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Magick Made Easy: Charms, Spells, Potions, & Power
Magick Made Easy: Charms, Spells, Potions, & Power
Magick Made Easy: Charms, Spells, Potions, & Power
Ebook384 pages

Magick Made Easy: Charms, Spells, Potions, & Power

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The latest addition to the popular Made Easy series, 'Magick Made Easy 'gives aspiring witches everything they need to master the art of magic. Clear, easy-to-follow instructions walk readers through spells and potions incorporating more than 300 every

Release dateOct 12, 2010
Magick Made Easy: Charms, Spells, Potions, & Power

Patricia Telesco

Patricia Telesco is a practicing herbalist, metaphysical lecturer, and author of Goddess in My Pocket, 365 Goddess, and other books on dreams, divination, magick, and Wicca.

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    Book preview

    Magick Made Easy - Patricia Telesco


    The real magic is enthusiasm.


    Magick: the word conjures images of an enchanted time filled with court mages and mythical creatures. Although it seems that our technologically driven society has all but lost sight of magick’s bewitching spark, I am happy to tell you that the god/dess is still alive and magick is, indeed, afoot! All around the world right now people just like you are casting spells, making amulets, meditating, and performing rituals to improve finances, ease troubled relationships, spice up their love lives, and tone down negativity.

    Everyday folks, in all walks of life, have rediscovered magickal ideals and practices as a way of coping with chaos and satisfying their spirits, and you can too. Now, before the idea of working magick puts you off, relax. Think of spells, charms, and rituals as similar to detailed prayers to which you add some old-fashioned willpower, symbolic components, and actions to emphasize your desire. By so doing, you put your needs and goals before the Sacred Powers, then support that prayer with magickal energy and concrete efforts. This combination encourages active participation in making your present and future happier and more fulfilling.

    Sound complicated? I promise that by the time you’re finished reading this book, it won’t seem that way at all. Magick is quite natural, and it’s something we all have available to us. If you’ve recently discovered an interest in magick, Wicca, and other emerging metaphysical lifestyles, Magick Made Easy can answer a lot of those nagging questions that come up in the light of a whole new way of thinking.

    In fact, the main goal of Magick Made Easy, and particularly Part One, is to do exactly what the title says—to make magick easy for you! How? By familiarizing you with the basic art of folk magick—its methods and tools—and then helping you feel more at ease with those methods and tools. And why folk magick? Because, by its nature, folk magick is pragmatic, simple, straightforward, and unassuming and therefore well suited to our busy lives.

    See, our ancestors didn’t have a lot of time for complex or meaningless procedures. Instead, they brought spirituality together with daily living, using creativity and inspiration to make magick out of everyday circumstances and objects. To me, this seems like the perfect combination for modern magick too.

    Part Two is a list of potential components you can use in developing your own spells, meditations, rituals, pathworking exercises, charms, and visualizations. This list includes no Shakespearean elements—no tongue of dog, no eye of newt, and no toil and trouble. Instead, Magick Made Easy lives up to its claim by listing components found readily in and around the sacred space of home, including your coffeepot, various edibles, the telephone, pantry spices, your computer, and even the toilet! These items become the ingredients for your magickal recipes. Better still, they are already saturated with personal energy and meaningfulness, so they work better for any type of magick you hope to create.

    In a society in which everyone juggles several responsibilities at once, this approach holds tremendous merit. It advocates looking at our personal environment differently, seeing the magickal potential and possibilities in everything—most important, seeing this potential in yourself. See, even without the bells and whistles—without the trappings or any components whatsoever—you are the magick. Spiritual energy lies inside each one of us just waiting to be expressed. This book will help you find the right mediums and methods through which to express your own form of magick.

    Think of Magick Made Easy as a course in mystical cookery. In the pages of this book you can examine various ways of baking up magickal energy just right, considering the implements and components you have available, your tastes, and the goal at hand. By measuring this information against your personal vision, then mixing and mingling these things in personally meaningful ways, the outcome is bound to be more satisfying, more transformational, more life-affirming, and more powerful. So make life and magick a little easier, beginning right here and now. Put on those ruby slippers and turn the page!




    Common Questions About Magick

    The visible is, for us,

    the proportional measure of the invisible.


    Although science seeks to unravel the mysteries of the universe, magick practitioners revel in them. We perceive these gaps in concrete data as the perfect opening through which spiritual truths can sneak and touch our reality. The world of the modern metaphysician is, after all, like Oz to our mundane Kansas—a place filled to overflowing with wonders, potential, and possibilities. One of them is the very viable possibility that humans are much more than simple flesh and blood, that we are, instead, beings of soul, and power, and magick!

    Some people think such talk is nothing more than superstitious prattle. Others regard the human soul and magick as part of the supernatural world, and as such seemingly separate, inaccessible, and incomprehensible to most humans. I, and thousands of other people in the world today disagree with both of these outlooks wholeheartedly. We see both the soul and its inherent magick as a birthright and as an important part of humankind’s makeup. Magick Made Easy builds on this premise, recognizing that this birthright affects different people in very different ways. Exactly how it transforms each individual’s present into a more fulfilling and empowering future depends a lot on personal vision and how he or she perceives this enigmatic thing called magick.

    For those of you who have already been exposed to the world of magick, some of the information in this chapter may be a review. I suggest you scan it anyway. I think you’ll find some fresh perspectives in here that will augment or facilitate your continuing studies.

    For the newcomers reading this who might be anxious to dive in headfirst and get started on spellcraft or other processes, I’m a great advocate of testing the waters. Consequently, this chapter focuses on the abouts rather than the how-tos of magick. In the following pages you can get your astral feet wet by examining the answers I’ve given to the most common questions people ask about magick and how the whole thing works.

    As you read, please know that my vision of magick and spirituality is not the only way to approach this topic successfully—it’s just the way that works for me and one that seems to have helped my students over the years. To embark on this adventure with me as a teacher, however, you must first be willing to follow some rules I give to all my students:

    Auntie Irish’s First Rule of Magick

    A true magician is his or her own priest,

    priestess, guru, psychic, or shaman.

    Don’t let anyone or anything else take over this important job in your life.

    Wait a minute. Don’t go getting all nervous on me now. You already fulfill this role every day simply by making choices. You sort out good from bad, action from inaction. Now you’re just going to take it one step farther into your spiritual life. Right here and now I want you to start trusting your instincts about what’s wholly right for you—don’t just take my word for anything—then act accordingly. After all, I can only share with you what I’ve experienced. Ultimately, it will be up to you to decide if the glimmers of truth I’ve gathered over the years can be successfully adapted and applied to your life and reality.

    What Is Magick?

    I must confess that I’ve always hated the M word. This is because the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is a stage magician pulling a bunny out of a hat or Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer’s apprentice with a rainbow of sparks flying out of his wand. Unfortunately, I don’t have a better word to work with, so bear with me.

    Real magick is not a stage illusion, and it’s nothing like what the media has portrayed it as. Though I might wish I could reach into a hat and pull out whatever I need, twitch my nose and have a clean house, or hop on a handy broom to travel abroad (I hear brooms get great mileage), this is not modern magick as we know it. And, unfortunately, these portraits do little to help us clarify what constitutes magick as a mystical, spiritual procedure that makes sense in the workaday world around us.

    So to define magick, let’s first try looking to the dictionary. Here we discover that the root word for magick, magi, was a title given to priests in Persia who were skilled in sorcery. Consequently, the term magick implies occult competence, but don’t let the word occult scare you off. This term originally meant a natural science that sought to uncover the secret mysteries of the mind and the world in which we live and then endeavored to apply that knowledge effectively. That pretty well describes what most modern practitioners of magick try to do!

    Beyond this, we also know that the magi were considered learned, wise people who had the ability to produce amazing effects through the careful and responsible use of power. This, too, describes the modern magick practitioner. Even so, it leaves us with two unanswered questions: Where does this power come from? How does it produce such effects?

    To answer those questions, we have to look at a secondary characteristic of magick, which is to bend and change. Through various techniques, discussed in this book, the magick user willfully gathers energy from the world around him or her, and sometimes from the expanse of the universe or the god/dess (the Sacred Parent/Divine Power behind all creation), and binds it into a strand of power. The resulting energy strand is then returned to the tapestry of life in a very specific, mindful way so it begins weaving a new pattern—a pattern that represents the meeting of a need or manifestation of a desire. In other words, the pattern is the magick in realized, tangible form.

    This approach is based on the axiom that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but simply changes shape. Magick not only changes the patterns and cycles of life’s tapestry, but also, in the process, transforms something within the magick user. Self-confidence improves, and the individual begins taking an active role in creating a personal destiny that’s earth-friendly and conscious of universal laws in its design.

    Mind you, these changes aren’t always full of flash and fanfare. Folk magick, sometimes called kitchen magick, is simple and rather plain to the curious onlooker. It also follows natural patterns and progressions in its manifestation process. So although the components, words, and outcomes may not seem overly spectacular in folk traditions, the power is still there subtly bending and changing reality. With this in mind …

    Auntie Trish’s Second Rule of Magick

    Magick doesn’t have to be complicated, or the results ostentatious,

    to be effective and transformational.

    Now this lack of complication certainly doesn’t limit the folk magician’s creativity or sense of personal flair! Magick, by its very nature, is an art. There is an ingenious, aesthetic element to magickal procedures. This element comes from each individual’s expression of his or her innermost essence in a unique manner. This is why you see so many flavors or schools of magick. Whether it’s shamanism, Wicca, paganism, or Druidry, practitioners in these schools are each revealing their vision of magick by the personally meaningful methods they choose to use in creating it. This means that all magickal explorations begin with exploring yourself and your vision of spirituality on a very intimate level. Which brings us to Rule 3:

    Auntie Irish’s Third Rule of Magick

    Magick users know themselves in truthfulness.

    Know your abilities and limitations, accenting the positives and slowly working on the negatives. Know what you feel at home with, and never waver from that unless you feel guided to do so by Spirit or by a path that inspires the best in you.

    Ah, but I’ve gotten sidetracked from answering the question at hand. Besides illustrating occult competence, bending energy, and being an art, what else is magick? In my classes I use various terms to describe and explain this elusive concept to students. Specifically, magick is:

    Natural: I can’t stress enough the importance of getting away from the mind-set that regards magick as supernatural. It is just as natural as the birds and bees, except the baby produced is conceived in your mind and will.

    Respectful: Folk magick has a deep abiding respect for life and diversity. Without variety, growth, and change, magick becomes bland and stale. This is also true of our world. People are different. Their recipes for magick and spirituality are different—but it all makes for a wonderful blend and certainly keeps things interesting! Respect all paths to magick and the Sacred as having equal validity and all things in the world as potential tools for fine-tuning your spiritual quest, and you’ll do just fine.

    Tantalizing: Folk magick can be quite addictive. Once you get a taste of spontaneous, heartfelt magick in action, it awakens the inner child in you who wants to get out and play some more! Be prepared to suddenly find yourself walking around the house, office, or supermarket with magick on your mind. Don’t shut this part of yourself down out of habit. Use it to explore, ponder, muse, and enjoy the world from the perspective provided by a truly appreciative, magickal eye.

    Refreshing: Unlike some types of magick that require many years of study just to learn the basic rituals, folk magick is first and foremost a vision-driven path: it is formed by your own environment, traditions, symbols, cultural background, familial lore, and the like. This releases a lot of the pressure you might feel in a more structured setting to perform or act a certain way, even if that way isn’t wholly right for you. It also releases the awkwardness some people feel when they’re baring their souls in a group setting.

    Folk magick practitioners frequently fly by the seat of their proverbial broomsticks, using inspiration for fuel and prevalent circumstances for motivation. Their path is often a solitary one by choice. In this kind of setting, everything boils down to you the practitioner, the Sacred, and the magick—no onlookers, and no judgmental voices other than those that come from your own heart about right and wrong.

    To balance this statement, I should say that formalized forms of magick or group settings might be good for you. They just don’t work for me. I’ve also discovered that folk magick is something nearly everyone relates to and learns fairly easily. Better still, it provides a good foundation for any type of magick tradition you might want to study in the future.

    Enriching: The exploration of magick not only brings us back in touch with ourselves and our spiritual nature, but it also connects us with others of like mind and the earth as a living symbol of greater truths. Once you begin studying magick, each day (and every moment in it) represents a whole new chance to learn and grow as a spiritual being and a member of humankind’s family. Trust me when I say that after your spirit starts receiving magick’s water, it will thirst for more. This ongoing thirst acts as a strong motivation to always keep you seeking and moving forward, in both magick and life.

    Unifying: Magick definitely advocates global thinking in ways that might not be immediately evident. For example, in studying folk magick you’ll come across approaches from all over the world, at least some of which you’ll relate to and want to use. In these little gems of wisdom we begin to see that people are far more alike than they are different. We can then honor those similarities by respectfully adding tidbits of culturally inspired methods into our daily magickal practices.

    Liberating: Folk magick encourages us to be exactly who we are, just in a slightly different way. We continue in our roles in life, but now have at our disposal added dimensions. Ecologists continue to be ecologists, but may now choose to add an awareness of the moon’s influences or other magickal methods to their work to improve the results and make the effort more fulfilling. Writers still write; they just enact a creativity spell or ritual before beginning, so that Spirit and magick flow through the work.

    In summary, folk traditions advocate bringing that special spark of magick to anything and everything—from the bedroom to the supermarket to the office and every moment in between—until life itself becomes a joyful act of worship and is filled to overflowing with positive energy.

    Can Anyone Work Magick?

    Definitely As you’ve probably guessed by now, I don’t see magick traditions as elite clubs that only a few favored individuals can join, but the practice isn’t necessarily right for everyone. By the time you’re done reading this chapter, you should have a better understanding of what magick is and whether or not it’s a suitable path for you.

    From the get-go you should know that, like any other respected art form, the mastery of magick isn’t instantaneous. It will take time, practice, and patience to use the techniques and resulting energies effectively. Our drive-through society has fostered the idea that someone can become adept at magick by attending one ritual, casting one spell, or reading one book. This is simply not the case (not even with this book), and it would be misleading you to tell you otherwise.

    There is a pace and rhythm to both the process of learning magick and its manifestation. Because magick is driven by the vision and abilities of the practitioner, your ability to learn and use it effectively can’t be determined by anyone else’s clock. Don’t try and keep up with anyone; don’t try to push progress. Take magick one step at a time, at a stride that’s right for you. Someone who has strong right-brain tendencies, for example, may develop his or her magickal aptitude more slowly and logically. Left-brainers, being driven by instinct and intuition, might make spiritual strides more quickly. The learning pattern we develop comes from our basic nature and needs to be honored. How fast you learn magick has no bearing on how good you’ll eventually be. After all,

    Auntie Trish’s Fourth Rule of Magick

    You have no limits in magick other than those you create.

    Along the same lines, and as your guide to making magick easy, I also have to tell you that sometimes the road to powerful, life-changing magick isn’t always easy!

    Auntie Trish’s Fifth Rule of Magick

    Most worthwhile things in life have obstacles that have to be overcome

    and require real effort on our part; magick is no exception.

    This rule keeps us honest. In this case the obstacles are usually those we put in the road ourselves: disbelief, insecurity, lack of focus, or impatience. Apply faith, two willing hands, a strong will, persistence, and a loving heart to this equation, however, and you will eventually experience success!

    Through faith all things become possible. If you can’t believe that the spark called magick exists within you, the world, and the universe, dien you won’t be able to kindle any figurative fires. Set aside the tendency to question everything long enough to just be. Breathe deeply and look at the world with a child’s eyes in that moment. See the magick in how the grass grows, how the stars shine, in the warm smile of a stranger, and especially in yourself. Aha! Now you’re getting there. Don’t stop!

    Two good hands and a keen mind are the greatest gifts the creator (the god/dess) gave us. They allow us to reach out for help, accept help, think about our choices, discern what’s best for us, and then act accordingly. And, as the saying goes, A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Contrary to what you may have heard, magickal methods don’t arbitrarily set aside rational processes. Instead, you will learn to work with those processes and then reach beyond them into the world/not-world where the magickal tapestry begins.

    Willpower drives energy through this tapestry and toward the goal. To understand this, think for a moment of how much mental force an obstinate child puts into her words and actions to get what she wants. The will of the magick user has similar potential in an adult, sensible context. It puts a focus and force behind whatever energy you create.

    Bearing this and the fact that humans have free will in mind, each person who works magick remains wholly responsible for whatever happens as a result, because it is his or her will that steers the power created. This is why so many books on magick, including this one, issue caution.

    Auntie Irish’s Sixth Rule of Magick

    Be careful what you wish for and about how and why

    you use the gift of magick.

    Magick has the power to curse and cure equally. It is the human will (read: your will) that ultimately decides which.

    Persistence supports your magick through tangible and spiritual efforts that continue until you see some results. Finally, love binds all these things together. Love creates a functional unit through which our magick flows for the greatest good, even when we can’t see the bigger picture.

    Is Magick Harmful?

    Absolutely not. I won’t go into a long-winded explanation of how and why witchcraft and other related belief systems got such a bad rap. Suffice it to say that whenever a new religion is born, the practitioners of that faith often try to replace prevalent, popular practices by demonizing them, which of course aids conversion. So, over time, paganism and other magick traditions went underground, especially during the witch hunts. People turned to quietly practicing their faith at home and handing down those traditions through oral history. In the meantime, the other guys continued to disavow magickal beliefs as silly, superstitious, or downright sinful.

    I am happy to report that magick is none of these things. Think of magickal energy as an electrical current. Magick is just as neutral as that. The only thing that changes the way electricity gets used is what we plug into it. Similarly, the only thing that makes magickal energy into something positive or negative is the will and intention of the practitioner.

    Unfortunately, due to free will and human diversity, there can be bad magick users, or those who step over the line between good and bad during times of duress. That’s simply the way of things, and I don’t see it changing anytime soon unless humankind can overcome all its deadly sins all at once! Consequently, the reason for my giving you rules and guidelines in this chapter is to keep you on the right spiritual track. There is a threefold law in magick that says what we get out of magick is going to be three times what we give. So anytime people use magick for ill gain, they’re really only hurting themselves. Remember:

    Auntie Irish’s Seventh Rule of Magick

    Magick is a tool, and we

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