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The Conversation
The Conversation
The Conversation
Ebook10 pages8 minutes

The Conversation

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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"I'm scared..." Isak said. Lack of water and endless days in stifling box cars had taken its toll, and Isak's voice cracked with the strain."


Release dateMar 23, 2024
The Conversation

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    The Conversation - Austen Julian Lennon


    A time to laugh, a time to cry,

    A time to love, A time to die.

    Austen Julian Lennon

    The dark rain clouds hung silently over the death camp of Natzweiler, occasionally a break would occur in the grey shawl of winter and a cold sliver of cheerless sunlight would cause dark shadows to fall across the row of faceless people that shuffled slowly towards the hut which housed the showers. 

    In the distance... No more than a speck on the horizon, a small bird hovered silently in the still air. Almost motionless in the grey sky. 

    Amid this mass of haunted, swaying people, two elderly men whispered urgently

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