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Becoming Brooke: Quinn Valley Ranch, #1
Becoming Brooke: Quinn Valley Ranch, #1
Becoming Brooke: Quinn Valley Ranch, #1
Ebook142 pages2 hours

Becoming Brooke: Quinn Valley Ranch, #1

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About this ebook

Brooke Quinn isn't fully convinced she wants to look for love again. As a doctor in Quinn Valley, she just doesn't have the time to get out and meet people. Not to mention her trust issues after having her heart broken by a man she'd believed she would spend her life with. When her sisters set her up on an online dating website, and she endures one disastrous date after another, she's ready to happily spend her life alone with only her cats for company.


Jared is just in town for a short time to help his elderly aunt recover from surgery. When he sees a beautiful brunette at the local taco stand, he has to meet her. But when he does, he's mistaken for her blind date, and by the time he realizes what's happened, it's too late to be honest with her.


With such a disastrous first meeting, what else could possibly go wrong?


As Jared and Brooke spend more time together, he's sure she's the one for him. But will she feel the same? Or, will the mistrust she has for all men destroy their chance for a happy ever after?

PublisherKay P. Dawson
Release dateMar 13, 2024
Becoming Brooke: Quinn Valley Ranch, #1

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    Book preview

    Becoming Brooke - Kay P. Dawson


    What in heaven’s name were you thinking, climbing up a ladder to hang Christmas lights at your age? Honestly, Maude, sometimes you don’t have the sense of an old goat. Gertrude Quinn shook her head and clucked her tongue as she walked over beside the hospital bed of her friend.

    Well, how was I supposed to know I was going to fall? I wanted my Christmas lights up, and in case you haven’t noticed, there aren’t any young men hanging around my house to do it for me, so I did it myself. And I’d have been fine too, if not for that gust of wind that caught me off guard. Once I lost my balance, I went down harder than a sack of rocks.

    The other ladies who were always together made their way around the bed. Now, Maude, Gertie has plenty of grandsons who would have helped you if you’d asked, and I could have even told Ciran to help you. Now that the weather is colder, he’s not as busy in the taco truck, so he’d have gladly agreed. You just won’t accept that you’re older now and shouldn’t be doing silly things like climbing a ladder. Nellie pulled her jacket off as she scolded Maude.

    Maude rolled her eyes and huffed loudly. "Betty…Ruby…do either of you have anything to add? Because right now, I’m on enough painkillers to not give a wit what anyone has to say, so you may as well get it all out. Just because you’re all old, doesn’t mean I am. I seem to remember that I’m the youngest out of the bunch of you."

    Well, you may be the youngest, but you’re certainly not the smartest. They all laughed at Ruby’s joke. Well, everyone except Maude.

    And now what will you do? You’ve got yourself a broken hip and a broken wrist. How are you going to take care of yourself?

    Maude didn’t have any children of her own. Her husband had passed away well over ten years ago, leaving her alone. But until now, she’d never needed anyone to help her.

    I spoke to my niece in Pennsylvania. She said she would have come out to help but she’s got a lot going on. So she’s asked my great-nephew, Jared, if he could come out to stay here for a while. I already spoke to him this morning and tried to tell him he didn’t have to come, but he told me in no uncertain terms he was already on his way. He said he could use a vacation. Maude smiled and shook her head. He always has been a stubborn boy and I admit to having a bit of a sweet spot for him.

    The women chatted for a while, having their usual Wednesday morning coffee right there in the hospital room instead of at Gertie’s like they normally did. The coffee wasn’t as good, but they weren’t the type to complain.

    Oh, Gertie. I forgot to mention that Brooke came in to see me yesterday after I got out of my surgery. She was here checking on a few of her other patients from Quinn Valley who were admitted to the hospital, so she stopped to make sure they were taking good care of me. They’ll be releasing me back into her care once I get home and she’s assured me she will come around to the house to check on my progress instead of making me go into her office. She’s a sweet girl, that granddaughter of yours.

    Yes, she is. But I worry that with her work, she’ll never find time to settle down with anyone. I know her sister has been making her go on some dates—using some site on the Internet, if you can imagine! But Brooke’s heart has never really been in it. It’s hard for her to trust after what that young man did to her two years ago. The other women all nodded sadly, knowing exactly what Gertrude was referring to. There were no secrets between the friends.

    Suddenly, Gertie gasped and grabbed onto Maude’s arm. That nephew of yours, Jared. How old did you say he is? Is he married?

    Maude’s mouth opened wide, then quickly turned into a smile as she got caught up in the excitement. He’s not married. And he’s in his early thirties, so just about the perfect age for what you’re thinking!

    Does he have a good job? I don’t want my Brooke to end up with some slacker who will rely on her money just because she’s a doctor.

    Maude scowled slightly at Gertrude. My nephew is a good man, and he’d make anyone a fine husband. He’s an author, you know. So he won’t need money from anyone. And I happen to know he’s a perfect gentleman. She lifted her nose a bit higher as she tucked the blankets around herself. "He would certainly be better than any of those men she could be dating from some website on that Internet thing."

    Oh, this is so exciting. Betty clapped her hands together sharply as the women all started to discuss what could happen.

    Of course, with Jared staying with you, and Brooke having to come by your house often to check up on you, it will be perfect. We might just have to move our coffee date over to your house next week to make sure these two will be suited for each other and that she doesn’t suspect anything. Gertrude smiled innocently at her friends. After all, you do know how I hate to meddle in my grandchildren’s affairs.

    Chapter One

    Please, if it’s not too much to ask, just burn this restaurant down around me. I promise I’ll make sure everyone survives…

    Brooke gave her head a quick shake. No! What was she thinking! She shouldn’t be wishing Quinn’s would burn down just for her sake. Her poor cousins who owned the popular Quinn Valley restaurant didn’t deserve to be punished like she was being at the moment. She just wished she knew what she’d ever done to be forced to endure this torture.

    And every doctor I’ve seen tells me it’s just a mole, but I’m not convinced. If nothing else, it at least has to be a wart. I’d show you right now, but as I mentioned, it’s in a place that I can’t really show in public. The man across the table grinned at her and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. But, maybe later I can show you.

    This couldn’t seriously be happening. Surely, she was having a nightmare. All she could think right now was how much she was going to strangle her sister Robyn when she saw her again. It had been her idea to try these dating websites, and no matter how good any of the profiles claimed to be, the people she ended up meeting didn’t match those descriptions at all. This wasn’t the first time one of her dates had mentioned the possibility of her checking out their wart.

    And the worst part was, she’d already arranged for another one tomorrow afternoon outside Ciran’s taco truck. The only thing that soothed her was knowing there was no way it could ever be worse than the date she was sitting through right now. And maybe the warm weather would turn bad and a sudden snowstorm would blow in, saving her from more torture.

    After the date tomorrow, she was done. No more. She didn’t care if she did die a crazy old cat lady like her siblings kept insinuating was going to happen. Of course, she knew they were really only trying to get her back out there after the heartbreak she’d been through. They were concerned about her and didn’t want to see her holing up in her apartment and using her job as an excuse not to try again.

    I really hate to bother you, Brooke, but Grams just called and wondered if you could run out and check on her? She says she’s not feeling well. Her cousin Ivy was waiting the tables tonight and was looking at her with her eyes wide and jaw clenched as she kept her back turned slightly to her date. She gave a quick tilt of her head toward the back of the bar where her other cousins, Maggie and Ryder, stood grinning. Ryder says you can use his car parked out back.

    Even if she hadn’t seen their expressions, Brooke wouldn’t have believed Ivy. Her grandma Gertie was never sick. Apparently, she didn’t have time for that kind of nonsense.

    So Brooke wasn’t really worried. She’d told Ryder earlier that if it looked like she needed help, he’d better step in to save her. It had taken him long enough, but at least he’d finally sent her a lifeline.

    Oh, I’m so sorry, Lance. But I really will need to go. She pulled her purse out, thinking if she at least offered to pay it might show she was slightly disappointed the date had to end. She pulled out some bills, waiting for him to decline the offer, but he gladly took the money and nodded.

    This should cover your share.

    Brooke almost laughed out loud at the expression on Ivy’s face. The poor girl stood with her jaw open, unable to move as her eyes locked on the man at the table.

    "It was nice to meet you, Lance. Thank you for the…um, for the interesting evening." Brooke struggled to find the words to describe what she’d been through without telling him she’d have rather sat and had someone stab forks in her eyes for the past hour.

    She really didn’t want to be mean.

    So, can I call you again? Lance stood up as she pushed her own chair back and flung her purse over her shoulder. Couldn’t he see her urgency? She had a sick grandmother to check on!

    Thankfully, Ryder must have noticed her panic and walked over with his keys in his hand. You better hurry. She sounded awful when she called.

    I’m sorry, I really do need to go. She grabbed the keys from Ryder, ignoring the smirk she could see him trying to hide. But as soon as her fingers wrapped around the cold keys, her heart dropped when she looked at the restaurant door.

    Her sick grandmother had just walked in the door, laughing with her friends.

    Why couldn’t Grandma Gertie be like other grandmas and

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