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501 Italian Verbs, Sixth Edition
501 Italian Verbs, Sixth Edition
501 Italian Verbs, Sixth Edition
Ebook1,382 pages19 hours

501 Italian Verbs, Sixth Edition

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Choose Barron’s for language learning--a trusted resource for over 50 years!
This edition of 501 Italian Verbs provides language learners with fingertip access to a carefully curated selection of the 501 most common Italian verbs--in all tenses and moods! Each verb is listed alphabetically in chart form—one verb per page along with its English translation. Follow the clear, concise instruction, then take your language fluency to the next level with an all-new online activity center.

This comprehensive guide also includes:
  • Lists of synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and usage examples for every verb
  • A concise grammar review for easy reference
  • The popular 55 Essential Verbs feature, with an in-depth look at usage and formation for the trickiest Italian verbs
  • Over 1,500 additional verbs conjugated like the 501 models

Online content includes:
  • Audio program modeling native speaker rhythms and pronunciation
  • Four practice quizzes to help you practice German sentence completion, conversational dialogue, and word completion exercises
  • Answer explanations for all questions plus a timed test option and scoring

Release dateJun 4, 2024
501 Italian Verbs, Sixth Edition

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501 Italian Verbs, Sixth Edition - John Colaneri

Alphabetical Listing of 501 Italian Verbs Fully Conjugated in All Tenses

abbandonare (1)

Past Part. abbandonato

Gerund abbandonando

Regular verb

to abandon

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


abbassare (2)

Past Part. abbandonato

Gerund abbandonando

Regular verb

to lower, to pull down, to let down

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


abbracciare (3)

Past Part. abbracciato

Gerund abbracciando

Regular -are verb endings with spelling change: ci becomes c before e or i

to embrace, to hug

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


abbronzare (4)

Past Part. abbronzato

Gerund abbronzando

Regular verb

to tan

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



This is an essential verb because it is used frequently in conversation and occurs in many expressions and idioms.


Loro abitano in campagna.

They live in the countryside.

L’anno scorso noi abitavamo in un piccolo appartamento.

Last year we lived in a small apartment.

I miei amici abitano tuttora con i genitori.

My friends still live with their parents.

Mia sorella abita a Chicago.

My sister lives in Chicago.

Questi animali abitano le zone calde.

These animals inhabit the hot regions.

Loro abitarono in una casa lussuosa molti anni fa.

They inhabited a luxury home many years ago.

Words and expressions related to this verb

abitazione abode, dwelling, habitation, residence, quarters, address, house, home

luogo d’abitazione place of residence

casa di abitazione home, living place

diritto d’abitazione the right to own property

vivere to live

risiedere to reside

alloggiare to take lodgings


abitare in un luogo

to live in a place

abitare con qualcuno

to live with someone

abitare in campagna

to live in the country

abitare in un apartamento

to live in an appartment

abitare in una casa

to live in a house

abitare con i genitori

to live with one’s parents

abitare presso gli amici

to live with friends

I miei sogni abitano la mia memoria.

My dreams inhabit my memory.

Vivere is the only verb used in expressions such as the following.

vivere nel passato  to live in the past

vivere nel futuro  to live in the future

vivere un sogno  to live out a dream

vivere nella fantasia  to live in the imagination


: In the sense of living somewhere the verb vivere is preferred: Vivo a Roma (I live in Rome); Loro vivono in Italia (They live in Italy); etc.


55 Verb

abitare (5)

Past Part. abitato

Gerund abitando

Regular verb

to live, to dwell

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



55 Verb

abituarsi (6)

Past Part. abituato

Gerund abituandosi

Regular verb

to get used to

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



For all reflexive verbs the past participle in compound tenses agrees with the gender and number of the subject. The feminine singular and plural endings are indicated in parentheses.

abusare (7)

Past Part. abusato

Gerund abusando

Regular verb

to abuse, to take advantage of

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



Notice that the verb is followed by di in line with English usage: Non devi abusare della sua generosità (You mustn’t take advantage of his generosity).

accadere (8)

Past Part. accaduto

Gerund accadendo

Irregular verb

to happen, to occur

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


: This is an impersonal verb: a verb used mainly in the third person (singular and plural). Therefore, for convenience, the other forms are omitted in the conjugation of such verbs. Impersonal verbs are conjugated with the auxiliary essere in compound tenses.

accendere (9)

Past Part. acceso

Gerund accendendo

Irregular verb

to light, to kindle

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



: Another common verb conjugated like accendere is scendere (to go down, descend).

accogliere (10)

Past Part. accolto

Gerund accogliendo

Irregular verb

to welcome, to receive

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


accompagnare (11)

Past Part. accompagnato

Gerund accompagnando

Irregular verb

to accompany

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


accorgersi (12)

Past Part. accorto

Gerund accorgendosi

Irregular verb

to notice, to become aware (of)

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


addormentarsi (13)

Past Part. addormentato

Gerund addormentandosi

Regular verb

to fall asleep, to go to sleep

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


aderire (14)

Past Part. aderito

Gerund aderendo

Regular verb

to adhere, to belong to something

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


adorare (15)

Past Part. adorato

Gerund adorando

Regular verb

to adore

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


affermare (16)

Past Part. affermato

Gerund affermando

Regular verb

to affirm, to declare, to state

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


afferrare (17)

Past Part. afferrato

Gerund afferrando

Regular verb

to seize, to grasp, to hold on to

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


affliggere (18)

Past Part. afflitto

Gerund affliggendo

Irregular verb

to afflict, to distress

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



: Another verb conjugated like affligere is infliggere (to inflict).

affrettarsi (19)

Past Part. affrettato

Gerund affrettandosi

Regular verb

to hasten, to hurry

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


aggiungere (20)

Past Part. aggiunto

Gerund aggiungendo

Irregular verb

to add

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



: Other verbs conjugated like aggiungere are giungere (to reach), congiungere (to join), and raggiungere (to catch up to).


This is a key verb because it refers to something very common (needing help) and is used frequently in conversation. It also occurs in common phrases.

Words and expressions related to this verb

aiuto help

venire in aiuto di qualcuno to come to someone’s aid

Aiuto! Help!


Loro aiutano sempre i poveri.

They always help the poor.

Lascia che ti aiuti!

Let me help you!

La madre ha sempre aiutato il figlio.

The mother has always helped her son.

Questo medicinale aiuta la digestione.

This medicine aids digestion.

Non ti preoccupare. Ti aiuteremo noi.

Don’t worry. We’ll help you.

Uses in various types of expressions

La fortuna aiuta gli audaci, la sorte agevola chi osa. Fortune favors the bold, fate helps those who dare.

Chi s’aiuta, Dio l’aiuta. God helps those who help themselves.

Reflexive uses


to help oneself

aiutarsi con i piedi

to help oneself by running away (literally to help oneself with one’s feet)

aiutarsi con la ragione

to help oneself by reasoning

I parenti si aiutano.

Relatives help each other.

Gli amici si aiutano nel bisogno.

Friends help each other in time of need.


55 Verb

aiutare (21)

Past Part. aiutato

Gerund aiutando

Regular verb

to help, to aid

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



55 Verb

alludere (22)

Past Part. alluso

Gerund alludendo

Irregular verb

to allude, to refer, to hint

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



: Other verbs conjugated like alludere are concludere (to conclude), deludere (to disappoint), eludere (to elude, avoid), illudere (to deceive), includere (to include), and precludere (to preclude, prevent).

alzare (23)

Past Part. alzato

Gerund alzando

Regular verb

to raise, to lift up

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


alzarsi (24)

Past Part. alzato

Gerund alzandosi

Regular verb

to get up, to rise, to stand up

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses


ammettere (25)

Past Part. ammesso

Gerund ammettendo

Irregular verb

to admit

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



This verb is composed with the verb mettere (to put) and is thus conjugated exactly like it.

ammirare (26)

Past Part. ammirato

Gerund ammirando

Regular verb

to admire

The Seven Simple Tenses

The Seven Compound Tenses



This is a key verb because it is used frequently in conversation and in writing. It also occurs in many expressions and idioms.


Loro vanno sempre in centro il sabato.

They always go downtown on Saturdays.

Siamo andati al cinema ieri.

We went to the movies yesterday.

Dove vai?

Where are you going?

Loro vanno a letto presto.

They go to bed early.

L’esame è andato bene.

The exam went well.

Related verbs


to proceed, to go forward


to get oneself moving

Vado a Roma. I’m going to Rome.

Siamo andati a Firenze. We went to Florence.

Andremo in Italia quest’anno. We’re going to Italy this year.

Vogliamo andare in America tra breve. We want to go to America soon.

Words and expressions related to this verb

Il mio orologio va avanti. My watch is fast.

Il tuo orologio, invece, va indietro. Your watch, instead, is slow.

Il motore non va. The motor doesn’t work.

Quest’anno vanno i colori vivaci. This year bright colors are in style.

Quel vestito non mi va. That dress doesn’t fit (doesn’t suit me).

Ti va un aperitivo? Do you feel like having an aperitif?

andare pazzo per i dolci to be crazy about sweets

andare pazzo per una persona to be crazy about a person

andare a finire in un luogo to end up somewhere

andare a vuoto to come out empty, to achieve nothing

andare con i piedi di piombo to proceed cautiously

andare in onda to go on the air

far andare la macchina to start one’s car

La sua carriera va a gonfie vele. His career is going full steam ahead.

Lei va pazza per i dolci. She goes crazy over sweets.

Va detto che questo è normale. It should be pointed out that this is normal.


: The verb is followed by a before a city name but by in before most other geographical names


55 Verb

andare (27)

Past Part. andato

Gerund andando

Irregular verb

to go

The Seven Simple Tenses

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