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You Rejected A Silver Wolf: The Prophecy (The Silver Wolf Series Book 2)
You Rejected A Silver Wolf: The Prophecy (The Silver Wolf Series Book 2)
You Rejected A Silver Wolf: The Prophecy (The Silver Wolf Series Book 2)
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You Rejected A Silver Wolf: The Prophecy (The Silver Wolf Series Book 2)

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The second prophecy says that the next silver wolf will make another Alpha King!

***After being hated and rejected her entire life, for a mistake she made in the past, Lady Rihanna, daughter of the Beta, decided to leave Black Hills.

Wandering off as a rogue, she heightened her powers and became the fearsome dread called Your Silver. 

Accompanied by her silver wolf, she was ready to unleash hell on all who rejected her but then she meets her second chance mate, Alpha of Black Rose, whom she couldn’t refuse.

An evil is rising that'd need the blood of the silver wolf to succeed. Would Rihanna forsake her pain and work with her mates, old and new? 

Or would she charge head-on to the evil risking her own life? Enjoy this enthralling read!!

This is book 2 of the series.

Release dateMar 14, 2024
You Rejected A Silver Wolf: The Prophecy (The Silver Wolf Series Book 2)

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    Book preview

    You Rejected A Silver Wolf - Princess Treasure Chuks

    Chapter 45 His Outburst

    Jaden’s POV

    It’s been a week since Rihanna’s demeaning visit to Black Hills. None of the Alphas dared speak about it due to shame of defeat.

    Also, speaking of it will cause a riot with Silver Pack. Great amount of slaves had deployed to Silver Pack to help rebuild and stay.

    As an ally, I sent Jake, with some warriors, to help her map out her pack house.

    Her pack, within a week, had amassed greater size than Blue Fire Pack, even if Blue Fire had been the smallest pack since the times.

    Rumors had it that Blue Fire and Blue Bloom had been contemplating combining under one name to avoid being overthrown by Silver Pack.

    That young lady was gaining respect and striking fears in Alphas, but not me. I’d support her, as mate and co-alpha.

    Mate? Tsk. My wolf sighed. It was hard for him to be ignored by his mate so he acted like she wasn’t his mate.

    But I’ve suffered being ignored countless times and wouldn’t mind waiting a while for my own soulmate.

    Should she have been a broken girl being haunted by Chris' rejection? I asked him.

    I wasn’t also sure which was better, having a broken Beta under Black Bills as mate or having a rebellious rogue-turn-alpha as mate.

    Either ways, Rihanna changed her fate for the better. Anyone would be impressed.

    The maid besides me, cleared her throat, summoning me back to the land of the living. I glanced at her and smiled.

    It was a normal reaction with her, whenever I stared at nothing for long. It’s cold already. Just pack it up. I said, leaving the dining table.

    She pouted, and began taking the dishes away.

    At this rate, you won’t have the strength to train the warriors. My wolf mumbled, referring to me not eating properly for days on end.

    Should we pay a visit to Rihanna and see how the building is going?

    We should go to Jake. He refuted.

    Had he given up on his mate? I was sure the moment he’d see her, he’d be excited again.

    You know me. He sighed, agreeing with my thoughts. I smirked, walking into the courtroom.

    Of course, they were businesses to handle. I met a filled table with complaints and unsurprisingly, threats.

    Since Rihanna’s preferential treatment to me last week, many death threats had been sent by other Alphas, warning me to betray her.

    I bet even Chris will be biased to me, annoyed as his ex-mate was favoring me.

    It’d surely infuriate him if he knew she was my mate now. He’d feel replaced, even if it wasn’t my fault he was blinded to reject her.

    Either ways, till she accepted the mate bond, I’d keep it disclosed.

    Alpha! someone called the moment I sat down to check the reports. Ralph walked in, hurriedly.

    He stopped in front of me and bowed. Reports as well as rumors coming from Black Hills…they are really bad.

    I looked up, unscrolling the scrolls in my hand. What is it now?

    He blinked multiple times and inched closer. The Luna is missing. My eyes widened. And Alpha, Your Silver is being blamed for it.

    I wasn’t aware I had squeezed the scroll in my hand to another shape, I let go of it and rose to my feet.

    Make sure that rumor doesn’t circulate around my pack. As allies, we should protect that secret till it was confirmed.

    It hasn’t been announced yet, no one is sure. Only warriors who knew of Your Silver’s visit, speculates she took the Luna. Ralph added.

    My mind went back to her comment on Sasha, saying she’s better than her and wasn’t jealous at all that she was chosen as Luna.

    I wouldn’t know if it was a genuine confession but I doubt she’d say that while having evil intentions towards the Queen.

    I plan to visit her today and speak of this. I doubt she had enough time to meet us, beat the princess and steal the Luna. I replied.

    Meet us? Ralph frowned. Why are you tuning down all she did? he folded his arms.

    I knew an outburst was about to start so I sat down, waiting for it.

    He started. First, you, Jake and Jonah, didn’t tell me she was actually a young girl…

    She wasn’t. If she’s Ray’s twin, then she’s 21. I corrected.

    Ralph paused, taking it in then nodded.

    Even still, I wasn’t aware of her gender. And she humiliated us and other Alphas and got away with it. Then you sent Jake to help her?

    What should I have done? Chase her when I was hurt by her silver? And Chris had let her go himself. I said.

    He retorted in a low voice. We shouldn’t show support for her then. She hurt us.

    Don’t forget she saved Jonah twice. And she’s under the Black Hills kingdom and announced us as ally. We should act like it. I said again.

    Ralph peered into my eyes, still feeling unsure of my replies and statements.

    I can’t help but feel that either you have an ulterior motive or there’s some favor you want to win by helping her. Ralph sighed.

    I met his gaze and he had the psychic look. I stood up and patted his shoulders. You are getting better at reading me these days.

    His eyes widened. So I am right? Then which is it? You have an ulterior motive or you want a favor?

    Figure it out. I shrugged. I’d be visiting now. Take care. I walked past him towards the door.

    He sighed, plopping down on the chair I just left. It’s surely an ulterior motive. What favor does he want with that rogue?

    I smiled, getting past the door. Actually, it’s I want a favor from her. One that’d make her indebted to me.

    She’d need it too, as a new Alpha who might not have gotten an Alpha rank yet.

    She has many enemies and now she’s not in hiding, it’d be easier to strike.

    I tied a stash of clothes on my leg and shifted to my wolf. I ordered the border warriors that I was passing by and they all backed away.

    For some reason, my wolf exuded domineering auras when around other wolfs. And it wasn’t just cause he was an Alpha wolf. That jerk.

    All clear, Alpha. Safe trip. A border warrior alerted. I made an ‘hmm’ sound and sped past the border, heading to Silver Pack.

    I haven’t brought out my wolf for a while and the clear air brought a refreshing ouch to my soul. I increased my pace.

    I had seen some trees which surrounded the Silver pack when a scent of cinnamon and honey hit me, enthralling me at the spot.

    My wolf slowed down. Mate.

    Jerk, didn’t you say you’d ignore her. I scolded him.

    He growled, turning behind him. He could sense her around. She must have been patrolling about her pack while the building was ongoing.

    A figure sped past me and stopped above a hill. I looked to see an angry silvery wolf, sparkling from the sun above her.

    Despite the fact she was my mate, her wolf was beautiful and enticing. I bet many of her victims had died while being distracted my it.

    My Alpha would like to know what graces us with your presence. A blonde lady strolled towards me. She was a Your Silver warrior.

    I glanced at her, then at her angry Alpha. Was they a no visitors rule? Why was she that mad?

    That was definitely no way to treat your mate.

    Chapter 46 Visit to Mate

    Jaden’s POV

    That was definitely no way to treat your mate.

    I ignored them both and sped deeper into the forest. She knew I meant no harm but was being mean as she wanted to falter the mate bond.

    Well, I wouldn’t be letting that happen.

    She sped after me but lost me in seconds. She should know I was trained in forests like this.

    Are you playing a hide and seek game with our mate? my wolf sighed.

    It’s a couples thing. I replied.

    Except we aren’t a couple. He sniffed.

    Right. I diverted back to her pack but she cornered me immediately, growling. No way, she was definitely in a bad mood.

    I let her lead me to the pack and she left to let me change, I wouldn’t mind her staying.

    When I came out she was in her human form as well. Jake isn’t here. She said as I came closer.

    I froze. But I sent him here.

    And I sent him back. she turned to me, those dark eyes piercing into my eyes and doing weird things to me.

    Why? I managed to say, to hide that I was distracted.

    Well, he shouts a lot. I don’t also want Jonah here. He looks down on me. Your warriors are all that’s needed. She said in a heartbeat.

    A lady came closer to her and mind linked when she got near. I knew as she stared at me for long when she wasn’t actually looking.

    Kill it. She ordered and the lady smiled.

    I bet that was a rogue.

    I actually came here to see Jake. I told her when the lady left.

    Did you? she rolled her eyes.

    I added. Then if I am here to see you?

    I would wonder why. I need no Alpha advice.

    And that’s all I am to you, another Alpha? she was beginning to hurt my feelings.

    Right now, yes. She met my gaze.

    And I could read she was being sincere. What did she mean by right now? Like that could change when she was ready?

    Then I wouldn’t worry. I was good at waiting. And she being mated to me officially at this point in her life will be chaotic.

    That’s mean. I scoffed, looking away.

    I noticed her smile. I am mean. she glanced at me and then at the warriors working. If you want to stay, you can stay. I’d be patrolling.

    I attempted to join her but she raised her hands. And please, don’t join me in patrolling around my own pack. Thank you.

    I went back to where I stood. Then what was I to do here?

    Oh, before you leave, I wanted to ask. I called her back before she left. She sighed and sluggishly walked back.

    She looked like Ray when he was bored of something. It stung to know she was bored of me. Wanted to ask…?

    There’s a rumor reaching me that Sasha is missing. I avoided using ‘Luna’ incase it’d displease her.

    She frowned, looking at her hands. Why? she asked, she looked up at me. Wait, are you asking me?

    I shook my head vehemently. No, I’m just sharing.

    It sounds like you are accusing me. I didn’t even see her that day so how’d I steal her? She raised her voice.

    I sighed. I didn’t accuse you, I just shared. Actually, the rumors also said that you took her but it’s obvious you didn’t.

    There was a few seconds of silence between us, then she scoffed. Maybe her mate killed her, I doubt he liked her before their coronation. She was always a bitch.

    She surely disliked the Luna but deemed her unworthy to bother about her, then she was unlikely to be involved with her missing.

    Either ways, she’s your Luna now so at least worry about her safety. I told her.

    I’d tell my warriors to look out for her but tell Chris, he might not be having her back in one price if I find her. So he better find her.

    She clicked her tongue and fondled with her hair before walking away, obviously thinking about what happened with Sasha.

    I wondered too. Did the Luna feel threatened after hearing Your Silver was actually Chris’s ex-mate? Did she feel Chris would want her back?

    That had low chances on happening. Rihanna and Chris were over.

    I doubt he can even live in the same house with her knowing the torments she caused him.

    Also, she was my mate now. Mine.

    I exhaled, looking around for a place to sit. There was none so I walked ahead to find my warriors and cheer them on.

    I passed by the men building blocks, but stopped when I saw something familiar. A man had his hair in an hairpin.

    That was very abnormal for men around here. This place were usually cold so the man had long hair which they let pour on their necks.

    Also men on hairpins was deemed feminine. The only pack that did that was Blue Bloom. Their men looked feminine.

    They modeled their first Alpha, Alpha Brielle who was the lover of Alpha Zack of Blue Fire many years ago.

    And the men who wore such expensive hairpins as I saw now, were privileged men or officials. What was one doing here?

    She’s gone. A warrior besides the man said. What did you want to do when she’s gone?

    Ahh, nothing. Just speak to her in private. The man said, with a bow. He left the others and began tiptoeing towards the forest.

    Your Silver’s warriors didn’t pick anything peculiar about him but his hairpin stuck out to me. I followed him. He wasn’t surely not a slave.

    I haven’t walked three blocks when I saw the man rub his neck and a tattoo was on it. It had the mark of a warrior wolf.

    Alert Dara now! There’s a wolf going after Your Silver. I mind linked my warrior.

    I did that so Dara would be aware but I knew she’d be late. I followed him there myself.

    Your Silver would easily defeat him but if she was caught unawares, and assumed it was just a slave, then he could really hurt her.

    What do you want, sir? she asked as the man walked to her, heads down.

    He fell on his knees. I am very grateful to you helping me and my family get out of Red Moon. They enslaved us for years.

    He was a good actor. Nothing about him looked Red Moon.

    Rihanna came closer to him, wanting to help him get up. It’s alright. You’re welcome.

    I saw his claws already out, wanting to strike her when she came closer.

    Not on my watch. I whispered to myself.

    As she held unto his arm, he rose his hands to scar her but I rushed and held them in air. My claws shot out and I tore his arm out.

    Rihanna went back as the man screamed. Her eyes darted in confusion as she tried to understand what just happened.

    She realized and tore his the man’s gullet, letting him fall to the ground, lifeless. She exhaled.

    I wanted to ask her why she didn’t interrogate him but I bet she was to mad to reason.

    Thank you. I could have been really injured now. she sighed, holding her hands.

    Well, there I got it. I won a favor from her. Sure. You’re welcome. I responded proudly.

    Chapter 47 New Alpha King

    Chris’s POV

    Black Hills hadn’t recover from Your Silver’s visit. Neither had I. It was the lowest I’ve ever been but couldn’t even fight.

    It brought back old traumas and regrets and birthed new hatred also. My tormentor was my one time mate.

    I dared not call Your Silver by Rihanna. She didn’t want me to and that was because she wasn’t her, she was a ghost of her.

    Rih would never hurt so much people in the name of freeing slaves. Rih didn’t have the heart to be rogue.

    But Rih was a silver wolf? How could I have missed it?

    Yet she let herself be treated so poorly by other wolfs. It made me feel everything I knew about her had been a lie.

    Alpha King, you have a visitor! my guard said, bowing. I sighed, nodding and gesturing for him to let them in.

    My court hadn’t had a visitor for days, all the Alphas were displeased by my decision to let Silver Pack be under us.

    What did they expect of me? To let her kill them and Vanessa? Also, my last soft spot for her made me not to send my warriors after her.

    But I regretted it. She humiliated me more by stealing my Luna. It was an insult to a King like me.


    I looked up to the man and lady who just walked into my court. My eyes dimmed in anger. Where these my visitors?

    Before me was Former Beta Royal Sam and his wife, clinging unto him.

    The elders had ordered their son, Beta Royal Raymond, to be in suspense after discovering his sister never died.

    I knew she said he didn’t know but the events angered everyone.

    How dare you show your faces to me after discovering the beast your alleged dead daughter became? I barked.

    Sam frowned, letting go of his wife and came forward.

    We didn’t know she faked her death and we both know she wouldn’t have if you hadn’t been selfish! He pointed at me.

    How dare he? I was his King. And did he grow a bone to answer back while on retirement?

    I chuckled, getting down from my throne. Since when did you have the guts to reply me…

    Since your selfishness ridded me of my daughter and made my wife sick. He pointed at his wife at the last part.

    I glanced at the Beta’s wife and sighed. That lady was never a good mother to Rih as far as I knew, always tried to get my mother’s favor.

    She suddenly became sick after hearing her daughter died, she should be better now since she wasn’t.

    So I am selfish? I think it’s better I had rejected her, she had the blood of a beast inside her…

    You call silver wolfs beasts? the Beta’s wife asked, walking closer to me. Like your grandmother?

    My eyes dilated. Both she and Ray were always reminding me that my grandmother was a silver wolf. But had she brought trouble to me?

    Mind you, my grandmother was different. She made my grandfather an Alpha King. She didn’t torment him. I replied.

    And so will be Rihanna’s fate. She will make her mate an Alpha King. Her mother deadpanned.

    I tilted her head, folding my hands. And how?

    You don’t know, do you? Beta Sam smirked. The other half of the prophecy. It was not as popular as the first.

    Many feared that they was no other silver wolf to make it valid but there is, my daughter. His wife chuckled.

    What were they getting at? My father once told me of the second half of the prophecy but I had long forgotten.

    He said it was important to have

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