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Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg
Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg
Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg
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Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg

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Majority of young people chase wild goose in the name of career. This is because of peer and parental pressure. Every year lakhs of students went to Kota in Rajasthan to chase their dream of joining IIT, without knowing their potential and capability only because their friends are going. But only 4 to 5% succeeded in cracking IIT JEE and 95% ret

Release dateJan 29, 2023
Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg

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    Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg - Devajit Bhuyan

    Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg

    Motivational Guide For Young Souls

    Devajit Bhuyan

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    All global publishing rights are held by

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    Published in 2023

    Content Copyright © Devajit Bhuyan


    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated, without the publisher’s prior consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published.

    Dedicated to my wife late Mitali Bhuyan, Advocate and Notary of Guwahati High Court who always helped young souls


    The new Millennium has new openings and opportunities for the young people. But majority of the twenty first century teens and young souls are chasing wild gees or running after mirage. While it is necessary to dream big to achieve success in life, it is equally important that our new generation young stars know what is reality and what is mirage. Instead of chasing wild gees, they should be able to see life in true perspective and work with a proper plan to achieve success in life and become a good citizen and good human. In the changed world, what ever a student may be studying: be it Arts, Commerce or Science, or they pursue a career in sports, music, fine art etc there are immense opportunities in every field. But, one must have the right aptitude and right potential. It is important that one know himself first what he likes and in the area where he has the potential, rather than what is considered prestigious and glamorous for success in life. Unfortunately most of the young people opt for a career only going through hype without doing any personality test, SWOT analysis and by the time they realize that they were chasing wild geed it is too late.

    There are already many motivational books for the adult people how to succeed in life but there are very few to the young souls relevant to Indian context. CHASING WILD GEES DOES NOT GIVE GOLDEN EGGS: is specially written for the students and youth of rural India and North East India. However this book also be useful to students of the cities and urban India. Author shall be highly obliged and glad if the readers point out the shortcomings in the book to be corrected in the next edition. 


    Why people chase wild Gees?

    Aim, Goal and Mission

    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human needs

    Carrer and Values

    The percentage syndrome

    Time Management

    A Stitch In Time Saves Nine




    SWOT Analysis

    I have the power; I can

    Teaching of Gita for Young Souls

    Decide your Owm Course of Life

    The Final Diagnosis

    My Realization and thought at 40

    What Education Is For?

    How To Be A Winner And Become Successful In Your Career

    Mritasanjivani for the young soul (adopted)

    The Transcript Page for Action

    About the Author

    Why people chase wild Gees?


    hen a child is born he comes to a world protected by mother, father, family members and the society as a whole. But slowly as she/he grows up, enters the hazards of living in this complex world. The family members who once fed him, protected him, did everything for his/her pleasure, comfort not only pushes him to fend of his own and survive but also ask for a price forcing him to a journey where only the fittest can survive.

    A young child need not chase wild gees nor bother for his road. In the present day nucleolus family, every thing is set, every thing is well defined by parents and spoon feeding being the order of the day when children are let free majority of them become directionless. Unlike lower order animals where survival means only food and protection against hostile natural forces like heat and cold, survival for human beings means many more.

    Why we chase wild gees:

    01.Lack of clear vision: The range of visibility of our necked eye is only few kilometers. And also the vision of majority of people is too short, narrow or limited. Vision means ability to view a subject, problem etc imaginatively; foresight and wisdom in planning and realistic approach to resolve the problem and find a meaningful solution. Some times vision also means far-sightedness.

    02.Lack of Mission: Though we come across the word mission day in and day out very few people have a mission in their life like Mother Teresa. Mission means a fight with a specific purpose. The errand or purpose for which one is sent—that for which one has been or seems to have been sent into the world.

    03.No set objective and goal (short time

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