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Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee
Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee
Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee
Ebook452 pages7 hours

Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee

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“Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee,” the second book of “The New Way Series,” is based on the first century manuscript “Acts of the Apostles” written by Luke. “Looking Through the Eyes of a Child,” the first book of the series, introduced children who have now grown up and become adults in one of the most turbulent times in history. There was an amazing transformation in society immediately after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jerusalem was shaken to its very roots by the teachings of Jesus. His New Way of living impacted men vs. women, free men vs. slaves, Jew vs. Gentile, and religion vs. the teachings of Jesus.

Cana is a small village located about sixty-five miles north of Jerusalem. “Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee” explores how the New Way began to move from Jerusalem and into the surrounding areas. It began to impact every aspect of daily life. Imagine how the citizens of Cana might have heard about the New Way. Visualize them learning to follow Jesus' teachings. There was no Bible to follow. Word of mouth was the only way the New Way could spread, yet Jesus had predicted that it would spread like wildfire and cover the entire world. What would it be like to grow up, fall in love, choose your career, and experience life’s journey, impacted by individuals who had actually traveled with Jesus? How would this New Way change their lives and turn their world upside down?

“Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee” tells the story of many citizens of the tiny village of Cana. Some of these are young adults who were introduced as children in “Looking Through the Eyes of a Child.” As they grow and develop, they discover that following the New Way grows their love in Book 3, “Growing the Love in Cana of Galilee.”

Release dateMar 20, 2024
Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee

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    Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee - Dale Weatherford

    Table of Contents

























    Copyright © 2023 by Dale Weatherford All rights reserved

    All Scripture is taken from The American Standard Version.

    Public Domain.

    Some artwork provided by


    Special thanks to my husband for all his patience in getting this Series ready for publication. He is not only the technical genius behind the production of these books, but he’s my editor, cheerleader, and sounding board. These books would never have happened without his help, encouragement, and prayers.

    A map of the great sea Description automatically generated

    First Century Times and Measurements

    In First Century Israel, a new day began at sundown and was divided into two twelve-hour segments. The first hour of the night was approximately what we call 6 pm to 7 pm. The first hour of the day was approximately 6 am to 7 am. So, the tenth hour of the day would be approximately 4 in the afternoon. But since no one had clocks, everything was based on the sun’s setting and rising.

    Normally there were twelve months in each year. Each month started at the new moon and was 29 or 30 days. Occasionally another month was added to keep the seasons straight. The first month was Nisan and occurred at the Spring Equinox, sometime in what we would call March or April.

    Length or distance was not used except as travel time. However, I have used miles to help the reader comprehend the distances involved. They would have actually said, It was a two-days’ journey or It was a half-day’s journey.

    The money used at that time was a mixture of Roman and Greek coins. The most common were the pieces of silver that equaled small fractions of the denarius. There were various names for these (mites, lepta, quadran). So, I just called them pieces of silver. The denarius was considered a day’s wage for a common laborer.

    I used the English measure of gallon instead of the Hebrew terminology for volume.

    A handbreadth is approximately four inches.



    Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee

    As I studied the manuscript of Acts, written by Luke in the first Century, God kept showing me that this was not just ancient writing, but something that happened to real people in a real time period. I began by envisioning what might have happened as the children in Through the Eyes of a Child (The New Way Series #1) began to grow to adulthood. Oswald Chambers wrote in My Utmost for His Highest that we should use our imagination to let God show us His power and glory and renew our sense of wonder. Luke records that the New Way began to spread first in Jerusalem, then Samaria and Galilee. This is a work of fiction, about people in the small town of Cana, who heard about Jesus. Just like you and me, they dealt with the question: How do I live out the New Way in my world?

    Dale Weatherford


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Orly, there’s something I need to talk over with you if you have some time tonight. Orly had stopped by the kitchen to drop off some fresh fruits he had just picked.

    I don’t know what Master Kenan’s plans are, Mother, but I’ll let you know at dinner. Is everything okay? asked Orly.

    Yes, Son, don’t worry. We need to talk about our future, and I have some ideas.

    I’ve got to get back to work. Do you need anything from the garden? That’s where I’m heading.

    Orly and his mother had been slaves since he was five years old. He was eleven now, and in only two weeks they would be free. He was so excited about not having to get up before dawn and often working late into the night. He would be free! Oh, the excitement he felt.

    They had been sold into slavery after his abba died and Mother couldn’t find enough work to pay their taxes. That’s just the way it was under Roman rule. They had both been bought by Master Kenan and taken to Cana in Galilee, but they had been allowed to be together. Orly was very grateful for that. He used to spend a lot of time crying about being a slave and dreaming about being free, and now that day was almost here. He and his mother had been well cared for. Working for Master Kenan and Mrs. Vada was really all he could remember. His mother was the head cook and supervised a full crew of kitchen servants. Orly was assigned to work outdoors under Hosea, an older slave who supervised the others but wasn’t able to do much work anymore. The only time Orly got to be with Mother was when all the servants gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, and dinner, and on Sabbath afternoons. Sometimes, if he didn’t have an assignment after dinner, they would arrange to meet behind the garden for a few minutes. That didn’t happen often, because he was not usually free.

    Tonight, after Mother had served dinner to Master Kenan and his wife, she came and ate with the rest of the servants in the kitchen. Orly still had not been given an assignment for the evening, so they planned to slip away and talk for a few minutes. He helped her and the kitchen servants clean up the meal and prepare for tomorrow. Mother was always free after the kitchen was cleaned.

    They went to their favorite place just behind the garden where they could sit and talk privately. Orly was eager to hear what she was thinking, but he waited patiently while she got settled on the grass. Orly, I don’t know where to begin, because we really haven’t talked much about what’s going to happen in two weeks.

    Well, I know that we will no longer be slaves, and you won’t have to cook all day. Of course, you’ll still have to cook for me, but I’m not picky. It’s going to be great to be free!

    Oh, Orly, I should have better prepared you for this day. I’m afraid you don’t understand what it means once we leave here. We have nowhere to go. We have no place to live. I will probably be able to find another job cooking for a family, but once we are free, I will have to earn enough money to pay for our food, and a roof over our heads, and Roman taxes. My greatest fear is that we will be in the same predicament we were in after your abba died. Orly, I forget that you don’t remember those days, but they were very, very hard.

    Orly’s stomach lurched as he felt his dreams crumbling. Maybe freedom wasn’t all that great. Mother, could we be sold into slavery again?

    That’s a very real possibility, and there’s no guarantee who our owner would be or even if we would be together.

    Orly’s heart sank. He was eleven years old and had no real understanding of cruel owners because Master Kenan had been so kind and generous to them, but the thought of being separated from his mother was almost unbearable. Now, his head was spinning from all the possibilities. I will have to learn to please a new master. There will be new responsibilities to learn, and I will be living with strangers. His fellow servants here had become like family, and they had helped him to grow up. The thought of freedom suddenly became very scary. And who would take care of old Hosea? He is like an abba to me and has taught me so much. Orly often brought him his dinner when he was too tired to come to the kitchen. Orly’s thoughts were swirling so much that he totally missed what his mother was saying.

    …so, that’s what I’ve decided to do.

    Mother, I’m sorry. I …

    You don’t agree? I thought it was the best solution!

    No, Mother, I ...

    What do you suggest then? Mother asked tersely.

    Orly recognized that tone of voice and knew he had better get the direction of this conversation changed. I love you, Mother. You are always looking out for me and planning what is best. I’m sure you have a great idea, but I wasn’t listening. Please forgive me. I was still thinking about what it would be like to have to change masters, and I missed everything you said after that.

    Mother sighed with relief. I thought you were disagreeing with me.

    No, Mother. I’m eager to hear what you have planned.

    Okay, but please listen carefully because I’m really tired and I’ve got to rise early.

    I know, and I’m sorry. I’m listening now. I promise.

    Have you ever heard of a bond-slave? began Mother again.

    I’ve heard the word, but I don’t know what it means.

    A bond-slave is a slave who has earned his or her freedom but chooses to remain a slave to their master. Hosea is a bond-slave and I’ve talked with him about it. He thinks it is a good idea.

    Hosea is a good man, and I respect his opinion.

    Good. If I were to become a bond-slave, then I could stay here and work for Master Kenan for the rest of my life. He would have to provide me with everything I need to live — clothes, food, and shelter. I would have all the rights of a slave, and I could stay here with a master that I trust and a family I have grown to love. I believe that is the best option for me, and I’m praying that Master Kenan agrees.

    Mother, that sounds wonderful! Then, we wouldn’t run the risk of being sold to a different master.

    That’s right, continued Mother. Becoming a bond-slave is for the rest of your life. I could never purchase my freedom, but Mr. Kenan would not be allowed to sell me to anyone else. It’s permanent. The problem is that I don’t know what will happen to you. I think Master Kenan would hire you as a worker until you are ready to be on your own, but I don’t know. I don’t want you to be forced to commit to being a slave for the rest of your life. In fact, I don’t think you can until you are thirteen and fully an adult.

    So, you would become Master Kenan’s bond-slave, but I would go free. I’m only eleven and probably couldn’t find a job. Ay-yi-yi, that doesn’t sound good to me.

    No, it doesn’t. I’m hoping that Master Kenan has come up with a plan. But that’s why I wanted to talk with you tonight. He will surely want to talk with you soon.

    Thank you for warning me, Mother. I don’t know what to say. But I’m glad that you will be well taken care of, even though you’ll still have to work hard.

    We’ll have to wait and see what Master Kenan suggests. He may not want another bond-slave. I love you, Son. Let’s get some rest and trust Jehovah to guide us. He has always provided everything we’ve needed.

    Good night, Mother. They headed to their separate quarters where they slept with the other slaves.

    It was only a few days later when Master Kenan sent word for Orly’s mother to come to his office. It had been a long time since he had summoned her. Ruth knew that he was pleased with her work. When she had first arrived, it seemed she was called into his office at least twice a week. He was very patient in explaining all the new things that she had to learn, and she felt that he was pleased that she had mastered her responsibilities. Something deep inside her knew that he dreaded her leaving. He would miss having her run his kitchen just the way he wanted it. She smiled to herself because God had blessed her with such a good master and given her the strength to do all the work that was required. It was a satisfying feeling to be in charge of his kitchen. She would gladly exchange her freedom for this feeling of accomplishment and purpose. But what would happen to Orly? She knocked on Master Kenan’s office door and went inside when invited.

    Master Kenan greeted her warmly and inquired about her health. She knew that she was expected to wait for him to start the conversation, so she simply answered his questions and waited. Ruth, are you aware of what it means to become a bond-slave? asked Master Kenan.

    Her heart leapt with joy. She knew that Jehovah had heard her prayer and was providing for her. Yes, sir. I am aware and willing.

    Master Kenan looked pleased, but added, I don’t want this to be a hasty decision. You would be committing yourself to being my slave for the rest of your life. You would have all the same responsibilities, and I would be required to provide everything that you need.

    Yes, sir.

    Hosea is a bond-slave to me, and I suggest that you talk with him about your decision.

    I have already discussed it with him, and we both feel that it would be best for me.

    Well, that’s a relief. You have certainly taken good care of my kitchen and you do an excellent job keeping the staff busy and happy. That’s a rare combination! Now, there’s another matter that we need to discuss. It concerns Orly.

    Yes, sir. I am fearful for his future.

    Please, don’t be. Let me tell you what I was thinking and see if you agree. Please speak freely, because he is your son, and you know him best.

    After he outlined his ideas, Ruth left the meeting with a song in her heart. How she wanted to run to Orly and let him know that Jehovah had provided everything and more. But she needed to be in the kitchen, and she didn’t know where Orly was working today. She would have to wait until dinner to see him.

    When Orly arrived for dinner with the other outdoor slaves, he looked exhausted. They had been repairing a stone fence around the pasture and had been lifting heavy rocks all day. But, as a mother, she could tell that Orly hadn’t slept all week. Maybe I shouldn’t have burdened him with my worries about the future. He looks as if he’ll fall asleep at the table. While she wondered whether or not to talk with him, she realized that he had slipped away without even saying good night. She hoped that he would be able to get some rest. Maybe tomorrow night they could talk, and she could relieve his mind.

    A black circular pattern with many swirls Description automatically generated

    Orly was asleep almost before crawling into his blanket. His body and mind were exhausted. Sleep mercifully relieved him from all his worries until dawn. Master Kenan tried to mix heavy workdays with lighter ones so that his slaves would stay in good health. Today was no exception. Orly was directed to work in the garden with Hosea. Hosea started picking the produce and assigned Orly to pull weeds, but it wasn’t long before Hosea was sitting down for a rest. Orly finished picking the vegetables and took two large baskets to the kitchen. Mother was nowhere to be seen, so he assumed she was cooking in the outdoor kitchen. He left his baskets and started to return to the garden when a house slave brought him word that he was wanted in Master Kenan’s office.

    Orly would have liked to check on Hosea first, but he had learned to obey quickly and always keep a smile on his face, even if he didn’t like what was required of him. He returned to the house and gently knocked on Master Kenan’s office door.

    Orly, I wanted to talk with you about your upcoming freedom. I believe that you are only eleven. Am I right?

    Yes, sir, but I will turn twelve next month.

    You are certainly a good worker for an eleven-year-old. Your mother has raised you well, and you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. I believe your abba would have been proud of you.

    Thank you, sir.

    I assume that your mother has told you that she has decided to stay with me permanently as a bondslave.

    Yes, sir, and thank you.

    Your mother and I talked about your future, but it’s really up to you. Did she discuss it with you?

    No, sir. Orly regretted slipping out so quickly last night, but that couldn’t be changed.

    Master Kenan continued, "Here’s the decision I need you to make before Monday of next week. First of all, you may go free. I want to make that perfectly clear. You have earned your freedom. I am pleased with your work and will give you a very good recommendation. But because you are not yet an adult, it will be very difficult for you to find a paying job — at least something that will pay enough to keep you from ending up back on the slave block. I really don’t want that to happen. But it is your choice.

    My suggestion is that you remain a slave for the next two years. At the end of those two years, I will apprentice you in whatever field you choose. Your duties would change so that you could explore different possibilities for an apprenticeship and prepare for your future. I think you would make a great blacksmith at my Metal Shop, but there are many other possibilities. You still have over a week to make your decision. If you choose to accept my offer, we’ll talk about what you would like to explore during these next two years. I want to see you succeed as a free man.

    Thank you, Master Kenan.

    Get back to work and spend some time thinking about my offer. I’ll meet with you again next week.

    Yes, sir.

    Orly could not believe what had just happened. His head was swirling as he realized that all his worries and fears had been replaced with hope. Yes, God was providing — just like Mother said He would. He quickly ran to the garden and found Hosea sleeping under the tree. Orly began pulling weeds but couldn’t resist singing a little louder because he just had to tell somebody. When Hosea stirred, Orly excitedly began shouting his good news while still pulling weeds. He didn’t want to goof off now, not after such a generous offer from Master Kenan. He would be the best worker ever!

    So, what do you want to learn? Have you thought about it? inquired Hosea.

    Not really. I guess working as a blacksmith would be okay, and that is what Master Kenan suggested.

    Blacksmithing is really hard work, but you could make enough money to support a family. That would be a good choice and you are very strong. But what does your heart want to do?

    I’m just not sure. I’ve had this crazy dream of wanting to learn to make bread. I went to a Bread Shop once when I was very young and was running errands with Mrs. Vada. I thought that would be a wonderful place to work. The smells were incredible, and you could eat all day long.

    You would eat all your bread and have nothing to sell! They laughed together as Orly agreed. Orly was glad that his hands were busy, but his mind was free to wander. The only problem was, he really didn’t know what else there was to do. He had been a slave most of his life and had seen very little outside this property. He had a lot of thinking to do before he met with Master Kenan next week. Maybe Mother would have some ideas. And for the first time, he wondered what job his abba had done.

    When Orly met with Master Kenan, Orly stated that he would like to continue his work as his slave in exchange for an apprenticeship at the end of two years. They agreed that Orly would spend early mornings in the garden with Hosea, but then split his time between the Metal Shop and working in the kitchen. It had been Orly’s idea to learn to cook if he was going to survive on his own. The added benefit was that his mother would be his supervisor and they would get to spend some precious time together before he left Master Kenan’s home. On Tuesday, Orly’s last two years as a slave for Master Kenan began.

    He already knew the routine with Hosea in the garden, so that wasn’t really different. But he had never been to the Metal Shop and had to learn the names of a lot of new tools. He was just a helper, but he needed to be able to obey quickly and he sometimes felt overwhelmed with the newness of it all. The men yelled when he got confused. But he was determined to learn quickly, and he did. Master Kenan seemed pleased with his progress. His favorite days were spent cooking with his mother. They not only cooked together, but they could visit during the slower times. Mother began teaching him his favorite recipes, but she also taught him more about his heritage and about his abba.

    In early spring, Master Kenan sent word to Orly that he should prepare a travel bag with a blanket and his spare robe. Jewish Law required that every male over the age of thirteen attend three festivals a year in Jerusalem. Master Kenan always allowed his Jewish employees and male slaves to travel with him for these festivals. Orly’s heart was bursting with excitement at the thought of being allowed to travel with them. He couldn’t remember ever being outside of Cana and couldn’t imagine what Jerusalem would be like.

    Mother cried when he told her that he would be going to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover and would be gone for a couple of weeks. Orly, this is an answer to my prayers. Master Kenan is keeping his promise to prepare you for being a man — a good Jewish man. Your abba never missed Passover in Jerusalem. Now, you will learn the traditions of our people. I am so happy.

    So, you are not sad to see me go? Orly teased.

    I won’t have to cook so much food if you are away! He was glad to see her smiling again, and he knew that she would miss him.

    Early Monday morning, the slaves who were accompanying Master Kenan were up and loading the oxcart. The kitchen staff had prepared food that was stored behind the driver’s bench. The bench would seat Master Kenan and his slave Enoch, the driver, but the other four men would ride in the back of the cart. Even with their blankets folded under them, it was a long and bumpy ride. It was a new experience for Orly in many ways. He had never been away from his mother, he had never been outside of Cana that he could remember, and he had never had time to just sit with nothing to do. But most of all, Orly loved seeing the new scenery.

    When the oxen needed to rest, Enoch knew exactly where to find grass and water for them. That night, the men threw their blankets on the grass and slept under the stars. Many other Jewish families were traveling to Jerusalem from all over Galilee and even farther north. Each group would set up a campfire, but would often mingle and talk after dinner. Orly especially loved lying on his blanket, looking up at the stars, and listening to the songs that the travelers sang. He had never heard these songs, which were mostly Psalms about Jerusalem and the beautiful temple.

    Before dawn on Tuesday, Master Kenan had them up and on the road. They ate their breakfast in the cart to save time. Each man was given a round of bread and a bowl of olives. It was hard trying to eat while lurching along, but there was a lot of laughter and fun.

    They were entering the mountainous region leading up to Jerusalem. The oxen were capable of traveling faster, but the roads were crowded with people. Enoch had to take it much slower than he wanted. Early in the afternoon, Master Kenan suggested that the men run ahead to their usual camp site to fish for dinner. The other men knew the exact spot. First, they collected firewood and started a large bonfire. Orly had never been fishing and was delighted to be included. The kitchen slave showed Orly how to clean the fish he caught. By the time Master Kenan, Enoch, and Mr. Abraham arrived, they had prepared more than enough fish. Each man roasted his own fish on a stick over the embers, and everyone had all they wanted. Orly thought nothing on earth — not even his mother’s cooking — could possibly taste as good as that fish cooked over an open fire.

    That night as they sat around their campfire and ate the fish with the bread that Mother had prepared for them, Master Kenan asked Orly if he had any questions. He explained to the group that this would be Orly’s first Passover in Jerusalem, but that he was only twelve, so would not participate in the sacrifices at the temple. Orly was amazed that the other men not only accepted him but seemed to respect him. They were eager to answer his questions. There was a sweet feeling of family, and Orly realized his time with Master Kenan was growing short. He wondered what it would be like to be free and if he would ever feel so connected to other people as he did on this night.

    Wednesday morning brought a welcome change. Because the mountains were getting steeper, the crowds who were walking were moving even slower. But Roman soldiers on horseback were directing the people to stay to the right and let the wagons pass on the left. The roads were now wide enough for both. Orly and the other men stayed in the oxcart because they didn’t want to get caught in the crowds. Orly had never seen a Roman soldier and his heart lurched each time he saw them treat a traveler cruelly. But for the most part, they were just trying to keep the crowds moving as they pushed and shoved their way into Jerusalem. Orly had never imagined that there were this many people on earth and was fascinated by the sound of people from every nation speaking in their native tongues. There were so many new sights and sounds and smells, he couldn’t take it all in.

    Late afternoon on Wednesday they turned off the main road and took a small dirt road up to Master Kenan’s brother’s house. It was a grand house and had a large barn for the oxen. That was where the slaves slept. Master Kenan, his personal servant Omri, and Mr. Abraham, a free man who was the accountant at the Metal Shop, went inside to visit his brother, Zeke. Orly, Enoch, and the kitchen slave were sent to the barn. Mr. Zeke’s servants helped Enoch care for the oxen, and they all helped unload the oxcart.

    Soon they were sent to the kitchen to eat with the other servants. Because Enoch had made many trips to Jerusalem, he was eager to visit with his friends. Much of the talk focused on Jesus’ arrival on Sunday. Everyone wanted to tell what they had heard about Jesus entering Jerusalem as king and conqueror. They felt certain that it would only be a short time before he would establish his kingdom and take over leadership from the Romans.

    Orly returned to the barn and crawled into his blanket. He was overwhelmed with all the new things he was seeing and hearing. He lay awake thinking about the elaborate houses, the Roman soldiers, and the deafening noise. He had never imagined that the city would be so noisy. As he began to relax, he remembered the first time he had met Jesus. It was just over three years ago at Master Kenan’s son’s wedding. I remember Jesus asking us to fill the ceremonial washing jars and then Jesus had somehow turned that water into wine. My mind was blown. I remember Hosea taking a cup of water to the ruler in charge of the wedding. Hosea was so scared. He knew he was going to be in big trouble for serving him water. But the ruler had complemented Master Kenan for saving the best wine for last. Everyone was rushing to us to have their cups filled and I remember being exhausted. I promised myself: Someday, when I’m free, I’m going to find Jesus and become one of His followers. The next thing Orly knew, a new day was beginning in noisy, noisy Jerusalem.

    Orly was delighted to be assigned to help Benjamin while he was in Jerusalem. Benjamin was fifteen years old and would complete his time of slavery in three months. Benjamin was a kitchen slave, but he primarily ran errands for the cook because he knew the city so well. Their first assignment was to go to the market for things they would need for the Passover Seder. He and Orly took four baskets apiece and the cook told them what to purchase. Hurry back because I’ve got to get that fish sauce and bean stew cooking soon.

    Benjamin warned Orly to stay very close to him because of the crowds. It wouldn’t look good if I lost you on the first day! Benjamin explained that the market wasn’t as crowded today as it would be tomorrow because most of the Jews from Judea would celebrate their Seder meal on the second night of Passover. Jews from Galilee still celebrated the Seder on the first night as commanded in the Jewish Scripture. Since Mr. Zeke had been raised in Galilee, he celebrated the Seder with his brother on the first night of Passover. Orly couldn’t imagine the market being more crowded than this. He was terrified of being separated from Benjamin and stayed as close to him as possible. Benjamin filled the baskets with vegetables and fresh fish. Orly had never seen so much food in one place. Cana was just a tiny village and would probably fit entirely inside this market area. He was amazed. They had no time for sightseeing and moved as quickly as they could through the crowds and back to the house. The kitchen crew efficiently emptied their baskets as the cook told them what to purchase on their second trip.

    Once again, they pushed through the crowds to purchase other fresh supplies for the meal. Just as they returned to the kitchen, Mr. Zeke gathered all his guests and servants into an area behind the courtyard to witness the sacrificing of the Passover lamb. Their host explained that the lamb had been purchased as directed by Jewish Scripture. Now, it would be sacrificed, and the blood would be sprinkled on the doorposts of the house to remind them of the first Passover. When their ancestors had obeyed God’s commands, the death angel had passed over them, and they had escaped being slaves in Egypt. Orly had never seen this ceremony. It was sad to see such a beautiful and innocent lamb slaughtered. Its look of surprise and betrayal haunted Orly. The blood was painted on the doorpost as the Jewish Law commanded: one spot at the top, one on the bottom, and one on each of the two sides about shoulder high. Orly watched, fascinated. When the ceremony was over, all the servants returned to their jobs and Benjamin and Orly reported to the cook. The lamb was put on a spit so that the servants could roast it over the fire. It would be ready in time for the Seder.

    Benjamin, take Orly to the temple. We want to know what’s going on with Jesus and what he is saying. He’s been teaching at the temple all week. Do not stay past noon. When you come back, pick up the wine that we will need. You won’t be able to carry enough, and I will need to send you back for more, so don’t be late.

    Orly could not believe his ears. He would get to see the temple and they had over an hour to listen to Jesus teach. He and Benjamin started off at a run for the temple. Just as soon as they came to the main road, though, things slowed down until it was almost impossible to make progress. At this rate, they would never even make it to the temple before noon. But Benjamin knew his way and soon they were entering the temple from the back gate. Orly gasped at the beauty and size of the stones making up the walls. This temple is magnificent, but it is nothing compared to Solomon’s temple, Benjamin reminded him.

    Suddenly a group of Pharisees pushed through the crowd right in front of them. Benjamin and Orly quickly jumped into the wake they created and moved closer. Now they could hear, and occasionally get glimpses of Jesus as he taught.

    Orly was struck by how much older Jesus looked since he had seen him in Cana. There was an urgency about him that had replaced the relaxation at the wedding. As they listened, they heard Jesus teaching about being prepared for the coming of God’s kingdom. They heard him use parables to teach about ladies who were prepared for the bridegroom and those who weren’t. Then they heard him begin another parable about a Master giving his servants a lot of money. But suddenly, Benjamin noticed that the sun was overhead, and they were running late. He pulled Orly’s arm, and it took them quite a while to extricate themselves. The courtyard was literally packed wall-to-wall with people.

    They escaped out the back gate and ran as fast as they could to the winery and hurried back to report to the cook. The kitchen servants were eager to hear what Benjamin had seen. He reported that Jesus was telling the people to get ready for his takeover of Jerusalem. He wanted them to all be ready for this new kingdom. The cook reminded the staff that there was still much work to be done, and quickly ordered Benjamin and Orly to return to the winery for more wine. Even the back roads were filled with people from all over the world who had come to Jerusalem for Passover. Some came because they were Jewish, many came as vendors to sell their goods, and others came just to enjoy the celebration.

    Orly and Benjamin sat at the servant’s table in Mr. Zeke’s kitchen, while one of the older slaves led their Passover Seder in the same way that it had been conducted for 1500 years. Orly had celebrated this special meal at Master Kenan’s house for as long as he could remember.

    When the Seder was complete, the servants were dismissed. Some servants sat around visiting, but others had work to do and began clearing the tables and preparing for a new day. Orly had no assignment and decided to head to the barn and try to process his thoughts, but before he arrived, Benjamin joined him. Orly, would you like to see something fantastic?


    Follow me! Benjamin led Orly up a trail that went behind the barn and up the side of a mountain through some woods. The full moon was so bright it almost seemed like daylight. It was a steep climb, but Benjamin seemed to know the way quite well. When they reached the top, there was a breathtaking view of the temple. All the torches were lit, and the gold glistened in the moonlight. Orly was amazed at the beauty of the temple at night.

    Benjamin said that normally there were very few people in the courtyards and the priests were usually indoors. He liked to come here and soak up the peace of knowing that he was looking at the place where God had chosen to dwell on earth. Tonight, that peace and quiet seemed to be missing. There were several people in the courtyards, and priests and temple guards were moving around. Benjamin wondered if this was just because Jerusalem was so filled with people, or if something else was going on. He knew it was unusual, but he didn’t want to alarm Orly. I guess with Passover, there’s more people up and about tonight. Are you ready to go back down?

    Whenever you are. I will always remember seeing the temple lit up like this. Thanks for showing me. The boys were immersed in their own thoughts and didn’t talk as they headed back to the barn. They crawled into their blankets and were quickly asleep.

    Orly made his way to the kitchen for breakfast and discovered that Benjamin was already there. Two servants had just returned from the well with news that Jesus had been arrested by the temple guards during the night. Everyone was trying to talk at once. Some believed that Jesus would suddenly announce that He was the Messiah and would bring in His kingdom. Some had other theories about how the arrest fit into His plans. All were questioning why the temple guards would arrest Jesus. They had assumed it would be the Romans who would be opposed to His taking over. Others reminded them that Jesus had been pretty harsh toward the Jewish leaders and Sanhedrin, the governing body of the Jews. The servants had sent word to Mr. Zeke, so the same discussion was happening at their breakfast table. Those who were serving breakfast shared the news and opinions between both rooms. Orly felt confused by all the chaos. How he longed to be back in the little village of Cana eating breakfast with his mother in peace and quiet. The servants were informed that Master Zeke and Master Kenan were going out to check on what was happening. They were told to resume their usual tasks, but not to leave the premises.

    Orly and Benjamin reported to the cook and were given brooms to sweep the courtyards. The servants sat in the yard and discussed what Jesus’ arrest might mean. Everyone had their own opinion. Suddenly, at noon, the daylight disappeared, and it was as dark as midnight. The servants moved quickly into the kitchen and lit lamps. It was warm in the kitchen, but no one felt safe outside. Is the world coming to an end? Is this the beginning of the new kingdom? But the longer they sat all cramped together in the kitchen, the more the mood changed. Now there were only whispers, and the celebratory feeling was gone. They didn’t know what was happening and hoped Master Zeke and Master Kenan were safe. All they could do was wait. Jerusalem was eerily quiet.

    About midafternoon the sunlight returned, but just as it

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