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It’s Right There
It’s Right There
It’s Right There
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It’s Right There

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It's Right There is a rare 21st Century Philosophical piece giving a deep take on every aspect of life to strengthen human society. This piece is a grand awakening that tackles the world's influences from a logical standpoint while demonstrating how to be free of them. Fear, Lust, Music, Technology, Drugs, Alcohol, Nicotine, and other influences are affecting human society today. In order to be free, Ureh makes you aware that you must recognize the signs and fully understand the deep power within Fear first. He proves that fear is the gateway to every influence that leads to self-destruction before external destruction.

Most of us start out living in the loop, maze, matrix. Fresh out the box or in deep sleep inside the pods, some will say. You must have a little curiosity to discover something that can change your life. Have you ever wondered what life looks like on the outside? According to Ureh, it's a grand slam to be on the outside. The goal is to be on the outside looking in as the controller of the game. It's Right There is to instantly reprogram you to exit from your fake reality, and now become the master of your own reality. The game is yours now. No one can kick you off the game stick.

Ureh's Multiversal concept, "Mind of 3," is the key to unlock all the doors to become the Sorcerer Supreme that you once were inside your dream. Nothing can defeat an Unstoppable Force. The Unstoppable Force is what you can be. It's the future you.

This has everything you can possibly imagine inside a single book. Catchphrases, Science theories, Spiritual/Scientific concepts, and new phrases that's abbreviated from existing words are composed inside. There are so many figurative languages contained in this book, which includes heavy symbolism that may be difficult to catch on. You will receive loads of information with constructive criticism to take accountability, but will be overloaded with positivity and motivation right after to walk upon the right path. It's Right There is the ultimate book to further your evolution.

Release dateMar 9, 2024
It’s Right There

P.S.R. Ureh

P.S.R. Ureh is the creator of the Mind of 3, a Multiversal concept that is introduced as the new way of life. He's a Philosophical Conservative American Author from Charlotte, North Carolina. In 2023, Ureh officially became the first member of his family tree. It's Right There is his debut book as a young author. Ancient History, Astronomy, and Spirituality are the 3 subjects he admired throughout life. Ureh's mission is to promote education and push individuals to harness the unlimited power within themselves by the Mind of 3. It's all about Order, Purposefulness, and Expansion to Ureh as he prepares to be the leader of the New World.

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    Book preview

    It’s Right There - P.S.R. Ureh


    Welcome to my world of Philosophy! In this book, you will find very valuable information, including controversial topics that warrant discussion. I will deliver clever lines, movie/TV show references, song references, catchphrases, purposeful repetitions, metaphors, similes, personification, foreshadows, a few brain teasers, storytelling, and maybe enlighten you with some humor. I used every figurative language there is inside this book. Imagine a one-on-one personal conversation, a sermon, a lecture, a motivational speech, a standup special, and a poem combined together. The goal is to give you a complete experience, bringing this book to life.

    Before you read, I want you to not think about anything negative in your life. Don’t feel any type of way about anything you read or hear. Put all the emotions to the side. Listen to the words I’m saying whether you are listening to me on audiobook, listening to someone else read to you, or reading to yourself. Have an open mind while reading this book. This book will expand your mind and educate you about everything in life, including yourself and others, so you can improve internally and externally. It’s Right There is to help you eliminate the world influences to become an Unstoppable Force. A re-programming to never be programmed again! It’s a whole life book in one. It will be so much easier for you to take accountability, accept responsibility, and serve a higher purpose by taking control of your life. You’ll be able to find out your purpose, have self-awareness, and have ambition after this book. Success, happiness, and anything else that you deserve shall come your way after. I don’t know exactly everything, but I strive to know more. I’m learning every day just like you can. Learning is unlimited, so learn. Start learning now!

    Chapter 1


    The signs are there every day for people to follow or listen to, whether in a metaphor or simile, etc. But the crazy thing is that sometimes the signs are right there in physical form for you to see. It’s Right There!

    Believe it or not, many are aware of possible signs, whether soulful or harmful. But it’s in humans’ nature to ignore them and continue what they set on doing. People can be their worst enemy and make life very difficult for themselves just by not following the signs, which can be called self-sabotage. Sometimes, logical thinking can match the signs precisely. What are signs exactly, and what do they mean? I could go all day explaining in full detail about signs, but if you have common sense, there’s no need. Signs are messages that inform you about a potential danger, whether fresh or like past experiences, or in some cases, a reassurance of greatness to come your way.

    In most novels, signs are symbolic languages to foreshadow the future. Imagine knowing what could happen and fell short just because you ignored the signs. The Multiverse, Spirits, Creatures, and even sometimes your own soul can guide you to success and happiness, maybe even both. To get what you deserve or truly seek, you must be able to listen and follow. You must put your emotions and ego aside to achieve such greatness. Do not make it difficult for yourself. Like every wise man once said, Work smarter, not harder. Having discipline and patience are required for it. To lead, you must follow first. You must learn from a master as a student to become the master. The greatest leaders in the world were the best listeners. Would you follow a king who never listens to his right-hand advice nor respects the advice from a member of his council, or would you follow a king who respects the advice from members of his council? Everyone should want to follow a king who can lead and listen when needed.

    Therefore, observe everything and even take notes inside your head everyday like a mental note. Study people and their habits and pay attention to your surroundings until you have more knowledge. Don’t rush the process; trust the process! Observation is the most important element in becoming the best at anything. Observation itself requires eye contact, open ears, and sometimes keeping a close distance. Sometimes, you have no idea how devastating or great your choice is until later. Sometimes, it comes very unexpectedly and can knock you off your boots. That’s life for you, and you must learn from your mistakes. And time is everything! None of this exists without time. Time is the barrier, the gate, the impenetrable glue that keeps everything together or in line. Some events that are supposed to happen will happen eventually over time; it’s inevitable. Time works whenever it wants and the way it wants. It serves no one, and everyone should think of time as the big boss.

    Imagine playing video games in the early 2000s where you get frustrated losing over and over to the big boss. Eventually, in video games, you can beat the big boss. But unfortunately, you won’t be able to defeat it in real life. Infinity to zero is the battle record against anything created from Matter unless you’re Doctor Strange, who can keep looping over and over with the time stone in his possession. But you’re not Doctor Strange, neither do you have the time stone. So, you never have as much time as you think. It’s never in your favor. That’s why you must pay attention to the signs and think about every decision before making it. I usually go by 3 methods when it comes to it. That’s looking at the signs, thinking logically, and paying attention to the actions in the present. Almost everyone has all their senses, so if you have all five senses, there is no excuse not to sense anything. You can smell it, you can taste it, you can touch it, you can hear it, and you can definitely see it because It’s Right There!

    Chapter 2


    Fear is an anti-life signal or spell that is implanted inside humans. It is something that can block you from seeing signs clearly; a mind, soul, and heart manipulator. How many really know about fear? When people mention fear, they think about phobias like being afraid of heights, spiders, going into deep water, etc. We can mention all of that, but fear is so much bigger, more influential, and more devastating than that. Fear is the biggest weapon used on humans. The deadliest weapon humans use against each other. The underline of almost every action committed by humans. Some may say they are not scared of anything, try me, etc. Excuse my language, but that’s some bullshit, honestly, because most people take action when afraid of something or when affected by similar past experiences. Negative effects from past experiences are called trauma, and it haunts them like a nightmare. That’s fear, It’s Right There!

    Fear can be considered the cause of all discrimination: Racism, Sexism, Religious Prejudice, you name it. Most discriminations are fear-based, not based on pure hate. A lot of folks get it mixed up, ultimately confusing themselves. Racism is the perfect example of fear-based discrimination. It’s in human nature to react unpleasantly out of fear to a kind that looks different or acts differently than them. Everyone seems to overuse the word hate today when other factors are in place, such as rejection and fear. Black people, for example, feel like the White people who oppressed them loathe them when, really, they feared them.

    You could argue that the oppression of Black people was strategic and did not solely rely on fear. Logically, slavery that existed in America could be an example of that, especially when considering what the economy was based on for a few centuries when the European settlers first landed in America. Whoever is a threat to you or your people, you will want to be their boss, keep them under, and put them in their place if you find them useful. That’s what any conqueror or any survivor would do. It’s survival of the fittest on Earth. There are winners and losers, which is why the saying life isn’t fair exists. I’m just saying, It’s Right There!

    It’s basically the top dog in prison scenario, and it’s more than fear. It’s been a rivalry between the two since Ancient times. Slavery existed during Ancient times, and Egypt was a huge place for the slave trade at the time. You’ll be very surprised to know who was in control of that. I mean, It’s Right There! Sorry for the reality check, but different cultures have always been in competition. I’m a realist, and if you use common sense, you would know that any culture in a position of power would ensure their group of people have it better than everyone else. That’s loyalty and putting your people first. That’s why I don’t believe in the term White privilege because anyone at the top would have it better than everyone else. So, in reverse, it could have been Black privilege, Hispanic privilege, Asian privilege, etc. I’m pretty sure other cultures would have done the same, too. They would deny it and say they would treat others better, but those are just words because, ultimately, everyone loves power once they have it.

    If tested, so many will do whatever it takes to keep that power and never return to where they used to be. If the two cultures switched spots, there wouldn’t be much of a difference. History has proven that mankind is power-hungry, and their true nature is revealed once in control without any authority over them. But I will say some are taught to hate another race without knowing the real reason for it, which is fear. The news and other media outlets help with the division. They always show race-baiting material, including being picky about the content they drop. It’s always strategic. When it comes to race, they’re not as positive, almost as if they don’t want everyone to come together and be aware of their tactics. They fear that people will figure it out and come together to stop the divide completely. Speaking of their tactics, sometimes the media spreads rumors or exaggerates a particular subject to get people to hate someone they want. The agenda is so obvious, and most don’t see the agenda because they believe the information just because it’s the news; so, it must be fair and accurate they’re thinking based on that.

    You’ll be surprised at how propaganda works. One thing the media loves presenting is fear. Fear is a huge propaganda tactic, the most prominent form of propaganda. The news and other media outlets raise the fear impulse higher than anyone. They know exactly how to create fear among the people, whether it comes to war, the usual politics, or a medical crisis like COVID-19. The pandemic would have never happened the way it did if it wasn’t for the media involvement.

    Their role was very important, but people must take full accountability on their own behalf. Regardless of anything the media told you or showed you, it’s up to you to figure it out and decide what to do with the information. They’re not responsible for how you react when only you control your words and actions. You are solely responsible for how you react. Despite everything I’ve said, I’m not against the news or other media outlets; let’s be very clear. The news and other media outlets serve their purpose, and everyone is only doing their job. I have the utmost respect for everyone in that career field, as you should, too. Now, back to our daily programming.

    When people fear impulses rise high, they make many illogical decisions. Some are even selfish, like toilet paper hoarders who leave no more for other people to buy. During the pandemic, people were even scared to walk outside and breathe in air properly. Some people even wore a mask inside their cars by themselves. Those individuals obviously fear very much; I doubt you can spread COVID-19 to yourself. But I won’t judge. Fear can get the best of you. It’s there, It’s Right There!

    The most underrated danger is an active shooter or armed robber full of fear. The more uncomfortable they are and the more they fear what can happen to them, the more dangerous they are. The last thing you want to do is increase the impulse of someone with a deadly weapon because it puts more people at risk of being severely wounded or killed. That’s why, when negotiating, the cops ask questions on what the armed man would want on his list of demands. They do that to buy time and make the armed person feel comfortable so that they can apprehend or take them down unexpectedly without innocents getting hurt. It’s a very strategic protocol to take control of the situation, and you must be very calculated and precise with only logical thinking that aligns with the protocol.

    Speaking back on discrimination again, the most known form of discrimination in the entire world was Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism was a term widely used during the rise of the Nazis during World War II. The Nazis feared the Jews very much. The Invasion of Poland was a significant historical event that unleashed the war Monster. They mass murdered innocent Jews in concentration camps and other invasions during this time, which is called The Holocaust. The Jews had done nothing wrong to Hitler and his men, but Hitler’s fear towards them sparked a fear among many other Germans around this time. Hitler feared what could happen in the future, and it’s been considered that he had a personal hate against the Jews. It was a personal vendetta indeed, which usually stems from trauma. The holocaust was considered the biggest form of discrimination in humankind’s History due to the body count and negative impact that it caused overall in such a short time frame.

    The most underrated form of discrimination even applies to a Religion like Christianity, which is the biggest Religion in the world. Followers of that Religion discriminated against and killed more people than anyone in the world. Reading that may be hard to swallow, but it’s the truth. If you don’t believe it, look it up. It’s Right There! The Catholic Persecutions, Ku Klux Klan, and many more throughout History. Let’s be honest without singling out any Religion. There have been Religious wars with Christians against the Muslims, Muslims against the Jews, Christians against the Jews, and Catholic Christians having issues with the Pagans. But I’m not here to bash these Religions. Since I was a kid, my favorite speaker was a Religious one, Pastor Joel Esteen. I have the ultimate respect for committed Religious people more than anyone, especially certain Religious leaders with whom I have made connections. They are doing outstanding work in this world at the end of the day. I just wanted to use many examples of the power of fear because it’s so destructive, like a cancer developing new forms of cancer.


    I’ve mentioned the terms discrimination and privilege, but I want to touch up more on the term equality, connecting it to everything I’ve explained so far in this Chapter. Equality itself can be manipulated because many have hidden agendas behind it but speak so loudly and consistently about equality. A big reason why the American people wouldn’t accept a communist or socialist government is because that means everyone would have the bare minimum, and people like having privilege or a chance to have it better than others. Overall, everyone wants privilege no matter what race, sex, and sexual orientation they are.

    America is so materialistic. People want to have the new Jordans, Gucci, Prada, a nice Mustang, a Lamborghini, a mansion, be in the VIP section, etc. They don’t want to wear the cheapest low-quality shoes or drive a basic car. People in America love the luxury. For example, women strive to be equal, but they want to be better than men and have more control than men. That is a reason why they try to take control so much these days, no matter what. Same with trans-women, they don’t necessarily want to be treated exactly like natural-born women. They want to be treated better. They want to be more valuable than natural-born women, the forever attraction in society's eyes. Trans women don’t want to be just a trend or just a one-night stand; they want to be the highest quality of women on Earth to be someone’s girlfriend or wife. Same as the LGBTQ+ movement in general, for years, people in that group have been bullied, harmed, and treated like less. Heterosexuality has been considered the normal standard for centuries, but we all know standards can change. So, the goal is for their standards to become the new normal.

    After so much that they have overcome, why would they just want to be equal? They can eventually just take over when possessing strength in numbers and having powerful connections with resources. I’m just saying, It’s Right There!

    If people were ruled, at a certain point, they would come together, takeover, and rule themselves. Like Tom Segura said in his Netflix special Mostly Stories regarding another group, why don’t your group get their shit together, and then you can ascend to the top, and then you can oppress other people. That’s a fair point. But human’s nature is to get in there and fight, straighten them out, show them what they’re made of, just like Pastor Joel said. Whether you believe it or not, it doesn’t matter; It’s Right There!

    Why Make Yourself an Enemy?

    Humans are the biggest threat to themselves, and the percentage of that is increasing rapidly. They will destroy themselves if they aren’t led the right way and/or if they’re disobedient. They can’t have too much freedom because they don’t do all the right things with more freedom. For example, most women today would rather keep messing with men who aren’t beneficial for them rather than dating men who are crucially beneficial. To know that women finally get more freedom and get to choose their men, unlike women for centuries before, and still, they actively choose low-quality men who harm them physically, mentally, or emotionally. 3! That’s the perfect example because people don’t know what’s best for them even if It’s Right There! Some know but would still reject it. Perhaps the trauma caused by one of their past relationships affected them hard, and they never truly recovered from it. You can be the perfect guy, and they would not believe it, so they will get rid of you before you further prove yourself. They have been hurt or disappointed too many times to the point where they’ve stopped believing, as if it’s impossible to have such a grand life. Damn! It could have been grand, but with a slam. Grand slam!

    Many would say they want someone rare or different per se, but that person who’s so different psychologically scares them. This fear may stem from the perceived unreadability of such individuals, leading to concerns about potential harm. Some individuals may also realize their own psychological issues and fear causing harm to others. Studies have proven men fear the most in general, especially when it comes to love, and that is why they do the most hurtful shit in the entire world. A woman can get hurt once and try again multiple times with love. A guy gets hurt once and most likely gives up immediately, becoming the worst in the dating pool. That’s pathetic and weak if you ask me.

    I’m just saying, It’s Right There! Women are stronger and more fearless than the world gives them credit for. Those who have been hurt don’t know what to do with the person they’ve been wishing for or deserve. They start to question themselves like they don’t deserve it, or in some cases, it’s like they rebooted and don’t even know themselves anymore.  This phenomenon can be linked back to the concept of self-sabotage, as individuals with too much freedom may grapple with inner turmoil.  

    One surprisingly significant thing I’ve found is that people don’t know the real consequences of their actions. It’s like they’re not afraid of them because they’ve been receiving light consequences. Usually, some get warnings, a light sentence, a tolerable beating, a fine, or just a slap on the wrist. People have more privilege than they think, especially Americans. I personally saw many people steal items from Walmart, and people joked about doing that on social media. There wouldn’t be many jokes if people were taught proper lessons. That’s an example of how light consequences are today. Consequences are not taken seriously at all! Nobody will learn to stop doing foul activity if they aren’t receiving actual consequences. People feel like they could do whatever they want and get away with it, or that their unjustified actions won’t significantly negatively affect them. It’s like people don’t respect Karma or the law because they have been babied. I’m just saying, It’s Right There!

    In History, for centuries in many places throughout the world, people received real consequences; some were very harsh. People got their hands cut off for stealing, heads cut off for treacherous acts, some got hanged for breaking the law, and some got shot in the head for other crimes too. I’m not saying America and every other country should return to that, but there must be more real consequences where people can learn never to violate again. Some foreign countries still have ways to give real consequences in this day and age, though. Limitations are definitely needed when establishing order because limitations balance out humans and keep them in line. Respect, honor, and honesty among humans used to be so much higher back then. Now, all 3 of these qualities just hit an all-time low because of the lack of limitations and real consequences in this new generation.

    A lot of people today are so selfish and impatient. Some people do what they do because they can’t handle freedom and can’t handle responsibilities, so they self-sabotage as a defensive mechanism. Humans may even push away/ reject new people to protect themselves when, in some cases,

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