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Fables 2.0 Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age: Animals, Morals, and Pixels
Fables 2.0 Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age: Animals, Morals, and Pixels
Fables 2.0 Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age: Animals, Morals, and Pixels
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Fables 2.0 Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age: Animals, Morals, and Pixels

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About this ebook

Crafted in verse to resonate with the modern soul, 'Fables 2.0: Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age' embarks on a thought-provoking odyssey where the time-honored fables of yore are reborn in the bustling landscape of the 21st century. This compelling collection of 99 tales reimagines the sagacious animals of Aesop's era as denizens of the digital

Publisher01 WEB CANADA
Release dateNov 15, 2023
Fables 2.0 Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age: Animals, Morals, and Pixels

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    Fables 2.0 Aesopian Tales in the Digital Age - TOM LEVY

    The Cicada and the Ant

    In an age when everything moved fast,

    The modern Cicada sang, her voice so vast.

    She streamed, posted, and tweeted in the sun,

    Believing this era was second to none.

    The Ant, however, kept to her ways,

    Storing for winter, counting the days,

    Preferring face-to-face meet,

    To screens that she found so cold and neat.

    Why not adapt? the Cicada teased,

    "Look at me, everyone's so pleased!

    I’m followed, liked, I’m the star!

    While you, from some odd era, seem so far."

    Winter came, and with it, a blackout wide,

    Networks failed, down went the slide.

    The Cicada was left in quite a plight,

    Her followers gone, nothing felt right.

    She knocked on the Ant's door in need,

    Hoping for warmth, a good deed.

    The Ant, with a smile, let her in,

    Come, let’s share a meal, forget the din.

    The lesson from this tale, if you please,

    Is to appreciate modern ease,

    But remember lessons from days of old,

    In this modern whirl, let them be the gold."

    The Wolf and the Dog

    In the heart of a bustling city,

    The Wolf, free but hungry, did he pity.

    Roaming around, seeking free Wi-Fi,

    For without data, life seemed to pass him by.

    He met a Dog with a tech-savvy band,

    GPS, apps, and music, all on hand.

    "Why such a face, lonely wolf, so rare?

    Join my life, it's a digital affair."

    The Wolf eyed the collar, shiny and sleek,

    What's this gadget? he began to speak.

    "It's modernity! Keeps me always online,

    I chat, I like, I share, life's just fine."

    The Wolf, intrigued, came a step near,

    But noticed a small chain, a thing unclear.

    What's this tether holding you so?

    The Dog replied, A small price for the techy glow.

    The Wolf pondered, then wisely he spoke:

    "Your world is dazzling, but what's the yoke?

    I prefer my freedom, even without a link,

    Than a life of chains, despite the high-tech kink."

    The lesson here, if you wish to glean:

    In the modern age, keep your senses keen.

    Tech offers wonders, as many align,

    But true freedom is choosing your own line.

    The Rooster and the Fox

    On a country server, among a thousand files,

    Lived a Rooster, proud, his song brought smiles.

    Every morning, he'd post a tweet, oh so neat,

    To awaken the farm, his daily feat.

    One day, while he surfed a social site,

    A digital Fox DM'ed, much to his delight.

    Dear Rooster, he wrote, "your voice, a joy to all,

    I wish to follow, your song's call."

    The Rooster, flattered but ever so wary,

    Thought he'd respond, and be not so merry.

    With wit and clarity, he typed away:

    "Dear Fox, I thank you for what you say.

    But in the analog world, as tales depict,

    Your ancestor sought my song, a known script.

    If you truly wish to hear me sing,

    Share this link, let the joy it bring."

    The Fox, taken aback by such nerve,

    Realized online, he could not swerve.

    He shared the link, though slightly vexed,

    Then vanished, his ego perplexed.

    Moral of the story, be it real or digital domain:

    Cunning and caution remain the best game to maintain.

    The Rooster, the Hen, and the Fox

    In a modern village where everything was connected tight,

    Rooster and Hen, as a duo, were a celebrated sight.

    On the web each day, they'd share with zeal,

    Their adventures and songs, earning mass appeal.

    The Fox, cunning, with his VPN concealed,

    Decided to intrude their live streams, a trap revealed.

    Posing as an enthusiastic fan, he came near,

    Sending them a link : For a clearer connection, my dear.

    The Hen, naive, seeking to shine so bright,

    Clicked without a second thought, falling for the slight.

    Her screen went dark, files vanished from view,

    She panicked, fearing the worst she did do.

    The Rooster, having trained in cybersecurity's way,

    Saw the scam unfold and warned all without delay.

    He restored the system, ousted the malware with might,

    Then made an educational video to aware of the plight.

    The Fox, exposed and reported by a vast array,

    Was banned from the network, his IP locked away.

    The Hen realized, with her Rooster leading the way,

    That vigilance and wisdom are our strongest display.

    Moral of the story, in this connected spree:

    Be alert, for modern foxes wait for our slip to see.

    The Crow and the Fox

    Atop a tall pine's sturdy limb,

    The Crow held a USB, looking quite trim.

    Intrigued by its shimmering silvery sway,

    The Fox neared, plotting a sly play.

    "Good day, Sir, on that Lofty Ledge!

    With that techy tool, you truly allege

    Your modern allure, both keen and mystic,

    You're the phoenix of these woods so digitalistic."

    Hearing this, the Crow plugged in his drive,

    Hoping to showcase his techy vibe alive.

    But alas! The data vanished, gone astray,

    While the Fox chuckled, his trickery in full display.

    Learn, dear Mr. Crow, he began to expound,

    "Never trust flattery that's groundless and unbound.

    Technology's praise is certainly fine,

    But prudence and wisdom should always align."

    The Crow, embarrassed and quite aghast,

    Swore he'd not fall for such tricks in contrast.

    Moral of the tale:

    Regardless of

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