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About this ebook

Rosemary and Noah are madly in love. In the small town of Lousdale, the two lovers make their own refuge away from the harsh demands of their families, and the broken bonds that plague both of their lives.

Both of them wish to run away together and be free, until the past returns with a vengeance. Rosemary is taken in the middle of the night, kidnapped by a dangerous man. Noah must risk everything to track Rosemary down and bring her home, putting himself at risk so his girlfriend can live. Meanwhile, Rosemary must do what she can in order to survive, attempting to escape her kidnapper at all costs.

Rosemary and Noah will fight to get back to each other. But things aren't always as they appear, and the couple must come to terms with the mistakes of their loved ones in order to avoid losing each other forever. 

Release dateSep 28, 2012

Megan Linski

Megan Linski is a USA TODAY Bestselling Author who lives in Michigan. She is the author of more than fifty fantasy and paranormal novels which feature themes of friendship, community, and healthy romantic relationships. She has over fifteen years of experience writing books alongside working as a journalist and editor. She graduated from the University of Iowa, where she studied Creative Writing. Her passions include ice skating and horseback riding. In her free time she enjoys dancing in the snow and drinking fancy coffee while at her natural habitat, the mall. Megan advocates for the rights of the disabled, and is an activist for mental health awareness. Megan co-writes the Hidden Legends Universe with Alicia Rades. She also writes under the pen name of Natalie Erin for the Creatures of the Lands series, co-authored by Krisen Lison.

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    Book preview

    Away - Megan Linski



    My pursuer is chasing me, gaining speed as I try to outrun his long strides. My chest tears in half and my legs wobble trying to get away. There’s nothing I can do to stop him as he tackles me to the ground, pinning me so I can’t move.

    Ha, Noah says. Caught ya. You’ve got nowhere to go.

    I give him a glare, saying, One day I’ll outrun you. You’ll see.

    Oh, sure you will, he says. Noah bends his head down and nuzzles his nose against my own. "And if you do, I suppose I won’t be able to do this, then."

    He brushes his lips across mine ever so lightly. I can’t resist. I rise up to meet him and give him a strong, sweet kiss, putting a hand on the back of his head to draw him closer, running my fingers through his hair.

    He kisses me back and whispers in my ear, How did I get such a hot girlfriend, Rosemary McGowan?

    "How did I get stuck with a bad boy like you?" I laugh.

    Noah’s motorcycle is in the distance, by the side of the road where we decided to pull over. We go riding everyday on the bike, whenever it’s warm.

    I love the feeling of flying on the motorcycle; love the freeing of freedom, like nothing and no one is behind me. We don’t know who owns the lavender field, but we don’t really care. We come here all the time to chase each other, to make love and watch the stars.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day. The lavender field we’re lying in has purple petals that sway in the slight breeze, and a forest borders the landscape. Here, in the wide open country, there’s no one around for miles. The sky is pure blue, with freckles of clouds coasting across it.

    This lavender field is my heaven, here with Noah Cash, and I never want to leave it. It’s our special place, reserved just for us.

    Noah rolls over onto his side, exhausted from the chase. We play tag all the time. We know it’s a game for little kids, but when we’re together, we can’t help it. We’re naturally playful. There’s a side of Noah he only shows to me, and there’s a side of me that I only show to him. To everyone else in Lousdale, he’s the tough guy— the troublemaker, the bad boy, the motorcycle rider. With me, he might as well be an innocent child again.

    And when I’m with Noah, there’s no mask I need to put up. I don’t need to hide from my family… there’s no perfect little smile that I must force. I don’t feel the need to be the good girl that does everything right and never messes up.

    Everything feels natural and easy when I’m with Noah. Unlike when I’m at home.

    This is a perfect day, I say, lying on my back and staring up at the sky. There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than with you.

    Me, either, Noah says. My dad gave me a pretty hard time about leaving the house today. He wanted me to take Brennan to soccer practice. But I told him that this was my only day off from the shop, so I insisted I had to spend it with you.

    How is your dad, anyway?

    He’s… getting by.

    I don’t ask questions. Noah has a hard time opening up to me, and he can’t help that. His mother passed away a few years ago, and ever since, his dad has relied on Noah for everything. Noah’s been left to raise his little brother, Brennan, alone, while his dad goes off to drown his sorrows at whatever bar will take him that evening.

    Noah does his best, but I know life has shattered him. It’s tough, being the man of the house at such a young age, and I know Noah’s job pays for the bills around the house… his dad hasn’t worked in years.

    Since his mom’s been gone, I’ve been the only one who has managed to crack Noah’s shell. Perhaps he lets me in because we both know what it’s like to have broken families… I’ve lost a parent, too. My father isn’t dead, but might as well be, because he isn’t around.

    Noah and I are so similar. Both of us struggle to get close to people, because our families are messed up in a way

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