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The Learning
The Learning
The Learning
Ebook16 pages15 minutes

The Learning

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"Violent thunder shook the earth beneath my feet."

"Shrieks of wild wind tore through the long, bleak corridors of forest and smothered my pitiful pleading. Millions of tormented rain drops pounded the forest floor in a deafening crescendo."


Release dateMar 23, 2024
The Learning

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    Book preview

    The Learning - Austen Julian Lennon


    A whisper in the wind at midnight,

    A voice at your back through the pine,

    ‘Tis Death a-calling quite softly,

    On his roll. Is it your name or mine?

    Austen Julian Lennon 

    Violent thunder shook the earth beneath my feet.

    JENNIFER! I screamed.

     Shrieks of wild wind tore through the long bleak corridors of forest and smothered my pitiful pleading. Millions of tormented rain drops pounded the forest floor in a deafening crescendo.

     Hollow trees moaned while the gale ripped through and around their disfigured stumps. No star was visible in the tortured night sky to ease my plight and the cold beauty of the full moon had been stifled by a cloak of evil black cloud.

     No longer was I in natures wondrous forest cathedral, I was in hell!

     JENNIFER!. My pathetic voice was lost in the tumult of the wind. I gasped for breath as fear gripped it's pitiless claws into my heaving chest. I knelt in the churning mud and raged insanely at the evil sky. The rain tore at my eyes. Tears poured from my soul and drowned in the torrent of water which cascaded down my face.


     Madness was taking over my senses and in my madness I attacked each innocent tree trunk.

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