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Wrath of the Dragons: Dragon Born Saga
Wrath of the Dragons: Dragon Born Saga
Wrath of the Dragons: Dragon Born Saga
Ebook150 pages1 hour

Wrath of the Dragons: Dragon Born Saga

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In a world divided and fractured by curses, wizards, and calculating lords, the fate of Withrae rests in the hands of Princess Noemie. And—this time—she won't play the pretty submissive princess. She's ready to do whatever it takes to protect her kingdom.

Even if that means making an ally with someone from her past.

Rowen--the queen of the dragons--finds herself dethroned and on the run once again. This time, her only ally is the father she once despised, and a mysterious hidden clan of elf mages.

Follow New York Times bestselling author K.N. Lee on a coming of age adventure of a lifetime through dragon lands, elf territory, mermaid kingdoms, and a dark unknown world of legends.

Reading Order:
Half-Blood Dragon
Magic Born Dragon
Queen of the Dragons
War of the Dragons
Fate of the Dragons
Curse of the Dragons
Wrath of the Dragons
The Red Dragon

Release dateFeb 20, 2024
Wrath of the Dragons: Dragon Born Saga

K.N. Lee

K.N. Lee is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is the author of the Dragon-Born Saga, Eura Chronicles, Wonderland University, and the Chronicles of Koa series. When she is not writing twisted urban fantasy, epic tales of dragons, pirates, and mermaids, and dark poetry, she does a great deal of traveling and spending time with her family and Princess Polly, the pet pig. Wannabe rockstar, foreign language enthusiast, and anime geek, K.N. Lee also enjoys gaming and sketching. She is a winner of the Elevate Lifestyle Top 30 Under 30 "Future Leaders of Charlotte" award for her success as a writer, business owner, and for community service.  

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    Book preview

    Wrath of the Dragons - K.N. Lee

    Wrath of Dragons

    Wrath of Dragons

    Dragon Born Saga Book 7

    K.N. Lee

    Copyright © 2023 by K.N. Lee

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Book cover by Danielle Fine Designs by Definition

    Created with Vellum Created with Vellum

    For my Family


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22


    A Look at Guardian of the Sea

    A Look at House of Dragon Blood

    Wrath of the Dragons Playlist

    About the Author

    Also by K.N. Lee

    Escaping Withrae


    The waves rocked the small fishing boat back and forth as Rowen wiped tears from her cheeks. 

    It was clear that Elian had done this many times before, because he worked with such intention and precision that their escape was nearly seamless.

    The pain that filled her gut was unlike any she’d ever felt. Throughout her entire life, she’d built walls—walls that protected her from heartache. But, what she witnessed the night prior shook her to her core, leaving her empty of all thoughts and emotions aside from agony.

    Rickard—her one true love—was dead.

    After all they’d been through—after all of the suffering and battles with the outside world—her true source of happiness was stolen.

    Her hands balled into fists and she had to resist pounding her own legs with the rage that bubbled within her.

    No, she had to stay grounded—to stay sharp. There was a child that needed her to keep her wits about her.

    As she tilted her face upward to peer at the sun as it began to rise, the clouds hid it from view, as if she wasn’t worthy of its light.

    Wincing, Rowen gasped a breath and closed her eyes.

    No use focusing on the past, Elian said, and she glared at him. His voice cut through her torrid thoughts, but it was not welcome.

    I don’t want to hear from you right now, she said, turning away as he continued to row the boat as far from Draconia as possible.

    Ah. Maybe not. But, I have many many years on you—more than I’d like to count, he murmured. And, I’ll tell you; looking to the past will only keep you bound in your pain. Its time to shift your gaze to the future—for you, and that child in your belly.

    She couldn’t believe that he was actually making sense, even in her despair. But, she wouldn’t let him know that. He was supposed to be dead. It was because of her mercy that he’d been kept in a crypt—hibernating—instead of a corpse buried somewhere.

    Now, he was her savior.

    Revenge was a bitter taste on her tongue, but the child was the most important element in her plight. Rickard’s child had to survive, and so, she must keep her head on straight and do whatever it took to protect him.

    I could have killed them all, she said, hands balled into fists.

    Not all. You’d be dead, and so would the child, Elian said. Pride will only cause more grief. You did what you had to. No one will blame or judge you for protecting the baby at all costs.

    Squeezing her eyes shut, she sighed. He was right.


    The horizon of mountains lingered just beyond the stretch of sea between her and her only home. The sun began to shine brighter, finally making its way through the clouds to cast its heated glow on her tear-soaked cheeks.

    Once again, she used her cloak to wipe them away. To think, she was queen of all Withrae…now all she had was the clothes on her back, a cloak, a small boat, and a father who once wanted to kill her.

    Suspicion rose within her as she glanced over her shoulder at him.

    It was incredible. He was hundreds of years old—older than the first dragon-born—but still looked like a young man in his thirties. They shared so much in appearance; gray eyes, golden hair, and sharp cheekbones and a narrow nose. 

    He met her gaze, and for a moment, she thought she saw a shadow of pain within his eyes when he looked at her.

    Where are we going? Rowen asked, sniffling as the last tears dried and she was able to catch her breath again.

    Maybe the well of tears had run dry. She doubted it. The soreness in her heart would leak once again, and she’d be cast back into the darkness of her grief.

    Human territory, he said, and her stomach clenched. But, not the kind on the map you studied in Draconia. We are going to Arundell. To the Tide Lands to be exact.

    She turned to face him, brows knit together. Where?

    The Tide Lands are the coastal islands and peninsulas ruled by a human kingdom known as Arundell. It is part of the Middle Path, a secret realm hidden between our world and another.

    I’ve never heard of it.

    I did say it was secret.

    She shook her head. Then how do you know about it?

    He smirked. I’ve been around for a bit, little lass. I was around when that realm had their own internal wars—wars that nearly destroyed them. I helped the elves back then. That’s why they owe me a debt.

    You helped someone? And they didn’t pay you? Her brows lifted. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe you’d do anything that didn’t benefit you somehow.

    He shrugged. You don’t have to believe it. I’ve helped all sorts in the past. Elves, elemental tribes…sea folk. One day they’ll write a ballad about my adventures. He held his hands before him, and mocked a dramatic pose. Can you see it? The Ballad of Captain Westin. No, how about this? The Ballad of Elian Westin. I like that one better.

    She sighed. Are you sure they’ll allow us entrance into this secret realm you speak of?

    He tilted his head as he looked at her. Golden hair was tied back, with wisps framing his narrow face. 

    Of course I’m sure, he said. First, you’d pass for a human any day. You don’t have a trace of dragon scales, and that’s going to work in your favor. I’m certain they wouldn’t suspect a thing. Second, you’re my blood, and that’s all that’s required to get you in. The secret can only be passed down bloodlines. 

    He was right, it was the one thing that caused years of torment for her—to not have a single dragon scale on her flesh—or a hint that she was anything other than human.

    Perhaps her curse would finally serve her for once.

    Begrudgingly, Rowen nodded as she stretched her legs. She groaned as the soreness from being cramped in the small boat became apparent. At least the waters were calm, and they didn’t have to contend with waves on their escape from the only home she’d ever known. There was a time when she dreamed of running off to the human realm, and she’d always been too afraid.

    Now, she had no choice.

    Fine. I’m sure you have devised a plan then.

    Indeed, he said. We’ll need new names. Can’t have anyone overhearing that Elian and Rowen are staying at an inn or traveling the country roads. We’re both too high profile to be that sloppy. What did Feyda call you again? Ro? That’s it. That’ll be your new name. And, I’ll go by Marius—I’ve always like that name.

    Rowen lifted a brow. Ro and Marius. Brilliant, she said, sarcastically.

    That’s right, dear, Elian said, confidently. Just a young man and his daughter in search of a new life.

    Dear gods, she spurted. You’re actually going to make it known that you’re my father?

    He shrugged. No one ever knew the truth, not even in Withrae. Why shouldn’t I? When lying, its best to stay as close to the truth as possible. You make less mistakes that way.  

    Well, I can’t wait to see how you pull this off, Rowen said, crossing her arms over her chest.

    A grin came to his lips which only deepened her frown. He was enjoying this. She needed him, and he knew it.

    Yes, he said, nodding, assured. Daughter. I can’t either. Where we are going is a very devout temple run by the Ayoki Sisterhood. They’re very serious about their religious doctrines. They’d never allow a single man and woman to take shelter in their temple. But, a father and daughter is appropriate.

    I guess I have to go along with it, Rowen said. What choice do I have?

    He looked her over, then spoke softly.

    We will be safe there, Rowen. I promise you.

    Rowen nodded, and breathed in. She

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