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An Unexpected Firefighter: The Place, #3
An Unexpected Firefighter: The Place, #3
An Unexpected Firefighter: The Place, #3
Ebook98 pages52 minutes

An Unexpected Firefighter: The Place, #3

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About this ebook

A strong fireman who wants 24/7 control. A curvy nurse who values her private life. A dangerous accident that sparks the flame of romance.


She's an ICU nurse who values her privacy. She's likes to play on the wild side, but keep it casual and behind closed doors.


He's a Miami firefighter who will settle for nothing less than a full-time relationship where he's in charge. He hasn't found the right woman yet, but he's willing to wait.


When fate throws them together, sparks flare. They're forced to take a closer look at what will really fulfill their desires. Can they find happiness with each other in all aspects of their lives? Or is love just an illusion?


An Unexpected Firefighter is a short, spicy novella. Curl up with your copy and a glass of wine and read it tonight. 


Click the buy button to get your copy of An Unexpected Firefighter now.

Release dateApr 1, 2024
An Unexpected Firefighter: The Place, #3

Sophia Ursula Brady

Sophia Ursula Brady is the pen name for a writer of contemporary romance and women’s fiction.

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    Book preview

    An Unexpected Firefighter - Sophia Ursula Brady

    Chapter 1


    At least the accident wasn’t my fault. I’d just exited Highway 75 onto Royal Palm Boulevard in Miami when a car—no make that a truck—came flying down Weston Road and T-boned me. The impact carried me across the intersection, spun me around and crashed me into a telephone pole. Both sides of the car were pushed in. None of the doors worked.

    I was trapped.


    Just like I’d been when my brother locked me in a closet. My mother had gone out to work when he did it. I was only six, but he was nine and thought he was a big deal.

    He still thought he was a big deal.

    I, however, was no longer a skinny little kid. Now I had curves.

    Big curves.

    Curves that meant the metal of the car was pushed up against my skin in a number of places. I sniffed. Was that gas I smelled?

    The panic went up a gazillion degrees.

    I screamed.

    Then I screamed again.

    And I kept on screaming until I couldn’t do it anymore.

    I don’t know when he appeared.

    There was a tapping at my window. Lips moved but I couldn’t make out the words. I concentrated on his lips. Those thick sensuous lips.

    Shit. I was crazy. I was going to die, and I was sitting here thinking of this man’s lips????

    There was a pounding at my window. He didn’t stop with the noise until I looked straight into his eyes.

    And immediately fell into them. At least, that’s what it felt like. I could no more look away than I could stop breathing.

    Although if I didn’t get out of here soon, that was a definite possibility.

    We’re going to get you out of here, he said. At least that’s what I thought he said. I couldn’t hear much.

    In front of me, there was a man on the hood of my car. Why was he there? Things were really not making sense to me anymore.

    Two big suction cups were placed on the window, and the man pulled it away.

    Wait! How was I supposed to drive without a windshield?

    The man on the hood came back and peered into the front seat.

    My head was starting to hurt. Then I became aware of the door digging into my rib, right over the seatbelt—the seatbelt that was keeping me trapped inside this car. I flailed around. Where was the button?

    Hush. Take it easy. It was the man with the lips ... and the eyes. If I looked into those eyes long enough, would all of this go away?

    We’re going to get you out of here, he said. But it’s going to take a little work. So I need you to be patient. Someone talked to him and he nodded. I need you to turn your head away from the side window and put this over your head. He handed me a blanket.

    A blanket. A memory came up. I knew him ...

    That was my last thought before I passed out.


    Having her faint didn’t help the situation. It meant I had to climb in through the front opening as far as I could and position her so the guys could get her out safely. But we’re a team, and we did it. As they lifted her dead weight from the car, she woke up and panicked. They had to fight her to make sure she didn’t drop to the ground.

    I leapt from my perch to help them.

    Let me stand up! she screamed as we maneuvered her onto the backboard.

    Stop it, I commanded. This is for your own safety. We don’t know where your injuries are.

    She stilled and, mercifully, shut up.

    Then I caught a glimpse of her eyes. There was more than normal fear in them. There was terror.

    Shh, I said, stroking her arm. It’ll be okay. I turned to one of my team. Got another blanket?

    One was thrust into my hand.

    I wrapped it around her lush body, tucking it close around her to ease her fear. It’s okay, baby. It’s okay, I whispered softly so none of the others would hear. Protecting her felt so natural that I almost forgot what we were doing.

    She was beautiful. I have a thing for curvy girls, and, man, she was all soft roundness. When I pushed a stray clump of hair away from her eyes, a flash of familiarity hit. I knew her from somewhere, a place totally different from where we stood right now.

    You’ve got this, I told her.

    Hey, Gomez! one of the paramedics yelled. Get out of the way. We have to load her in and get her to Western.

    Now knew the name of the hospital they were going to take her to. I already knew I was going to check up on her. Maybe if I saw her again I’d figure out where we knew each other from.

    With a final touch on her shoulder, I moved away.

    My unit had finished insuring her car was safe from exploding into flames. It was totaled, and the other one hadn’t fared much better. The driver of that one, the kid who’d caused the accident, had been packed off to the hospital a while ago with head injuries. The cops would deal with him there.

    That left it to my team, the traffic cops, and the salvage yard to clean up this mess before traffic could flow again naturally through this busy intersection.

    Worked for me. I enjoyed creating order out of a mess. It’s why I’d joined the fire department in the first place. That and the pure adrenaline rush of firefighting.

    The only other thing that gave me this kind of high was dominating a woman who’d freely given up all control to me.

    No. I was wrong. Domination was the ultimate high.


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