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Heaven and Hell Eyewitness
Heaven and Hell Eyewitness
Heaven and Hell Eyewitness
Ebook135 pages2 hours

Heaven and Hell Eyewitness

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Are there pets in Heaven? Do sinners make it past the pearly gates? Does hell exist? Are YOU worthy? Read this and find out. 


In 2019 I was placed in a medically induced coma for 2 days. During that time, I was given a glimpse of heaven and hell. I was told to take note of all I saw and heard. Then I was told to come back

PublisherSteven C Pike
Release dateJan 22, 2024
Heaven and Hell Eyewitness

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    Heaven and Hell Eyewitness - Steven C Pike

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®

    Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scriptures marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.

    Scriptures marked (BSB) are taken from The Holy Bible, Berean Study Bible, BSB Copyright © 2016, 2020 by Bible Hub. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

    Scriptures marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


    Special thanks to my dear friends Pastor Bob and Peggy Duff, my wife Kim Pike, Alice Pike, Jessica Mitchell, Charlie Wolfinger, Randy Thornton, my Aunt Dona Morrow and Dean and Karen Bosler.

    To My Parents Charles and Virginia Pike.

    Also, thanks to my Cardiologist Doctor Chaudhry, my VAD nurse Kelly Terry, and all the Doctors and Nurses at St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis and a special thank you to the thousands of people who prayed for me around the clock while I was in the hospital for a month.

    In Memory of

    Odie R. Carrier Jr.      (1953 -2018)

    Vic Withers Jr., 70, COVID (1950-2020)

    Steven Hawkins, 66, COVID (1954 -2021)

    Chris Haycraft, 58, COVID (1963 - 2021)

    Table of Contents


    In My Youth

    My Father’s Experience

    Back to My Story

    Fast Forward to 2010

    God Healed My Heart

    Economy Crash of 2008

    Pause to talk about deciding on life support

    Part of the decline

    How God changes struggles into miracles

    Another example of God turning disaster into a blessing

    A Dark Time in My Life

    My Health Declined Rapidly

    My Trip to Heaven

    The City of Heaven:

    The Walls

    The Residential Structure

    The Temple

    Animals in Heaven’s Forest

    The Wall and Gates

    The People

    Arrival in Hell

    Encounter with Satan

    Pain and Torture

    The Man in the Hospital Gown


    My Conversation with Satan

    Levels of Hell

    The Answers to my questions

    The Shadow

    My Departure

    My Return to Earth

    Coming Out of the Coma

    My Recovery

    Another Show of God and How He Works


    I would like to start out by saying I am no one special. I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but I am a sinner. I make no claims that I am perfect because I know I am far from it. But for some reason in 2019, while in a coma for two days, I was given a glimpse of heaven and hell.

    It may be contradictory to what others have experienced and it may even be different than the Bible itself. What you are about to read is what I witnessed; I was told to take note of it.

    I did not have any measuring devices, but I was told to take note of all I saw and heard. Somehow, I just knew these numbers and information as if someone was telling me or uploaded it into my memory.

    I was only in heaven and hell for what seemed to be a noticeably short time. But since time in heaven is irrelevant to what we determine as time here on earth I have no way of knowing how long I was there. I am sure there is much more to Heaven and Hell than what I saw. But I was told to go back and tell anyone and everyone what I witnessed.

    Anyone that knows me knows that I am a proud follower of Christ. But I must admit I have never read the bible cover to cover. I do not claim to know everything in it, and I cannot quote chapter and verse like many of my friends.

    That doesn’t mean I don’t have a close relationship with my Lord Jesus. He has been in my life since I was very young, and I see how God works. Look around throughout the day and notice God working in your life. He is everywhere, in everything, and He is answering prayers all the time. We just need to seek Him and understand that things happen in God’s timing not ours no matter how hard we push it. You don’t have to know the bible inside and out to have a relationship with our God, but it helps you to understand Him better.

    I have heard a few excerpts in church about the book of Revelations, but I have personally never read Revelations.

    I have been told by several people that my story resembles what is told in the book of Revelations concerning New Jerusalem. However, I will not read Revelations or discuss it with anyone until after I finish my book. I don’t want it to influence my story. I want to give you my story as I witnessed it, just as I was told to do.

    I have also been told by others that there are books out there talking about other people’s experience with heaven or hell, but I have never read any of them nor heard about them. I have no idea how any of those stories compare to my experience, nor will I read them until after my book is finished. I know that people out there will deny my story as truth. In fact, I was told by Jesus himself that I would be persecuted for telling my story. But when the Lord tells you to go and tell what you have seen, you do it.

    Before I get to what I witnessed, I would like to tell you a little about what I went through in my life and some of the things that led up to this experience.

    In My Youth

    I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as a child of only six years of age while attending Washington Avenue Baptist Church in Evansville, Indiana. Brother Clayman was the pastor at the time.

    I will never forget that moment. In front of my mother and father I joyfully accepted Jesus in my heart. I stood in front of the congregation as each member lined up, walked by, and shook my hand. I tried to be a big man, but I must admit that I was overcome with emotion and cried like a baby.

    Looking back on my life, I now know that I have had heart problems from an early age. Heart problems run in both sides of my family. I do not remember exactly how old I was when my heart started to give me problems, but I do remember as a child of five playing with my friends outside and my heart would start jumping (I know now it was misfiring and skipping beats). As a child I could only describe it as two raccoons were fighting under my shirt. I cannot say that it really hurt. It was more frustrating than anything.

    One summer afternoon I felt my raccoons and I was aggravated. So, I made a fist and I hit myself in the chest as hard as I could. My heart started beating normal again. From that point on that’s how I would correct my heart when I felt the raccoons fighting. Then I would run and catch up with my best friend Odie Carrier and my other friends. I just wanted to run and play.

    My fist-pounding method worked for years. I did not even think to tell my parents about it until I was in my 20s.

    Keep in mind that this was the 1960s. People did not talk about heart problems much. The knowledge of the heart was nothing like today’s technology.

    For example, in 1962 my great uncle, Bernard Pike, had been feeling weak and had a pain in his chest so he went to his doctor. He was told that he just had simple heart burn. Bernard left the doctor’s office. On the way home Bernard had a massive heart attack and died while driving. His car slammed into a light pole, and they said he was gone before impact. Today he would have been sent in for a multitude of tests, not just sent home. It is truly amazing how far our medical technology has advanced in the last 60 years.

    My Father’s Experience

    Most people who know me and my family also know that when I was just a boy of ten, my father had a similar experience to mine. I am including it so you can compare for yourself. Although it is similar in some ways, he did not experience the things I was told to tell you. My dad only witnessed Heaven, he never mentioned anything about Hell.

    It was a hot and sunny Saturday in July 1967. I was ten years old at the time and had been out playing with my friends. When I walked in the back door of the kitchen at lunchtime, my mother asked me to go out and get my father for lunch. My mother was in the kitchen preparing the food as she always did. She would always cook enough for friends if they happened to show up, but that day it was just the three of us.

    There was a sixty-foot-long sidewalk that ran from our back patio to our driveway and the garage. Between the house and the garage there was a row of about twelve exceptionally large pine trees. They were incredibly old, very green, and healthy pine trees that had grown together. They were so thick that you could not see between them. They almost formed a wall.

    Behind the pine trees was a ten-foot opening from the trees to the garage’s outer wall. We placed our trash cans against that wall so they could not be seen from the house. Twenty feet to the left of the trash cans was our well. The well was easily seen past the pine trees but could not be seen from the house.

    Thinking my dad was in the garage, I was headed that way to get him for lunch. As I walked past the ten-foot opening between the pine trees and the garage I looked to my left and

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