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Step-Parenting 101
Step-Parenting 101
Step-Parenting 101
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Step-Parenting 101

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Drawn from Dr. Kevin Leman's book Living in a Step-Family without Getting Stepped On, Step-Parenting 101 is an informative and practical guide to living in a blended family.
Release dateJan 14, 2007
Step-Parenting 101

Kevin Leman

Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known Christian psychologist, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of fifty books, including Have a New Kid by Friday, The Birth Order Book, and Making Your Children Mind without Losing Yours. A master communicator, Dr. Leman is a frequent guest on hundreds of radio and TV shows such as The View, Oprah, Today, Fox & Friends, and Focus on the Family. He and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson, Arizona. They are the parents of five children and two grandchildren.

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    Step-Parenting 101 - Kevin Leman


    Copyright © 2006 by Dr. Kevin Leman

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Nelson Books titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

    Scripture quotations are from THE NEW KING JAMES VERSION. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Compiled from previously published Living in a Stepfamily Without Getting Stepped On.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Leman, Kevin.

        Stepparenting 101 / Kevin Leman.

          p. cm.

        Includes bibliographical references.

        ISBN-13: 978-0-7852-8845-9 (hardcover)

        ISBN-10: 0-7852-8845-7 (hardcover)

        1. Stepfamilies. 2. Birth order—Psychological aspects. 3. Parenting. I. Title. II. Title: Stepparenting one hundred one. III. Title: Stepparenting one hundred and one.

      HQ759.92.L46 2006



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    What It Means to Be Blended

    ONE: Birth Order Blends of Husbands and Wives

    TWO: Why the Marriage Must Come First

    THREE: Firstborns

    FOUR: Middles

    FIVE: Last Borns

    SIX: Blended Family Discipline

    SEVEN: Blended Family Enemy Number One

    EIGHT: Win/Win Blending


    About the Author


    What It Means

    to Be Blended

    Under the best of conditions, blending a family is no snap. Chances are, you already know this is true because you are in a stepfamily situation. With a few years (or even a few months) in a stepfamily under your belt, it’s very likely that the assumptions and expectations you had before your remarriage have been tempered by stark reality. A woman who remarried and wound up with five children instead of her original two told me, We went through months of premarital counseling, but it didn’t prepare us for being a blended family. Until you live with someone everyday, you and your children with him and his children, all together under the same roof, you don’t know what you’re going to cope with.

    This woman’s honest admission can be summed up in the following equation that my colleague, Dr. Jay Passavant, and I have often quoted:

    E – R = D

    (Expectations minus reality equals disillusionment)

    Yet, despite the odds against them, despite the bruising and shattering experience of divorce (sometimes more than one), people remain intrepid eternal optimists who try marriage again. In America, the blended family has become the most common form of family in the twenty-first century. Most of the men and women who decide to remarry naively expect that this time their marriage and family life will work because they won’t make the same mistakes. This time they have found Mr. Right or Mrs. Wonderful, and they will live harmoniously blended ever after.

    Unfortunately, experience usually proves them wrong. As I try to help blended families make it, I can think of another equation that applies:

    N x R = C

    (Naivete times reality equals chaos)

    The key to both equations is reality. One of the major reasons that expectations get dashed on the rocks of reality is the kids. As one woman who married a father of two said, The situation is just impossible. People go into these marriages with no idea of what is involved, and it’s like falling off a cliff. There’s never enough money to go around . . .¹

    And she could have easily added that there is never enough time, energy, or patience to go around either. The plight of many stepfamilies reminds me of an old joke:

    Question: What’s green and goes 100 m.p.h.?

    Answer: A frog in a blender.

    A growing army of moms, dads, and children might wryly agree that another punch line could be A blended family. And they ought to know. Stepfamily members often feel as if they’re in a blender, turning green from getting whirled violently around and around—while they’re being chopped to pieces in the process.

    These days, with the divorce rate hovering above 50 percent, the odds are against any family. Put a divorced mom and her kids in the same house with a divorced dad and his kids, and those odds get even higher.

    For more than twenty years, I have been working with families in my office, in seminars and other classroom settings, and on radio and television. Many of these families have involved remarriages—stepmothers, stepfathers, and stepchildren. From what I have seen, I have to admit that I often ask clients who are contemplating remarriage, "Are you absolutely sure? When you live in a stepfamily, I tell them, you can get stepped on."

    After all, blended families must face major issues including discipline (who will do it and how), anger, grief, and feelings of uprootedness, separation,

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