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Timeless Spirit: Timeless Hearts, #1
Timeless Spirit: Timeless Hearts, #1
Timeless Spirit: Timeless Hearts, #1
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Timeless Spirit: Timeless Hearts, #1

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Noah Langley has always taken responsibility. For his sister, for his work, for anyone in need. Helping others has brought him to many places, but what he longs for is somewhere to call home.

When tragedy strikes, Elizabeth Noland must fight to keep her family's farm. With time as her enemy, she must rely on the unusual stranger who seems eager to step in.

Brought together through the most unlikely events, Noah and Elizabeth discover that despite their differences, love is able to overcome any span of time. When a costly decision is made, are they willing to risk everything to gain the whole world?

*Each book in the series is a standalone book, however it is recommended to read the prequel, TIMELESS HEARTS, by Kay P. Dawson, which is available on all major retailers.

PublisherKay P. Dawson
Release dateFeb 20, 2024
Timeless Spirit: Timeless Hearts, #1

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    Book preview

    Timeless Spirit - Kay P. Dawson


    TIMELESS SPIRIT is part of a series which ties into one central concept of two women, in different times, who help people find their true love…even if it isn’t in their own time. All 3 of my stories are connected, however can be read on their own.

    **While each book is a standalone story, it is suggested that you read the short prequel book that will set up the premise of how time travel works in this series. You can get it FREE on all major retailers.


    Chapter 1

    Y ou look like you just lost your best friend. Can I get you a piece of pie...on the house of course, to go with your lunch?

    Noah offered the stunning redhead a slight smile, the most he could muster at this time. She couldn't possibly know just how close her words were to the truth. He may possibly have lost his best friend—on top of everything else.

    I'd love a slice of apple pie, if you've got some. Thanks. He’d been raised a gentleman. So he knew he should be polite and accept her kind offer, even if he’d rather not have to make small talk with anyone at the moment.

    She smiled warmly as she turned and reached into the cooler behind her, pulling out the largest slice of pie he'd ever seen. He raised an eyebrow as she grinned, placing it in next to his food order in front of him.

    That's an awful big piece. Not sure I can handle it.

    She shrugged and grabbed the coffeepot from the counter, then poured it in his cup. You look like it might have been a while since you'd had a good piece of home-baked pie. I don't like to brag, but I've been told I make the best pie in Texas.

    He nodded, and pulled the top bun off his burger to put some ketchup on it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it then.

    She was right about one thing. He hadn't had a good piece of pie for a long time, moving from place to place and eating whatever was available.

    She seemed to understand his need for solitude, and smiled at him once more before moving down the counter to help the other customers. He noticed her looking in his direction a few times as she went on with her duties.

    He bit into his burger, feeling the rush of flavor to his taste buds, and absently thought about how he’d normally be working his charm to get the lady's number. She wasn't hard on the eyes, and her red hair was stunning, even pulled back into a ponytail.

    But he wasn't in the mood to try being charming today. He just wanted to eat in peace and quiet, then get back on the road. He still wasn't sure where he was going, but he’d figure it out along the way.

    The last few days played in his mind, and how he'd ended up in this small diner in the middle of nowhere.

    It had only been him and his sister for a long time—since his grandfather passed away. Well, to be truthful, he did still have a mother, but as far as she was concerned, she didn't have any children.

    She'd remarried within a month of his father's death when Noah was just ten-years-old. His sister had only been seven, so he'd had to be the big brother and try to be strong for her. Their stepfather wasn't a nice man, and had beaten Noah on more than one occasion. He'd known it wasn't a safe place for his sister, and convinced his mother to let them go live with his grandfather on his ranch.

    As time went on, the visits became fewer and further between. But Noah had thrived on the ranch, finding a purpose. He’d spent every waking moment alongside his grandpa learning everything about ranching. He'd always told Noah that someday it would be his, so he needed to learn.

    When his grandfather had a heart attack and died doing chores one day, Noah had been devastated. He was only eighteen, and nowhere near ready to run a big spread on his own.

    It hadn't mattered anyway. His mother had sold the ranch and everything on it, so her new husband could use the money to open his own business. Noah wasn't even sure what it was, and had never bothered to ask.

    He'd begged his mother not to sell it but his grandfather had never changed the will. He most likely believed his daughter would do the right thing and pass the ranch to Noah—it was all perfectly legal and her right to do so.

    He'd taken Charlotte, or Charlie as she was always called, and started driving until they ran out of gas. That first small town they'd stopped in was where they spent the next few years while she finished school. Noah had made sure she kept going, while he worked as a farmhand on one of the local ranches. He'd managed to save a little money over the years working with his grandpa, and he'd been able to find them a small apartment, making sure they always had at least some food to eat.

    It had been tough, but he'd done what he had to do.

    They'd spent a few years after that, moving from town to town, finding work for him. Working as a ranch hand wasn't a secure job, and he'd had to keep moving to where he was needed.

    Eventually, Charlie had wanted to settle down, and started dating a man who Noah hated. But she wouldn't listen to him, and the more Noah tried to tell her he was no good for her, the more she'd pushed him away.

    He clenched his jaw tightly, trying to push the memories out of his mind. Instead, he focused on pushing his empty plate away, and reached over to pull the pie closer. He cut into it with his fork, and brought it to his lips.

    His eyes closed in a reflex reaction as the flavor of apple and cinnamon filled his mouth. It was delicious, and he had to admit—it very well could be the best pie in Texas.

    Chapter 2

    S o, do you think you'll be able to finish it? The redhead was back and filling his cup up again.

    He found himself smiling as he put another piece in his mouth. All he could do was nod.

    I'm glad. You looked like someone who would appreciate it.

    He met her stare as he continued chewing, then swallowed. Do you make all of the food in here?

    She laughed. Just the pies, and cakes. Oh, and cookies too. I sometimes do the regular cooking too if we’re short-staffed. But I enjoy being up front and meeting everyone, so this is where I usually work.

    She twisted around to set the pot back on the burner, and he noticed she wasn't wearing any uniform beneath her apron, just a T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

    When she turned back, she put her hand out toward him. My name's Moira Lockhart. I own the Heartsbridge Diner. Her smile was contagious, and broke through the mood he was in.

    I’m Noah Langley. He shook her hand, then immediately went back to the pie that he couldn't seem to eat fast enough to satisfy his taste buds.

    She squinted her eyes at him, and appeared to be thinking about something. Moira seemed lost in thought as her fingers moved up and played with an old timepiece with a blue ribbon tied to it around her neck.

    You're not from here, are you? I don't think I've seen you. Well, not that I'd know everyone, but most people make it in here at least once in a while.

    No, I was just passing by. I suddenly felt an urge to turn in and ended up here. Guess my stomach knew there would be a great piece of pie here before I did. He shoveled the last delicious crumbs into his mouth, and closed his eyes to savor the taste a little longer.

    Mmmm...and that really was a great piece of pie.

    When his eyes opened, she looked worried. She pulled out the timepiece and looked down at it. Lifting her eyes back to his, the smile was gone from her face.

    He tipped his chin toward the timepiece. That looks pretty old. Did it belong to someone special?

    She looked back down at the hands slowly ticking out the time. He hadn't even noticed that before, and leaned in a bit closer. And it's amazing that it still works.

    Moira gave a quick laugh. Well, it doesn't work all the time. She tipped her head sideways, giving him a questioning look. So, where did you say you were headed?

    Noah shrugged. I don't believe I did. I'm not even sure myself. I usually just keep driving until I find a job. Don't suppose you know of any work for an unemployed farmhand around here, do you? He gave her one of his charming smiles he knew usually had ladies swooning at his feet.

    But she was still just staring at him with a confused look. No, I don't. Why aren’t you settled down?


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