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Students: Who Connects Your Dots?: A Complete Course on Critical Thinking
Students: Who Connects Your Dots?: A Complete Course on Critical Thinking
Students: Who Connects Your Dots?: A Complete Course on Critical Thinking
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Students: Who Connects Your Dots?: A Complete Course on Critical Thinking

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How do you interpret the truthfulness of information?

How do you make intelligent and rational decisions?

How do you evaluate the validity of a persuasive argument without bias?

Release dateMar 5, 2024

Jill Fandrich PharmD

Jill Fandrich, PharmD, is the author of Elevate Your Mind to Success, Success is Ele-MENTAL, Who Connects Your Dots?, Medically Speaking Who Connects Your Dots?, Students: Who Connects Your Dots?, When Leaders Don't Lead, COVID-19 Prevention, and Parents: COVID-19 Prevention for Kids. She served as the Director of Pharmacy, among other leadership positions, and is devoted to positive lifestyle changes with a drive to strive for successful living, sharing encouragement, skills, and strategies. She is a coach and mentor for positive lifestyle changes, helping people look and feel their best. Visit her website at

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    Students - Jill Fandrich PharmD


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    Students: Who Connects Your Dots?: A Complete Course on Critical Thinking

    Copyright © 2024 by Jill Fandrich, PharmD

    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024903922

    ISBN Paperback: 979-8-89091-495-8

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    Introduction for Students: Who Connects Your Dots?

    PART 1

    Chapter 1:What is Critical Thinking?

    Chapter 2:Who Connects Your Dots?

    Chapter 3:Who’s Hyped?

    Chapter 4:How Do You Decide?

    Chapter 5:Healthy Relationships

    Chapter 6:Activities and Academics

    Chapter 7:Obedience to Authority

    Chapter 8:Social Media and Electronics

    Chapter 9:Peer Pressure

    Chapter 10:Why Identify?

    Chapter 11:Kindness

    PART 2

    Chapter 12:Maintaining Your Health

    Chapter 13:Who’s to Blame?

    Chapter 14:How Do You Communicate?

    Chapter 15:Volunteering and Serving Others

    Chapter 16:Innate Spirituality

    Chapter 17:Leadership Skills

    Chapter 18:Finances

    Chapter 19:College and Careers

    Chapter 20:Why All the Propaganda?

    Chapter 21:Why Censor?

    Chapter 22:Why Cancel?

    Chapter 23:Conclusion

    Introduction for Students: Who Connects Your Dots?

    As a student, what is your process for making decisions? What challenges are you faced with? How is your thought process affected by your challenges? By what means do you interpret information? How do you digest the content or data you absorb from news sources or social media today? How do you evaluate the validity of the information? What about information presented online or in a book? How do you know if the information is really true? Do you allow biases to affect your decision-making processes? How are your dots connected? How do you reason between opposing sides? Are you affected by the thoughts or opinions of others? Do you allow yourself to be pressured? What do you know about critical thinking?

    One day, I overheard a student being pressured to skip classes by a group of kids who appeared to be classmates. She initially said no, and while I could see she meant it with her eyes, her wavering voice drew her peers to haggle her into agreeing to go along with them anyway. I could see her stressed and even tearful look as she collected her books from a bench and tossed them in her backpack. Two other girls were approaching and called to her, reminding her of a study group they apparently were all going to attend. One of the girls even exclaimed, But what about your scholarship?

    What could possibly cause a person with a diligent commitment to abandon that commitment under the pressure or influence of another person or group of people? How prevalent is peer pressure in your environment? What are the consequences of not giving in to peer pressure? What if this student let her no, be no? What could have led to a different decision? How can the influence of another so easily sway someone? How can you say what you mean and act upon it without considering the influence of another?

    Another time, I observed a similar situation in which some students attempted to convince a boy to smoke a cigarette, which they were dangling in his face. He let out a snide sound, followed by the comment, Get real. Then he turned around and confidently walked away.

    There were two different choices and two different future consequences. What caused one student to waver and decide to abandon her studies and the other to remain immovable in his stance? How are these circumstances similar? How do they differ? Who made the better choice? What is your decision based on? What might the consequences be in each example? How do you think each person was affected by the decision made? Who was right? Now what?

    It is first important to bring yourself to an awareness of what is happening around you. Take a step back to collect information and assess the situation. It is essential that you begin to think critically about what is occurring out there in society and around you. This should lead you to ask question after question, seeking honest, substantial answers. Realize that the only logical answer lies in the ability to think critically about everything of importance.

    A lack of proper thinking has crept into classrooms and society in general. You probably have experienced some form of difficult decisions in your own life by now, which illuminates the need to examine a topic such as this. What if you were presented with a sensitive dilemma or a peer pressure situation? How would you instinctively respond? What if you were equipped with the right skills to logically think through different possible outcomes and the consequences of each, then consistently choose the option with the most favorable outcome? What if you could read educational content, listen to any news source or any story in general, hear what is being said without a preconceived bias, and consider the information without becoming emotionally charged or passionate about being right? Then, listen to an opposing view with the same unprejudiced stature before formulating an opinion or drawing a conclusion.

    This book provides the tools and insight needed to significantly improve your ability to decipher content without emotion, discern truth from nontruth with confidence and conviction, and increase your ability to handle any situation or decision with a logically based, unprejudiced conclusion. Critical thinking is a means to expand the way you think, open your mind to new thoughts and perspectives, increase the probability of uncovering factual information, and reduce the volatile impact fed from biased or opinionated sources.

    It is time to return to the basics of thought processing. The most challenging problem you face, quite possibly, is dealing with the people around you, whether it is within your academic setting, your neighborhood, clubs or activities, or even within your own home! There is always a need to develop sound reasoning, open-mindedness, and insight and become more intellectually engaged.

    In preparation for writing this book, I studied students of all ages and the circumstances they encounter on a daily basis. I observed news sources, campus life, actions, and reactions. I read numerous articles and books and even attended an in-depth study regarding critical thinking, human behavior, and responses. I questioned rational people and not-so-sensical ones as well. With each topic, I visualized situations relevant to each one and how they could be applied to academic, formal, social, and personal settings. I also extrapolated key findings from my experience from both my professional career and personal encounters. I organized the information in such a way that would be applicable from a student’s perspective. When applied, these skills and strategies will prove to be effective, insightful, and thought-altering.

    Relationships are the most important things in your life. It is logical to focus a significant amount of time and energy on understanding the nature of people and how your actions, responses, and decisions affect them. While it may not be easy, it is important to display tolerance as you listen to opposing views and opinions and value each person even if you disagree with their content. Learn how not to be sensitized by a different perspective or even influenced if the content is against your moral compass or what you know to be right. Be firm in your independent stance and resist conforming to someone else’s ideas or emotional responses. Just as important as it is to have finesse and charisma in your interactions, you must also display the qualities of compassion and tolerance in the responses and decisions you make as well.

    This book is interactive and meant to educate, inform, and instruct. Within each chapter, you will be brought to an awareness of particular content. You will be challenged to actively participate as you gradually yet consistently develop critical thinking skills. Throughout this book, you will explore skills that will refine you as a logical thinker and decision-maker. You will gain admirable qualities that set you apart, illuminate your current skills, and allow you to justify a position as a rational thinker and wise decision-maker. Read or listen to each section slowly and deliberately yet with vigor and passion while underlining, highlighting, and jotting down notes about key points you want to incorporate into your thought processes to improve your skills. Answer all the questions presented and consider new questions that spawn from them. While it may not be applicable to try these suggestions in every interaction, read or listen repeatedly to each section in order to program the information into your mind so you can access these files when the opportunity presents itself. Return and refer to these pages frequently, and even visualize the suggestions playing out in your specific setting. Think about them often and imagine different outcomes each time.

    Ask yourself:

    How could I have applied critical thinking to my interactions today?

    What mistakes did I make?

    How can I do it differently next time?

    Where could I improve?

    What did I do right?

    What have I learned from this experience?

    Journal your results, whether they are in progress or are already successes. Be sure to enter the dates of each entry, and be specific regarding the interaction, what questions you asked, how you researched and collected data, and how you reached a logical decision. Include what you did or did not like about your interaction. For your convenience, there is a list of suggested critical thinking questions and an example journal section at the back of this book. Each may be replicated for your convenience. Review your journal weekly to monitor your progress, reveal how you are growing in the process, and form a lifelong habit of logical thinking and decision-making.

    To understand the dire need to train your mind to think this way, you will also be introduced to definitions, descriptions, relevant topics, applicable books paralleling current circumstances, and much more! By internalizing this information, you are sure to imprint inclusive thinking and successful traits into your mind’s programming. While this is an enormous undertaking, learning about and truly understanding each chapter will undoubtedly grow you as a responsible person, ensure your ability to use logic and wise thinking favorably and productively, and launch you into becoming a decisive leader. Embrace each chapter enthusiastically and study it extensively. Understand what it means, the intent of the content, thoughts, methods, and reasons from the lists provided. Take time to answer all of the critical thinking questions listed. Visualize your own scenario with each question. Follow up with the concluding Reflect points at the end of each chapter. Engage in discussions and share your thought processes. Spend time on each category and decipher how to incorporate this information into your academic, social, personal, and even professional life. You will begin to notice logical thinking being displayed more and more naturally in all of your interactions. Ask the same questions as previously mentioned, and journal how you turned emotionally charged information into a well-processed and logical decision or conclusion, all while maintaining personal and formal relationships. Take the bias, emotions, and unwarranted opinions out of the situation. And finally, after the last chapter has been processed, go back to the beginning for a refresher!

    The method in which this book is structured allows for the application to extend into formal studies as a separate course. Start your own critical thinking study using this book as a guide. Utilize the Reflect questions within the group and even expand on the topics by adding additional questions. Create a course within your church or other social group you are a part of. Consider the many sources where critical thinking may initiate compelling and thought-provoking discussions.

    These suggested methods will allow you to get the most out of this book. Whether you are part of a live student body, are an online student or in a homeschool setting, or wish to lead a group into innovative thinking, this book will masterfully remind you of the common sense, logic, open mind, confidence, and tolerance you should build into the very nature of your being as you intellectually engage in your thinking, and display throughout every interaction.

    Let the process unfold!

    PART 1

    Chapter 1

    What is Critical Thinking?

    What is critical thinking? Critical thinking (CT) is the ability to observe and think about a situation and to see and evaluate the validity or reality of it based on your own research and analysis without outside influence or bias. Critical thinking is the analysis of an issue or situation and the facts, data, or evidence related to it. ¹ You take time to see the essential truth involved based on data, logic, and common sense. You challenge what has been said or shown and consider multiple possible answers or alternatives. The key is to ask questions wherever possible.

    Along with using it to evaluate situations and events for truthfulness, CT should also be used in your general decision-making process. Sometimes, these strategies overlap, and sometimes they stand alone. For example, maybe you are asked to lie or cheat for your best friend and need to make a quick decision versus evaluating the truthfulness of news presented by a station desiring to mold your beliefs. These situations are different, yet both benefit from the same use of the CT process.

    Many choices and decisions are made throughout each day that will benefit from CT. Consider each choice and evaluate the pros and cons. Evaluate opposing sides and the potential consequence of each decision made. Fifteen CT questions have been identified to help in the decision-making process.

    CT Questions for Decision-Making:

    1.What is the situation?

    2.Who is involved?

    3.What are your options?

    4.Who will be affected by your decision?

    5.How will you or they be affected by your decision?

    6.Could anyone get hurt in the process?

    7.Will your decision be something you can be proud of?

    8.How will the decision shape your reputation or future?

    9.How will the decision grow you as a person?

    10.What are the potential consequences for each decision option available?

    11.What is the right thing to do?

    12.What obstacles might be clouding your judgment?

    13.What option will lead to the best possible outcome?

    14.What decision will be best for your legacy?

    15.How did you reach your final decision?

    CT is to be performed objectively, without influence from personal feelings, opinions, or biases. The focus should be entirely based on factual information. Perhaps even discover new ways of thinking about things. You must be able to do this without bias or prejudice.

    Many different questions can be asked when seeking to discover the truthfulness of a situation or event. Where is the evidence of proof? What is the source of evidence? Who is involved? Are they reliable? Is a source of funding somehow involved? How can you verify credibility? This field of practice requires tremendous brain power and the capacity to think critically. Use this ability to think with an open mind and consider the validity of the presented information.

    CT is a skill that can be practiced and mastered; it allows you to make logical and informed decisions to the best of your abilities. There is no particular standard for how CT occurs, and there are numerous variations to choose from. However, six basic concepts are presented here to guide you to becoming an exceptional critical thinker.

    Six basic CT concepts to evaluate situations and events for truthfulness:

    1.Identify the situation. It is important to identify what is occurring. What is the situation or problem at hand, and the factors that may be influencing it? Gain clarity of the situation, including who and what may be influential. Ask questions such as, Who is doing what? What seems to be the reason for this happening? What are the end results, and how could they change? What are the circumstances surrounding the occurrence or event? Why is it necessary? How did this transpire? and What caused the occurrence?

    2.Research. The next step is to undergo intensive and independent research, comparing statements or arguments about the issue of concern. Arguments are often persuasive and influential. Therefore, it is imperative that you perform your research independently, and the resources must be verified as factual, reliable, credible, and unbiased. Evaluate the research and resources.

    Are the claims that are made sourced or unsourced? If the claims do not have a specified source, or you discover they are seeking to hide the source, that is a red flag, leading to the question of why. Then, research this new question and add the data to the other collected information.

    It is also important to be aware that the presented information may not be as it seems. For example, a study may claim to use a placebo as a control, yet if you dig deeper, you may find it was not a neutral control. Perhaps a previous version of the drug is used as the placebo rather than a saline-neutral control. Or a product may claim to fix all your skin or weight concerns. Or a company may present a get-rich-quick scheme they claim really works. Or maybe you found a used gaming computer online for sale for a price that is too good to be true.

    Dig as deeply as necessary to reveal as much pertinent information as possible. Be sure to research both sides of the occurrence or claim and especially read the fine print. Collect as much information as possible from opposing sides or specifically from the source making the offer.

    3.Identify biases. Biases are sometimes difficult to uncover, yet this is a vital part of the CT process. The most skilled critical thinkers seek to master this difficult ability. Strong critical thinkers do their best to evaluate information objectively and view the claims or consequences from both sides of an argument, statement, or decision.

    It is important to be able to wade through the white waters of biases that likely are included on both sides. While identifying biases, it is equally important to set aside your own personal biases to ensure your judgment does not become clouded. Try challenging yourself to debate one side of the argument, justifying it until you win the argument. Then, do the same thing for the opposing side of the argument. Work just as hard individually for each side as you attempt to justify each to a win. Or consider possible consequences of a decision to be made. What are the compromises in each situation? What have you learned from this exercise? Were you able to collect enough information to justify each side to a winning position? Learn to see things from different vantage points and be objective in doing so.

    Analyze the evidence and verify that the sources are credible and reliable. Questions to ask when evaluating biases include, Whom does this benefit? "Does the source

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