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The Rejected Little Wolf
The Rejected Little Wolf
The Rejected Little Wolf
Ebook199 pages3 hours

The Rejected Little Wolf

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Her mother's death and her being wolfless made everything in her life change. Having given up on life, Leila tried to commit suicide but was shocked when she realised she had a second chance mate and wolf.
Will her second chance mate accept her?
What will happen when she discover the reason the rogues are after her?

Release dateMar 7, 2024
The Rejected Little Wolf

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    Book preview

    The Rejected Little Wolf - Arianapeige

    Chapter 1

    Leila's Pov.

    Blue has always been my favourite colour. I don't know why, maybe it's because my mom's eyes are blue and I love the sea? Today is my sixteenth birthday, my mom held a big party for this day. Every werewolf is expected to get his/ her wolf on their sixteenth birthday. I was coerced to wear a gown for this day, at least it is blue and so exquisite. I am currently seated on a bench outside the pack's hall where the party is taking place. The excitement to meet my wolf is making me restless. I know for sure that my wolf will be big in size since I am a beta's daughter.

    I was caught up in my thought that I didn't notice people had already gathered outside to witness my first shift. I had always watched people get their wolves since I was young and I was so delighted that I was going to experience it today.

    Sweetheart, maybe you should stand up for this. We don't want you to shift when you are seated on a bench, right? mom asked, averting my attention.

    Yes mom, I think you are right, I answered joyfully.

    Then maybe go to the centre and wait for midnight to arrive. It is merely five minutes, my sister, Elana, said.

    I love both of you so much, I said before walking away.

    We love you too, Elana shouted, making me chuckle.

    She may be older than I am but she still behaves like a kid. She is the light of the house, our sunshine.

    I looked at the moon which was just above us. I stared at it as I wondered what the moon goddess had installed for me. I believed that if I scrutinised the moon, I would shift faster and undergo less pain.

    Why isn't she shifting?

    Is already past twelve.

    This has never happened before.

    She is just a disgrace to our pack.

    Those words were enough to preclude my attention from the moon to the crowd which had formed all around me. Most had disapproving looks, others disgusted and shocked.

    What is going on? I asked internally because everyone had been happy a few minutes ago but now… I get to be able to pinpoint what is wrong and why they are talking in such a manner.

    I looked at my mom and sister and found that their eyes were on me but they had a pained and apologetic look.

    What are they apologising for?

    Mom, I called out when reality hit me.

    Tears started forming in my eyes, making me see everything as a blur.

    I didn't shift.

    I had no wolf.

    How is this even possible?

    Looking around, I comprehended that things were going to change with a few people. I couldn't put up with the pain and the humiliation anymore, I let out a loud cry and fell to the ground.

    Rogues, someone shouted.

    Leila, Mom shouted as they ran towards me.

    I need to get both of you to safety, she said as she dragged me along with her.

    Why? I just want to die, I told her.

    You can't die right now. You have a lot ahead of you, she said, making me shake my head in disapproval.

    How will I be able to live amongst everyone after this? I asked while crying.

    Don't worry, the moon goddess will surely give you the strength and courage to do so, she said.

    but… I tried talking but mom interrupted me.

    Listen to me. I need you to get out of here right now. Promise me that you will hide yourself. These people shouldn't get hold of you, she said.

    What do you mean? I asked worriedly and at this time, I had stopped crying.

    They are here for you. I need you to follow Elana right now, she said.

    Promise me, baby, she said with a cracking voice.

    I really hate seeing her in this kind of situation.

    I am not going to leave you, I shouted as I dragged her along with me.

    We ran to the nearby cabin which we could see. Elana has already gone, I just hope she is fine. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on our side.

    Where do you think both of you are going, we heard a loud voice saying just behind us.

    Afraid to even look behind, we continued running for our rescue.

    Look at them, trying to run so that they can hide themselves, another voice said, mockingly.

    Let them run a little bit. We will surely get hold of the girl and kill the mother.

    What they said made me shiver in fear. I wondered what I did wrong to deserve this. I wish they could just kill me instead of mom. How can I leave without her in my life? Suddenly, someone separated mom and me.

    Mom, I cried out loud when I saw her fighting the two wolves.

    Run sweetheart. I am trying to get some time for you so that you can get out of here as soon as possible, she shouted.

    How can I leave you alone? I asked as I started sobbing. I had already fallen on the ground watching my mom fight with the two men. I kept praying that some miracle would happen and let the men leave even without hurting anyone.

    Why did my birthday have to turn into my worst nightmare?

    Why did they have to attack this day only?

    Why didn't I have a wolf?

    Maybe if I had a wolf, I would have helped mom.

    I heard a loud growl which made the fight halt for a while.

    The alpha is here, one of the men said.

    We need to get out of here as soon as possible, the other responded to his acquaintance.

    I let out a loud sigh when I realised that they were leaving in a few. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I looked at the scene in front of me.

    Mom, I cried out.

    They had stabbed her chest before escaping.

    Mom please wake up, you can't leave Elana and me, I said while sobbing.

    I love both of you so much. Always stay together as each other's keeper, those were the last words I heard her say through the mind link before our connection was cut.

    Nooooo, Both Elana and I screamed.

    Chapter 2

    Leila's pov.

    It's been months since mom left us. Everything has changed for the worse. I may be a beta's daughter but I am being treated as an omega.

    Leila, hurry up. You don't want to be late for school, my sister shouted from downstairs.

    At least, she is still with me even when everyone has left me. I guess after all that blood is thicker than water as they say it.

    Let her sleep a little longer, Marcus, Elana's mate, said.

    Don't you dare! You have been spoiling her too much, she said back at him.

    I knew that if they start their little argument it will go on till evening.

    I will be down in a minute, I shouted, hoping to stop the argument.

    There are seconds remaining now, she said.

    Aaargh. She is making everything difficult. She has really changed since mom's death. She is strict and not a jovial girl anymore.

    Everyone blames me for mom's death. They say that I am cursed and that is why I wasn't blessed with a wolf and I was the main cause of my mother's death. As much as I want to argue with them, I can't. I have always blamed myself for her death.

    I picked up my school bag pack and left since I didn't want to ruin Elana's mood this early morning.

    Being blessed with the best chef in the house, I devoured the oatmeal fast.

    Come on, I will drop you, Marcus said when he noticed that I had already finished my breakfast.

    Bye Elana, I said as I gave her a peck.

    Take care of yourself, she said.

    You don't need to worry, I will do that. Remember that I love you, I said.

    I love you too, she said.

    The drive was not silent as sure. In a short time, Marcus had become my best friend just like my sister. If it weren't for them, I would have been dead by now.

    Do you remember that there is a ball today? he asked.

    The one held every year so that people can find their mates? I asked.

    Yes, he said.

    What about it? I questioned.

    Maybe you should go. You might find your mate, he enunciated.

    Yes, I know that but I am not invited to the party, Marcus, I told him.

    You may not be invited but I think you should go, you would be lucky if you find your mate. Someone to love and take care of you other than Elana and I, he declared.

    Do you think that I care about that? All that I care about is both of you. You are both my life, I said.

    Uhmm, it seems we have arrived, he said.

    I looked out of the window and saw that we were just in front of the school's gate.

    Yeah, I will take my life now, I said.

    Think about what I have just told you, he said and I nodded my head in agreement.

    Look who has arrived!

    I hate school because I am always being bullied since I am wolfless. As usual, all I need to do is take no notice of any of them.

    I strode past them towards the hallway so that I could get my books from the locker before going to class.

    Ouch, I said as I hit something.

    If only I was looking where I was going, I wouldn't have stumbled on the wall.

    Watch where you are going, useless bitch, I heard someone say and I looked up.

    I gulped when I saw who I had bumped into.

    I….I am…so….sorry, I stammered.

    Look she can't even talk properly, Liam said, making everyone who was in the hallway laugh.

    Let the poor girl be, Liam. maybe she can't see properly, Mike, Liam's best friend said.

    I don't care. She should know who to approach and who to avoid, he said arrogantly.

    Next time you bump into me you won't like it, he said harshly, making me flinch.

    I looked at him one more time and ran away from there before they humiliated me more.

    Today, I had a lot of classes. I just hope no one will make fun of me or the teacher to spot me. With that in my mind, I walked to my first class with a smile on my face to hide my true sentiments.

    Everyone was busy either listening to what the teacher was teaching or talking about today's party.

    Maybe Marcus was right. I might be lucky enough to find my mate today. A mate is supposed to love their partner, protect and always be there for her. I just hope I will have a tall muscular mate. Who would be able to defend me from the bullies.

    In just a spur of time, the classes were over. This is one of the parts I hate most. The school being a werewolf school, most students prefer shifting and running back home. I walked out of the school and went home.

    After a few hours.

    There was loud music playing in the pack's house. The party had begun and it made me envious of the people who had gotten an opportunity to meet their mates. I knew if I made my way there, I would just end up in trouble but was the trouble worth it?

    Something was apprising me to go there. I felt as if my mate was in that building.

    Leila, just go and find your mate, Elana said as she walked into the living room.

    Do you think he will love me? Will he accept a wolfless person as his mate, I asked her.

    Stop worrying and get there. Whoever doesn't love you let them be. They don't know what a gem they are missing in their lives, she said, making me smile.

    Okay, let me go and try my luck.

    That's the spirit, Marcus said.

    You… I said as I pointed at him. I will get back at you when I come back.

    I got out of the house and sauntered towards the pack's house when I suddenly smelt a welcoming scent. It had a chocolate smell. I followed that smell hoping that I would find out where it was coming from.

    What are you doing here? Liam asked, making me jump a little out of stock since I had not noticed him. I turned to look at him.

    It….it can't be, he said.

    Is he my mate?

    Will he accept me and he is one of my bullies?

    I, Liam Scott, the future alpha of the black moon, reject you Leila Wright as my mate and my luna, immediately he said I felt pain in my chest just as severe as when mom died.

    I, Leila Wright, accept your rejection, I said since I knew I had no other choice.

    Get out of here and never tell anyone that the moon goddess has paired me with a worthless human being like you, he said.

    Tears had already started escaping and I found no reason to keep standing there so that he could continue throwing insults at me.

    Chapter 3

    Leila's Pov.

    I hate celebrating my birthday since it is the day mom was killed. The thought of the day itself brings bitterness in me. In a few hours, I will be turning eighteen, maybe it isn't that bad. At least, I would be able to gain my freedom. At the age of eighteen, one is said to be independent since she has turned legal age. In the past, this place, the pack and everyone in it was my family, they made me feel as if I was at home and comfortable, but now? It's like I am living in hell. With the intention to escape, I was in my room packing my belongings even though I had no idea where I would go after doing that.

    Each outfit had some memories with it. Some with mom and others with Elana, even Marcus. I had never met my father, he died before I was born. Mom had never told me how he died but thinking about the current situation and the rogue's attack two years ago, I think he was killed by the rogues. I wish that I was strong enough to fight them. If only I was, mom would still be here with us.

    A picture of the sea captured my eyes. The more I looked at it, the more I remembered mom's words. She had wished to take us to a place which she said was peaceful and she had always gone there when she was a kid but sadly, she isn't here with us anymore. At least my curiosity and stubbornness had made her direct me to the place.

    I frankly hope that it is just as she narrated it cause it would be a great pity if it wasn't. Maybe that will be my first spot or maybe my home. After packing everything that I needed, I hid it under the bed and walked out of the room.

    You have been in your room for so long, Marcus

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