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Anti-Aliasing with MSAA vs ABAA
Anti-Aliasing with MSAA vs ABAA
Anti-Aliasing with MSAA vs ABAA
Ebook448 pages3 hours

Anti-Aliasing with MSAA vs ABAA

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Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) consists of computer applications for creating images in art, printed media, video games, simulators and computer animation. These images consist of 2 dimensional arrays of pixels (picture elements). When images are computed using a single sample point per pixels, the

PublisherGotham Books
Release dateMar 15, 2024
Anti-Aliasing with MSAA vs ABAA

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    Book preview

    Anti-Aliasing with MSAA vs ABAA - Michel A Rohner

    Chapter 1 Introduction

    The field of images generated by computer is referred to as Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) [50]. CGI became feasible during the 1960s and many algorithms for generating 3D CGI were introduced.

    During the 1970s, real-time 3D CGI systems (RT CGI) became available. This field has grown considerably over the years. Nowadays PC graphics adapters can produce 3D RT CGI for many types of applications.

    In this chapter, several aspects of TV and CGI are considered.

    •3D CGI

    •TV images vs 3D CGI

    •Transformations from 3D objects to 2D images

    •Pixel with 1 sample point

    •Non-Real-Time 3D CGI vs Real-Time 3D CGI

    •Introduction to Anti-Aliasing: MSAA vs ABAA

    1.1 From TV to CGI

    There are similarities between TV and CGI. TV is a ubiquitous medium used to broadcast dynamic scenes, TV programs, TV shows and movies. CGI uses digital computers to create synthetic images, simulations and movies.

    1.1.1 TV Images and Displays

    The early black and white TVs were introduced in the 1950s. Color TVs appeared in the 1960s. Color TV technology was limited by the need to keep compatibility. With the color TV standards, the same TV signals are used to transmit black or color TV images. The images were displayed with CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) display monitors. There were several TV standards [41]. In the US, TV images used the NTSC standard. The displayed images consist of 480 interlaced Scanlines (SL), that are transferred and displayed one SL at a time to image displays [42][43]. Images were updated 60 times per second, using alternated even and odd fields. On two subsequent fields, even and odd SLs are interlaced to increase the apparent resolution and reduce flickering. In even fields Scanlines 0, 2, 4, … were displayed. On odd fields Scanlines 1, 3, 4, … were displayed. A pair of even and odd field forms a frame, displayed at 30 frames per second.

    1.1.2 TV Images and Movies

    Image Flickering

    On TVs, full images are updated at 30 frames per sec, but they are partially updated at 60 fields per sec, using interlacing. Besides providing more resolution, interlacing solves the problem of flickering.

    In the movies, it is acceptable for the eye to capture and display images at 24 frames per sec. But when doing so, the eye perceives image flickering. When images are displayed at 48 times per second, the eye does not perceive image flickering.

    The flickering problem in the movies is solved by introducing a shutter in front of the projector. The shutter modulates the light at the rate of 48 pulses per sec. Each image is repeated twice. This is not noticeable to the eye, even when the movie images are only updated at 24 frames per sec. When there is movement in the scene, the moving scene elements in movies are recorded with ‘motion blur’.

    TV and Display Images

    Although TV displayed images look like Photo or Movie images, they have a rigid structure. Each displayed image consists of a 2-dimensional array of sample points, or Pixels (Picture Elements). The size of this array of Pixels is PixMax Pixels Horizontally and SLMax Scanlines vertically.

    Refer to Figure 1-1.

    Figure 1-1 TV Image

    Every 1/60 second, the TV image is refreshed. Pixels are painted one at a time from left to right in the horizontal direction. At the end of the line, the Scanline number is incremented, and the next line is painted from left to right., until the bottom of the image is reached.

    In this book the description of Anti-Aliasing deals with images at the Pixel level. In order to have more visibility, the image is decomposed into Spans consisting of 8x8 Pixels only. These Spans are blown up representations of portions of the image They are partial images that will facilitate the descriptions of examples at the Pixel level.

    1.1.3 Interlaced Display

    In TV, the flickering problem is solved with SL interlacing. Half of the image is displayed at 60 fields per sec for NTSC (or 50 fields pre sec for PAL and SECAM TVs in Europe), using alternating even and odd fields. On even fields, only even SLs are displayed. On odd fields, only odd SLs are displayed. When TV images are recorded, the Video Camera records the image the same way as it is displayed, so there is no problem with moving components in the scenes.

    Refer to Figure 1-2, ‘Interlaced Scanlines in Field0 and Field1’

    Figure 1-2 TV Image with Interlaced Scanlines in Field0 and Field1

    For CGI, there is a problem when images are updated at 30 frames per second with interlacing. When the same image is displayed in both fields, objects that move from field to field don’t get updated with the correct position. This result in a visual effect referred to as Double Imaging. This can be solved by updating the image at field rate, that is 60 times per sec.

    For CGI movies, some algorithms can simulate a ‘motion blur’ that look similar to the ‘motion blur’ in movies.

    1.1.4 Progressive Displays

    In Progressive displays, all SLs are displayed on every field, 60 times per sec. This requires twice the processing per image, when compared to interlacing.

    Refer to Figure 1-3, "Progressive Display’.

    With new technologies, most displays and TVs can display interlaced and progressive images as well.

    Figure 1-3 Progressive Display Image (Non-Interlaced SLs)

    1.1.5 Color Display Standards

    There are several standards for TV and CGI [40] [55]. Refer to Table 1-1, ‘TV Standards’.

    Refer to Wikipedia ‘Standard-Definition Television’ [41].

    Refer to Wikipedia ‘Graphics Display Resolution’, ‘Refresh Rate’ and ‘Interlaced Video’ [42].

    Table 1-1 TV Standards

    For Graphics Display Standards, refer to examples in Table 1-2 for the Video Graphics Display resolution.

    For CGI application, the display resolution can be between 720x576 and 1920x1080. UXGA (Ultra Extended Graphics Array), or UGA, is a display mode in which the resolution is 1600 Pixels by 1200 SLs

    Table 1-2 Graphics Display Resolution

    With the advent of HDTV, the same standards can be used for PC monitors and TV displays. The most common are 720i, 720p, 1018i and 1080p.

    1.1.6 TV Images vs CGI

    There are similarities between TV Images and CGI. The resolution of TV and CGI images are defined horizontally by PixMax Pixels (Pix) and vertically by SLMax Scanlines (SL). While Standard Definition TV (SDTV) images use analog signals [41], CGI images are processed with digital signals.

    With the advent of High-Definition TV (HDTV) since the 1990s, the TV broadcasts are transmitted with compressed digital signals [44]. The CRT displays have been replaced with larger size high resolution Liquid Cristal Displays (LCD) and Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

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