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The Forgiven: Children of Adonai, #2
The Forgiven: Children of Adonai, #2
The Forgiven: Children of Adonai, #2
Ebook242 pages3 hours

The Forgiven: Children of Adonai, #2

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2. THE FORGIVEN is a Supernatural Adventure


After enduring so much at an earlier time, Anak is determined to keep the City of Hope free from Lucifer's attempt to take over. Unfortunately, the demons have the upper hand, and Anak, along with his friends, finds themselves held captive in hell, and tempted beyond what he can endure.

Meanwhile, the angel Miriam and her companions manage to escape from captivity. Determined to help free Anak, it seems their quest is hopeless. Miriam sends the other women home and stays in the forest, praying and waiting for a response from Lord Adonai. However, the answer she receives is not quite what she expects.

Shortly thereafter, having requested Adonai's help, Miriam finds herself in hell; it's her turn to be tempted, but will she overcome? But when Lucifer himself is tempted in ways he never thought possible, an. astonishing event occurs that everyone thought was impossible. Who's the tempter now and who will endure?

Reviewers Comments

The Forgiven is a work of fiction in the fantasy, theological adventure subgenres, penned by author Brandy Marks. Using Christian themes and theology as its basis, the battle between Earth and Hell goes on between angels and demons.

Author Brandy Marks offers a lot for readers to take in throughout the pacy plot of this exciting and dramatic tale. Borrowing from the religious doctrine, she develops a dark and chilling vision of Hell that seems to offer little in the way of redemption, yet (something does change) bringing a surprising twist.

I really enjoyed the dialogue and the way it uniquely characterizes each of the antagonistic forces, and the psychological journey of certain characters with unexpected striking plot twists that gave the novel another level of intrigue.

Overall, readers seeking a drama where genuinely surprising twists and chilling suspense reign supreme need look no further to satisfy all their theological fantasy needs.

Release dateFeb 29, 2024
The Forgiven: Children of Adonai, #2

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    The Forgiven - Brandy Marks


    When the desire to write this book was birthed, as with all the others, it was to provide a form of entertainment for readers and because Lucifer is in all the stories to some degree, I’ve had to ask the questions:

    What if Lucifer could be redeemed?

    Several Christians, appalled said, Impossible. Nevertheless Yeshu’a said, What is impossible with man, is possible with Adonai. So...

    What would it mean if he were?

    The answer to this query is the fictional piece before you now. As you read or listen to the story, consider this scripture:

    Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. — 1 John 4:7

    To my readers— this is not scripture though I’ve referenced scripture. I do not profess divine inspiration; it’s possible. Rather the novel is a fictional story and neither, you as a reader, or I as the author must have theological agreement. Indeed, some Christians believe it is the work of the devil.

    The work does presume certain doctrinal beliefs but this novel is not meant to be an account of biblical truth. It is merely an exploratory look into a possibility and imagines, What if?

    Mythology is in some portions. The rationale here is that ancient or modern mythological creatures and gods have their basis in some level of fact or are the result of the actions of fallen angels.

    When possible, I’ve tried to be consistent with scripture and biblical commentaries. I have used my imagination to tell a story to spur interest in the Word of God and create an entertaining tale.


    Anak and Malek wait impatiently for their human friend, Jacob, who went missing, and Yeshua has not arrived to remedy the situation. Anak paces anxiously, when the missing girl appears.

    I know you’re not the problem. She whispers, Forgive me, please. Tears flow and trickle down her cheeks, pinked with embarrassment.

    She explains how the problem came about. I am disgusted with the adults, even Yeshu’a. All I ever hear is how we have to do for him and be perfect as he is, so Adonai will accept us. What good is it when nothing I do is perfect. He doesn’t love us but wants me pure and doesn’t care about imperfect me. Crossing her arms, she scowls and turns away, If I were dead ..."

    Everyone held their breath at that remark, then Yeshu’a arrives and glances at the worried faces. I see you’re all here.

    Yeshu’a goes to the young girl. Lily, do you know who I am?

    I suppose your Yeshu’a, the son of Adonai. They’re all waiting for you like you’re the miracle man or something

    Laughing in delight, Yeshu’a says, Right but you don’t sound too impressed. Okay, what you would like to do right now?

    Right now, I want to be dead.

    "Life not worth living, huh? Days like that I hate too. I tell you, there were times long ago when I wondered how long I’d have to contend with ungrateful people. Well, you never mind.

    Would you like to see where the dead go? If you want to, of course. It’s your choice."

    Her face has a look of amazement at his words and when he asks about the place of the dead. We can go there? A smile of joy lights her face.

    If you want. Yeshu’a held out his hand and the two vanish.

    TOGETHER THEY STOP in a lovely valley of green grasses and blue skies, white clouds above. Tell me, Lily, what really bothers you and why does a lovely young girl like you want to die?

    Looking at Yeshu’a, his amber eyes, flecked with gold, brim with compassion. Mom died, and I miss her so much.

    Tears well up to course down her cheeks. That’s why my dad’s so controlling; it helps him to not think about her. But it makes everyone else miserable. And not just me. If I were dead, would he think about me?

    It sounds like you’re in a lot of pain. How did you come to some of the conclusions, like the idea of taking your own life?

    Not long ago, a while back, I met a really nice man. Handsome too. I know he’s too old for me and I’m too young for men. Still, he seemed nice like he cared for me, she says, feeling foolish now, hearing her words. My dad doesn’t care. The other guy spent a lot of time with me and seemed to really care.

    Are you sure about your dad, not caring?

    I suppose he does, but he doesn’t act like it anymore. He’s too busy doing for the community and is never home. He started pushing me to do better and be like Ian who thinks he’s in competition with his dad. I don’t know if that’s true but I’m sure he doesn’t want to be home because it reminds him of mom. And he forgets I’m home alone.

    Go on, Yeshua says, but when Lily didn’t continue. So, my guess is, the good-looking man said there was a better place he could take you. Life must be difficult for you here. You want to go to where your mother is, so you could be with her?

    As Lily tries to explain, a pained expression crosses her face. She looks down staring at her feet then covers her face with her hands to hide her tears and says, It’s like I’ve faded into nothing, no one sees me anymore like I’m not important. Maybe I’m not. She heaves a sigh. I really do miss my mom. She was everything to me. I know what he told me was a lie, or I do now. Why Azrael would say those things to me. That’s mean.

    His real name’s Lucifer. He’s the god of the underworld who enjoys bringing tortured souls into his kingdom. Usually he sends his demons, but sometimes he leads them away from Adonai himself, just for fun.

    Oh gosh. He’s plain mean. I would never have guessed. Lucifer was so nice. Made his country sound like a really great place.

    For Lucifer, it is great; it’s his place, not where you want to go. Your mom’s not there. Remember, I said Lucifer is a deceiver. Don’t feel bad for he’s good at tricking the not-so-innocent. So, what would you like to do? How can I help?

    Bring my mother back, like you did Jacob. Weeping quietly, she buries her face in Yeshua’s shoulder, sobbing brokenly. He puts his arms about her and holds on for a moment. Yeshua then releases her and looks into her eyes still brimming with tears.

    "My sweet girl. If only it were that easy. You see, Jacob never really died – this time. He died on earth long ago.

    He’s a human soul who took your place, pretending death to trick Lucifer; it’s not your time. Your mother, it was her time. His hand tips Lily’s face up, then Yeshu’a took her hand, and said, You were there, were you not?

    I was with mom when she drowned. I was in the water when Lucifer showed up too. He offered to help me. Even then, I didn’t trust him. I felt there was something wrong about it.

    Oh, I’m familiar with Lucifer. The reason you didn’t trust him is your pure heart, he wanted to steal your purity. Jacob knew who he was, and ...well you know?

    I’m so sorry all this happened because of me. She says.

    When we get back, can you talk to my dad?

    Yeshua agrees to it. Holding hands, Yeshua and Lily are home in a blink and true to his promise, Yeshua spoke with her father who promised Lily he would make some changes.

    AFTER THEIR ADVENTURE in the land of what Jacob liked to call Oz, all three, alive and well, have returned home.

    You want to do great things but the mundane is worthy too, Yeshua says. You wouldn’t have gone to that wonderful land otherwise and met those unusual people, right?

    LITTLE DID THEY KNOW a time would come when the knowledge would benefit and bring all the universe to a restoration.

    This is our God! We waited for him... This is Adonai ; we put our hope in him. We are joyful, we are so glad he saved us! (Isaiah 25:9)

    Chapter 1

    City of Hope

    ANAK STARES AT MIRIAM ! Anak can hardly believe it - seeing her again after all this time. I thought you were dead! he blurts out before realizing how harsh his words sound. But then he realizes the truth: she is an angel. He’s stunned at the revelation.

    You suspected it before, didn't you? Miriam smiles, recalling Anak's thoughts from their first meeting. You said to yourself, 'If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was an angel.'

    Anak remembers the clouds they saw above them that day and realizes that angels had been watching over them. Why wasn't he told? He flushes with embarrassment and falls silent.

    It was at the physics lecture, Jacob breaks the long silence, referring to the moment when they first met her.

    Miriam contemplates Yeshu’a’s instruction not to reveal her identity and nods in agreement. There is always a purpose behind his reasoning.

    Anak brings everyone back to the present by mentioning the City of Hope - a place built after the war to educate and share skills and talents to rebuild and improve society. The earthquakes may have caused destruction, but the City of Hope is a beacon of rebuilding and progress.

    The City is about to end, Miriam says, Still, something always comes out of destruction. It had a place in the world, a refuge, but it is no longer. Once only believers were allowed inside, but the hoard found a way. Lucifer wants it destroyed.

    Anak couldn't help but feel defeated. He had always been a brave warrior, slaying dragons and fighting for his beliefs. But now, facing an army of demons, he felt overwhelmed and unsure of what to do.

    Marian sensed his insecurities and scolds. Where’s your faith! 

    But Anak couldn't shake off the feeling of hopelessness that consumed him. It was as if his fearless nature had disappeared along with his humanity when he became an angel. What are you saying, he scowls. I’m not doing a thing. And get out of my head! Anak is angry Miriam's reading his thoughts. Whoever thought it would be good for another angel to read your thoughts? He scowls, not caring if she hears this time.

    It’s where I’m supposed to be; it serves a purpose to keep you on track. You’re not thinking right – and dreaming of her isn’t where your mind should be. Marian gets in his face, for she knew he still focused on his lost love, Clio.

    Flecks of gold spark, her eyes like hot coals. It appears, when you became an angel, you lost your fearless nature, turned into a wuss. She offers a parting shot in turning away. You may as well hand your power over to Lucifer and be done!

    As Marian stormed away in frustration, Anak questioned why he had even come on this mission. Maybe they were better off without him. Lost in self-pity, he didn't notice the demon of Hopelessness trailing behind him. He walked away, head down and shoulders hunched, the others were too caught up in their own confusion to realize the danger lurking in their midst.

    Jacob anxiously tries to distract the others, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings. As a human soul, he can't easily see demons like Anak can. Our mission is to free the City of Hope, and we need everyone's ideas to achieve it, he says, projecting false confidence. He looks around expectantly, hoping someone will speak up.

    Come on, team, Jacob continues, trying to rally their spirits. Put on your thinking caps. We can do this together. Scowling at Anak, he nods towards the group, silently pleading for him to come back and participate. Anak. Jacob whispers fiercely, desperately trying to get his attention.

    But Anak ignores him once again, too caught up in his own inner turmoil. Then he hears it - the reminder Yeshu’a spoke when rebuking Lucifer: Leave, deceiver. The words echo in Anak's mind, jolting him back to reality. Suddenly feeling the presence of the demon, he starts and quickly mutters under his breath, Adonai, I ask you to rebuke the tempter of my soul.

    In a flash of violet light, the demon named Hopeless leaves with a loud sizzle. Anak is left feeling both relieved and embarrassed as he returns to the group. His cheeks flush with embarrassment as he speaks up sheepishly. Sorry, everyone. The past caught up with me. But I'm back now and ready to continue.

    A SHORT TIME LATER, Azrael reappears, as a helper. What’s up? He looks at Anak and says, I’ve got news you’ll doubtless like. Pleased to hear a friendly voice, Anak smiles and says, You’re back. Thank you for coming. I appreciate whatever you have to share. Laying a hand on Azrael’s back he guides him closer, relieved, for he believes Azrael is a friend and helper.

    Who is this guy? Suspicious of Azrael, Malek wonders. Although, he’s unaware of the adventure in the nebula Anak and Jacob went on, where he first met Azrael and Clio.

    Why do he distrust Azrael? Anak wonders. Jacob never liked him either, and mistrusts his reasons for leaving. He didn’t know Clio had left else he’d have come and helped me.

    Azrael chuckles to himself, knowing Anak apologizes for him, but Jacob is not so kind-hearted. Wisely, he doesn’t trust me, but Anak does, so he’s no problem. Jacob though, I’ll have to keep an eye on him, he muses

    MIRIAM WAS WELL-VERSED in the knowledge of the nebula, but little did she know that Azrael was the one Anak had met along with Clio, who had tempted Anak. That he was Lucifer himself, remained a mystery to her. His mind was impenetrable so she could not read his thoughts. Determined to keep a close watch on him, Miriam observed from a distance, careful not to let him catch onto her scrutiny. Something about him seemed off, as if he were hiding his true nature. But why would he feel the need to do so? The questions were like a whirlwind in Miriam's mind as she continued her covert observation of Azrael, searching for any clues or hints of the truth behind his enigma.

    MEANWHILE, AZRAEL SHARES his plans with the group, and Anak asks, Anyone have a better idea than Azrael’s? It sounds like his plan is solid. He looks around. Are we all in agreement? Only a few nodded yes, but no one disagrees.

    Azrael snickers silently. You don’t know anything. Like rats that’s what you’ll be all

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