listen to the song. Maybe it would comfort Sarah if she hummed along. Perhaps the sound of a familiar voice could give her the strength to fight, help keep her here. Except Ann didn’t recognize the tune. She focused all her concentration on listening, hoping to pick out something familiar. But there was nothing. Still, even with Sarah’s strangled voice, the melody was beautiful.

    I’ve seen things like this before, the female medic said. Awed whispers, peaceful expressions when there shouldn’t be one, and almost always a song. Once I even thought I heard the tune. Makes you wonder what’s out there.

    With a final lurch, the ambulance screeched to a stop. The back doors clattered open, and a barrage of light, sound, and white coats stood waiting. Ann leaned forward and kissed the lock of hair. Sarah, you stay strong. Don’t you dare leave me. Not now.

    Sarah didn’t acknowledge her at all, just continued to look above her right side. Help. Annie. Please.

    Ann leaned forward, prepared to do whatever her sister asked. How can I help you, Sarah? What do you need me to do?

    The gurney was lifted and a sea of personnel parted, taking Sarah with them. No. Wait! Ann jumped out. Sarah, what do you need? Tell me what I can do!

    A behemoth nurse in pink scrubs jumped between Ann and the emergency room doors. I’m sorry. You’re not allowed to go in there.

    Ann sidestepped the bouncer-nurse. Just try and keep me out. She asked me for help, and I’m going to help her. Even at a skinny five feet five, she was sure her determination would more than make up for the size difference.

    The nurse grabbed her arm, clamping so tight that it almost jerked Ann backward. They’re taking her straight into surgery. We’re going to do everything we can for her, but we need you to stay out of the way.

    Ann tried to yank her arm away, but the woman held fast. Let me go.

    Your sister wasn’t the only one in that car. We’ve got to get you in a back room and take a look at you too. Her calm voice carried that oh-so-concerned tone that didn’t at all match the I’ll-take-you-in-a-smackdown look on her face. But Ann would take Bouncer Nurse on in a heartbeat if it meant helping Sarah.

    Then she saw a couple of uniformed officers heading their general direction and decided to try a calmer approach. The last thing she wanted was to get kicked out of here. I’m fine. All you can do for me is take care of my sister.

    Let’s let the doctors be the judge of that, honey!

    It occurred to Ann that if she was inside the ER, rather than in the waiting room, she might overhear things that were happening, find out about Sarah a lot sooner. In truth, her left arm did ache a little, and her hand and left cheek stung. It was worth the chance. Okay, where do I need to go?

    Just come with me. The syrup that now dripped from the nurse’s voice could clog arteries, but she didn’t loosen her grip in the slightest. She simply began to move slowly toward the doors labeled Emergency Room Entrance.

    Ann was soon ensconced in a cubicle of curtains furnished only with a bed and two small chairs. Bouncer Nurse dropped a folded piece of pale blue fabric on the bed. Put that on, and one of the doctors will be with you soon.

    Get him in here fast. I need some answers.

    Don’t we all? The nurse didn’t bother to look back as she pulled the curtains shut behind her.

    Ann put her arms through the oversized holes and was attempting to tie the back side together when she heard a male voice just outside the curtains. Ms. Fletcher?

    Ann pulled the back edges of her gown together as best she could and sat on the bed. Yeah, I’m ready. She looked down at the cuts on her left arm. They didn’t look that deep—at least not to her. I’m really fine. I do not want stitches in my arm, it will be . . . Ann looked up at the doctor—except it wasn’t the doctor at all. It was one of the uniformed policemen she’d seen out front.

    I’m sorry to do this now, but I really need to ask you a few questions.

    Ann nodded once. Okay.

    He sat in one of the chairs, pen and paper in hand. Can you tell me what happened tonight?

    I . . . we . . . had just gone out for dinner. Sarah, my sister, is getting her master’s degree on Friday. Social work. She wants to help inner-city kids. Ann didn’t know why she was giving him all these details. She knew it was not the kind of information he was looking for, but somehow it was important to her that he understood who Sarah really was, to see that she was not just another statistic.

    Sounds like she’s an amazing person. His voice was gentle.

    Yes, she is. Which is why everyone loved Sarah so much.

    The officer cleared his throat. What do you remember about the accident?

    We were on our way home from dinner downtown. We’d stopped at the light on Calhoun, where it meets Rutledge. I was teasing her about some guy who’d been flirting with her. The light turned green, I looked over to say something, and all of a sudden there were these headlights right over her shoulder, coming fast. The light was so bright. Ann rubbed her eyes, trying to erase the image. I don’t know if Sarah ever saw it coming.

    The officer wrote something on his pad, nodding slightly as if he understood. Then he looked up and in a matter-of-fact voice asked, Had your sister been drinking at dinner?

    What? Ann jumped off the bed and pointed toward the curtain. Get out of here.

    Look, I’m sorry to have to ask this. In fact, I’m sorry that events occurred that make this conversation necessary. I know this is very difficult for you, but the more answers I get, the better we can piece this puzzle together.

    That other car ran the red light and hit us. Why should you care whether or not Sarah had a drink? Why should it matter if she was shnockered, as far as that goes?

    He didn’t look offended by this outburst. Just trying to get the whole story.

    No. Ann slowly lowered her hand and sank back onto the bed. No, she didn’t have anything to drink other than tea.

    He nodded and wrote something on his notepad. Are there any other details you can give me?

    We were stopped at the light, first car in line, so I know it was green when we went through. The other car just came out of nowhere. It was moving so fast, right over Sarah’s shoulder. It just kept coming, so fast, so fast . . . Ann rubbed her eyes again. There’s not much else I can tell you.

    Do you have a number where I can reach you in case there are more questions in the next few days?

    After Ann wrote down her cell number, the officer stood. Thank you for your help.

    Ann looked up. The other driver, did you ask him if he’d been drinking? That’s what happened, isn’t it? He was so drunk or high he never saw the light, never saw our car. The memory of fast-approaching headlights burned Ann’s eyes. Tell me you’ll never give him the chance to do this to someone else. Tell me you’re going to lock him up and keep him there.

    I’m afraid not. He put the pen in his pocket, then tugged one side of the curtains open. He waited the space of a heartbeat before he turned. He died on impact.

    Oh. Ann shook her head and started to cry again. Somehow that never even occurred to me.

    I’ll call you if I have any further questions. He disappeared through the curtains, pulling them closed behind him.

    Chapter 2

    Other than a few cuts and bruises, you appear to be just fine. I’m sure you’ll be sore for the next few days, but let us know if you develop difficulty breathing, severe abdominal pain, or blurry vision. The bone-thin brunette in the white coat had the bleary look of someone who hadn’t slept in a few days. The exhaustion sounded with each word—or maybe it was just boredom.

    Yeah. Sure. Now, what’s going on with my sister? Ann’s plans to eavesdrop had failed miserably. Other than the occasional moan from the person in the cubicle next door, and the sound of retching from farther down the hall, she’d heard absolutely nothing. She needed to know how the surgery was going. She needed to know if Sarah’s blood pressure was still falling and if her respiration was still shallow. She needed to know that Sarah was going to make it. Is she all right?

    After you get dressed, there is a waiting room just down the hall and through the door. Have a seat, and you’ll be notified as soon as we know something. The doctor pushed through the curtain dividers and was gone.

    Ann reached for her white buttonup shirt, but what she saw made her stop short. The left side was mottled with the claret splatter of her sister’s blood.

    How had this happened? This was supposed to be a weekend of rejoicing, of celebration. Not this. No, nothing like this.

    Why hadn’t the other driver stopped? Why had he done this to himself, and to them?

    It took all of her determination, but after a few seconds of deep breathing, Ann managed to pick up the shirt, put it on, and slog to the waiting room. A woman with bright red hair and too much makeup sat behind the counter window. Miz Fletcher, if you don’t mind, we’ve got a little bit of paperwork we need you to fill out.

    If I don’t mind? What is it?

    Oh, just the usual forms. You poor darling, I know you don’t feel like dealing with all this right now, but I don’t suppose you’d have your sister’s insurance information, would you?

    Ann glared. "No, I don’t have it. We were in a car wreck; her purse was in the car. I don’t have mine either. It was in the same car, the one that was wrecked." Ann felt her hand tremble as she rubbed the back of her neck. She was going to lose it if she had to answer one more stupid question.

    Another woman, sitting far enough to the left of the window that Ann hadn’t seen her before, rolled her chair into view.

    Wait, somebody brought your things in. She pulled out a key from the desk and went to a cabinet against the back wall. A moment later she handed Ann two purses. One was sleek black leather, the other a neon pink tote covered in white polka dots.

    "How did

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