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Graduate: Result of Tomorrow Series, #3
Graduate: Result of Tomorrow Series, #3
Graduate: Result of Tomorrow Series, #3
Ebook261 pages3 hours

Graduate: Result of Tomorrow Series, #3

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Take pride in how far you've come—and don't forget to enjoy the journey…


Whitney Dahl didn't think she and Rhys would get this far. Free from sneaking around together and meeting in darkened alcoves, they're finally able to come clean about their relationship and live with the consequences.


But their happily ever after is short-lived. Rhys is going back to England, and Whitney needs to decide where she's going to pursue her doctoral degree. Forces outside of their control won't stop trying to pull them apart.


Are they going to be able to stay together, or will an ocean separate them?


Result of Tomorrow Series:

  • Book 1 – Professor
  • Book 2 – Bachelor
  • Book 3 – Graduate
Release dateMar 6, 2024
Graduate: Result of Tomorrow Series, #3

Autumn Gaze

Autumn Gaze writes stories about love and life. She grew up reading every book she could get her hands on and still loves reading and watching movies. Stay tuned for more news to come! She is joining USA Today Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, on a few collaborated series and can't wait to share the Department of Defense Contemporary romance series with readers!

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    Graduate - Autumn Gaze

    Result of Tomorrow Series

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    Book 1 – Professor

    Book 2 – Bachelor

    Book 3 –  Graduate

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    Graduate Blurb

    A person and person kissing Description automatically generated

    Take pride in how far you’ve come—and don’t forget to enjoy the journey...

    WHITNEY DAHL DIDN’T think she and Rhys would get this far. Free from sneaking around together and meeting in darkened alcoves, they’re finally able to come clean about their relationship and live with the consequences.

    But their happily ever after is short-lived. Rhys is going back to England, and Whitney needs to decide where she’s going to pursue her doctoral degree. Forces outside of their control won’t stop trying to pull them apart.

    Are they going to be able to stay together, or will an ocean separate them?

    A book with a picture of a person and person kissing Description automatically generated


    Result of Tomorrow Series

    Find Autumn Gaze:

    Graduate Blurb

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Result of Tomorrow Series

    Find Autumn Gaze:


    More by Autumn Gaze

    A person and person kissing Description automatically generated

    Chapter One


    SUNLIGHT POURED THROUGH four ceiling-height windows overlooking the cityscape of New York City’s Upper West Side. The snug but well-furnished and artfully decorated living area of the two-bedroom vacation rental smelled faintly of cleaning solution as I followed Jessica inside, panting, sweat prickling along my hairline.

    Not bad. Jessica grinned, tossing her duffle bag on the red fabric couch before flopping down and fanning herself with her hand. Too bad the elevator was out of order, though.

    You’re telling me, Bill rasped somewhere behind me as he came into the apartment dragging Jessica’s suitcase—an ancient beast made of plastic and rubber that had seen much better days. He let it drop to the ground with a thud and immediately shrugged off his jacket, hanging it over a bar stool. Five flights of stairs...

    It wasn’t that bad. Rhys’s voice was jovial as he entered the apartment. I turned my head in time to see him edge the door closed with his foot before dropping our suitcases.

    Says the guy who goes to the gym twice a day. Jessica twirled a lock of her glossy red hair around her fingers and closed her eyes against the warm spring sun.

    And runs like he’s training for a marathon, Bill snorted, moving toward the bar cart and examining the various shooters the host had left for us.

    Rhys took off his jacket, his eyes locked on mine. I scrunched my nose at him and walked toward the couch, sitting down and crossing my arms over my chest. Jessica stretched her legs out to rest over my lap and knitted her fingers over her stomach, sighing blissfully.

    She had the right idea. We’d come here for some rest and relaxation. A much-needed break from studying, exams, and campus in general. I should be in the best of moods, but I’d sulked the entire drive here. I’d had, unfortunately, all the time in the world during the nearly two-hour drive into the city to let my assumptions about Rhys’s noticeable absence in my life over the last forty-eight hours to sink in and fester.

    He could tell I was mad. I could see it in his eyes as he cautiously walked over to Bill and asked which bedroom he wanted.

    Bill glanced over his shoulder at me, then back at Rhys. Well, you might be taking the couch tonight, buddy, so it doesn’t matter to me.

    Jessica snorted with laughter and peered at me through slitted eyes. Come on, Whit. Lighten up. Her voice was a whisper as Bill and Rhys left the room to check out the spacious bedrooms on either side of the living area. You promised me you’d use this time to relax and not think about what just happened. She tapped her phone. You texted it to me, actually. That promise is basically a contractual agreement now.

    "I am relaxed. I’m lightened up."

    She rolled her eyes and swung her legs off the couch, groaning as she stretched her arms above her head. Then she made her way to the bar cart and picked through the goodies on display. I had roughly two seconds to prepare myself before she tossed a shooter of tequila in my direction. I caught it only to prevent it from bouncing off the wall behind me and hitting me in the back of the head.

    Bottoms up. She smiled devilishly, the unscrewed her own and drained it.

    With a heavy sigh, I did the same.

    Now go talk to Rhys. He looks like he wants to crawl on his hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness. That might be in your favor if you’re trying to get frisky tonight.

    I gave her a disgusted look. You’ve been reading too much smut.

    Don’t tell my mom, she laughed, wiggling her eyebrows at me just as Rhys and Bill walked out of one of the bedrooms.

    Jess, you and I are in this room, Bill said, jabbing a figure at the room he’d just come out of.

    And you and I, Rhys said slowly, are in that one. Unless, of course, I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.

    That depends. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and stood up. I brushed past him, grabbed my suitcase, and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Sure, I might be acting dramatic, but in my defense, it felt like my life as I’d known it had blown up in my face, and Rhys hadn’t been there.

    The door opened and shut behind me as I hastily unpacked my suitcase, arranging my outfits on the bed. Rhys let out a sigh as he lifted his suitcase up next to mine. Whit, I’m sorry.

    It’s fine. I mean, you straight-up disappeared, and I went to the chancellor and told him everything thinking you’d been fired, but no worries, it’s totally, completely fine. I grabbed the pair of black, red-bottomed stilettos I’d packed and absently examined them, like something in the gleaming leather would give me an answer to all of my problems. Totally fine. Everything is fine.


    Where the hell were you? I whirled around, clutching the stilettos like weapons.

    Rhys’s eyes went wide. He raised his hands and took a step back, but a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. Whitney, look, I can’t tell you.

    What? I practically growled the words.

    I can’t tell you.

    I gaped at him, lowering the shoes and tossing them on the bed. Are you kidding me?

    No, I’m not. He took his glasses off and ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. It had grown out a bit over the last few weeks, making him look even more rugged and tousled than usual. I liked it, but I wasn’t about to let his good looks win me over right now. I’ll tell you soon, okay? It’s nothing bad. The opposite, actually.

    Well, hopefully it makes up for whatever hell is awaiting us back on campus.

    Rhys pursed his lips, biting back a smile. He took a step toward me, arching a brow as if in question. I let my shoulders slump, giving him the silent confirmation he needed that I wasn’t going to bludgeon him with a shoe if he approached me. He took me in his arms, and that’s all it took. His warmth wrapped around me, an instant comfort.

    I’m taking you out on a real date tonight, he said into my hair. I’ve planned it all out.

    I rested my cheek against his chest, closing my eyes and letting all of my anxiety wash away, if just for a moment. Have we ever been on a real date before?

    Not since we went to Sleepy Hollow together, but this is... different. Everything is behind us now, Whitney. We’re free to just be together, and I want to make the most of it. I promise you— He reached down and took me by the chin so I had to look up at him. He kissed me gently and tenderly, letting all of his feelings flow into that kiss.

    He was serious about taking me on a date. Two hours later, we were cozily seated inside a quaint Italian bistro. Candles lit every table. It was a six-course meal paired with wine, and for the first time in a while, I’d had a real reason to dress up.

    You look beautiful, Rhys said for the fifth time tonight.

    I tilted my head, smiling at him over the rim of my wine glass. How’d you find this place?

    Bill knows a guy. He smiled, the candlelight reflecting on his glasses as he topped off his wine with what was left in the decanter. He seems to know everyone, actually.

    He’s a good friend to have, I agreed, taking a sip. The wine was delicious, as was the food, and the intimate atmosphere had me feeling good as I watched Rhys converse with the waiter, handing him our bill.

    Beyond the windows, New York City was alive with nightlife, the lights glimmering and blinking as people passed on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

    What’s next? I asked, finishing my wine.

    Rhys eyed me over the rim of his wine glass. Bill and Jessica wanted to meet up at a club a few blocks away.

    A club? When was the last time I went clubbing? Better yet, had Rhys ever been to an American club?

    Sensing my silent pondering, he smiled and arched a brow. One day, I’ll take you to Europe and show you what a real nightclub looks like, but this will do for now.

    Oh? I laughed, and he rose from his chair, offering me his hand. The black stilettos I’d nearly bludgeoned him with earlier were surprisingly comfortable as I followed him out of the restaurant and into the hustle and bustle of the Upper East Side.

    He asked if I wanted to hail a cab, but I declined. I wanted to walk, to see the city lights, to feel like a small fish in the ocean that was New York City. It was a place where we were just us. Not the newly outed, infamous, and subject to gossip and ridicule couple on campus. Not the couple that might be in serious trouble when we returned to Gatlington. Just us.

    I knitted my fingers in his as we walked. The cool night air brushed over my thighs, my tight, revealing black dress doing nothing to shield me from the cold.

    I’d been saving the outfit for a while, not having an occasion to wear it until now. Rhys noticed the shiver running up my spine and took off his leather jacket while we waited to cross the street, draping it over my shoulders. I beamed up at him. He caressed my cheek and brushed a kiss over my lips, warm and inviting. Part of me wanted to call it a night and take him home, into our bed, and let that kiss turn into something deeper.

    But then we crossed the street and spotted a line wrapping nearly around the block.

    This is it, Rhys said, his arm roped over my shoulders.

    Oh, great. Look at the line to get in!

    Don’t worry about it. Bill said we’re on the list.

    Let me guess, he knows someone?

    Rhys’s eyes glimmered with laughter. Yeah, he does, of course.

    I wasn’t entirely surprised when we walked right up to the bouncer, gave our names, and were immediately let inside.

    It was a jazz club, and everything was all dark wood and red velvet. We were ushered to the VIP section, where Jessica and Bill were dressed to the nines and drinking espresso martinis under soft, golden light.

    There’s a theme tonight. Jessica grinned as she patted the chair next to hers at the snug high-top table overlooking the first floor of the club. It’s the roaring twenties.

    I’m underdressed, I admitted.

    Bill and Rhys had dropped into easy conversation across the table, and I spent the next thirty minutes talking to Jessica as I nursed my drink. They’d spent their day walking around, checking out a few bookstores and meeting with acquaintances of Bill.

    Eventually, Rhys stood up and leaned to whisper in my ear over the roaring music coming from below, Come dance with me.

    My heart fluttered. I realized, maybe for the first time, that this night was the first time we’d been able to just be together out in the open. To do things normal couples got to do without even thinking about it.

    I took his hand, and he led me downstairs, Bill and Jessica close behind, and for the next two hours, we danced.

    I danced, and danced, and danced, until my feet ached in my stilettos and my hair was damp with sweat. I circled my arms around Rhys’s neck and kissed him fully, deeply, while bodies swayed to the music all around us.

    My boyfriend and I tore up the dance floor until the early hours of the morning.

    I didn’t even think about Gatlington. I didn’t think about where Rhys had gone or what awaited us after spring break.

    I just let go, for the first time in months, and let myself enjoy that moment.

    And lying in bed with him, watching the sun rise the next morning, I rested my pounding head against his chest and watched the sun glitter over the thousands of windows lining the buildings outside and counted my blessings.

    Everything else could wait, just for a few days. This week was about us.

    Chapter Two


    I WATCHED WHITNEY PULL an emerald, green sweater over her hair as I lounged in bed the next morning. I lifted my mug of coffee to my lips, then squinted down at my watch. Are you sure she meant for you two to meet her this early?

    Trust me, she did, Whitney laughed, then stepped in front of the mirror hanging over the dresser to tie her hair into a neat bun on the top of her head. Jessica’s mom was raised in New York City. She wanted us to meet her at her favorite breakfast spot for bagels, and if we don’t get there by eight, there won’t be any left. Whitney turned to face me as she smoothed her sweater over her stomach. You could come, if you want.

    Bill wants to show me something, I blew on my coffee and took another drink.

    Well, Bill is hungover as hell right now from what Jessica said, so it might be a while.

    I smiled to myself as Whitney put on a few gold bracelets and turned back to the mirror to put in her earrings.

    We’ll catch up with you guys later, I’m sure.

    Fine, then. Whitney turned and crawled over the bed toward me. She brushed a tender kiss over my lips and then hopped up, shrugging on a jacket. I’ll let you know in a couple hours, okay?

    I smiled at her as she left the room to meet up with Jessica in the kitchen. Their voices faded, and I heard the door to the stairwell close behind them, and then a sucking silence settled over the entire apartment.

    When was the last time I stayed in bed and drank coffee with nothing else to do?

    I spent roughly five minutes in bed before getting up and pouring myself a second cup of coffee before taking a hot shower. By the time I emerged from my bedroom, dressed and ready for the day, Bill was awake and hunched over the dining room table, nursing his coffee in total silence.

    You look rough, I laughed lightly as I sat across from him.

    He ran his fingers through his dark blond hair and met my eyes. It’s been a while since I’ve had cocktails. I think we might be too old to be hanging out with Jess and Whitney.

    If you makes you feel any better, Whitney woke up with a hangover, too.

    What about you?

    Me? I leaned back in my chair and shrugged. I’m fine. Ready to get the day going, if you are.  

    He glanced at the clock over the stovetop and sighed. I haven’t slept past nine in five years, maybe longer.

    Let’s get going then. It’s your itinerary. I was just along for the ride, truly.

    Within an hour, the two of us were walking down a busy street. I looked up at the towering buildings we passed. I’d lived in big cities before, but nothing quite like New York. Bill had spent a lot of time here, on the other

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