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The Hijacking of Christianity: Christianity Origin, the Church, Africa, the Jews, Slavery, and Race in America
The Hijacking of Christianity: Christianity Origin, the Church, Africa, the Jews, Slavery, and Race in America
The Hijacking of Christianity: Christianity Origin, the Church, Africa, the Jews, Slavery, and Race in America
Ebook353 pages4 hours

The Hijacking of Christianity: Christianity Origin, the Church, Africa, the Jews, Slavery, and Race in America

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The Hijacking of Christianity is a whirlwind of exposing secrets that have been hidden for centuries. We begin with the origin of Christianity. We give you the religious world of Christianity as a jigsaw puzzle with all the hidden truths as pieces of the puzzle scattered around the world in secret places. The writer places you, the reader, as participants. As you read this book, you will be able to literally see the puzzle come together. We uncover who created Christianity, where the cross came from, who gave us all the holidays we currently celebrate, and who was Jesus Christ--how he was invented and what his real name is. We expose why his real name was hidden from the world for centuries. We reveal how and why the scriptures of the original Bible and characters were changed and why. This book provides proof through research, the Bible, DNA, geography, science, and writings of different scholars; this book shows how deceptions, cover-ups, distortions, and the whitewashing of biblical characters, icons, the Messiah, and God himself were changed.

Release dateFeb 23, 2024
The Hijacking of Christianity: Christianity Origin, the Church, Africa, the Jews, Slavery, and Race in America

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    The Hijacking of Christianity - Harry Charles, Ed.S.

    Table of Contents







    Christian and Christianity Origin Called the Way

    Who Is This Constantine?

    Constantine and the Christian Cross

    Constantine Wants to Be Thanked for the Creation of Christmas

    When Was Jesus (Yahusha) Born?

    Constantine Gives You Easter

    Emperor Constantine Creates the Trinity

    Emperor Constantine Invents Jesus Christ

    What Is His Name According to Scripture?

    Christianity Guilty of Deception and Whitewashing

    Christianity Guilty of Sanctioning Slavery

    The Fake Jews and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

    How the Fake Jews Got the Land of Israel

    Fake Jews Planned Genocide of the African Continent

    Israel's Secret Plan for a Second Israel in Ukraine

    Christianity Is Mass Confusion and Divisive

    Christianity Covets Racism and White Supremacy

    Christianity Is Under Government Control: 501(c)(3) in America

    Where Was the Black Christian Church during the Time of Jacob's Trouble?

    What Is Reality Tithing?

    The White Christian Church

    Faith-Based Initiative Program

    Yahuah Does Not Endorse Any Religious Organization or Church

    Christianity Is a False Gospel




    The Hijacking of Christianity

    Christianity Origin, the Church, Africa, the Jews, Slavery, and Race in America

    Harry Charles, Jr. Ed.S.

    Copyright © 2023 Harry Charles, Jr. Ed.S.

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-89061-397-4 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89061-398-1 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Ignorance is not an excuse.


    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    —Hosea 4:6 (KJV)


    This book is dedicated to my deceased parents and grandparents: Harry Charles Sr. and Francine Charles; Grandmother Sarah Charles, Grandmother Ola Fulton, Grandfather Henry Charles, and Grandfather Sam Fulton.

    To my wonderful aunt Mamie Whaley, uncle Silas Whaley, and my uncle Joseph Fulton—all of you had a great impact on my life. I dedicate this book also to my deceased cousin and friend JoAnn Whaley. I must also remember my brother-in-law, the late Reverend James Pressley. I also dedicate this book to my immediate family: Lanie Caderao Charles, my wife; Menscky Al-Rasario (Minky), daughter; Paul Alben, son. To Mama Freda Caderao and in-laws—the Caderaos: Fenizas, Charles, Walls, Whaley, Yates, and Zachary. To my deceased brothers: David McClary, Harold Charles, Joseph Charles, and James Charles. To my living sisters: Virginia Pressley, Ruthie Purvis; brother Clifton Charles; and a host of cousins, nieces, and nephews in the following families—Charles, Caderao, Fulton, Lockett, Robinson, Rowe, Purvis, Mag-uyon, McClary, Pressley, Salters, Whaley, and Zachary. Thank you for being a part of my life in your own special way. This process called life has been an amazing journey.

    I dedicate this book to all of my former business partners and associates of PABS Inc. and to all of my former educators whom I worked with for so many years in the DeKalb County School System and Atlanta Public School system. I learned so much under your tutelage and collaboration in developing young minds educationally on how to move intelligently through our difficult and manipulative world.

    This book is especially dedicated to all the people young and old now who I grew up with in the AFC in Brooklyn, New York, and throughout the Eastern United States, even to the Midwest. This is for you who hold a special place in my heart and spirit. May you all be awakened by the rain shower of new knowledge that fell on me several years ago.

    Thank you, and I give all praise to the Most High Yahuah.


    Seventeen years of my professional career were spent as a social science educator in secondary education at one of the Atlanta Public School System high schools. I was teaching students and supervising teachers in the latter part of those years. It was a joy and a challenge to mold and provide learning to the young adults in the area of world history, US history, political science, geography, and economics. Most schools did not have Black history or African American studies at the time, and most of the urban school districts had a large minority and Black student population. The only time Black history was mentioned was during the month of February. I thought that I was very well equipped, having gone to several prestigious colleges and universities, to prepare for the challenges that awaited me.

    I earned a bachelor of science degree in broad field social science from Georgia State University. Later I received my master's in education from Cambridge College in Boston Massachusetts, and then an add-on to the master's in administration from Jacksonville State University. The final degree was an EdS in educational leadership from the University of Sarasota. With all these credentials and certifications, I knew that I was packing to take on the world and my students. My oldest sister bestowed on me the title the Traveling Professor. However, some of my colleagues and I thoroughly examined and analyzed the curriculum. We discovered a grave and troubling problem. The curriculum was tragically absent on Black and African American history. This was the case with the majority of school districts in the region.

    Black history or African American history was brought up only during the month of February because that was the only month out of an entire year that it was made a primary focus. I can tell you that the students and faculty were just as puzzled as I was. The African Americans (Negroes) were part of the foundation and the building of this country known as the United States of America. Yet the major book publishing companies did not think it was of value to include a major part of our history, except for slavery. Even to teach on slavery alone would require a full year's curriculum and some more at that. Many schools were left to creating their own curriculum for Black history month because the textbooks were very lacking on the subject.

    The big question remained: what do you teach minority and Black students about their heritage and achievements other than slavery? Surely, Blacks or Africans were not always slaves. What history and legacy did their ancestors have before being brought to the Americas in chains as slaves? What religion or spirituality did they practice? Was Christianity always their belief system?

    I knew that there was more to the African American story than just slavery. I also knew that the American schoolbook publishers knew more of our story but were omitting it from the textbooks. The question was, why? It wasn't until several years into retirement that I found the time to thoroughly research and research until I found the keys of knowledge to open Pandora's box. The box of hidden secrets of history was open to me by divine will.

    This book will reveal to you what I found out about African Americans, Blacks of the diaspora, the creation of Christianity, the role of the church, and what other nefarious groups played in distorting and whitewashing Black history. Go with me as I carry you through the weaves, turns, and diggings into the hidden pages of history, the maps that were changed to keep secrets buried. DNA, science, geography, and research by notable scholars will support all truth revealed in this book. The history beyond slavery will take you back to Northeast Africa, to what is now known as the Middle East, and reveal things, people, and places that were not recorded in any history classes I took in college nor have been published by any American schoolbook publisher when I was teaching in the classroom. Get ready for an emotional, exciting, and mind-blowing reading experience as you move from chapter to chapter of The Hijacking of Christianity.


    I would like to thank the first lady of my life, my wife, Lanie Caderao-Charles. Your encouragement and support has been the root and foundation that allowed me to work into the early morning and late into the night. You never complained. You would give me a smile and, many times, negative motivation, and it worked. I am so grateful that you gave me the space and the time needed to complete this book. Many nights, we stayed up together. You would be on your laptop in the kitchen, and I would be on my laptop at the bedroom desk. At 3:00 a.m., you would come in with an early morning snack and a smile. Wow! What a woman. Thank you, my love.

    To my daughter, Menscky (Minky) Al-Rasario Caderao. You have been a lifesaver in this process. When I found myself in a stressful situation as to who and how I would get all the illustrations done for this book, I told your mom that I was at an impasse with the book and needed someone to work on the illustrative portion. Right away, she said, Let Minky do it, she can help you with that portion. As a first-year university student and at the top of your class, I was aware that you possess many skills. However, I wasn't aware that my amazing daughter was and is so skillful in technology. When I told you of my dilemma, you immediately said, Dad, that's not a problem, I can help you with the illustrations. I was so relieved. You jumped right in and made the book come to life for the reader with all the illustrations. My darling Minky, Dad is forever in your debt.

    To my son Paul Alben Caderao. Thank you for being there and giving support. You didn't know that the pat on the back or the thumbs-up sign was all that I needed in order to work another hour or two doing research and writing. Thank you so much, son.

    To my firstborn son, Dante Renardo Charles, if it wasn't for you directing me to the right publisher, many would not be reading this book. Dante, you always believed in me and my work. Our talks and shared visions for success are paramount. I have been able to complete this journey because of your faith, trust, and belief in me. Thanks, son, I will forever be there for you as you have been there for me. And to your son, Abraham, my grandson, thank you for always looking up to your granddad and believing that I know all the answers to your inquisitive mind. Love you.

    To Robert Zachary, my lifetime friend, thank you for the midnight and early morning conversations about our projects, history, and growing up in the church. The many things we learned in our younger days, we now have to unpack and unlearn them as we became seasoned adults. It has been a joy having someone to examine and synthesize ideas and information that are impacting the world today. I know that your soon-to-be-released book on your life, the Civil Rights Movement, and as an activist in the military will be an amazing piece of work. Thank you, my brother and friend.


    This book is a must-read blockbuster because out of all that you have ever read and in all of your schooling, no matter the number of degrees or lack thereof, no writer before has been this bold to dig into the depth of history and bring to the surface the real, true, complete history of Christianity. We dug into its origin and filled in the gaps, revealed the lies, deceptions, cover-ups, and Christianity was hijacked from its original beginnings of Yahuah's teachings known as "the Way."

    Christians were the ones who enslaved Black and brown people during the transatlantic slave trade, and they stole them by satanic forces right from the very beginning. We will provide proof of Christianity's origin and how it has changed over time to be taken over by the evil, satanic forces in the world. This book will show how you became a Christian. We will show how the Blacks were kidnapped from West Africa and brought to the Americas as slaves. In this book, we even go further back in history, beyond West Africa, and reveal the true homeland of all the Blacks entrapped in the diaspora of the transatlantic slave trade. We open up the bowels of racism, White Supremacy, and allow the readers from both sides, Black and White, and all people in between to see how this ugly, deplorable system created so much tension and divisiveness over God/Yahuah's creation. The Hijacking of Christianity provides you with facts and receipts of the involvement and role of Christianity, the Jews, the Catholic Church, and the role Europeans played in the transatlantic slave trade. We will also identify where the lost tribes of Israel are and who they are today. We have DNA proof as to who is who.

    I wrote this book because of the troubling questions that I have wrestled with over my lifetime, trying to make sense of the hypocrisy of Christianity and how Christians can claim to love God but yet not love their fellow man. I often wondered and then prayerfully asked God/Yahuah why—why would you allow one race of your creation to treat the other race, being people of color, so inhumane and still call themselves Christian? God/Yahuah gave me my answers and began to show me pieces of the satanic puzzle to bring about confusion in the world through race, religion, and racism and White Supremacy. The more questions I asked, the deeper into the rabbit hole he sent me until I was able to complete the puzzle.

    I have provided the pieces of the puzzle in this book, and we complete this satanic puzzle as we read through the pages of this book. All living, walking, and breathing human beings should read this book so they can know the truth once and for all. Don't become defensive and reject the truth. Lay aside all your prejudices and racism and look through your third eye. Truth will be truth whether we accept it or not. But the major group or race of people that this book is about is the Black and brown race of people on planet earth. For the first time, this book reveals the truth about Blacks, African Americans, and Negroes scattered around the world. First, you get to see who you are as a people. Secondly, it shows why you are treated by other races as you are.

    This book should be read by all in the Christian and Islamic and other religious communities. Churches, pastors, teachers, and educators must read, analyze, and compare this information to the distorted information that is being taught presently. As we continue our journey through Christendom, we examine all the holidays celebrated and how they came about. We ask the question, who is Jesus Christ? And how was he created? We provide solid answers based on biblical, geographical, scientific, and historical research. Also, we provide proof as to when the Messiah was really born. With no doubt, you will learn who the Jews are and who are not Jews. You will also discover the major players in the transatlantic slave trade and slavery and why was it so necessary to take Black Africans from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World, the Americas. Pertinent questions are raised and answered, such as the following: (1) Did Christianity play a role in slavery and how? (2) Were the so-called Jews involved in the slave trade and how? (3) Who really were these Blacks taken from the continent of Africa? Were they Africans or another Black nation? (4) When did racism or White Supremacy take control of Christianity? (5) Is Christianity "the Way" that the Messiah and the apostles taught? Or was it hijacked with paganism, idolatry, and another gospel?

    All of these questions and more will be answered, backed up by facts, history, data, hidden truths, DNA, and receipts. We will also lay out for all to examine whether Christianity has prostituted with the government in crossing the red line of separation of church and state and religion in regard to the government's 501(c)(3) program and the faith-based initiative program. You will further understand how Christianity—with all its denominations, church organizations, and theologies—has caused mass confusion and division among believers in Yahuah and Yahusha. Add on top of that, racism and White Supremacy divides Christendom into camps based on race. Now what did Yahuah say about confusion and love thy brother? Christianity has created the most segregated day on earth, Sunday.

    The Christian Church was once focused on the gospel and redeeming souls. However, around the 1970s, Christianity moved into a different realm of religion. That new realm was and presently is the Prosperity Gospel Movement. Christian Churches focus more and more on money, greed, positive mental attitude, preaching and less on soul conviction and redemption. The Christian Church has created megachurches with rock star preachers rocking materialistic tangibles. They use certain scriptures to bolster up their lifestyles while using the same scriptures to tell the congregation that the law has been done away with. What charlatans and thieves!

    In writing this book, I do not, nor did I, intentionally set out to offend or insult any person or religious group. My purpose for bringing this subject to the forefront is for new knowledge and to awaken the masses of Christians and nonbelievers to the truth that has been hidden far too long. Only a small elite group has always known the hidden secrets, and this fact has allowed them to rule, manipulate, and control the world. Nothing written in this book is based on conspiracy theories or anti-Semitism but simply historical facts and truths that anyone can obtain thorough research and more research. I pray and ask that you put aside all biases and read this book with an open mind and heart.

    Christian and Christianity Origin Called the Way

    Acts 11:26 regarding the word Christian?

    I begin this writing from the point a blogger was making regarding the subject of the origin of Christians and my thoughts and research on the origin of Christianity and how Christians got their roots in the religious arena. The blogger states the following:

    Referring to Acts 11:26: Did the people (unbelievers) of Antioch call the Believers Christian, or did the Believers start calling themselves Christian first in Antioch? (Author's note: Please notice the question carefully.) Here is what I mean: Acts 11:26 the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, You almost persuade me to become a Christian. I have this feeling in the tone of these two verses that the word Christian was more of a mockery since it came from unbelievers, like we have goody-two-shoes, especially the way Agrippa said it to Paul, I could almost hear the rest of Agrippa's audience laughing at this!? And 1 Peter 4:16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. sort of supports my argument!?

    Author's note: Yes, I agree that it seems as though being called a Christian wasn't an honorable thing but as mockery and demeaning. That is why Paul said, Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed. Unbelievers are going to call you all kinds of names if you follow the teachings of Christ. But when you are mocked at and demeaned for Christ's sake, it's honor and glory unto Yahusha.

    It seems that this mock-name Christian was getting around and the disciples were resenting it, so 1 Peter 4:16 tells them not to be ashamed (for they mocked our Lord also) but that they should glorify God in this matter!? Your thoughts fellow Believers"?

    After making his statement of the subject at hand, the blogger asked for his readers to share their thoughts on the matter. The following comments were made by his readers:

    (Share improve this question, edited Mar 28 '17 at 21:47) asked Mar 27 '17 at 6:48 3111 silver badge44 bronze badges

    Were implies it was done to them, not by them‚ @guest37's answer is quite good (Warren Mar 27 '17 at 21:021)

    Sidenote of possible interest: today's Society of Friends also refers to itself as Quakers, even though or perhaps because, originally, that term was used as an insult against them. —Ray Butterworth, Apr 13 at 13:18.

    Strictly speaking, the reference in Acts is to disciples (μαθητὰς) and not believers (πιστεύοντες), though the latter word seems to be used elsewhere synonymously in Acts (e.g. 5:14).

    The Greek literally says (in different word order) the disciples were called first Christians (χρηματισαι Te πρωτον…τους μαθητας χριστιανους). Perhaps it may be true that the Christians called themselves Christians, but the Greek text does not supply the reflexive (i.e. the disciples called themselves Christians). It seems that even after the disciples/believers were called Christians; it was still more common to refer to them as those who were of The Way (e.g. 19:9, 19:23, 24:14, and 24:22). This is also found in The Didache (English translation here), where the essentials of a Christian life are described as The Way of life. The word Christian (Χριστιανός) only appears three times in the entire New Testament (including the Passage cited; the other two are Acts 26:28 and 1 Peter 4:16). It is even rare in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, where it only appears 5 times (once in Ignatius' epistle to the Magnesians, once in the epistle concerning the martyrdom of Polycarp, and 3 times in the epistle to Diognetus).

    Wow, I'm sooo grateful I found this site and thank you so much for your intelligent answer. And you are correct, it was the disciples, not believers who were first called Christian, and that they did not refer to themselves as Christian, but as you said: "The Way. I'm new here and running out of characters, so I will place the rest in answer my own question," but please respond to that, I need all your help here. —OSabo Mar 28 '17 at 21:30

    If I follow what you have added, you are speculating that Christian was a derogatory term applied

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