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Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success
Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success
Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success
Ebook494 pages6 hours

Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success

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About this ebook

"Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success" is the definitive guide for developers looking to enhance their skills in building visually stunning and functionally robust applications that run seamlessly across multiple platforms. Written by experts in the field, this book delves deep into the nuances of Flutter and Dart, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of these powerful tools.


Starting with the basics, readers are guided through the foundational concepts of Dart programming, followed by an in-depth exploration of Flutter's rich widget library. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to build upon the previous, ensuring a cohesive learning journey that covers everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics like state management, animation, and custom widget creation.


Beyond just coding techniques, this book emphasizes the importance of elegant code, showcasing how to write clean, maintainable, and efficient Dart code that powers beautiful Flutter apps. It includes practical examples, real-world project scenarios, and tips on optimizing app performance and UI/UX design, making it an invaluable resource for anyone aspiring to master cross-platform app development.


Whether you're a beginner eager to dive into the world of Flutter and Dart or an experienced developer looking to refine your skills, "Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success" offers the insights, examples, and best practices you need to succeed in the fast-evolving app development landscape.


Release dateMar 13, 2024
Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success

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    Mastering Flutter and Dart - Kameron Hussain

    Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success

    Kameron Hussain and Frahaan Hussain

    Published by Sonar Publishing, 2024.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. March 13, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Kameron Hussain and Frahaan Hussain.

    Written by Kameron Hussain and Frahaan Hussain.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Mastering Flutter and Dart: Elegant Code for Cross-Platform Success

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Flutter and Dart

    1.1. The Evolution of Mobile Development: From Native to Cross-Platform

    The Advantages of Cross-Platform Development

    The Emergence of Flutter

    1.2. An Overview of Flutter: Revolutionizing UI Development

    A Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms

    Fast Development with Hot Reload

    A Rich Set of Widgets

    Pixel-Perfect Customization

    High Performance and Native-Like Experience

    Community and Ecosystem

    1.3. Dart: The Engine Behind Flutter

    A Brief Introduction to Dart

    Dart’s Syntax and Structure

    Strongly Typed Language

    Object-Oriented Programming

    Asynchronous Programming with Futures and Streams

    An Extensive Standard Library

    DartPad: An Interactive Playground

    1.4. The Synergy of Flutter and Dart

    Flutter’s Use of Dart

    Widget-Based UI Development

    Dart’s Role in the UI

    State Management in Dart


    1.5. Setting Up Your Development Environment

    Installing Flutter

    Installing Dart

    Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

    Creating Your First Flutter Project

    Chapter 2: Dart Basics

    2.1. Syntax and Structure: Understanding Dart

    Dart’s Hello World

    Variables and Data Types

    Control Flow: Loops and Conditionals

    Functions and Scope


    2.2. Variables, Types, and Operators

    Variable Declarations

    Data Types

    Type Conversion


    2.3. Control Flow: Loops and Conditionals

    Conditional Statements


    Control Flow with break and continue

    2.4. Functions and Scope

    Declaring Functions

    Function Parameters

    Returning Values

    Optional Parameters

    Named Parameters

    Function Scope

    2.5. Classes and Objects in Dart

    Creating Classes

    Creating Objects

    Accessing Properties and Methods


    Getters and Setters


    Abstract Classes

    Chapter 3: Flutter Fundamentals

    3.1. Understanding Widgets and Their Importance

    What Are Widgets?

    The Widget Tree

    Building UIs with Composition

    Hot Reload and Rapid Iteration


    3.2. State Management: Stateless and Stateful Widgets

    Stateless Widgets

    Stateful Widgets

    Choosing Between Stateless and Stateful Widgets

    3.3. Layouts and UI Components


    UI Components

    Custom UI Components

    3.4. Navigating Between Screens

    The Navigator Widget

    Using MaterialPageRoute

    Passing Data between Screens

    Named Routes

    Handling Navigation Back


    3.5. Handling User Input and Forms

    Basic User Input

    Form Widgets

    Handling User Interactions

    Complex User Interfaces

    Chapter 4: Advanced Dart Concepts

    4.1. Asynchronous Programming with Futures and Streams

    Understanding Futures

    Handling Errors with Futures

    Working with Streams

    Working with Async and Await


    4.2. Effective Dart: Best Practices

    1. Code Formatting and Style

    2. Use Meaningful Variable and Function Names

    3. Follow the Dart Style Guide

    4. Avoid Mutability Where Possible

    5. Null Safety

    6. Document Your Code

    7. Modularize Your Code

    8. Testing

    9. Error Handling

    10. Optimize for Performance

    4.3. Generics and Collections



    Working with Collections

    Collection Literals


    4.4. Exception Handling and Debugging

    Handling Exceptions

    Debugging Dart Code


    4.5. Advanced OOP Concepts in Dart

    Inheritance and Polymorphism

    Abstract Classes and Interfaces



    5. Crafting Beautiful UIs with Flutter

    5.1. Theming and Styling Apps

    Using Themes in Flutter

    Styling Widgets

    Creating Custom Themes

    Dark Mode and Light Mode


    5.2. Animations and Transitions

    Basic Animations

    Transition Widgets

    Complex Transitions


    5.3. Using Custom Paint and Canvas

    Custom Paint Widget

    CustomPainter Class

    Drawing Shapes and Paths

    Custom Clipping

    Performance Considerations


    5.4. Responsive Design: Adapting UI for Different Devices

    MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder

    Responsive Layouts with Rows and Columns

    Adaptive Widgets

    Orientation Changes


    5.5. Accessibility and Internationalization

    Accessibility in Flutter

    Internationalization in Flutter

    Supporting Multiple Languages

    RTL (Right-to-Left) Support


    Chapter 6: State Management in Flutter

    6.1. Understanding the Need for State Management

    What Is State?

    The Need for State Management

    Types of State in Flutter

    Approaches to State Management


    6.2. Exploring Provider and Riverpod



    Choosing Between Provider and Riverpod

    6.3. Bloc Pattern: Theory and Implementation

    Understanding the Bloc Pattern

    Implementation of Bloc in Flutter

    6.4. Redux in Flutter

    Understanding Redux Principles

    Implementing Redux in Flutter

    6.5. Advanced State Management Techniques

    1. Using ChangeNotifierProxyProvider for Combined Providers

    2. Using flutter_bloc for Complex Business Logic

    3. Leveraging StreamBuilder for Real-Time Updates

    4. Implementing Middleware for Side Effects

    5. Managing Navigation State

    7.1. Making HTTP Requests and Parsing JSON

    1. Using the http Package

    2. Parsing JSON Data

    3. Handling Asynchronous Operations

    4. Handling Network Connectivity

    5. Making POST Requests and Sending Data

    7.2. Working with Local Storage

    1. Using Shared Preferences

    2. Using Local Database with sqflite

    3. Using Hive for NoSQL Data Storage

    4. File-Based Storage

    7.3. Integrating Databases with Flutter

    1. Using sqflite for SQLite Databases

    2. Using Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

    3. Using Hive for NoSQL Data Storage

    7.4. Securing Data and Privacy Considerations

    1. Data Encryption

    2. User Authentication

    3. Data Validation and Sanitization

    4. Permissions and Access Control

    5. Privacy Policies and User Consent

    6. Data Storage Compliance

    7. Regular Security Audits

    7.5. Offline Data Synchronization

    1. Why Offline Data Synchronization?

    2. Caching and Local Storage

    3. Background Data Sync

    4. Conflict Resolution

    5. Offline Mode Handling

    6. Testing Offline Scenarios

    7. Error Handling and Recovery

    Chapter 8: Integrating APIs and Third-Party Services

    8.1. Consuming RESTful APIs

    1. HTTP Requests

    2. Handling API Responses

    3. Authentication

    4. Error Handling

    5. Asynchronous Programming

    6. Using Dart Models

    7. Testing

    8. Pagination and Data Fetching

    9. Rate Limiting and Throttling

    8.2. OAuth and Secure Authentication

    1. Understanding OAuth

    2. OAuth Flows

    3. OAuth Packages for Flutter

    4. Registering Your App

    5. Redirect URLs

    6. Storing Tokens Securely

    7. Token Expiration and Refresh

    8. User Consent

    9. Revoking Access

    10. Testing OAuth Integration

    8.3. Payment Gateway Integration

    1. Choosing a Payment Gateway

    2. Setting Up Your Merchant Account

    3. Integrating the Payment Gateway SDK

    4. Implementing Payment Flows

    5. Handling Errors and Edge Cases

    6. Testing in a Sandbox Environment

    7. Securing Payment Data

    8. Compliance and Regulations

    9. User Experience

    10. Analytics and Reporting

    11. Documentation and Support

    8.4. Social Media Integration

    1. Choosing Social Media Platforms

    2. Authentication and Authorization

    3. Sharing Content

    4. Fetching User Data

    5. Real-time Updates

    6. Customization and Branding

    7. Error Handling

    8. Compliance with Platform Policies

    9. Testing and Debugging

    10. User Privacy

    11. User Engagement Strategies

    12. Documentation and Support

    8.5. Using Firebase with Flutter

    1. Setting Up Firebase

    2. Firebase Authentication

    3. Firestore Database

    4. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

    5. Firebase Storage

    6. Other Firebase Services

    Chapter 9: Testing and Debugging

    9.1. Writing Unit and Widget Tests

    1. Unit Tests

    2. Widget Tests

    3. Mocking and Dependency Injection

    4. Test Coverage

    5. Continuous Integration (CI)

    6. Best Practices

    9.2. Integration Testing in Flutter

    1. Writing Integration Tests

    2. Widget Key

    3. Interacting with Widgets

    4. Testing on Real Devices and Emulators

    5. Continuous Integration (CI) for Integration Tests

    6. Best Practices

    9.3. Debugging Techniques and Tools

    1. Debugging in Flutter

    2. Flutter Inspector

    3. Debugging in IDEs

    4. Logging and Error Handling

    5. Third-Party Tools

    6. Continuous Integration and Testing

    9.4. Performance Tuning and Optimization

    1. Profiling Your App

    2. Reducing Widget Rebuilds

    3. State Management

    4. Using the const Keyword

    5. Code Splitting

    6. Image Optimization

    7. Minimizing Network Requests

    8. Widget Lifecycle

    9. Reducing Animations

    10. Memory Management

    11. Testing for Performance

    9.5. Continuous Integration and Deployment

    1. Introduction to CI/CD

    2. Setting Up CI/CD for Flutter

    3. Benefits of CI/CD for Flutter

    4. Conclusion

    Chapter 10: Building for iOS and Android

    10.1. Platform-Specific Code and Native Integration

    1. Platform Channels

    2. Platform-Specific Widgets

    3. Accessing Platform-Specific Features

    4. Platform-Specific Configuration

    5. Testing on Real Devices

    6. Handling Platform Differences

    7. Conclusion

    10.2. Adapting UI for iOS and Android

    1. Platform-Specific Widgets

    2. Design Consistency

    3. Icons and Typography

    4. Testing on Real Devices

    5. Customizing Themes

    6. User Feedback and Reviews

    7. Conclusion

    10.3. Handling Permissions and Device Features

    1. Requesting Permissions

    2. Accessing Device Features

    3. Platform-Specific Considerations

    4. Security and Privacy

    5. Conclusion

    10.4. Publishing Your App on App Store and Google Play

    1. App Store (iOS)

    2. Google Play Store (Android)

    3. Maintenance and Updates

    4. Conclusion

    10.5. Maintaining and Updating Your App

    1. User Feedback and Bug Reports

    2. Monitoring App Performance

    3. Security Updates

    4. Feature Enhancements

    5. Compatibility Updates

    6. Regular Updates

    7. App Store Optimization (ASO)

    8. Marketing and Promotion

    9. User Engagement

    10. User Data Privacy

    11. App Performance Optimization

    12. Backup and Disaster Recovery

    13. Community Engagement

    14. User Education

    15. Conclusion

    Chapter 11: Advanced UI Components

    Section 11.1: Custom Widgets and Complex UIs


    Section 11.2: Gesture Detection and Custom Animations

    Detecting Gestures

    Creating Custom Animations

    Gesture and Animation Synergy

    Section 11.3: Implementing Advanced Navigation Patterns

    Tab-Based Navigation

    Drawer and Side Menu Navigation

    Bottom Navigation Bar

    Nested Navigation

    Section 11.4: Canvas and Custom Paint Techniques

    Introduction to Custom Paint

    Drawing Paths and Lines

    Gradient and Shader Brushes

    Custom Animation with CustomPainter

    Section 11.5: Creating 3D Effects in Flutter

    Perspective Transformations

    Using Packages for 3D Effects

    Creating 3D-Like Transitions

    Experimenting with 3D-Like UI Elements

    Chapter 12: Flutter for Web and Desktop

    Section 12.1: Adapting Flutter Apps for Web

    Section 12.2: Building Desktop Applications with Flutter

    Section 12.3: Cross-Platform Considerations

    Section 12.4: Performance Optimization for Web and Desktop

    Section 12.5: Deploying Web and Desktop Applications

    Chapter 13: Scalable App Architecture

    Section 13.1: Design Patterns for Flutter Development

    The Role of Design Patterns

    Common Design Patterns in Flutter

    Choosing the Right Design Pattern

    Section 13.2: Organizing and Structuring Large Projects

    Folder Structure


    Naming Conventions

    Separation of Concerns


    Version Control and Collaboration

    Section 13.3: Dependency Injection and Modularization

    Dependency Injection (DI)


    Using Provider for Dependency Injection

    Modularization with Flutter Packages

    Section 13.4: Scalable Data Management Strategies

    State Management

    Caching and Data Fetching

    API Requests and Rate Limiting

    Data Security and Encryption

    Section 13.5: Ensuring Quality with Code Reviews and Documentation

    Code Reviews


    Chapter 14: Real-Time Applications and Streaming

    Section 14.1: Implementing Real-Time Data with WebSockets

    Why WebSockets?

    Implementing WebSockets in Flutter

    Section 14.2: Building Chat Applications

    Key Features of Chat Applications

    Implementing Chat Features

    Example Chat App Code

    Section 14.3: Streaming Video and Audio

    Key Considerations for Streaming

    Integrating Video Streaming

    Integrating Audio Streaming

    Section 14.4: Handling Real-Time Data Efficiently

    The Importance of Real-Time Data

    WebSocket for Real-Time Communication

    Firebase Realtime Database

    Optimizing Real-Time Data Management

    Section 14.5: Case Studies of Real-Time Flutter Apps

    1. Chat Application

    2. Live Sports Scores

    3. Collaborative Task Management

    4. Live Auctions and Bidding

    5. Location Sharing and Tracking

    6. Live Streaming and Video Conferencing

    7. Real-Time Collaboration Tools

    8. Social Media Feeds

    Chapter 15: Working with Sensors and Hardware

    Section 15.1: Accessing Device Sensors

    Flutter Sensor Plugins

    Use Cases for Sensor-Driven Apps

    Section 15.2: Bluetooth and NFC Integration

    Bluetooth Integration

    NFC Integration

    Use Cases

    Section 15.3: Using GPS and Location Services

    Installing the geolocator Package

    Requesting Location Permissions

    Obtaining the User’s Location

    Handling Location Updates

    Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding

    Use Cases

    Section 15.4: Camera and Media Integration

    Camera Plugin

    Working with Media

    Section 15.5: Hardware Acceleration and Performance

    Hardware Acceleration

    Performance Best Practices

    Profiling and Debugging

    Chapter 16: Flutter for Enterprise

    Section 16.1: Implementing Enterprise-Level Features

    Section 16.2: Security and Data Protection

    Data Encryption and Storage

    Authentication and Authorization

    Secure Communication with APIs

    Compliance and Data Privacy

    Ongoing Security Maintenance

    Section 16.3: Flutter in a Corporate Environment

    Benefits of Flutter in Corporate Settings

    Use Cases for Corporate Apps

    Challenges and Considerations

    Section 16.4: Case Studies: Flutter in Large-Scale Projects

    1. Alibaba: Super App Redesign

    2. Tencent: Qingyan

    3. Square: Square Register

    4. BMW: BMW Connected

    5. Huawei: Huawei AppGallery

    6. Reflectly: A Mindfulness Journal

    7. Groupon: Merchant App

    Section 16.5: Future Trends in Enterprise Mobile Development

    1. Increased Emphasis on Cross-Platform Development

    2. Integration with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

    3. Enhanced Security Measures

    4. Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

    5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

    6. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Flutter for Web

    7. Enhanced User Experience

    8. Localization and Globalization

    Section 17.1: Engaging with the Flutter Community

    Why Engage with the Flutter Community?

    Ways to Engage with the Flutter Community

    Code of Conduct and Etiquette

    Section 17.2: Contributing to Open Source Projects

    Why Contribute to Open Source?

    Finding Open Source Projects

    Steps to Contribute

    Etiquette and Best Practices

    Section 17.3: Leveraging Community Resources and Libraries

    The Power of Community Resources

    Leveraging Libraries and Packages

    Contributing to the Community

    Section 17.4: Hosting and Participating in Hackathons

    What Is a Hackathon?

    How to Participate

    Hosting Your Own Hackathon


    Section 17.5: Learning from Flutter Success Stories

    Success Story 1: Alibaba

    Success Story 2: Reflectly

    Success Story 3: Groupon

    Success Story 4: eBay Motors

    Success Story 5: Watermaniac


    Chapter 18: Monetization Strategies

    Section 18.1: In-App Purchases and Subscriptions

    Section 18.2: Advertisements and Sponsorships

    Implementing Advertisements

    Types of Ads

    Implementing Sponsorships

    Balancing User Experience

    Section 18.3: Freemium and Paid App Strategies

    Freemium Model

    Paid App Model

    Choosing the Right Model

    Section 18.4: Crowdfunding and Patronage



    Choosing the Right Approach

    Section 18.5: Analyzing Revenue and User Engagement

    Revenue Analysis

    User Engagement Analysis

    Chapter 19: The Future of Flutter and Dart

    Section 19.1: Upcoming Features and Roadmap

    Section 19.2: Flutter Beyond Mobile: Expanding Horizons

    1. Web Development with Flutter

    2. Desktop Applications with Flutter

    3. Embedded Systems and IoT

    4. Embedded Systems and IoT

    5. Embedded Systems and IoT

    5. Embedded Systems and IoT

    6. Game Development

    Section 19.3: Dart’s Evolution and Future Potential

    1. The Dart Language Evolution

    2. Dart in the Web Ecosystem

    3. Server-Side Dart

    4. The Future of Dart

    Section 19.4: Emerging Trends in Cross-Platform Development

    1. Convergence of Mobile and Desktop

    2. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

    3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

    4. Internet of Things (IoT)

    5. Focus on Performance and Optimization

    6. Collaboration and Open Source

    7. App Distribution and Monetization

    8. Ethical and Sustainable Development

    Section 19.5: Preparing for Future Changes in Technology

    1. Continuous Learning and Skill Development

    2. Embrace New Technologies

    3. Community Engagement

    4. Experimentation and Prototyping

    5. Future-Proofing Code

    6. Security and Privacy Awareness

    7. Ethical Considerations

    8. Environmental Sustainability

    9. Adaptability and Resilience

    Chapter 20: Final Project: Building a Complete App

    Section 20.1: Planning and Designing Your App

    1. Define Your App’s Purpose and Audience

    2. Research and Competitor Analysis

    3. Sketch Your App’s User Interface

    4. Create a Feature List

    5. Choose the Right Architecture

    6. Pick Your Development Tools

    7. Set a Realistic Timeline and Milestones

    8. Design the User Experience (UX)

    9. Plan for Testing

    10. Prepare for Deployment

    11. Budget and Resources

    12. Legal and Compliance

    13. Backup and Version Control

    14. Project Documentation

    15. Seek Feedback

    16. Stay Agile and Adaptable

    Section 20.2: Implementing Core Features and UI

    1. Set Up Your Development Environment

    2. Create the Project Structure

    3. Implement Navigation

    4. Build the User Interface

    5. Implement Core Features

    6. Integrate Backend Services

    7. Manage State Effectively

    8. Testing and Debugging

    9. Iterate and Refine

    10. Performance Optimization

    11. Localization and Accessibility

    12. Security and Privacy

    13. Documentation

    14. Version Control and Collaboration

    15. Monitor and Track Errors

    16. Prepare for Testing and Deployment

    17. Finalize MVP and Prepare for Launch

    Section 20.3: Integrating Advanced Features

    1. Push Notifications

    2. In-App Purchases

    3. Augmented Reality (AR)

    4. Machine Learning

    5. Biometric Authentication

    6. Augmented Reality (AR)

    7. Machine Learning

    8. Biometric Authentication

    9. Augmented Reality (AR)

    10. Machine Learning

    11. Biometric Authentication

    12. Augmented Reality (AR)

    13. Machine Learning

    14. Biometric Authentication

    15. Augmented Reality (AR)

    16. Machine Learning

    17. Biometric Authentication

    18. Augmented Reality (AR)

    Section 20.4: Testing and Refining Your App

    1. Unit Testing

    2. Widget Testing

    3. Integration Testing

    4. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

    5. Performance Testing

    6. Usability Testing

    7. Accessibility Testing

    8. Beta Testing

    9. Continuous Refinement

    10. Documentation and User Support

    Section 20.5: Launching and Marketing Your App

    1. App Store Submission

    2. App Store Optimization (ASO)

    3. Social Media Presence

    4. App Website and Landing Page

    5. Email Marketing

    6. Influencer Collaborations

    7. App Launch Event

    8. User Feedback and Iteration

    9. Analytics and Metrics

    10. Continuous Marketing Efforts

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Flutter and Dart

    1.1. The Evolution of Mobile Development: From Native to Cross-Platform

    Mobile app development has witnessed a significant transformation over the years. Initially, developers primarily focused on native app development, which involved creating separate codebases for each platform, such as iOS and Android. While this approach allowed for fine-grained control and performance optimization, it was time-consuming and required expertise in multiple programming languages.

    With the rise of cross-platform development frameworks, such as Flutter, the landscape has evolved. Cross-platform development aims to streamline the app development process by enabling developers to write code once and run it on multiple platforms. This approach has become increasingly popular due to its efficiency and reduced development overhead.

    One of the key factors contributing to the adoption of cross-platform frameworks like Flutter is the demand for faster development cycles. Businesses and developers alike are looking for ways to expedite app development without compromising on quality. Cross-platform solutions address this need by providing a unified codebase that can be deployed across various platforms.

    Flutter, introduced by Google, is at the forefront of this cross-platform revolution. It leverages the Dart programming language to build high-quality, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. This approach allows developers to reach a broader audience while maintaining a consistent user experience.

    The Advantages of Cross-Platform Development

    Cross-platform development offers several advantages, which have contributed to its widespread adoption:

    Cost-Effective: Developing a single codebase for multiple platforms reduces development costs and resources compared to maintaining separate codebases.

    Time Efficiency: Cross-platform frameworks like Flutter enable faster development, as developers write code once and deploy it across platforms, reducing development time.

    Code Reusability: Reusing code components across platforms enhances productivity and consistency.

    Uniform User Experience: Users on different platforms receive a consistent user interface and experience, improving user satisfaction.

    Easier Maintenance: Maintaining a

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