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About this ebook

In S. J. Kincaid's fast-paced and humorous sci-fi Insignia trilogy, the earth is in the middle of World War III when teen gamer Tom Raines is recruited to train with other young cadets as a pivotal member of the elite combat corps, the Intrasolar Forces. At the Pentagonal Spire's training academy, he makes the best friends of his life—fellow government weapons-in-training Wyatt Enslow, Vik Ashwan, and Yuri Sysevich.

In this 47-page prequel novella to the series, budding genius Wyatt Enslow—intensely loyal and hyperintelligent if occasionally, hilariously, socially awkward—takes center stage as S. J. Kincaid reveals Wyatt's life before she found her place, and her own inner strength, among her devoted band of friends at the Spire.

Praise for Insignia: "The characters are real, funny, and memorable. You won't be able to put this book down."—Veronica Roth, New York Times bestselling author of Divergent

Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.

Release dateMay 7, 2013

S. J. Kincaid

S.J. Kincaid is the New York Times bestselling author of The Diabolic trilogy. She originally wanted to be an astronaut, but a dearth of mathematical skills made her turn her interest to science fiction instead. Her debut novel, Insignia, was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize. Its sequels, Vortex and Catalyst, have received starred reviews from Kirkus Reviews and Booklist. She’s chronically restless and has lived in California, Alabama, New Hampshire, Oregon, Illinois, and Scotland with no signs of staying in one place anytime soon. Find out more at

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    Book preview

    Allies - S. J. Kincaid



    Excerpt from Insignia

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

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    VOICES HUMMED NEAR the girl, rising and falling in idle discussion. She hunkered down on her bench in the solitary corner she’d claimed in the garden, cringing when her own name drifted to her ears.

    . . . where’s Esperanza’s daughter?

    Wyatt? Oh, she’s probably skulking about somewhere. The voice dropped to a whisper, and Wyatt could only make out those familiar words she’d heard applied to her too many times in her life. . . . strange . . . bizarre . . .

    The voices drifted away behind the vast hedges, and relief washed through Wyatt in a great wave. She’d already made an effort, as her mother called it. She’d stood among the crowd and endured the conversations for several minutes. But soon, the press of noises, the wafts of perfume, and the casual brushings of shoulders against hers had mounted into a cacophonic onslaught to her senses, and she couldn’t bear to remain in the middle of so many people. She walked away, determined to escape the entire family, Garzas and Enslows alike.

    She’d found shelter in the cool, dark corner of the grounds where drooping, green leaves shaded a stone bench near her mother’s stables. The occasional stray voices were her only company, and she might’ve passed the rest of the reunion mercifully alone if her cousin hadn’t remembered this spot from when they were both kids.

    But inevitably, footsteps crunched their way over the gravel pathway, and a shadow blotted out the rays of sunlight piercing through the overhead leaves.

    Wyatt braced herself, and raised her eyes to meet her cousin’s. She mentally reminded herself of what she was supposed to do during interpersonal interactions: Make eye contact. Return polite, superficial remarks with polite, superficial remarks. Say please. Say thank you. Compliment her hairstyle or clothing.

    Your hair is very well combed, Wyatt said.


    Nothing, Wyatt mumbled.

    So you’re Wyatt, huh? Marissa said.

    Wyatt frowned, recalling her aunt introducing them earlier in the day, and the way she’d said, This is your cousin, Wyatt. Remember her? She’s thirteen, just like you! Those were the exact words, so Marissa already knew the answer. That meant she was feigning ignorance, and this question was superfluous, and therefore Wyatt didn’t understand why Marissa was bothering to ask it. There had to be a reason she was asking it, though, and some correct answer Wyatt was missing here.

    She shifted uneasily on the bench, wrought with uncertainty. Yes. What do you want?

    I’m just here to talk. We haven’t seen each other since we were little. Excuse me for being friendly.

    You’re excused, Wyatt said.

    To Wyatt’s horror, Marissa seated herself onto the stone bench right next to her, so close the warmth of her arm seeped into hers. Wyatt scooted to the very edge of the bench, the scent of Marissa’s raspberry body spray stinging her nostrils. She couldn’t hold Marissa’s eyes at this close distance, so her gaze dropped down—to the other girl’s blouse.

    Then she saw it: Marissa had mustard smeared on her shirt.

    I’m so bored, Marissa complained, propping her palms on the bench, swinging a foot. We’re the only people here who aren’t older than fifty or younger than five. They’re all talking about dead people I’ve never met.

    Wyatt didn’t answer her. She was still staring, transfixed, at the mustard smear. It was about three quarters of an inch long and shaped like the state of Oklahoma rotated clockwise at a sixty-degree angle—a bright, stark yellow against the white fabric of Marissa’s blouse.

    You don’t talk much, Marissa went on. "That’s weird, because people talk about you a ton. Mom said you got a gold medal in a Math Olympics thing. Aunt Esperanza told her it’s a huge deal. Like, you could go to any university tomorrow for free if you wanted."

    "Olympi-ad, Wyatt corrected absently. Her entire awareness was riveted to that mustard blotch, like it was an alarm blaring right in her ears. It was the International Mathematical Olympiad."

    "Fine, okay. Congratulations on your Olympi-ad."

    Wyatt’s mind flashed over scenarios that might have resulted in that mustard so blatantly smeared on Marissa’s shirt, and she decided Marissa must have eaten something, and glopped on far too much mustard. As soon as she bit down, the mustard dripped out and splattered on her shirt. It explained the shape of the smear; it explained why Marissa hadn’t tried to wash it off yet.

    She needs to wash it off. The thought seemed to compress Wyatt’s head, even as Marissa’s voice chattered on, . . . don’t even live very far apart. Maybe our moms don’t really like each other . . .

    Wyatt grew desperate to tell Marissa about the mustard, but she knew it might cause needless embarrassment, the way her mother said she tended to do to people. This one time, Wyatt visited her grandmother in her nursing home and informed her that she smelled faintly of urine. She meant it to be helpful so her grandmother would know to clean herself, but her grandmother began to weep.

    She didn’t intend to repeat that scene today. Even if the mustard was right there . . . Just right there in plain sight where Marissa should have noticed it already . . .

    And it would stain.

    So if you’re a genius, Marissa complained, casting a look around the garden, then why don’t you say something smart instead of letting me do all the talking? Come on. I’m waiting.

    Here it was! Her opening, her moment! Wyatt sucked in a deep breath that made her head spin, and forced herself to meet Marissa’s eyes directly. She managed to hold gazes for a full second before she dropped her eyes to the ground again.

    The words pounded their way out of her, too loud. There’s mustard on your shirt!

    Her cousin was silent for several seconds. Then, What?

    Mustard, Wyatt cried, agitation edging her voice. She made sure to point so Marissa couldn’t miss it. Her words came pouring out, rushed, but such a relief to get out. Look! It’s right there. It’s so obvious. How haven’t you noticed it yet? You need to go and wipe it off or you’ll have to throw that shirt away. You need to go clean it as soon as you can.

    Marissa rolled her eyes. You know, if you want me to go away, you can just say so. You don’t have to be a bitch about it.

    With that, Marissa huffed

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