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Timeless Devotion: Timeless Hearts, #3
Timeless Devotion: Timeless Hearts, #3
Timeless Devotion: Timeless Hearts, #3
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Timeless Devotion: Timeless Hearts, #3

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Would you move heaven and earth to be with the one you love?

Clara came West as a mail-order bride - only to find the man she as supposed to marry was on his way to jail. Going back to Boston isn't an option, so now she needs to figure out what she can do to survive on her own. There aren't many opportunities for a woman alone in the late 1800's in the small town of Heartsbridge, TX. A chance meeting with the woman from the boardinghouse sends her somewhere she would never have believed.

Grady Langley has a dream to rebuild the old farmhouse on his family's ranch into a bed-and-breakfast - one that will honor his ancestors and take people back to a simpler time. But, he needs to find someone who can live like the pioneers and even cook on a wood stove for the guests. He can't believe his luck when the new waitress at Moira's Diner says she can help.

Clara has to learn to adjust to life in a time that is a far cry from the world she left behind. Can Grady help her find what her heart came here to find? Fate brings them together, but what will happen when lies and misunderstandings threaten to destroy the love they have found? Can Clara learn to fit in, even if she doesn't feel she could ever belong in a world so different from her own?

PublisherKay P. Dawson
Release dateFeb 20, 2024
Timeless Devotion: Timeless Hearts, #3

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    Book preview

    Timeless Devotion - Kay P. Dawson


    TIMELESS DEVOTION is part of a series which ties into one central concept of two women, in different times, who help people find their true love…even if it isn’t in their own time. All 3 of my stories are connected, however can be read on their own.

    **While each book is a standalone story, it is suggested that you read the short prequel book that will set up the premise of how time travel works in this series. You can get it FREE on all major retailers.


    Chapter 1

    Y ou know, when things don't work out how you'd planned, often it means there is something better out there waiting for you.

    Clara listened to the woman speaking to her across the table, while letting her eyes take in the dusty street outside the window. They sat at the small table inside the dining room of Cissie's boardinghouse, where she'd spent the night after arriving in Heartsbridge yesterday.

    A couple entered the mercantile across the street, with the man holding the door open for the woman to go through. The way he smiled at her as she passed him made Clara's heart ache with the love she could see reflected in his face. It was the same way she'd seen Gabe Noland look at his new wife yesterday when she'd been introduced to them.

    Clara had hoped perhaps coming out here to Texas would give her the chance to have the same thing for herself. She knew it was a foolish, romantic notion. But she'd let herself believe the man she’d been corresponding with for weeks, and who she'd come all this way to marry, would learn to love her too.

    However, when she'd arrived, it had been revealed that the man she'd thought she was marrying, was facing trial for numerous crimes. Now she was all alone in Texas, far from her home in Boston—with no family, no money, and nowhere else to go.

    She swallowed hard against the lump that was threatening in her throat. She'd been through worse than this. She would figure something out.

    She repeated the words she'd said over and over in her mind for years, ever since her parents died.

    Truthfully, it's the best thing that could have happened. If you'd arrived on time, and married Martin Paine, I shudder to think how things would have turned out for you. Cissie reached out and took her hand, so Clara turned her eyes away from the window and smiled at the beautiful redhead trying to comfort her.

    I know. I'm grateful I was delayed in coming here. I just wish I knew where I was going to now.

    Martin had sent her money for a ticket, and she'd let him know she'd be arriving within a few weeks. But when it came time to leave, her employer, Mrs. Lacy Dunning, had required her to accompany them for a short visit to family, so she hadn't been able to get away as early as she'd hoped.

    Clara had been afraid of letting Mr. Dunning find out what she’d planned on doing, so she'd had to oblige. By the time she’d arrived in Heartsbridge a couple weeks after originally planned, her future husband had already been arrested, and she was left on her own.

    Cissie was patting her hand, smiling warmly at her. She was so thankful she'd run into the woman from the boardinghouse as she stepped off the stagecoach. Cissie had let her spend the night, even though Clara didn't have any money. She planned to help with some cooking and cleaning to help pay off her debt.

    She let her eyes move back to the street outside the window as she thought about what she could do. Going back to Boston wasn't an option.

    As she watched, the couple she'd met yesterday at their wedding just after she'd arrived in town, and another couple, came walking up the street. One of the women was laughing as she carried an infant on her hip.

    Cissie stood up and smiled at them as they opened the door and came inside the boardinghouse. I wondered when you all would be back. Did you get everything cleared up at the courthouse?

    Clara's cheeks warmed as she realized the eyes of the new arrivals were now on her. She knew they were talking about tying up loose ends concerning the man she was supposed to be marrying.

    Everything is finished. Martin has been taken to face the judge in Austin. So, today I'm taking my new wife, and we’re headed home. Thanks for letting us stay last night, Cissie. The man she'd met yesterday had his arm around the woman with dark hair, and smiled down at her as he talked.

    Yes, thank you for letting us stay too. The other woman holding the baby spoke. It would have been too much dragging Henry all the way home, then back again this morning to give our statements, and to see Gabe and Charlotte off. She walked over and put her hand out to Clara.

    My name is Elizabeth Langley. You must be Clara Swanson. Clara shook her hand and nodded.

    I am. I suppose everyone in town knows who I am, I'm afraid. She gave a little laugh to try and ease some of the tension. She knew people were uncomfortable with knowing what to say to her, considering the circumstances she was now facing.

    Would you mind if we join you? We should all have something to eat before we leave for home. And Cissie makes the best pancakes and bacon you'll ever eat. Clara could see the kindness in the other woman's eyes, and welcomed the company of others to help keep her mind off her troubles.

    This is my husband, Noah. And I believe you met Charlotte and Gabe yesterday at their wedding.

    After everyone was seated, Cissie came back to the table with mugs for everyone, and a metal coffeepot in her hand.

    We're all terribly sorry for what you're facing now that Martin has been sent away, but I assure you, we'll all help with whatever you need to get back home. Noah smiled at her with kindness in his eyes. Clara had to choke back the sob that threatened to give her away.

    She hadn't known a great deal of kindness in her life, at least not from men. The one person who'd shown her any decency was the woman she'd worked for before coming to Texas. Even though she was her employer, she'd tried to be somewhat of a mother figure to Clara. If not for the rest of Mrs. Dunning's family, Clara knew she'd have been happy to spend the rest of her life working for her.

    I won't be going back to Boston. I will have to figure out how I can make my own way. Her gaze moved to Cissie who was coming back in carrying the plates of pancakes and bacon on a tray. I was hoping maybe someone might have somewhere I could work until I figure out what to do and where I can go. She knew she wasn't going to be able to hide the desperation from her eyes as she waited to see if Cissie would let her stay there to work.

    Cissie smiled at her as she set the tray down, then took the seat next to her, taking one of her hands in her own. I promised I'd help you. And I know exactly what I can do. She took one hand away to pull out a timepiece on a blue ribbon around her neck from the collar of her dress.

    Clara squinted her eyes to get a good look at the beautiful piece she held. The intricate design around the face was stunning, and as she watched, Clara noticed the hands were moving unusually slow. The others around the table let out a gasp, and she became mesmerized by the hands when they started to pick up speed, eventually settling into a smooth rhythm.

    She pulled her eyes away and looked up at Cissie.

    What if I told you I could help you get away from here, and to someplace where you can find true happiness? The place you belong, said Cissie.

    Clara couldn't understand what she meant, but Clara knew that somehow, her life was about to change.

    Chapter 2

    C ome on, Moira. Just one date. You can't keep finding excuses not to say yes.

    Grady Langley rolled his eyes as he lifted another spoonful of the hot soup to his mouth. Duncan Rogers and Harvey Lawrence, two of the men he was working with on this job had

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