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Gallows Court
Gallows Court
Gallows Court
Ebook412 pages5 hours

Gallows Court

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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"Superb—a pitch-perfect blend of Golden Age charm and sinister modern suspense, with a main character to die for. This is the book Edwards was born to write."—Lee Child, #1 New York Times bestselling author

The first Golden Age-style mystery in the Rachel Savernake series… How close can one person get to a cruel justice system before falling victim to it?

London, 1930

Sooty, sulphurous, and malign: no woman should be out on a night like this. A spate of violent deaths—the details too foul to print—has horrified the capital and the smog-bound streets are deserted. But Rachel Savernake—the enigmatic daughter of a notorious hanging judge—is no ordinary woman. To Scotland Yard's embarrassment, she solved the Chorus Girl Murder, and now she's on the trail of another killer.

Jacob Flint, a young newspaperman temporarily manning The Clarion's crime desk, is looking for the scoop that will make his name. He's certain there is more to the Miss Savernake's amateur sleuthing than meets the eye. He's not the only one.

Flint's pursuit of Rachel Savernake will draw him ever-deeper into a labyrinth of deception and corruption. Murder-by-murder, he'll be swept ever-closer to its dark heart—and to the gallows themselves.

Dark, atmospheric, and hearkening back to the Golden Age mysteries, Gallows Court is:

  • Perfect for fans of Sherry Thomas and Sophie Hannah
  • For readers who enjoy British crime mysteries and historical fiction
Release dateSep 17, 2019
Gallows Court

Martin Edwards

Martin Edwards is an award-winning crime novelist whose Lake District Mysteries have been optioned by ITV. Elected to the Detection Club in 2008, he became the first Archivist of the Club, and is also Archivist of the Crime Writers’ Association. Renowned as the leading expert on the history of Golden Age detective fiction, he won the Crimefest Mastermind Quiz three times, and possesses one of Britain’s finest collections of Golden Age novels.

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Rating: 3.625000017857143 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    *This review contains spoilers*Ambitious journalist Jacob Flint doesn't know what he's letting himself in for when he asks the mysterious Rachel Savernake for an interview. Far be it from granting him one, she nevertheless manages to give him his scoop by ensuring he's in the right place at the right time when the body of a well-known banker is discovered. This is the beginning of a sequence of events that sees Jacob reporting on a number of deaths of well-known men; however, when you play with fire, you risk getting burned ...This book wasn't quite what I was expecting, which was a whodunit set in 1930s London; instead, it is a somewhat convoluted tale of revenge with the mysterious character of Rachel Savernake at its heart. While the story is entertaining enough, there's no denying that the premise is rather far-fetched and the showdown very much over the top, so that I found it difficult not to roll my eyes in irritation. However, the central character, though always deliberately remote, is intriguing enough to warrant reading at least the next sequel, Mortmain Hall, since she doesn't comply with the usual image of a heroine, for want of a better word, as she comes much closer to being an anti-heroine, in some way. It'll be interesting to see where Martin Edwards takes the story next.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Would like to have liked it but ultimately stopped reading. Partly I blame the Audible audiobook ... the novel isn't nearly as easy to follow this way, and the narrator had a particular style of speaking that she employed for all the characters, making them sound (while gruffer, younger, more male, etc.) equally insinuating and somewhat seductively wheedling, it was rather offputting. Just read the dang thing and make the voices different, that's all I need. So it's possibly a better book than my experience of it. Eventually there were just too many characters to keep track of, and all of them middle-aged professional white men (save for a minor handful), and I gave up caring who was who's lawyer or banker or lawyer's son or baronet's son or detective's friend's wife' cousin etc.

    (Note: 5 stars = amazing, wonderful, 4 = very good book, 3 = decent read, 2 = disappointing, 1 = awful, just awful. I'm fairly good at picking for myself so end up with a lot of 4s).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was well-written, and apart from slightly too many characters to keep on top of, well-plotted (in an utterly unlikely sort of way).
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Martin Edwards is one of my favorite authors, so I was looking forward to this first-in-a-new-series with a great deal of anticipation. The setting of Gallows Court is pitch-perfect. The streets of London in the dark and the fog are suitably creepy, and Edwards describes a world in the grips of the Depression very well. In addition, if you like creepy houses on remote islands in the Irish Sea, you should love Gaunt Island.The story has intermittent chapters from a young girl's journal written in 1919 that give us some backstory on the mysterious Rachel Savernake, and those chapters really make a reader wonder what type of person she is. When another character says, "Rachel Savernake is the most dangerous woman in England," you feel as though you must agree.The young newspaperman, Jacob Flint, is a callow youth. He's really not been out in the cold cruel world long enough to knock some sense into him, so he's completely unprepared when people he interviews are killed and thugs jump out of dark alleys to rough him up. He does have a knack for investigative journalism and he certainly doesn't know when to quit, so he does have plenty of potential.Gallows Court is a mystery in which nothing and no one should be taken at face value. Little is as it appears to be, and this is exactly the sort of mystery that can be so much fun to solve. And I did, indeed, solve most of the mystery. The problem is, I am not a fan of plots in which one of the characters has to spend a lot of time explaining what really happened to everyone else, and this happens not once, but twice.With the exception of those two long sections of exposition and the fact that I never did warm up to Jacob Flint, I give everything else in Gallows Court high marks. If you're the type of reader who doesn't mind exposition and has more patience for the callowness of youth, this could be your perfect cup of tea.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    At the centre of this novel are two characters: Jacob Flint, a young newspaperman working for The Clarion, a sensationalist daily; and Rachel Savernake, an incredibly wealthy amateur sleuth, the daughter of a judge renowned for his severe punishment and reputed to be mad at the end.We know there is some sort of mystery surrounding Rachel Savernake right from the beginning. We are told so in a journal entry written in 1919 by a Juliet Brentano recording the death of her parents. Subsequent diary entries crop up in the novel and we attempt to reconcile the Rachel Savernake she writes about with the one we meet through Jacob Flint.Jacob has come to head the Clarion's crime desk rather earlier than expected because his boss has been run down by a car and is not expected to live. Jacob is convinced that what happened was no accident and he attempts to work out what Mr Betts was investigating. Everything seems to lead to Rachel Savernake.This was a challenging read, and even at the end when I thought I had worked everything out, how wrong I was!Fantastic Fiction suggests this novel is the first in a series centred on Jacob Flint.

Book preview

Gallows Court - Martin Edwards

Front Cover

Also by Martin Edwards

The Lake District Mysteries

The Coffin Trail

The Cipher Garden

The Arsenic Labyrinth

The Serpent Pool

The Hanging Wood

The Frozen Shroud

The Dungeon House

The Harry Devlin Series

All the Lonely People

Suspicious Minds

I Remember You

Yesterday’s Papers

Eve of Destruction

The Devil in Disguise

First Cut Is the Deepest

Waterloo Sunset


Take My Breath Away

Dancing for the Hangman

Gallows Court


Catching Killers

Truly Criminal

The Golden Age of Murder

The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books

Title Page

Copyright © 2018 by Martin Edwards

Cover and internal design © 2019 by Sourcebooks

Cover design by The Book Designers

Cover illustrations © Myles Wickham/Arcangel, Roy Bishop/Arcangel, Oniks Astarit/Shutterstock, Wolfgang Simlinger/Shutterstock

Sourcebooks, Poisoned Pen Press, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—­except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—­without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

Published by Poisoned Pen Press, an imprint of Sourcebooks

P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567-­4410

(630) 961-­3900

Originally published in 2018 in Great Britain by Head of Zeus Ltd.

Library of Congress Cataloging-­in-­Publication data:

Name: Edwards, Martin, author.

Title: Gallows court / Martin Edwards.

Description: Naperville, IL : Poisoned Pen Press, [2019] | This edition issued based on the paperback edition published in 2018 in Great Britain by Head of Zeus Ltd.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019019253 | (trade paperback : alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: Heiresses--England--London--Fiction. | Wealth--Fiction. | Journalists--Fiction. | Serial murder investigation--Fiction. | Family secrets--Fiction. | GSAFD: Mystery fiction.

Classification: LCC PR6055.D894 G34 2019 | DDC 823/.914--dc23 LC record available at


Front Cover

Title Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34


About the Author

Back Cover

To Jonathan and Catherine

Juliet Brentano’s Journal

30 January 1919

My parents died yesterday.

Henrietta has just broken the news. Tears filled her eyes, and she put a hand on my arm. I didn’t speak, and I didn’t cry. The gale sweeping over the island from the Irish Sea howled for me.

Henrietta says Harold Brown sent Judge Savernake a telegram from London. My parents caught the Spanish flu, he said, like thousands before them. It was all over very quickly, and they passed away peacefully in each other’s arms.

It’s a fairy story. The emptiness in her voice told me she doesn’t believe a word of it.

Neither do I. My mother and father were murdered, I’m sure of it.

And Rachel Savernake is responsible.

Chapter 1

‘Jacob Flint is watching the house again.’ The housekeeper’s voice rose. ‘Do you think he knows about…?’

‘How could he?’ Rachel Savernake said. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll deal with him.’

‘You can’t!’ the older woman protested. ‘You don’t have time.’

Rachel adjusted her cloche hat in front of the looking glass. A demure face returned her gaze. Nobody would guess her nerve-­ends were tingling. Was this how the Judge felt, when he put on his black cap?

‘There’s time enough. The car isn’t due for five minutes.’

She slid on her evening gloves. Mrs Trueman handed her the bag, and opened the front door. A voice crooned from the drawing room. Martha was listening to the Dorsey Brothers on the new automatic gramophone. Rachel danced down the short flight of steps in her Pompadour heels, humming Cole Porter’s song, ‘Let’s Do It.’

Fog was slithering over the square, and cold January air nibbled her cheeks. She was glad of her sable coat. The lamp-­lights tinged the dirty greyness with an eerie yellow hue. Long years spent on a small island had accustomed her to sea frets. She felt a strange affection for the winter mists drifting in from the water, rippling like gauze curtains, draping the damp landscape. A London particular was a different beast—­sooty, sulphurous, and malign, as capable of choking you as a Limehouse ruffian. The greasy air made her eyes smart, and its acrid taste burned her throat. Yet the foul and muddy swirl troubled her no more than pitch darkness frightens a blind man. Tonight she felt invincible.

A figure detached itself from the shadows. Peering through the gloom, she made out a tall, skinny man in coat and trilby. A long woollen scarf, loosely tied, hung from his shoulders. His gait was energetic yet awkward. She guessed he’d been plucking up courage to ring the doorbell.

‘Miss Savernake! Sorry to bother you on a Sunday eve­ning!’ He sounded young, eager, and utterly unapologetic. ‘My name is—­’

‘I know who you are.’

‘But we haven’t been introduced.’ Unruly strands of fair hair sneaked from under the trilby, and a pompous clearing of the throat couldn’t disguise his gaucherie. At twenty-­four, he had the fresh, scrubbed features of a schoolboy. ‘I happen to be—­’

‘Jacob Flint, a reporter with the Clarion. You must know that I never speak to the press.’

‘I’ve done my homework.’ He glanced to left and right. ‘What I do know is that it’s unsafe for a lady to be out while a brutal killer prowls the London streets.’

‘Perhaps I’m not really a lady.’

His eyes fastened on the diamond clip in her hat. ‘You look every inch—­’

‘Appearances can be deceptive.’

He leaned towards her. His skin smelled of coal-­tar soap. ‘If you’re not really a lady, all the more reason for you to take care.’

‘It is unwise to threaten me, Mr Flint.’

He took a step back. ‘I’m desperate to talk to you. You recall the note I left with your housekeeper?’

Of course she did. She’d watched from the window as he’d delivered it. He’d fiddled nervously with his tie while waiting on the step. Surely he wasn’t stupid enough to believe she’d answer the door herself?

‘My car will arrive presently, and I don’t intend to conduct an interview anywhere, let alone on a pavement in the fog.’

‘You can trust me, Miss Savernake.’

‘Don’t be absurd. You’re a journalist.’

‘Honestly, we have something in common.’

‘What, exactly?’ She ticked points off on her gloved hand. ‘You learned your trade as a reporter in Yorkshire before arriving in London last autumn. You lodge in Amwell Street, and you worry that your landlady’s daughter seeks to trade her body for marriage. Ambition drove you to join the muckrakers on the Clarion rather than a respectable newspaper. The editor admires your persistence, but frets about your rashness.’

He gulped. ‘How…?’

‘You have a morbid interest in crime, and regard Thomas Betts’ recent accident as both a misfortune and an opportunity. With the Clarion’s chief crime reporter on his death bed, you scent a chance to make your name.’ She took a breath. ‘Be careful what you wish for. If Wall Street can crumble, so can anything. How unfortunate if your promising career were cut short, like his.’

He flinched, as if she’d slapped his face. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse.

‘No wonder you solved the Chorus Girl Murder. You’re quite a detective; you put the boys in blue to shame.’

‘When you sent me a note, did you expect me to do nothing?’

‘I’m flattered that you took the trouble to investigate me.’ He ventured a grin, showing crooked teeth. ‘Or are you brilliant enough to deduce all that from the careless knotting of my scarf, and the fact my shoes need a shine?’

‘Find someone else to write about, Mr Flint.’

‘My editor would be shocked to hear us described as muck-­rakers.’ He’d recovered his composure as quickly as he’d lost it. ‘The Clarion gives the common folk a voice. It’s our latest slogan. Our readers need to know.’

‘Not about me.’

‘If you leave money out of it, you and I aren’t so very different.’ He grinned. ‘Both new to London, inquisitive, and stubborn as mules. I notice you don’t deny solving the Chorus Girl case. So what do you make of the latest sensation, this butchering of poor Mary-­Jane Hayes in Covent Garden?’

He paused, but she didn’t fill the silence.

‘Mary-­Jane Hayes’ remains were found in a sack, and her head was missing.’ He breathed out. ‘The details were too foul to print. She was a decent woman—­that’s what keeps our readers awake at night. Not someone who got what she deserved.’

Rachel Savernake’s face resembled a porcelain mask. ‘Do women ever get what they deserve?’

‘This madman won’t stop at one. They never do. Before any more women are harmed, he must be brought to justice.’

She considered him. ‘So you believe in justice?’

The sleek contours of a Rolls-­Royce Phantom loomed through the dirty yellow fog, and the young man skipped out of its path to avoid being crushed. It drew up by Rachel’s side.

‘Time to go, Mr Flint.’

A broad-­shouldered man, six foot four if an inch, climbed out of the car. As he opened the rear door, Rachel handed him her bag. Jacob Flint gave the fellow a wary glance. He looked as if he’d be more at home in a heavyweight boxer’s dressing gown than in a chauffeur’s livery. His buttons gleamed like warning lights.

Jacob gave a little bow. ‘It never does to hide from the press, Miss Savernake. If I don’t tell your story, someone less scrupulous will do the job. Let me have a scoop, and you won’t regret it.’

Rachel seized hold of the loose ends of his scarf and pulled the knot tight against his neck. Startled, he let out a gasp.

‘I never waste time on regrets, Mr Flint,’ she whispered.

Releasing the scarf, she took the bag from Trueman and settled herself in the back of the Phantom. As the car glided away into the night, she was conscious of Jacob Flint rubbing his neck as he watched her disappear. Might he prove useful? To give him the story he craved would be risky, but she’d never been afraid to gamble. It was in her blood.

* * *

‘Did the boy make trouble?’ Trueman asked through the speaking tube.

‘No, if he knew anything, he’d have let it slip.’

On the back seat beside her lay a parcel wrapped in tissue paper to protect the burgundy velvet upholstery. She ripped away the tissue to reveal a service revolver. She’d taught her-­self enough about firearms to recognise a Webley .455 Mk VI. The chequered grips and nickel plating were distinctive, but she didn’t need to ask whether it was untraceable. Trueman thought of everything. Opening the alligator-­skin bag, she slipped the gun inside.

As they drove towards Euston, she saw more uniformed policemen on the pavements than passers-­by. Not a single woman had ventured out on foot. With the Covent Garden murderer on the loose, nobody would stroll around central London in the murk without good cause. The air was rank with fear.

The Doric Arch reared up out in front of them, a grotesque monument to a dead civilisation. She checked her watch. Ten minutes to six. Despite the fog, they had made good time.

‘Stop here.’

Jumping out of the car, heels clicking on the cobblestones, she hurried into the station. People were milling around in the bright blue light of the refreshment room. Rachel strode towards the luggage office. An elderly man who bore a startling resemblance to Stanley Baldwin was complaining loudly to nobody in particular, while waving his walking stick at the message in black capitals on a large piece of cardboard.


She halted beneath a yellow film poster advertising Alfred Hitchcock’s Blackmail. All she had to do was wait, an elegant spider anticipating the arrival of a hapless fly.

Lawrence Pardoe came into view at precisely one minute before six. A small, portly man in a cashmere overcoat and bowler hat, he was carrying a cheap plywood case so gingerly it might have been crammed with Dresden china. His eyes kept darting around, as if he expected a thief to cosh him.

She watched him approach the luggage office. Only when he was two yards away did he notice the cardboard sign. The sight of it knocked the breath out of him. Putting the case on the floor, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and mopped his brow. A burly police constable materialised out of the crowd, and marched towards him. Rachel took a step forward, and saw the policeman mutter into Pardoe’s ear.

Pardoe contrived a bilious smile, seeming to insist that he was quite all right, officer, and no, thank you, he didn’t need any help. With a parting glance at the plywood case, the constable gave a cheerful nod, and turned away. Pardoe sagged in relief.

Would panic make him cut and run? He was a sick man: he might keel over from a heart attack.

But no. After a moment’s hesitation, he picked the case up again, and plodded towards the exit. This was her cue to retrace her steps, moving twice as fast.

Outside the station, the fog was thickening, but the Rolls-­Royce’s outlines were unmistakeable. Trueman opened the rear door, and she climbed in. Peering through the window, she spotted Pardoe stumbling through the grey night, weighed down by his burden, searching for a maroon Phantom with black wings.

Without a word, Trueman strode forward. He seized hold of the plywood case, hoisted it into the motoring trunk, and motioned Pardoe inside the car.

The door had closed on Pardoe before he noticed her. Sweat smeared his forehead, and his breathing rasped. His complexion was the colour of an over-­ripe plum. He was a man of fifty, unaccustomed to exercise; people had always fetched and carried for him. Rachel smiled sweetly, hoping he wouldn’t die before the time was right.

‘Good evening, Mr Pardoe.’

‘Good…good evening.’ He scanned her features, screwing up his eyes as if trying to decipher a cryptograph. ‘It’s not…Miss Savernake?’

‘You detect a family resemblance?’

‘Yes, yes. Faint, of course, but…remarkable man, your late father.’ He fished for a silk handkerchief, and wiped his damp forehead. ‘Judge Savernake was…a very great loss.’

‘You seem distressed.’

He coughed. ‘My apologies, Miss Savernake, but I have had…a rather trying time.’

His brow contracted. Was he trying to read her mind? A hopeless task. He couldn’t possibly guess his fate.

Trueman started the engine, and Rachel laid one hand upon her bag. The Phantom’s engine was so quiet that she could almost hear the clank and grind of Pardoe’s brain.

As they turned into Tottenham Court Road, he said, ‘Where are we going?’

‘To South Audley Street.’

‘Not my house?’ He was bewildered.

‘Your house, yes. You did as you were told, I hope, and instructed your staff that their presence wasn’t required this evening?’

‘I received a message from a trusted friend, asking me to come to Euston Station and leave…something at the luggage office. I was told this car would collect me, and that I’d meet a young lady—­I didn’t realise it would be you, Miss Savernake—­who would take me to see my friend. He didn’t explain why he wanted me to clear everyone out of the house…’

‘Forgive me,’ Rachel said. ‘I sent the message.’

Terror flared in his eyes. ‘Impossible!’

‘Nothing is impossible,’ she said quietly. ‘You must believe that, if it’s the last thing you do.’

‘I don’t understand.’

She took the revolver from her bag, and pushed it against his ribs. ‘You don’t need to. Hush, now.’

* * *

A sour tang of wood polish hung in the air of Pardoe’s study. The room had a single door, but no window. The only light was cast by a candle in a gold stick; the ticking of a grandmother clock seemed unnaturally loud. Pardoe bent over his roll-­top desk, hands trembling as if he suffered from palsy. On the desk were a pen, several blank sheets of foolscap, two envelopes, and a bottle of Indian ink.

Trueman sat in a leather wingback armchair. His right hand held a gun, his left a butcher’s knife with a gleaming blade. At his feet lay a Kodak Brownie camera. A brown bearskin rug was spread out on the floor. In the middle stood the plywood trunk Pardoe had carried inside at the point of Rachel’s gun.

Rachel delved into her handbag, and brought out a chess piece. A black pawn. Pardoe gave a low moan. She walked towards the desk, and placed the pawn next to the inkwell, before picking up a sheet of foolscap and an envelope, and putting them into her bag.

‘Why are you doing this?’ Pardoe blinked away a tear. ‘There’s a Milner safe next door. The combination…’

‘Why would I steal your valuables? I have more money than I know what to do with.’

‘Then…what do you want?’

‘I want you to write a confession to murder,’ Rachel said. ‘Don’t worry about the phrasing. I shall dictate every word.’

The last vestiges of colour drained from the plump cheeks. ‘Confess to murder? Have you lost your mind?’

Trueman leaned forward in his chair, a movement pregnant with menace. Rachel pointed her gun at Pardoe’s chest.

‘Please.’ Pardoe made a gurgling noise. ‘Your father would not wish…’

‘The Judge is dead.’ She smiled. ‘But I inherited a taste for melodrama.’

‘I…I have been the most loyal—­’

‘Once you blot your signature, we shall leave the room, and you will lock the door. Leave the key in the lock. In the bottom drawer of your desk—­you will find the fastening broken—­is a pistol loaded with one bullet. Place it to your temple, or inside your mouth. You are free to choose. It will be a quick end, far preferable to the alternative.’

He twitched like a guinea pig confronted by a vivisectionist. ‘You cannot order me to kill myself!’

‘It’s for the best,’ she said. ‘You are already under sentence of death. How long did your friend in Harley Street give you? Six months at the outside?’

Astonishment made him blink. ‘You can’t know that! I told nobody, and Sir Eustace would never…’

‘Remember Sir Eustace’s prognosis. This is your chance to escape the drawn-­out agony he foresaw. Don’t waste that single shot.’


‘Do you know what happened to Juliet Brentano?’

‘What are you talking about?’ Pardoe screwed his eyes shut. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘You’re right,’ she said. ‘You’ll go to your grave not under-­standing.’ She gestured to Trueman, who pointed his knife at the older man’s throat.

‘Don’t dwell on what you have to do,’ she said. ‘A swift end is a mercy. Sixty seconds, that’s all you have from the moment we are outside the room. No longer.’

Pardoe looked into her eyes. What he saw there made him flinch.

After a long pause, he said hoarsely, ‘Very well.’

‘Fill your pen with ink.’

Slowly, Pardoe did as he was told.

‘Write this.’ She spoke slowly, burying each word in his brain like a soft-­nosed bullet. ‘I strangled Mary-­Jane Hayes with her own scarf, and then dismembered her with a hacksaw. I acted alone…

Chapter 2

Jacob Flint walked home. Exercise helped him to order his thoughts. The long-­awaited conversation with Rachel Savernake had left him grappling with fresh questions, when he’d yearned for answers.

Disappointment weighed him down, heavy as a boulder on his back. He prided himself on his ability as an interviewer, and he often pored over copies of Notable British Trials, studying techniques of cross-­examination. This afternoon, he’d rehearsed in front of the mirror in his bedroom. Yet preparation counted for nothing once he came face to face with the woman. He felt hot and stupid at the memory of her cool, concentrated gaze reducing his questions to babble.

What had he learned? About the murder of Mary-­Jane Hayes, nothing. A copper he knew was part of the hunt for the man depraved enough to strangle a woman, and then decapitate her, and conceal the head. His tame constable, Stan Thurlow, had let slip that Scotland Yard expected Rachel Savernake to take an interest in the Covent Garden murder. If she’d formed a theory about the latest murder, she’d given him no clues. The scoop he dreamed of remained as distant as the moon.

As he turned into Amwell Street, he told himself that he’d not wasted his time. At the cost of fleeting embarrassment, he’d discovered that Rachel Savernake’s thoroughness knew no bounds. The note he’d sent her, which he’d worded with as much care as if writing a leader for The Times, had provoked her into checking into him. For heaven’s sake, she’d even found out that Elaine Dowd wanted to marry him.

Why take such pains, when she could simply refuse to say a word? As he passed the cavernous post office building at Mount Pleasant, the answer struck him, clear as a torch beam slicing through darkness.

It was a sign of a guilty conscience. Rachel Savernake had something to hide.

* * *

His landlady refused to refer to her home by its street number. Mrs Dowd had christened it Edgar House, in memory of her husband. A bomb dropped by one of the Zeppelins during the Silent Raid had killed Edgar Dowd. A prosperous accountant, he’d left his widow and young daughter comfortably provided for, but Mrs Dowd’s capital had diminished with the passage of time, a process speeded by her fondness for French couture and London gin. She took in lodgers to make ends meet.

Oliver McAlinden, a former tenant, and a colleague of Jacob’s at the Clarion, had recommended Edgar House as convenient for Fleet Street and surprisingly cheap. Mrs Dowd offered a generous discount to young men she regarded as a ‘good let.’ The price Jacob paid was putting up with her incessant chatter and unsubtle matchmaking.

Despite the low rent, he was her only paying guest, and she’d taken to inviting him to join her and Elaine for supper. Jacob gathered that she’d spent years encouraging her daughter to fraternise with the pimpled son of a wealthy local draper, with scant success. She’d fared no better with Oily McAlinden, whose tastes didn’t seem to include the opposite sex. Elaine had refused to introduce her mother to her most recent beau. Jacob suspected the fellow was married, and she’d needed to be devious. All she’d let slip was that she’d ended the relationship shortly before Jacob’s arrival in London; he guessed she’d tired of waiting for the fellow to leave his wife. Perhaps she’d decided her mother was right, and that it was time to settle down. But the horizons of a young journalist wanting to make his way in the world lay far beyond a pipe-­and-­slippers existence in Amwell Street.

He meant to dash up to his eyrie on the second floor but was thwarted by the opening of the kitchen door. The smell of frying sausages wafted out, swiftly followed by Mrs Dowd. Once, perhaps, she’d been voluptuous; now she was merely large and billowing, her chiffon dress displaying décolletage as impressive as it was unexpected in a landlady cooking an evening meal.

‘There you are, Jacob! What a dreadful night! Will you join us for a bite to eat? Keep out the cold?’

Jacob wavered. The aroma was tempting. ‘That’s kind of you, Mrs Dowd.’

She wagged a fleshy finger. ‘How many times must I tell you? My name is Patience, even if it’s never been my nature.’

Jacob’s stomach was rumbling, and he surrendered. Besides, Elaine was always good company. She might even find a way of taking his mind off Rachel Savernake.

* * *

‘So how did you get on with your lady friend?’ Elaine asked, warming her hands in front of the fire.

‘She refused to talk to me.’

‘Go on! Nice-­looking chap like you, what can she be thinking of?’

They were alone in the parlour, a tiny room brightened by hyacinths Elaine had brought from the florist’s where she worked. Mrs Dowd, with elephantine tact, had withdrawn to her spick and span kitchen. She’d left her late husband—­stern, with an abundant moustache—­to keep an eye on them from the mantelpiece, where his framed photograph occupied pride of place, flanked by small ornaments supplying colourful reminders of long-­ago holidays in Deal and Westcliff. Jacob sipped at his tea, wishing he’d not spoken so freely to Elaine about his work. An easy mistake to make. Since coming to London, he’d thrown himself into his new job, body and soul. He wrote long if infrequent letters to his widowed mother in Armley, but had little time to spare for seeking out new friends as he strove to make himself indispensable to the Clarion.

Elaine was flame-­haired, freckled, and flirtatious. The pleasantries the two of them exchanged had ripened into friendship, and one day she’d announced that a customer at the shop, knowing her love of a show, had presented her with two unwanted tickets for the Inanity. She and Jacob had sung along with Sinbad and his Sisters, held their breath at the high-­wire antics of the Flying Finnegans, and gasped at the illusions performed by Nefertiti, the Nubian Queen of Magic and Mystery. Nefertiti was beautiful, but even as he was enraptured by her sinuous movements on the stage, Jacob felt Elaine’s firm body pressing against his in an unambiguous manner that he found equally exciting.

Subsequently, he’d taken her to the Regent Theatre to see Edgar Wallace’s The Squeaker (when she’d insisted on waiting at the stage door to add Bernard Lee’s autograph to those she’d collected from Sinbad and Nefertiti) and twice to the pictures. Her interest in him and his work was so flattering that the other night, after Mrs Dowd had gone to bed, he’d confided his hope that a scoop about Rachel Savernake would make his name as an investigative journalist. She’d returned his kisses with an ardour that gave him the giddy sensation she’d mistaken him for her hero, Ivor Novello. Her married admirer had obviously taught her a thing or two. Elaine’s healthy English looks might lack the sleek sophistication of Nefertiti’s wonderfully sculpted features, but her curves were full of promise. She loved his north-­country accent, and said it made her heart skip a beat.

He doubted she’d insist on having a ring on her finger before giving herself to him, but he was terrified of getting her pregnant, and finding himself honour-­bound to propose marriage. Her mother kept hinting that, at the ripe old age of twenty-­three, a woman was ready to become a wife and mother. Jacob’s frisson of anxiety matured into alarm following an arch remark, accompanied by an appallingly ostentatious wink, about having a journalist in the family. The prospect of domestic bliss in Edgar House struck Jacob as more like a form of life imprisonment. Better that they remain Just Good Friends.

‘Hard to believe, I agree.’

Laughing, Elaine joined him on the settee. An inch of no-­man’s-­land separated them. ‘Spoken for, is she?’

‘Not as far as I know.’

‘Call yourself a newshound? I bet she loves pretending to be a woman of mystery.’

‘I don’t think she’s pretending.’

‘Sounds like a witch who’s cast a spell on you. Come on. If I’ve got a rival, I want to hear all about her!’

He spread his arms in an admission of defeat. ‘I don’t know much. Nobody does.’

‘Don’t try being evasive with me, Jacob Flint. I’m not stupid. Spill the beans!’

Jacob suppressed a sigh. It was true: Elaine was far from stupid. Nor did she give up easily. He’d blundered by piquing her interest in Rachel Savernake.

‘I first heard her name mentioned by a constable I know. A few drinks one night loosened Stan Thurlow’s tongue, while we were discussing the Chorus Girl Murder.’

Elaine frowned. She often said she’d stopped reading the newspapers because they were too depressing. The Wall Street crash, the threatened slump, the world was going mad, and ordinary folk couldn’t do a blind thing about any of it.

‘Was that the poor girl who…?’

‘Dolly Benson, yes. She was suffocated and…violated. When I said I’d heard that the killer had committed suicide, he told me the story. A woman called Rachel Savernake had turned up out of the blue at Scotland Yard and announced she knew the killer’s name. They’d already arrested Dolly’s former fiancé and charged him with murder. Rachel Savernake is the daughter of a prominent judge, otherwise she’d never have got past the

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