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Lewd Dungeon Adventures: Price of the Dragon: Lewd Dungeon Adventures, #5
Lewd Dungeon Adventures: Price of the Dragon: Lewd Dungeon Adventures, #5
Lewd Dungeon Adventures: Price of the Dragon: Lewd Dungeon Adventures, #5
Ebook75 pages59 minutes

Lewd Dungeon Adventures: Price of the Dragon: Lewd Dungeon Adventures, #5

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Welcome to Lewd Dungeon Adventures: An Adult Role-Playing Game for Couples


Emperor Geo has called upon you to go to the bandit village of Darkwell to take care of a delicate matter that may pose a considerable threat to The Kegel Empire if not dealt with swiftly. An inside source has disclosed that a dragon has moved into the village. While it would require great magic to do so, if any of the bandits are able to make a pact with the dragon, they could command it to wreak havoc across the land. Emperor Geo wants you to rid Darkwell of the dragon and does not care how you do it. Should you complete this task, he promises to reward you handsomely.

Release dateMar 13, 2024
Lewd Dungeon Adventures: Price of the Dragon: Lewd Dungeon Adventures, #5

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    Lewd Dungeon Adventures - Phoenix Grey


    Price of the Dragon

    Text copyright 2023 by Phoenix Grey and Sky Corgan.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author.

    Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use.

    Authors: Phoenix Grey and Sky Corgan

    Illustrator: Bad Moon Art Studio

    Logo Design: Legend_Designers

    Want to find out when the next Lewd Dungeon Adventure will be available, then sign up here!


    Welcome to Lewd Dungeon Adventures, an adult role-playing game filled with fantasy and fun. Before you go any further, you should know that this book is meant for the Deity’s eyes only. Reading it as a Hero will ruin the game for you.

    In the following pages, Gods/Goddesses will find details on how to run the scenarios in this campaign. If you have not read the rulebook yet, please go back and do so before beginning the game.

    Preparing for Gameplay

    Heroes need only come with a character sheet, a willingness to learn, and a great imagination. It is recommended that the Deity read through the campaign before gameplay to know what is coming and how to plan for it. You can download a character sheet for free on our website here:

    The following campaign book contains 1 adventure designed to be played within 30 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the choices the Hero makes.

    If this is the first time your Hero has played Lewd Dungeon Adventures, explain that you are a Deity of sexual energy that has blessed them with your favor. Because of your partnership, they have been bestowed with special sex magic that will cause them to be sought out across the land to complete quests that can only be undertaken by one with their skills and knowledge. With your blessing, they are now known as a Cummancer.

    Campaign Overview

    To the northeast of The Kegel Empire lies the small village of Darkwell. Once a prosperous farming community, the village had the misfortune of two powerful mages deciding to make it the final stage of their lifelong rivalry. Using his last dying breath in an attempt to defeat his foe, Hulum the Hurricane channeled his remaining life force into a powerful maelstrom that nearly wiped Darkwell off the map.

    Though the crops were ruined by the ravaging storm, the village's inhabitants gathered their strength and determination and rebuilt, knowing what the land once was and could be again. But when a great flood came a few years later and destroyed all their fields, the people of Darkwell began to believe the place was cursed by the fallen mage, and superstition caused them to abandon the village.

    With most buildings only suffering water damage but otherwise intact, bandits slowly moved in to claim Darkwell for their own. Over the years, it has become one of a handful of refuges for the vile and wicked of The Unbound Domain. Emperor Geo Crapflare had turned a blind eye to the place until he heard rumors that a dragon had moved in as well. If the bandits make a pact with the dragon, it could be bad news for The Kegel Empire.

    Most of the thieves and bandits currently residing in Darkwell belong to a gnome gang called the Moon Thugs, who got their name because they only carry out their ill-doings at night. Later, for fun, they began greeting each other by pulling down their pants and mooning each other.  

    At the start of the campaign, read the text box below:

    Starting the Adventure

    If this is the first time your Hero has played a Lewd Dungeon Adventure, have them start by introducing their character. Some players may choose to create an entire backstory for their character. They should be encouraged to explain it in detail.

    Next, you can explain the basis of Lewd Dungeon Adventures, that you are a

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