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The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus: A Novel About Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem
The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus: A Novel About Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem
The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus: A Novel About Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem
Ebook442 pages2 hours

The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus: A Novel About Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem

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About this ebook

“Funny, fresh, and heartbreakingly poignant, this book had me laughing and crying at the same time.”
—Meg Cabot, author of The Princess Diaries series and Insatiable

“I read The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus and I saw the light and the mirror and fell under Sonya Sones’ spell.”
— Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of The Deep End of the Ocean

“Wallpaper a room with the pages of The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus. It will be your favorite place. The room you come back to again and again, year after year.”
—Ilene Beckerman, author of Love, Loss, and What I Wore

Celebrated YA novelist Sonya Sones makes a HUGE splash with her first adult novel, The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus, spinning a funny, fierce, and piercingly honest coming-of-middle-age story about falling apart and putting yourself back together. Nora Ephron’s I Feel Bad About My Neck meets Elizabeth Berg—boldly original and endlessly enthralling—The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus is a luminous, brilliantly told story of life, marriage, and parenthood that you will not soon forget.

Release dateApr 5, 2011
The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus: A Novel About Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem

Sonya Sones

Sonya Sones has written seven novels in verse: The Opposite of Innocent, Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy; What My Mother Doesn’t Know and its companion, What My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know; One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies; To Be Perfectly Honest; and Saving Red. Sonya’s books have received many honors, but she was especially thrilled when she learned that she was on the American Library Association’s list of the Most Frequently Challenged Authors of the 21st Century. She lives near the beach in California. You can visit her at or write her at [email protected].

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    Book preview

    The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus - Sonya Sones

    The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus

    A Novel about Marriage, Motherhood, and Mayhem

    Sonya Sones

    For my husband Bennett

    and my daughter Ava—

    who are not

    the husband and the daughter in this book.



    And for my son Jeremy, too—

    who’s glad to have dodged a bullet on this one.


    I’m curled up like a comma

    on my couch,

    swaddled in

    my husband’s velvet arms,

    watching sparks

    play chase games up the flue,

    breathing in

    our pepper tree’s sweet scent,

    listening to her hiss

    and snap and purr,


    her sizzling scarlet glow,

    this heat of hers that flows

    into my bones,


    that our tree’s not really gone—

    that even when her arms

    have turned to ash

    a part of her, the heart of her,

    will live on in these lines.


    Oh no!

    Due to reflow-

    able text capability in e-books like this,

    the pages might look somewhat amiss

    when comprised of poems—

    not at all like they do in paper tomes.

    If you find that the font is too small to read

    and you choose to adjust it to suit your need,

    the stanzas might look a tad out of whack.

    So feel free to switch it right back.

    And there’s just one more thing

    that I would like to bring to your attention:

    I feel I must mention

    that though some like to read

    while they rub-a-dub-dub,

    you’d be wise to keep this version out of the tub.


    The Poet’s Disclaimer


    What I Learn from Cosmo While Waiting to See the Doctor


    Michael and I Don’t Want Any More Children

    But Now–I’ll Never be Pregnant Again

    Bad Timing

    The Phone Rings–Snapping Me Back to the Present

    As Soon As I Hang Up the Phone, It Rings Again

    When I Get Home from the Beach

    But Don’t Get Me Wrong

    Then Suddenly–The Doorbell’s Ringing

    Alice and I Drain the Bottle

    When Michael Returns Home with Samantha

    Half an Hour Later

    When Wendy and Tess Come to Pick Up Sam

    When Michael Returns from Driving Alice Home

    When Sam Gets Home from Studying at Laura’s

    Happy Birthday to Me

    What I Am



    Cousin Alice Arrives for Thanksgiving Dinner

    Though I Have to Admit

    The True Meaning of Wistful

    I Consider Myself a Pretty Darn Good Speller

    Christmas in Cleveland

    I Glance Over at My Mother

    New Year’s Resolution

    Which Is More Than I Can Say About Myself These Days

    But What I Really Can’t Figure Out

    Time Flies

    Crying Jags


    What I Finally Figure Out is This

    When Michael Returns from the Frame Shop

    Moments Later

    My Mother Has Been Admitted to the Hospital

    I Hang Up and Call My Mother

    The Kind of Girl Samantha Is

    And When She Finally Finishes Baking

    And Suddenly, A Memory Washes Over Me

    April Fool’s Day

    Our Baby’s Been in There for Ten Minutes

    When Sam Finally Emerges

    My Floodgates are Getting Ready to Burst

    Writus Interruptus

    I Mean, for Cryin’ Out Loud

    Then, of Course, Things Spiraled Out of Control

    After an Argument with Hubby

    Is It a Bad Sign?

    When I Finally Run Out of Old Boyfriends

    I Don’t Answer My Daughter’s Rhetorical Question

    Shift Happens

    The Leaning Tower of Me

    Chamber of Horrors

    A Brief History of My Boobs

    On the Way Out of Neiman’s

    Cousin Alice Calls

    Dr. Hack Finally Gets on the Line

    I Tell Dr. Hack That Someone’s at the Door


    But Roxie’s Call Has Freaked Me Out

    Even My Hair is Fifty…

    My Knees are Fifty, Too

    For Chrissake–

    Maybe This is How It Will Happen

    Is This How It Was For You?

    How Do U No When Ur Old?

    So I’m Feeling a Little Sad Today

    Kitchen Quarrel

    But I Shudder to Think About Next Year

    Where I Get My Ideas

    And Speaking of Blood

    But That’s Not How I Described It to My Daughter

    It Can’t Be PMS

    Rude Awakening

    Is It a Bad Sign?

    To the One-Pound Bag of Oreos I Just Bought

    I am Not Addicted to Email

    Pepto Abysmal

    Saturday Morning

    Later On, Back at the Helliday Inn


    I Hang Up and Punch in Michael’s Number

    On Sunday Morning

    Why Don’t I Ask Him This?

    But, Really

    In the Taxi on the Way Home from the Airport

    It’s Past Midnight When I Finally Get Home

    The Next Day

    After Alice Leaves

    On the Way to the Farmers’ Market

    Is It a Bad Sign?

    When I’m Writing a Poem

    When I’m Writing a Poem

    I am Tired of Being a Poet

    And Come to Think of It

    And You Know What?

    Every Time My Mother Calls

    When I Get Like This

    Though, Let’s Face It

    Anyone Could Have Moved into That House


    I’m In a Huge Hurry

    Michael Doesn’t Notice Me Coming

    So I Ask Him for My Scissors, Instead

    Our Pepper Tree is Failing Fast

    On Mother’s Day

    I Ask Dr. Hack About My Mother’s Memory Loss

    In Praise of Popcorn

    I Wish My Mother Were Doing Better

    The Last Time

    A Few Minutes Later

    Before Prom

    Hold On–Back Up a Couple of Stanzas!

    Just Kidding

    A Sentimental Silence Drifts Down Over Us

    Oh, Well

    A Few Days After Prom

    Graduation Day Snapshot

    Another Call from My Mother

    I Pull Myself Together

    But I Call Alice, Just to Make Sure

    Weekend Update

    Is It a Bad Sign?

    Limbo Daze

    I’ve Been Out All Morning Buying Presents for My Mother

    So I Stomp Out of My Office


    My Hand Creeps Out


    Samantha Says She’s Craving an Omelet

    Sam Hands Me a Stick of Butter

    Two Mindless Hours, Three New Bras, Four New T-Shirts, and Five New Sweaters Later

    Samantha Notices, Too

    Enough is Enough

    Here is What the Email Says

    Michael’s Not Buying Art Supplies!

    I Turn to Run Out the Door

    At Which Point


    That Evening

    It is Dr. Hack!

    The Three of Us Do the Happy Benign Mass Dance

    My Mother is Not a Married Woman

    Is It a Bad Sign?

    Trying to Reserve the Flight That Will Take Samantha to College

    A Few Weeks Before Samantha Leaves for College


    In Just a Few More Days

    But How Can That be Possible?

    Samantha Was an Incredible Baby

    And Michael Was Grateful, Too

    One Day

    I’m Cleaning Out Samantha’s Closet

    I Close the Lid On the Box

    A No-Brainer


    I Close the Door Behind Them

    Remembering the Day Samantha Learned to Ride

    I Take a Few Deep Breaths

    When My Mother Hears My Voice

    I Just Weighed Myself

    And I’ll Cry If I Want To

    The Night Before Samantha Leaves

    Alice Drove Us to the Airport at Noon

    We’re the First to Arrive at Her Dorm

    Everyone’s Unpacking

    Making Up Her Bed

    An Old Friend

    The Unpacking is Done

    After We Kiss Samantha Goodnight

    Is It a Bad Sign?

    In the Morning

    When I Hug My Daughter Good-Bye

    I Will Miss Her

    The Captain Has Turned on the Seat Belt Sign

    The Taxi Drops Us Off in front of Our House

    Our Pepper Tree is Dead

    Samantha’s Room

    At the Grocery Store

    So I’m Feeling a Little Sad Today

    The Phone Rings

    We Say Good-Bye to Samantha and Hang Up

    The Mothers of Daughters Who Have Gone Off to College

    Michael Says We Need to Have Some Fun Together

    At Spumoni’s

    The Next Morning

    How Does It Happen?

    I Head to the Bedroom to Lie Down

    A Minute Later

    I’m Still in Mid-Weep When Alice Calls

    The Phone Rings Again

    Stopping to Admire a Baby at the Cleaners

    And Speaking of My Mother…

    I’m Really Not in the Mood to Go Out

    On a Bad Day

    It’s Strange…

    A Match.Com Made in Heaven

    Double Date

    What to Expect When Your Husband Goes into Therapy

    I Want a New Husband

    I Want a New Husband

    I Want a New Husband


    Our Backyard Looks So Barren Now

    Then–Pinkie Starts Yapping

    Another Call from Samantha

    A Chat with Dr. Hack

    United Flight #3534

    The Visit

    My Mother Finally Nods Off

    That’s the Bad News

    I’m Blushing in Places I’ve Never Blushed Before

    I Have Got to Get a Grip

    Griffin Presses the Button for the Fifth Floor

    I Feel As If I’m in a Dream

    I Gasp and Stifle a Scream

    Someone is a Lot Claustrophobic!

    And As Soon As I Hear It


    And That’s When I Notice It

    Griffin’s Silhouette Glides Closer

    But Then

    The Lights Flicker Back On!

    The Really Good News

    Before I Can Answer Her Question

    Dr. Gold Invites Me to His Office to Talk

    All That Glitters is Dr. Gold

    After My Mother’s Examination

    Hospital Waiting Room Haiku


    My Mother Takes a Nap

    The Sun Paints the Parking Lot Pink

    The Next Morning

    I Step Outside to Take the Call

    As Soon As We Say Good-Bye


    Isn’t It Strange?

    I Splash Some Cold Water on My Face

    When I Return to the Hospital

    Time Does Not Fly When You are Waiting for Test Results

    I’ve Never Been Much Good at Waiting

    Thank God!

    For the Next Few Days

    Marriage is a Fire

    You Know What I Love About Michael?

    On a Good Day

    Michael and I Go Over to Meet the New Baby

    Sam’s Taking a Class Called Positive Psychology

    I Don’t Feel Like Going to the Party

    And That’s When It Dawns On Me

    Safe and Sound?

    Today, When I Call

    During the Hell That Freezes Over

    I’ve Been Working Day and Night

    It Happens for the Zillionth Time On the Eve of My Fifty-First Birthday

    I Shove Open the French Doors

    On My Birthday

    Later On

    Culture Shock

    Aw, Come On

    In the Mail

    Is It a Good Sign?


    What I Am Going to Do


    It’s a Perfect California Fall Day

    I Clear My Throat

    A Week Later–Roxie Calls

    By the Fire

    A Recipe for Butterscotch Brownies


    About the Author

    Other Books by Sonya Sones



    About the Publisher


    The first one catches my eye

    as I fly down the freeway rushing

    to get to the doctor’s office on time

    and pretty soon that’s all I can see—

    streaming across the pavement

    in blurred black streaks

    as though

    the road’s mascara

    is running.

    I don’t want to fixate

    on these desperate claw marks,

    these permanent records of calamity,

    but I can’t seem

    to stop myself

    from staring at them

    any more than I can stop myself

    from careening toward

    my fiftieth birthday—

    the one that’s rushing at me

    like a cinderblock wall while I try

    in vain to slam on my brakes.


    I learn that pumpkin pie

    and lavender

    are aphrodisiacs.

    I learn that the French term for crabs

    is papillons d’amour—

    butterflies of love.

    I learn that the average

    speed of ejaculation

    is twenty-eight miles per hour.

    And I’m just about

    to learn the identity

    of the next awesome sex prop


    the magazine says

    is probably in my purse!)


    much to my chagrin,

    the nurse calls me in.


    Eighteen years ago, when Dr. Stone

    squirted the icy gel across my stomach,

    then turned to examine my

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