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Revenge of the Alpha's Daughter: The Trial of the Heir
Revenge of the Alpha's Daughter: The Trial of the Heir
Revenge of the Alpha's Daughter: The Trial of the Heir
Ebook229 pages2 hours

Revenge of the Alpha's Daughter: The Trial of the Heir

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About this ebook

As the clock strikes midnight on Aurora's 18th birthday, the glitz of celebration shatters, replaced by the howl of tragedy. Her parents, the Alphas of the Darkforest Pack, are dead. In the wake of their demise, Aurora's world crumbles—betrayal, power struggles, and a wolf yet to awaken.
Amidst the turmoil of her parents' funeral, Emeric, the enigmatic ruler of Whispering Pines, emerges with an offer that could save her legacy. To win back her birthright, Aurora must endure a trial that will test her mettle against friend and foe alike. The catch? She must join forces with Emeric—the man she once spurned.
Revenge blinds her, driving her towards growing stronger each day with one and ONLY one goal in her mind...To retrieve what was snatched away from her. Meanwhile, the man only grows strong affection for the woman with each day passing in his kingdom.
When all is lost, all is found as well.
This book is still ongoing, with more chapters available for early access on AlphaNovel.

Release dateMar 18, 2024
Revenge of the Alpha's Daughter: The Trial of the Heir

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    Book preview

    Revenge of the Alpha's Daughter - Lance Lunar

    Chapter 1 An unforgettable birthday


    Loud music from the venue was heard to me from the distance. In the vibrant city of Vegas, co-existing with humans, we werewolves were gathering together for the grandest event of this year.

    It's my birthday bash!

    My name is Aurora Fangborn, the only daughter of my dear father, Den Fangborn, and my mother Julia.

    They are the best parents I could ever ask for. On my eighteenth birthday, today, when everything might be changing in my life for good, my parents have arranged the most lavish party the world has ever seen.

    Our talks are all over the world. Every news channel I saw in the morning was anchoring and reporting about my grand birthday bash. How lucky am I to have such luxury and splendor in my life? I love my parents...

    Although they haven't reached the venue yet. I can't sense them. Maybe they're stuck in traffic or taking a different route?

    Turning to face Patty, one of my werewolf friends, I smile at her whilst clinking our glasses to toast for me. We were traveling in a Lamborghini, a long black one that was custom-ordered just for my needs.

    This birthday, our youngest girlie turns 18. I'm way too happy to contain my excitement tonight, Aurora. I'm so happy for you~ Giving me a gentle side hug, Patty kissed my cheek in a friendly way.

    This is nothing compared to the excitement you'd feel with the strings dad pulled to invite the guests of tonight, Patty. Just wait and watch. A gasp was heard from the other side of the car,

    Don't tell Odin Blackwood invited!? Her excited shriek made me wince a little.

    Of course, sweetheart. Olivia, whom do you take me for!? Every big shot in the werewolf and human world is invited tonight! I didn't stutter when I said we have 'grand guests' tonight, did I? Olivia took a sip from her glass, making a face of pride.

    You did, Aurora. You did.

    I then shifted my gaze to look at the woman who quietly sipped on her champagne. This is very much unlike her. She is dressed unreasonably simple yet elegant tonight, too. I wonder why.

    So, Alexia, don't you have to say something to me? It's my birthday, come on! I know Alexia is the quiet one amongst us, but not tonight!

    "Oh, what do you want me to tell you, Miss Richie-Rich? Your father's so well off that you have to experience the grandest party ever orchestrated on the planet. How about this?

    Congratulations on turning 18, Aurora. I hope you have a big, grand gift from my side tonight. I mean it." I gasped.

    A grand gift from you!? It'd mean the world to me, Alexia! Thank you! I was excited of course, but the slight fake smile dancing on her lips made me feel different.

    We reached the venue, and lots of cameras already beginning to flash. We four girls hype each other up to face the cameras and be on our best behaviors...until we walk into the venue that is.

    Phew! Did you hear what they said about Alexia? Olivia stated, making my eyebrows furrow.

    They said she isn't trying harder to look like your friend. I mean, look at us. We look grand. She looks like our mother in that dress! Olivia spoke as I turned my head to take a glance at Alexia. Indeed. She's dressed way too simply for the occasion.

    Honey. I don't care. Tonight is all about me, and I hope you know that.

    Yeah. That's right. But let's hope she didn't hear us, however. Patty was being mindful as she whispered.


    Rejoining with Alexia, we four enter the second door which introduces us to the world of the privileged!

    My eyes turned into stars. Many, and I mean MANY big shots and powerful men have arrived before me and were having a party of their own!

    Suddenly, the lights dimmed down as a spotlight was thrown into my face. I grinned way too big, the MC was speaking all about me!

    Fifteen minutes into the party...I felt bored.

    Old people aren't fun. Whilst my three friends walked away to entertain themselves with food and other things. I haven't even cut the cake yet.

    Hello, miss. The presence is powerful, yet I don't recognize the person. Turning around with the glass of wine in my hand, I stare at the tall man and widen my eyes. I've never seen such a man of elegance in my life. Ever.

    Care for a dance? The show is just about to begin...for you.

    I'd love to, but you see, I already have a fiance. Flashing the man my engagement ring, I see a bright grin shine on his lips. Whoa...what the hell was that?

    I'm a man, you're a woman. What's wrong with a small, carefree dance together? Your fiance can find you any time and steal you away from me. I grew pissed with every word he said.

    Excuse me. Sir. I don't know who you are. And you seem powerful. So please stop making me uncomfortable at my party?

    ...His smile doesn't fade away.

    Alright, Aurora Fangborn. Just so you know, a kind man like me just wanted to give the birthday girl some company. If it bothers you, then I'm better off. Bowing politely, the man walked away and found a charming dance partner right in front of me.

    He was dancing with Alexia...

    I've never seen her smile so big, as if honored to dance with him. Who was he...?

    Suddenly, I felt the presence of a familiar scent behind me. He calms me so quickly.

    A small gasp leaves my lips, my waist was being held delicately by this man who is also my fiance!

    Leif Lupus, Alpha of Frostmoon pack.

    He proposed to me in the most romantic way three months ago, and I couldn't help but choose him over whoever shall enter my life as a mate next. After all, love can make a wolf like me reject anyone who isn't worthy of my hand.

    And all worthy for my hand in his.

    Looking so stunning, that I actually couldn't recognize you, sweetheart. He said, spinning me on my heel and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

    You're going to make my expensive diamond ash lipstick patchy, Leif. You ought to know better about my standards and rules. He quickly raised his hands in defense.

    I won't be doing it, babe. And look at you, my smile comes back with his flirtatious words and tone.

    Stunning in golden and maroon. I knew only you could pull off this combination, sweetheart.

    Don't be ridiculous. I know it's only me who can pull off anything. Besides, where is my gift? I extended my hand, asking for a gift bravely. He gives me a grin, I couldn't help but feel a twist in my stomach.

    You'll see, baby girl. The people around me cheer as my fiance suddenly twirls me and kisses me passionately!

    My lipstick, Leif! Jeez, was it that hard to control yourself around me?

    It's a mind link, from Beta Torin!

    I knew it was an emergency because I could hear the panic in his voice as he spoke in our mind link,

    'Leave everything you're doing right now, and come back home, Aurora Fangborn....It's about your parents.'

    My smile was wiped off of my face as quickly.

    Chapter 2 Leif’s Secret

    It was thundering. Harshly.

    With each thunder striking against the sky, I quivered like a leaf. With Beta Torin - The most calm and composed one of us all - seeming so disturbed as he spoke to me in the mind link, I couldn't help but assume the worst.

    What happened with my parents? Are they alright?

    Did an enemy pack attack them?

    Did someone drop an information that needed me on the scene, as the alpha's daughter?

    I had way too many questions in my head along the fifteen minute race back to my pack house. It is a huge mansion, built for the main members and elders of the pack while smaller houses surrounded the structure.

    At the fence of our pack, territory heavily guarded by deltas and warrior wolves of our pack, I noticed there was no one. How bad might the situation be!?

    My teenage self was quivering. I had no siblings either, to share my emotions that I've felt at that moment.

    Goddammit, why isn't Beta Torin answering me back!? It's been killing me!

    I rushed to the entrance of our pack house, my heels breaking mid way but I couldn't seem to care more about it. Panting, holding my aching chest, I see two boxes in front of me which were covered.


    Aurora! It was Beta Torin!

    T-Torin...what's wrong. What is this? I smell...blood, Torin. What is happening? I asked him with a shaky voice. He held my arms, looking directly into my eyes.

    "This isn't the time to tell you, but I'm sorry, Aurora.

    Your parents are no more. And I won't allow you to see their bodies. They're...dismantled in the worst way possible. I'm sorry, Aurora. It shouldn't have been tonight."

    My heart fell to my stomach.


    Not today...

    In fact, nor any other day.

    My parents are dead?

    But why doesn't anyone shed the tears the way I do? Everyone else is occupied with something...else.

    What is going on?

    I gasped as I felt a presence behind me.

    Three cars lined after one another, each had two of our pack elders. Elders of the Darkforest pack, few of the wisest people to ever walk on earth.

    I hoped they'd console me for my loss, I was craving a hug from someone. Anyone!

    Shaking me back to reality, Beta Torin spoke,

    Come to the meeting hall, right away. We should discuss about who shall be next in power to guide our pack. It's a great loss, Aurora. But you have to THINK like an Alpha right now. Come on. Patting my shoulder, Torin walked away with the elders. aren't supposed to say that to an eighteen year old girl who lost her parents on her fucking birthday!

    And the elders...each of them looked into my eyes as they passed by me. They looked at me as if I was...a freak. A loser.

    Silence! The youngest elder of our pack commanded, I flinched on my toes. Looking at the ground, I hear the wise men commence next course of action for our pack.

    There seems to be a loss in power and authority in our pack at the moment. Today also marks as someone's eighteenth birthday...and they still haven't awakened their wolf. My eyebrows crashed at what the elder had said.

    Why was he picking on me? Tonight, seriously?

    My furrowed gaze met his disappointed one. Then, as I looked around, I realized many of the people in the room looked at me with the same emotion in their glare.


    What's happening to everyone?

    They were so sweet to me before everything went downhill in my life!

    What is wrong with them!?

    My senses were blurred to everything happening around me.

    But the stayed in my heart forever. Whatever is happening, isn't happening for the good. Someone has been planning this. I just feel it in my veins.

    ...We need someone to take position.

    After the discussion, the last part of his statement falls into my ears. Before I could raise my arm, Beta Torin beats me to the action.

    I shall, elder. I'm more capable, more adverse with authority and have been Alpha Den Fangborn's backbone for two and a half decades. Even before our princess was born. With the tone he addressed me with, I couldn't help but feel rage built within me. What the fuck does he mean by that?

    Please take my opinion as well, Elder. I am the daughter of Den Fangborn and Julia Fangborn. I am the heir to authority for our broken Pack! I tried to win points, but didn't know the elders would take such offense to my words!

    What do you mean by 'broken pack', Aurora Fangborn? Our glorious pack could never be 'broken'. In fact, I could alter my own statement if I see you in power. That is when our pack shall truly 'break'. I gasped, the humiliation was just too much! But I couldn't speak against the Elder at all.

    Besides, dear Aurora Fangborn, you haven't awakened your wolf yet. You are uneducated, know nothing about war tactics, you are impulsive and irresponsible for your own actions. Look at the clothes you're wearing for a prestigious birthday! The elder pointed at my clothes, and I gasped even heavily.

    What clothes have to do ANYTHING with my character?

    Oh, it does, sweetheart. And it's now more than evident that you're far awake from being a diligent member of this pack. It should've never been you, Aurora Fangborn. You're a spoiled brat in your own pack, did you ever notice your own actions.

    Things could only ever go so downhill to hit rock-bottom.

    Smacking my fists against the chair, I stand up forcefully.

    I cannot tolerate this anymore. If this is how you all have started treating me...I'll leave the pack.

    With a scoff, the third elder replied...

    We would be grateful to you, Aurora Fangborn.

    Tears flooded in my eyes. And for the last time, I looked at the walls of the hall and began walking against the silence of everyone else.

    My gaze landed on Torin...he refused to meet my gaze. Why, Torin? What have you done against me? You did nothing wrong against me, right? These people cannot control their tongue, they've shown their true colors to me.

    I've learned their intentions...

    And I promise to come back ever more powerful to reclaim what I've lost.

    And for now, I've lost everything.

    But...against the rainy clouds, I catch the ring on my left hand sparkle.

    Wait...I haven't lost everything. I have Leif by my side! My fiance will help me, I have no doubt on him. He's a sweetheart, he's always been a sweet gentleman towards me.

    As I fished my phone out, dialing his number I knew by heart with a smile on my face, a message popped up on my phone.

    Little drops of rain scattered the vision on my mobile, but I opened it anyway.

    It was tagged with a video attachment, email named: Leif's Secret

    Curiosity got the best of me...and I opened the attachment. And I played it.

    ...N-No way...

    I couldn't speak because of the shock.

    In the video, Leif was enjoying his time in bed with several women

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