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Entering the Throne Room
Entering the Throne Room
Entering the Throne Room
Ebook55 pages43 minutes

Entering the Throne Room

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Entering the Throne Room is a book that gives you information on how to pray, intercessory prayer, how to worship and praise God in prayer and a few powerful intercessory prayers that will have you entering into the throne room of grace and provoking the hand of God to move on your situation, your dreams and your every day communications with your Father.


Whether you are new to the faith or you have been saved your whole life, this book will increase your prayer life and enhance your walk. This book will show the power and authority that God has given to His children, and that He is your Father and there is no good thing that He holds back from those that love Him and abide in Him. You will walk away knowing that you can decree and declare and have what you say.

Release dateJun 7, 2021
Entering the Throne Room

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    Entering the Throne Room - Tanya Smith


    Apostle H. Sheldon McCray Sr.

    Rest In Heaven

    August 31, 1974 – May 7, 2021

    I was writing this book when I lost my Spiritual Father, my Covering, my Pastor, Apostle H. Sheldon McCray Sr. I dedicate this book to him because without him, I wouldn’t be the Woman of God, the preacher, the person that I am today. He changed my life. He birthed ministry out of my belly, always supported me, encouraged me, and motivated me. He housed me and two of my daughters after my divorce, when we had nothing. He became a father figure to my youngest daughter after the divorce. He was there for my oldest of the two daughters when two of her sons died. He supported my foundation ‘Rejuvenated Women’s Foundation’ from day one. No matter where I was in life, even after leaving North Carolina and moving to Florida, he was still ministering to me, growing me, and covering me and my family. There are no words that can every explain how grateful I am to this man. I know through the years I have said thank you, but today and feel like I didn’t say it enough. There are no words to express my loss and hurt. Thank you, Pastor, for all that you did for us and for all the work you did for the Kingdom. Kingdom Minded People Do Kingdom Minded Things. We love you and will miss you constantly.

    To Elect Lady and the boys, you will always be in our hearts and prayers. We are today and forever, family.

    Entering In

    When you think about going to God in prayer do you wonder how to pray or exactly what you can pray for or about? Do you realize that you can move the hand of God? How about that you can decree and declare and it shall come to pass? You can ask the Lord, and He will supply your needs, and He will also give you your hearts desire.

    I remember as a new babe in Christ not having a complete understanding on how to pray, so I bought all of these different books on prayer, how to pray, books of prayers, and spiritual warfare. Through many studies I learned that there is no formula to praying. However, I do always start with either, ‘Father’ or ‘Daddy’, and end with ‘in Jesus name, Amen’ or ‘in the name of Jesus, Amen’. Everything in between is based on my faith and my relationship with God. Meaning that it is based on what I believe.

    Now saying that there is no formula doesn’t mean that there isn’t a principle or actions behind how to pray. For instance David went to God in prayer in Psalm 24 verses 4 through 10 letting us know how we can receive God’s blessings. He tells us to seek God’s face and to lift up our heads. He is telling us to pray. Pray with clean hands and a pure heart. If we do these things we can open up the doors/windows to heaven and let God in. When He comes in, He brings blessings with Him.

    Pslam 24: 4-10 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.7 Lift up your heads,

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