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Ebook507 pages5 hours


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Impending personal tragedy is dimming the brilliant light of Dr. Benjamin Knowlton's world. On the threshold of their greatest achievement, the renowned astrophysicist's beloved wife and partner -- ex-astronaut-turned astronomer -- is dying.

But something looms alarningly on the far edge of the solar system: at once a scientific find of unparalleled importance that could ensure the Knowltons' immortality, and a potential earth-shattering cataclysm that dwarfs their private one. For Benjamin and Channing have discovered "Eater," an eons-old black hole anomaly that devours stars and worlds. Yet its most awesome and devasting secrets are still to be revealed...and feared.

Release dateOct 13, 2009

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford is a physicist, educator, and author. He received a BS from the University of Oklahoma and a PhD from the University of California, San Diego. Benford is a professor of physics at the University of California, Irvine, where he has been a faculty member since 1971. He is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University. He has served as an advisor to the Department of Energy, NASA, and the White House Council on Space Policy. He is the author of over twenty novels, including In the Ocean of the Night, The Heart of the Comet (with David Brin), Foundation’s Fear, Bowl of Heaven (with Larry Niven), Timescape, and The Berlin Project. A two-time winner of the Nebula Award, Benford has also won the John W. Campbell Award, the British Science Fiction Award (BSFA), the Australian Ditmar Award, and the 1990 United Nations Medal in Literature. In 1995 he received the Lord Foundation Award for contributions to science and the public comprehension of it. He has served as scientific consultant to the NHK Network and for Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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Rating: 3.4249999774999997 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Apocalyptic yet hopeful. The world will end, but... There is a last-moment save, but the rest of the story makes you feel that it's not so much a salvation. Cleverness saves the day and opens new horizons. There are costs. Some aspects are predictable and help you hold on to the story line. The science is either right or predictive (for the publication date, my how we move on). As someone who straddles science and engineering, the characters are quite believable. Sure, some seem caricatures, but so do some of the physical people I know. And I've seen "character development" like this in real life under far less strenuous situations. This book brought me back to Sci-Fi after a long absence. I'm not claiming it's great and timeless literature, but it's a very good read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book had a little bit of the ole infodump with it but otherwise it was good. Intelligent blackhole threatens earth!

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Eater - Gregory Benford





It began quietly.

Amy Major came into Benjamin’s office and with studied care placed a sheet in front of his tired eyes. Got a funny one for you.

Benjamin stared at the graph. In the middle of the page, a sharp peak poked up to a high level, then fell slowly to his right. He glanced at the bottom axis, showing time, and said, So it died away in a few seconds. What’s so odd?

Amy gave him an angular grin that he knew she thought made her look tough-minded and skeptical. He had always read that expression as stubborn, but then, she so often disagreed with him. Here’s the second.

Second? Maybe her grin was deserved.

With a suppressed smile, she handed him another sheet. Same sort of peak, subsiding into the background noise in four seconds. Ho hum. He raised his eyebrows in question, a look he had trained the staff to interpret as Why are you wasting my time?

Could be any ordinary burster, right?

Yes. Amy liked to play the elephantine game out in full.

Only it’s a repeater.

Ah. How close?

In space, dead on. The prelim position is right on top of the first one’s. Dramatic pause. In time, 13.45 hours.

What? Was this a joke? Thirteen hours?


Gamma-ray bursters were cosmological explosions, the biggest Creation had ever devised. They showed up in the highest energy spectrum of all, the fat, powerful light that emerged when atomic nuclei fell apart. The preferred model describing bursters invoked a big black hole swallowing something else quite substantial, like a massive star. Bursters were the dyspeptic belch of a spectacularly large astrophysical meal. Each one devastated a seared region of the host galaxy.

Eaten once, a star could not be ingested again, thirteen hours later.

On the off chance that this was still a joke, he said with measured deliberation, "Now, that is interesting. Always be positive at the beginning, or else staff would not come to you at all. He smiled wanly. But the preliminary position is in a big box."

This was more than a judicious reservation. It was almost certainly the true explanation. The two would prove to come from different points in the sky.

They got from the discovering instrument a rough location of the burster—a box drawn on the sky map, with the source within it somewhere. Sharpening that took other instruments specially designed for the job. Same for the second burster. Once they knew accurately where this second burst was, he was sure it would turn out to be far from the earlier burst, and the excitement would be over. Best to let her down slowly, though. Still, let’s hope it’s something new.

Uh, I thought it was worth mentioning, Dr. Knowlton. Her rawboned face retreated into defensive mode, mouth pursing up as if she had drawn a string through both lips. She had been the origin of the staff’s private name for him, Dr. Know-It-All-ton. That had hurt more than he had ever let on.

And it is, it is. You asked Space Array for a quick location?

Sure, and sent out an alert to everybody on Gamma Net.


She let her skeptic-hardnose mask slip a little. It’s a real repeater. I just know it.

I hope you’re right. He had been through dozens of cases of mistaken identity and Amy had not. She was a fine operations astronomer, skilled at sampling the steady stream of data that flowed through the High Energy Astrophysics Center, though a bit too earnest for his taste.

I know, nobody’s ever seen a repeater this delayed, she said.

Minutes, yes. Hours, no.

But the prelim spectra look similar.

How many data points in the spectrum?

Uh, four.

Not nearly enough to tell anything for sure.

I’ve got a hunch.

And I have a crowded schedule.

I really think—

Hard for me to see what the rush is.

We might want to alert some other ’scopes right away, if this is important.

Patience, patience. I see.

I’m getting the first one’s full spectrum any minute, she went on, beginning to pace. He realized that she had been holding herself in check until now. He reminded himself that enthusiasm was always good, though it needed guidance.

I’ll give Attilio a ring, see if I can hurry things along, he said, touching his desk and punching in a code.

"Oh, great, Dr. Knowlton." A sudden smile.

He saw that this was the real point of her telling him so soon, before confirming evidence was in. He could help. Despite himself, he felt pleased. Not at this implied acknowledgment of his power, but at being included.

Every once in a while he got to analyze raw data. Perhaps even to invent an explanation, try it out, see his work as a whole thing. Every once in a while.

As he punched his finder-phone keypad, Amy started to leave. He waved her back. No, stay.

He got straight through and jollied Attilio with a moment of banter, speaking into the four-mike set in his desk. Attilio’s replies came through, clear and rich, though his lanky, always elegantly attired body was sitting in the shadow of the Alps. You knew I would be in here this very morning, Attilio said. We are both working too hard.

We’re addicts.

Science addicts, yes, an obscure vice.

Benjamin asked for a little bit of a speedup in processing and checking the two events. This took about fifteen minutes, most of it devoted to chat, but getting the job done all the same. An e-mail might have gotten the same results, but in his experience, not. All the talk of being systematic and highly organized left out the human need to gossip, even with people you seldom saw.

He finished the call with a promise from Attilio to get together next time Benjamin was in Europe and also, just incidentally, could he look into this second source right away?

I was hoping you’d do that, Amy said. She had been sitting on the edge of her seat the whole conversation, when she wasn’t up and pacing quickly, her long hair trailing in the air.

I wanted you to hear the conversation, get a little experience with greasing the international gears. Studying gamma-ray bursters was now not merely international but interplanetary, if one counted the many robot observers orbiting in the solar system. At least the spacecraft did not take so much massaging. Or grand meals at Center expense.

Oh, I’ve learned pretty well how to work the system.

Sure, but you don’t know Attilio yet. He’s a great guy. I’ll take you to dinner with him, next AAS meeting. He’s giving an invited talk, I hear.

Meaning, you’re on the program committee.

Benjamin grinned. Caught me out. As in every field, having friends on the right committees and boards and conferences was important, a game Benjamin had played quite often. And I appreciate your bringing this to me so soon. I do like to look up from the paperwork every year or three and act like a real astronomer again.

Glad to.

You’ve been doing a good job here. Don’t think I don’t notice.

She was nominally a postdoctoral researcher under his direction, but her appointment was about to convert over to full-time staff. Might as well build her up a bit for the disappointment to come, when Attilio called back.

Astronomy treated its students kindly, providing many tasks that were true, solid science and even might lead to an important result. The universe was still so poorly known that surprises lurked everywhere, especially when one had a new instrument with greater seeing power, or the ability to peer into a fresh region of the spectrum. The newer ’scopes were mostly distant hardware operated by a corps of technicians. Astronomers themselves ruled these by long distance, asking for spots in the night sky to be scrutinized, all over a Net connection. Nobody squinted through eyepieces anymore.

So it was with gamma-ray bursters. Long known, and still imperfectly understood, they now rewarded only the diligent with new phenomena. Amy was careful and energetic, perfect for mining the profusion of data. Bursters were still interesting but not really a hot topic any more. Benjamin ran the group that did most of the burster data organizing, plunked down here in Hawaii more for political reasons than scientific ones.

Since they dwelled at the very edge of the perceptible universe, bursters yielded their secrets only to careful study. As there was no telling where and when a burster would burst, one had to survey the entire sky. When a burster spat out its virulent, high-energy emissions, a network of telescopes went into operation, recording its brief life.

If a burster was truly different, a crowd of experienced observers would rush in, analyzing data and offering interpretations at the speed of e-mail.

But Amy—and he—would have the honor of discovery.

Hope it pans out, he said kindly.

Got to play your hunches, right? I’ll zap the VLA results to you at home if you want.

Yes, do.

Had he been harder on her than he should have? He felt grumpy, a sure signal to withhold judgment. The situation with Channing had been getting so bleak lately, he had to defend against the black moods that could creep up on him whenever he got tired. He would have to watch that. It kept getting worse.

Amy went back to work and he noticed that it was well past 6 P.M. He had been due home half an hour ago. He felt a pang of guilt as he left, lugging his briefcase full of unread bureaucratic paper.

As he was getting into his convertible, a loud bang echoed from the rocky slope above. His head jerked up toward the radio array antennas perched along the upper plateau. Birds flapped away on the thin air. The array’s shotgun fired several times at sunset to scare away birds, who showed a fascination with building nests in the dishes of the radio telescopes. It was incredibly loud, not a gun at all, but fuel ignited in a tube. It also served to keep the birds from getting into the great domes of the optical telescopes farther up the mountain. Still, the blasts always unnerved him. The shotgun was just another aspect of working at the true focus of astronomy, the observing sites. It had been a pure stroke of luck, being offered his position here at the High Energy Astrophysics Center. A university appointment would have been more comfortable, but less exciting. Even if he did mostly push paper around these days.

Here was where astronomy still had some vestige of hands-on immediacy. All the high, dry sites around the globe were now thronged with telescopes that spied upward in every band of the electromagnetic spectrum: radio to gamma ray, with many stops in between. Though data flew between observatories at the speed of light, there was still nothing quite like being able to walk over and talk to the people who had gathered it, see the new images as they formed on TV screens. Of course, the sharpest observations came from space, sent down by robot ’scopes. And he was quite sure that within a day those instruments would tell Amy that her second burster was no kin to the first.

He drove down the mountain, from the cool, thin air of the great slopes and into the moist clasp of Hawaii’s sprawling big island. Mauna Kea was a massive stack of restless stone, giving great spreading views of misty green, but he noticed none of it as he sped a little too much on the way down. He felt guilty about being late. Channing would be home from her doctor’s appointment and would probably have started making supper and he didn’t want her doing that. Either he would make it, or else take her out. Visits to Dr. Mendenham usually made her withdrawn and wore down her precarious confidence.

That was it—a good meal at the Reefman, maybe even some dancing if she was up to it. He had forgotten about Amy’s objects by the time he hit the easier part of the road, the lush tropical plain that ran down to the sea.


When the radiologist abruptly stopped his mechanically friendly chatter, she knew something was wrong. Again.

Immediately, Channing remembered when all this had started, back in the rosy dawn of time when she had been brimming with energy and going to live forever. Then she had felt the same reaction in a doctor and, in classic fashion, went through the Virtuous Girl list: Nope, never drank, smoked, didn’t use coffee or even tea, at least not much. Plenty of exercise, low-fat addict, even held her breath while walking by a coughing bus exhaust. Can’t be me, Doc!

Then why? It’s so unfair! she had thought, then sourly saw that she was buying the Great Statistical Lie, which made you think there were no fluctuations, no mean deviations, no chance happenings in a world which her rational, fine-honed astronaut mind knew was jammed full of haphazard turns.

So she had heard the leaden words fall from the doctor’s mouth: lumpy tumor plus invaded lymph nodes, bad blood chem, the full-course dinner.

So okay, I’ll lose my hair. But I like hats, fine. And I can explore my inner drag queen by wearing wigs.

The chemo doctor had said with complete confidence, You and I are going to be good friends, which had immediately put her guard up.

She had gone through the predictable symptoms, items on her checklist, just like pre-mission planning. Hair loss came right to the day, two weeks after chemo. She had a little party and turned it into a piece of performance art. Atta girl! Fatigue: she was ready, with new pillows and satiny sheets; sensual sleep, the manuals whispered. Nausea was tougher: she had never grown fond of vomiting. Possible infertility?: well past that anyway. Loss of libido: definitely a problem; maybe stock up on porn movies? Weight gain: bad news. She would waddle down the street, bald and unsteady, and instead of onlookers thinking, Must be going through chemo, they’d say, Wow, she’s really let herself go.

Plenty of phone calls: astronaut buddies, friends, college roommate, the support circuit—much-needed strokes. Bought a Vegas showgirl wig, stockpiled it for a late-night turn-on. Cut the hair back to a short, sassy ’do, so there wouldn’t be a total clutter when it fell out. Bought a Bible: she was shocked to find they didn’t have one in the house. Benjamin had never pretended to believe, and she supposed she didn’t either, but what if God favored those who kept up appearances? It had always been one of those things she was going to read when there was time, like Tolstoy. When she had been in orbit for three months, doing tedious experiments, she actually had started in on War and Peace because it was in the tiny station library and she had forgotten to bring anything. She had finished it because it was good, to her surprise. Okay, time for Dostoyevsky.

Only she hadn’t, of course; too depressing. More gloomy obsessions when she had quite enough already, thank you.

From the look on this tech’s face, maybe she wasn’t going to get another chance.

Then, without her noticing the transition, she was with good ole Dr. Mendenham, the tech was gone, and she knew she had passed through another little time jump. She had first noted this quaint little property of her mind when she was in astronaut training. Anxiety erased short-term memory. So to get through the protracted training, she had learned to skate over her anxieties, focus-focus-focus. Only now it didn’t seem to work.

Lie down. I need to put my hands on you, said one of the specialists with Mendenham.

You have no idea how often I hear that from men, she said bravely, but the sally from her tight throat came off as forced. She had gotten used to having these men fondle her breasts but not used to the indifference they conspicuously displayed. A little nervous energy from them would have been appreciated, evidence that she hadn’t entirely lost her attractions.

Then they were through and she was taking notes, pre-mission checklist style, preparing for a flight plan to a destination she didn’t want to reach. The cancer had advanced in a way they had not expected. Despite the last therapy, which they reminded her was experimental, there were only slight signs of retarded growth.

Another jump. She was out of the clinic, in the car, rolling around the curves of the road home. Focus-focus-focus, no point in becoming a traffic statistic when you have a classier demise on the way. Hawaii’s damp smells worked into her concentration, pleasant sweet air curling into her lungs and reminding her that the world did have its innocent delights. Even though plants, too, were trying to fend off animals with poisons and carcinogens, one of which had wormed into her.

Channing swerved a bit too fast into their driveway, spitting gravel, crunching to a stop just short of Copernicus, who was sunning himself. She got out and was suddenly immensely glad that he was there. She hugged him and babbled some as he tried to wag his tail off. With Copernicus she could make a fool of herself playing and he would respond by making an even bigger fool of himself. Still, his admiration was not conclusive evidence of one’s wonderfulness. For that, she needed Benjamin, and where was he?

On cue, he rolled into the driveway, barely squeezing his sports car into the space. She had kidded him about mid-forties testosterone when he bought it, but he did indeed look great in the eggshell-blue convertible, top down, his concerned frown as he got out breaking over her like butterscotch sunlight, and then she was in his arms and the waterworks came on and she was past being embarrassed about it. She clung to him. He clung back. Chimpanzee nuzzling, maybe, but it worked.

She was unsteady going into the house with him and let its comfy feel envelop her. He asked about her medical and she told him and it all came in a rush then, all the sloppy emotions spilling out over the astronaut’s shiny exterior. She finished up with some quiet sobs in his arms, feeling much better and also now slightly embarrassed, her usual combo.

Sounds like you need some mahi-mahi therapy, Benjamin murmured into her left ear.

I’d prefer some bed right away, thanks sir, but yep, my stomach’s rumbling.

Oh, I thought that was a plane going over.

Maybe my knees knocking.

You’re braver than anyone I have ever known, in the soft tone he always used to creep up on the worst of it.

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

The blood analysis—

Yeah, worse. Cryptic, astronaut-casual. Some physio, too.

You have the printout? I’d—

Breaking away, she made the timeout signal. Lemme slap a flapjack of makeup on my face.

She got through the repair work without looking in the mirror much, a trick she had developed since the hair loss. The medical printouts went into her valise, along with the harvest of the fax machine. Brisk and efficient she was, carefully not thinking while she did all these neat little compartmented jobs. She’s steppin’ out, she sang to herself from an old Electric Light Orchestra number, letting the bouncy sound do its work. Steppin’ out. Fake gaiety was better than none.

He drove them to the Reefman in rather gingerly fashion, not his born-to-the-road style. Hot white clouds hung stranded in a windless sky of shredded silver. The swanky driveway led them to a rambling building that appeared to be made of cinder from the island’s volcano, an effect slightly too studied. Music boomed out from a spacious deck bar, heat shimmered over car hoods, the perpetual hovering presence of eternal summer thickening the air.

They ambled around the side garden approach to the beach tables. Her floppy hat would look appropriate there. She had two inches of fur now, creeping up on a presentable cut, but not quite there. The grounds were trying to cheer her up with their ambitious topiaries, laughing fountains, a beach below so white it ached to be trampled. They got a table and she remembered that this was one of those newfangled home-style restaurants, with a few of the Unnoticeables passing appetizers among the tables. She and Benjamin had lived here long enough to see the old Hawaiian informality give way to Advanced Tourism, so that one looked through the help and visitors never thought about who changed the sheets of the Rulers.

Glass of wine? Benjamin nudged her.

Really shouldn’t.

I know, which is another reason to do it.

Hey, that’s my kind of line.

I always steal from the best.

I look like I need it pretty bad?

"Let’s say I need for you to."

She laughed and ordered a glass of fumé blanc, a thumb to the nose for Death, and even in her rickety state not enough to risk a hangover, the Wrath of Grapes.

Okay, fill me in on the medical. Benjamin said this in his clear, official voice, a mannerism from work he used sometimes when the uncomfortable side of life came up. He was completely unaware of this habit, she knew. Rather than feeling affronted, she found it endearing, though she could not say why. When she was through, he said, Damn, his voice tightening further. Going to operate?

No, they want to let this new regime of drugs work on it awhile.

How long?

Didn’t say. I got the impression that they wouldn’t give a solid answer.

Well, it is experimental. He tried to put a little lilt in his tone to freight some optimism into the conversation, but it did not work because they both knew it.

And I’m not up to more cutting anyway.

True, he said miserably. "Damn, I feel so powerless."

An absolutely typical and endearing male trait. They wanted to do, and women supposedly more wanted to be. Well, her astronaut-self wanted to do something, too, but they were both far out of their depth here. Both technically and emotionally.

She watched him clench his fists for a long moment. They exchanged thin smiles, a long look. Time to move on, her intuition told her.

She opened her valise. They had always done paperwork at dinner, one of those odd habits couples acquire that seem, in retrospect, defining: workaholics in love. She shuffled the medical printouts to the side; best to get his mind off the subject. Here, this looks like work.

He reached for it almost eagerly. From Amy, relayed from the VLA.

She recognized the Very Large Array standard display, a gridded map made in the microwave spectrum. After tiring of the astronaut horse race, she had thrown herself into becoming a respectable astrophysicist. Mostly a data magician and skeptic, which fit her character fine. She had gotten her job here on her merits, not on glory inherited from being a space jockey; she had made sure of that.

Benjamin traced a finger along a ridge of dark lines. Ummm, a linear feature. Must be a mistake.

Why? He told her quickly about Amy’s supposedly repeating burster. He slid out a cover sheet and scrawled across the top was: I CHECKED—COORDINATES ARE RIGHT. THIS IS REAL. AMY

She’s found something? Channing sipped her wine, liking its bite.

Ummm. She wrote that note because she knew I’d doubt this like hell. This long filament is far larger than any burster could be. Must be a chance overlap with something ordinary. Looks like a galactic jet to me.

She nodded. In their early eras, galaxies often ejected jets of radiating electrons from their core regions. Channing had never studied galaxies very much—astronauts specialized in solar system objects, or studying the Earth from space—but she recalled that such jets were fairly common, and so one could easily turn up in the box that bounded the burster’s location. Still…What if it’s not?

Then this is a burster that makes no sense.

But that’s what you’d like—something new.

He gazed skeptically at the long filament. New yes, wrong no.

You don’t know it’s wrong yet. He had been like this lately, doubting everything. Perhaps it came from her illness; medicine always rewarded a skeptical, informed use of the squeaky-wheel principle. He had loyally squeaked a lot in her defense.

I’ll bet it goes away tomorrow.

And I bet not, she said impetuously.

How much? He gave her his satyr grin.

Something kinky, say.

Sounds like we can’t lose.

You bet. This evening was getting off to a good start, despite earlier signs. Now to glide by the hard part. I want to go in with you tomorrow, have a look at this burster.

Concern flickered in his face, then he suppressed it. He was always urging her to stay home, rest up, but bless him, he didn’t know how maddening that could be. She did still have a job and desk at the Center, even if both were getting covered in cobwebs.

I don’t think—

If this is important—and of course, you’re probably right, it’s not—I’d like to be in on it.

As experiences go, it’ll be pretty dull.

Lately, experience was something she never seemed to get until just after she needed it. Better than daytime TV.

She let a little too much desperation creep into her voice, which was not fair, but at the moment maybe it was just being honest. She watched him struggle with that for a long moment. Visibly reluctant, he finally said, Uh, okay.

You always say you want your staff to be ambitious, look for the new.

Well, sure…

He was getting a bit too sober, she saw, the weight of her news pressing him down. How to rescue the evening?

Standard executive cheerleading. Follow your dream, you say. She smiled and lowered her eyelids while giving him an up-from-under gaze—a dead-sure attention-getter, she knew, and just the sort of attention she wanted right now. Unless, of course, it’s that one about giving a speech to the International Astronomical Union dressed in sexy underwear.


Astronomy, Benjamin mused, was a lot like a detective story with the clues revealed first, and the actual body only later—if ever. Pulsars and quasars, both brilliant beacons glimpsed across the cosmos, had proved to be powered by small specks of compressed mass, resolved only decades after their emissions made them obvious. The clues were gaudy, the causes obscure. So it went with this latest mystery.

The next morning Channing was too worn out to come in with him after all. He lingered over breakfast, they talked about the news in ritual fashion, and finally she shooed him out of the house. My bed beckons, she said. He was somewhat relieved, then, to get immediately to work with Amy when they got the cleaned radio map, chugged out by the ever-laboring computers. It showed the intensity of radio emissions, plotted like a topographical map. A long, spindly feature like a ridge line.

A definite tail, Amy said. Some kind of guided flow.

A galactic jet?

To his surprise, she shook her head. That’s what I figured. But I checked the old radio maps of this region. This thing wasn’t there five years ago.

What? He flatly did not believe her, but kept that out of his voice. A mistake, surely. He did a quick calculation and realized that if this thing were a jet in a distant galaxy, it could not possibly have grown so large in a few years. Must be a mistake. It’s too big—

Yeah, and too luminous. Couldn’t have missed it before. This thing is new.

But…but— He traced out the size of the straight feature and checked his calculation again. It would have to be the size of a galaxy, maybe bigger, to look this big.

Amy grinned. Now you know why I only got three hours’ sleep last night.

To appear suddenly and be galactic in scale meant that the entire structure had to light up at once, faster than allowed by the speed of light. Got to be wrong, he said as amiably as he could.

So they spent an hour going over every number and map. And Amy was right. So we’re making a wrong assumption somewhere, she said cheerily. And I bet I know where. Looks like a jet, so it must be extra-galactic, right? Wrong. It’s in our galaxy.

He nodded. There were jets of radiant matter streaming out of star systems, all right. This must have just been born. But why is it a gamma-ray source?

Must be it’s got a black hole down at the base of it, gobbling up mass from a companion star. She scribbled some numbers. And a hell of a bright one, too.

Benjamin checked her calculation. The radio luminosity was very high, and so was the gamma-ray intensity, if this were a source in the Milky Way galaxy. Too high, he said. This would be the brightest we’ve ever seen.

Well, somebody’s got to be the brightest, she said so flatly that he knew she implied the double meaning. She was quite bright herself; her intuition about this

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