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Red Flags
Red Flags
Red Flags
Ebook354 pages5 hours

Red Flags

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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"Readers looking for a new amateur-sleuth series—especially those who find the car-racing frame intriguing—should definitely check out the Kate Reilly mysteries." —Booklist

When Kate Reilly arrives in Long Beach, California, a week ahead of the Grand Prix, she's immediately plunged into a new social scene—as well as a murder investigation. Her cousin Billy is found dead, with Kate's card in his pocket. The cops want to know why, and sponsors and race organizers—anxious to keep racing's image clean—want Kate to investigate. Doubting she can solve another murder, especially that of a relative she despised, Kate reluctantly agrees.

At the same time, coaching an actress for a celebrity race brings Kate into the orbit of Hollywood's hottest bachelor. And then a local FBI agent takes notice of more than her driving and sleuthing skills. She goes from Sony Studios to Venice Beach and from Rodeo Drive to the Hollywood Hills, attending parties, power-shopping, and dodging unwelcome paparazzi.

Kate's professional dreams are coming true. The upcoming Grand Prix is her first race with a new sponsor that's also funding an IndyCar test drive and a ride in next year's Indy 500—along with future possibilities in NASCAR. The downside? New sponsor Frame Savings is owned by her family, and its management, except her long-estranged father, is unfriendly to her...even rivalrous.

On track, red flags fly to warn her of danger. Off track, Kate struggles to interpret warning signs and stay out of a killer's grasp.

Kate Reilly Mysteries:

Dead Man's Switch (Book 1)

Braking Points (Book 2)

Avoidable Contact (Book 3)

Red Flags (Book 4)

Kiss the Bricks (Book 5)

Praise for the Kate Reilly Mysteries:

"Read this book—but buckle in first. Believe me, you're in for a bumpy ride." —WILLIAM KENT KRUEGER, New York Times bestselling author for Braking Points

"This series always leaves me wanting more, so I cannot wait to keep reading and see what's next on the horizon for my fellow female racing driver!" —PIPPA MANN, IndyCar driver for Avoidable Contact

Release dateApr 5, 2016
Red Flags

Tammy Kaehler

When Tammy Kaehler discovered the racing world, she was hooked by the contrast between its top-dollar, high-drama competition, and friendly, family atmosphere. Mystery fans and racing insiders alike have praised her award-winning Kate Reilly Mystery Series (Dead Man's Switch, Braking Points, Avoidable Contact, and Red Flags), and Tammy takes readers back behind the wheel in her fifth entry, Kiss the Bricks. She works as a freelance writer in Southern California, where she lives with her husband and many cars.

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    There is very little subtly to the beginning of this fourth in the Kate Reilly mysteries. We jump right into the murder. She's at the Grand Prix of Long Beach and at the very start of the novel she's IDing the body of her cousin Billy.That gets her in the middle of yet another murder investigation. She gets asked by not only some of the people in charge of the race, but also by her new sponsor Frame Savings, to "Look into" who could have killed Billy.Frame Savings is not only Kate's new sponsor, but her estranged father is also the head of the bank. And so soon it's all mixed up. And at the same time that she's dealing with the murder and mayhem, she also has to race her team's Corvette, and in this novel she also gets to test on a different car, and... she's a coach for the Celebrity race too. Kate has many, many things going on in this novel for sure.Needless to say it was a non-stop novel not just for Kate, but also for the reader. A lot of mystery, a little bit of a love triangle (sort of maybe?) And as usual the stuff that I loved the most were all the in car (and some track side while she was coaching her celebrity) racing stuff. I think it's what makes this series so very, very unique and keeps me coming back book after book!I got this galley through Netgalley on behalf of Poisoned Pen Press.

Book preview

Red Flags - Tammy Kaehler

Red Flags

A Kate Reilly Mystery

Tammy Kaehler

Poisoned Pen Press



Copyright © 2016 by Tammy Kaehler

First E-book Edition 2016

ISBN: 9781464205323 ebook

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.

The historical characters and events portrayed in this book are inventions of the author or used fictitiously.

Poisoned Pen Press

6962 E. First Ave., Ste. 103

Scottsdale, AZ 85251

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Red Flags





Grand Prix of Long Beach

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six

Chapter Forty-seven

Chapter Forty-eight

Chapter Forty-nine

Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty-one

Chapter Fifty-two

Chapter Fifty-three

Chapter Fifty-four

Chapter Fifty-five

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To my father, Roger, for a lifetime of patience,

support, goofiness, sports, and love.


It’s always a challenge to write about a real racing series, real cars, and real tracks, especially when the names, landscape, and cars change. I do my best to make all of the details—especially the technical and racing information—as accurate as possible, but sometimes I generalize, exaggerate, and outright make stuff up. I hope readers and race fans will forgive my liberties as the line between reality and make-believe blurs.

I owe great thanks to my technical experts in a variety of fields who provided me information, insight, and encouragement: Allison Altzman, Connie Anderson, Mario Andretti, Beaux Barfield, Meesh Beer, Andrew Davis, Doug Fehan, Carolyn Meier, Martin Plowman, Kimberly van Groos, and Steve Wittich. Three people went above and beyond the call of duty to help Kate fly in an IndyCar, namely Barbara Kreisel, Mary Lascuola, and IndyCar racing driver Pippa Mann, who inspires me every day with her single-minded pursuit of her dreams (at 223+ miles per hour!).

Thank you to real-life cancer warriors and their friends for letting me use your names: Debbie Mariol and Scott James, Erin Charlton and Janel Jernigan, Tara Raffield and Tina Whittle, and Riley Warren and Deb Arora. Thanks also to Nikki and Jimmy Gray, Jenny Carless and Tristan Rhys, Tommy Kendall, and Christine Syfert for your charitable donations and/or loan of your names.

Thanks to my beta readers Christine Harvey and Bill Zahren, as well as to my alpha reader, brainstorming partner, lunch buddy, and tiara table co-host, Rochelle Staab. You all provided much-needed feedback, sanity, and perspective. To my agent, Lucienne Diver of the Knight Agency, thank you for early reads, support, and remaining Kate’s champion. To the whole team at Poisoned Pen Press—Diane, Beth, Suzan, Pete, Tiffany, and Rob—and in particular my editors extraordinaire, Barbara Peters and Annette Rogers, thank you for answers, guidance, and the wonderful feeling that I’m part of a family.

Last but not least, thanks to my many families for unqualified support and encouragement. Gail, An, Roger, Aggie, Desiree, Vicente, Patsy, Randy, Linda, Jerry, Jill, and Jason, your pride and enthusiasm help keep me going. But no one keeps me going more than Chet, who gives me kudos, sympathy, space, and kicks in the behind precisely as needed. I’m grateful to you every day for our life together.

Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach, California


Chapter One

I stared down at the man’s face and tried to care that he was dead. I tried to ignore the bloody dent in his head and focused instead on his relaxed features, which lacked the cunning and malice they’d worn in life.

Do you recognize this man, Ms. Reilly? I blinked as the Long Beach police detective prompted me for the second time.

Billy Reilly-Stinson. William. I paused. He’s my cousin.

My condolences for your loss.

I didn’t know him at all. I looked at the cop. I only met him two years ago, and he made it clear he didn’t want me in the family. I glanced at Billy again, seeing the clumpy, oatmeal-like substance in the blood on his shoulder. My stomach lurched. Brain matter. I turned away and breathed deeply.

The detective gestured across the parking garage toward the stairs I’d descended with him five minutes prior. I’d been a few hundred yards away in the temporary paddock for the Grand Prix of Long Beach Media Day, when he’d called asking for my help with something. His request seemed benign at the time.

He walked me around the corner of a half-wall so I couldn’t see Billy’s body, which settled my stomach, but not my emotions. This was my third body in as many years, and I didn’t like seeing anyone dead. I felt sorry for Billy and his family—my father’s family—even if I had a hard time convincing myself I’d miss Billy. Then I felt ashamed I hadn’t liked him and worried about my proximity to death. Again.

The detective pulled a notepad and pen out of his sport coat pocket. What can you tell me about the deceased?

You said you’re Detective Barnes…you’re with homicide?

He raised an eyebrow. That’s correct. Mr. Reilly-Stinson didn’t do that to himself. We’re looking for another party.

I really didn’t expect my ten-day trip to California to start with murder. I studied Barnes: stocky, bowlegged, of mixed Asian and Caucasian heritage. His face was comfortably lined, and his eyes shone with intelligence. I hoped he was smart and fair. I’d gone down the suspect road before, and I wasn’t in the mood.

Ms. Reilly? What do you know about him?

It’s Kate. I stuck my hands in the back pockets of my jeans. We were acquainted. We had no reason to communicate or be friends. Neither of us wanted to. We rarely saw each other. I considered. I haven’t run into him in more than a year. And I’ve never seen him alone. He’s usually with his cousin, Holden Sherain.

Is Mr. Sherain here?

Not that I’ve noticed. I bit my tongue on the fact I’d caught sight of Billy that morning and deliberately avoided him.

Can you tell me your whereabouts today?

I felt a flash of alarm at his question, even though I’d been through the drill before and knew I had an alibi. I got to the track at eight to meet the race staff. From nine to twelve, I was in a pace car doing laps for media or I was with the woman I’m coaching for the celebrity race. I had lunch around noon with the other drivers. After that, more hot laps or coaching, from one until you called me. I’ve been with people all day.

Who can verify that? he asked, then wrote down the five names I gave him.

When a crime scene technician beckoned, Barnes crossed to the landing of the stairs where the tech stood next to a garbage can. A dozen other official types crawled around the half-full parking structure, moving from car to car, shining a flashlight under, around, and between, looking for evidence. Still others stood talking and looking down at Billy’s body.

I shivered, not cold, but remembering Billy’s bloody head. I wrapped my arms around myself. I supposed I should be mourning Billy’s loss of life. I did, in theory. But I hadn’t liked the guy, and I wouldn’t pretend I’d miss him. I did wonder how the rest of my family would take the news. I wanted to stay out of that.

Barnes shifted, the movement drawing my attention, and I saw what he and the other man were looking at: some kind of pipe or stick and a wallet.

The detective returned to me, looking down at his notebook, and I spoke before he could. Was that the murder weapon? In the trash can?

He hesitated. It could be. We’ll have to test it to make sure.

And Billy’s wallet?

Yes, with his identification.

How long ago was he killed?

Not long. Anything else?

My big question: Why did you ask me to identify the body?

The only item in the victim’s pockets was a marketing card with your name and photo—a ‘hero card,’ someone said—with your cell phone number handwritten on it. Any idea why he’d have that?

To cause me trouble? Those cards get handed out by the hundreds at a race weekend. I’m sure there are bunches here for the media today. I have no idea why he’d have one, especially not with my number on it, except we’re both associated with Frame Savings.


My father’s family founded the bank more than a hundred years ago. I think Billy works there. They’ve just come on as one of my major sponsors for racing.

Barnes took notes. Can you tell me Mr. Reilly-Stinson’s next of kin? Who he was close to? A spouse, significant other? Best friends?

All I know is Billy and his cousin, Holden Sherain, were as tight as brothers. Billy’s father is Edward Reilly-Stinson. And my father, James Hightower Reilly, is Billy’s uncle. I only have contact information for my father, but he’ll know more. With the detective’s approval, I called my father, identifying myself and handing my phone to Barnes.

After that, Barnes asked one last question before letting me leave the parking structure. You and the deceased didn’t like each other. What was the problem?

Family issues.

I’m going to need more.

I sighed. I was raised by my mother’s family and never met my father or his family until a couple years ago. There’s still…friction with some of his family, including Billy. Which wasn’t helped by me uncovering his unethical and illegal activities a year ago. We were antagonistic when we saw each other occasionally, but I didn’t spend time thinking about him. That’s why I don’t know the family very well. I’m an outsider, and I plan to stay that way.

He made a note in his book. If you’re both an insider and an outsider, your perspective could be useful. I’ll be in touch.

Fine, just don’t make me solve this one.

Chapter Two

I left Detective Barnes with my cell number and the mystery of who killed Billy. The other crimes I’d felt obligated to help solve had involved victims or suspects I cared about, including myself. This one did not.

My spirits lifted as I headed back to the day’s activities. On my right was the Long Beach Arena, a big, round building with a huge mural of an underwater scene painted all the way around it. Yes, the building that hosted concerts, sports, and special events for the City of Long Beach was circular and blue, with life-size whales on it. Only in Southern California.

Ahead of me was a parking lot transformed into a paddock by the addition of chain link, racecars, and transport trailers. At the far side of the enclosure, I could see the brightly logoed Toyota Scions of the celebrity race competitors pulling off the track. I quickened my steps.

The conclusion of the second celebrity practice meant Media Day for the Grand Prix of Long Beach, or GPLB, was a wrap. We were ten days out from the race itself, plenty of time for local media to write stories about the coming event that would fire up the local population and increase attendance. To that end, the day was a dog-and-pony show.

In addition to getting to know the types of cars that would race during the GPLB weekend—including an IndyCar, a Porsche 911 GT3 R, and the celebrity cars—members of the press could interview the stars taking part in the ten-lap celebrity race to benefit charities. To get a real taste for the track, journalists strapped into pace cars for a hot lap at the hands of one of four pro drivers: the current Indy 500 champion, a drifting champion, a Pirelli World Challenge race winner, and me. I’d driven a couple dozen laps that day, and every passenger had exited the car with an ear-to-ear grin.

My driving duties were over for the day, but my work wasn’t, since I was coaching the most famous of the celebrity competitors. I smiled at the security guard monitoring entry to the media area and hurried over to the Toyotas.

The celebrity race was made up of two groups: professional drivers from different forms of motorsport—motorcycle racing, drag racing, or even someone long-retired from sportscar racing—and a variety of celebrities from the music industry, movies, television, news, or other sports. The celebrities were always hit and miss, some years famous and attention-drawing, some years not so much. This year they’d hit the jackpot with a member of the current number-one boy-band and an Oscar-winner with critical success and starring roles in the two biggest box-office films of the last year. That was my client, Madelyn, or Maddie, Theabo.

I aimed for the scrum of media in the center of the celebrity cars, certain what I’d find: Maddie and the boy-band member back-to-back, fielding questions from reporters. I caught Maddie’s eye and pointed to the temporary trailer where the race staff had set up for the day. She nodded, but kept talking.

Two months prior, I’d received a phone call out of the blue from a woman named Penny Warner, who was looking for a driving coach. We were most of the way through negotiations before she revealed she was calling for her employer, Maddie, one of the biggest names in movies. It took two hours for me to get over my fangirl freakout.

Maddie had gone through the standard celebrity training, four days at a track in the high desert north of L.A. But she wanted more instruction, feedback, and support. Since then, we’d met at different go-kart facilities to work on braking points and lines, and I’d prepped her as well as I could for driving the Long Beach track. But nothing compared to being out on the pavement, and part of my job was to help her make sense of her impressions.

I watched her handle the crush of fans and media, marveling that she didn’t ignore anyone. I understood firsthand how a crowd of media and fans could press in on a person, and I’d only endured it briefly at a racetrack. Away from the track, I was virtually invisible. But everyone recognized Maddie, and she still handled the attention graciously, replying to greetings, smiling at photo-takers, and accommodating everyone who asked for a signature. She’d told me when we met that she knew her success was due to her fans, so she always gave them and the media time.

When she finally broke free from the reporters, we ducked into the office trailer, nodding to three staff members huddled over laptops at the far end of the room. Maddie leaned against a desk inside the door, draining the contents of a water bottle. She was thirty-three, with a slender build, an expressive face, and bouncy, wavy, auburn hair half the world coveted.

I eyed the flush in her cheeks. How was it?

Nearly as much fun as sex.

I laughed. Did anything trip you up? Was the track what you expected?

Since the Long Beach Grand Prix track was comprised of city streets, which had to be closed to traffic, it was only available during Media Day and the race weekend. The stands, barricades, and fencing lining the course would remain, but the walls shutting down public roads would be moved aside any minute now, to be set in place again a week from Thursday, when the race weekend began. Today’s two sessions, both follow-alongs, single file behind an instructor, were the first time the celebrity competitors had seen the racing surface.

You’d warned me, she said, but the walls were still closer after Turns 5 and 8 than I expected.

The concrete walls brought in to define the temporary circuit were big and unforgiving, and to wring the most speed out of a car, we ran right next to them. More than one reporter during the day’s laps had flinched at their proximity.

We talked corners for a few minutes until I saw Maddie shiver. You need to get changed before you catch a chill. Keep thinking about the track, and draw your racing line on the track map I gave you.

You’re still coming to the party this evening? Maddie asked. And the studio tomorrow? Penny has a car arranged for tonight.

She does, but I don’t need the car and driver. I drive for a living.

It’s easier. You can drink what you like, enjoy yourself, and not be unsafe driving home. Plus parking in the hills is a bitch. She put a hand on my arm. For all you’re helping me, it’s the least I can do. Besides, this way, I won’t worry about you.

I gave in. What do I wear tonight? I’ve never been to a party in Hollywood.

Anything you want, Kate. You’ll see ripped jeans and sequins, sometimes on the same person. She smiled. I’ll see you later.

I followed her out of the trailer and watched her purposeful stride through the fenced area, her ever-present personal assistant, Penny, next to her. The fenced-off parking lot was rapidly draining of vehicles as the celebrity race staff took the Toyotas back to their staging area. My work was done. I collected my belongings from the lone IndyCar trailer, waving at one of the IndyCar Series executives as he passed. I also nodded at a member of the grand prix organization, then stopped when she spoke to me.

Thanks again for giving the press a thrill, Kate.

You bet. I shook her hand. You’re Erica?

Erica Aarons. Your team media guy, Tom, said you’d let me set up some interviews while you’re in L.A. for the next week. If that’s all right, I’ll make a plan.

After swapping contact information, I continued on my way to the GPLB media center in the basement of the Performing Arts Center building, which—combined with the whale-muraled arena, a hotel, and the convention center—formed the heart of the Long Beach circuit. I ducked inside, downstairs, and into the women’s bathroom. One thing I loved about this race facility was the abundance of real bathrooms. I’d been in lots of porta-potties in my career, and I preferred running water.

I swung the door open and came face-to-face with Elizabeth Rogers, part of the operations team for the SportsCar Championship, or SCC, the series I competed in.

Elizabeth saw me and dissolved into tears. Kate, did you hear what happened? Holden is devastated.

My spirits fell to the ground with a thump. Billy. Dead.

Chapter Three

I blinked away the image of Billy on the ground, dented and bloody. I heard, yes. I used the excuse of going into a stall to assemble my thoughts.

As I washed my hands a minute later, I studied Elizabeth. Aside from her red eyes and blotchy skin, her long, straight, blond hair—an Alice in Wonderland look—was her most distinguishing feature. Though we’d become acquainted through her role in operations for the SCC, I’d never gotten past the surface with her. Never seen emotion. Until now.

I dried my hands and turned to her, leaning against the counter. Were you close to Billy?

Since I’ve been seeing Holden, Billy and I have gotten to be good friends. You know how close the two of them are. Were. That set off another round of slow tears rolling down her cheeks. I feel so badly for what Holden’s going through.

You spoke with him?

Another nod and a hiccupped sob. Once I found out from the GPLB staff, I had to tell him. Holden deserved to know right away, from someone who cares.

Holden Sherain deserves a swift kick in the rear. No, be charitable. Even if you don’t like him, feel sorry for him. He must be devastated. I thought about Billy, beaten to death and abandoned in the parking structure. I came up with more sympathy for both cousins.

I was fumbling for what to say to Elizabeth—I didn’t know how to console her and didn’t want to ask after Holden—when there was a commotion outside the door. It swung open to reveal a woman who looked like she’d taken a wrong turn somewhere on her way to a mall. I caught a flash of diamonds and a glimpse of a red-soled shoe. Forget a mall, she’s AWOL from Rodeo Drive.

She pointed at someone outside. Not this time. Stay there. She closed the door and slumped against it, only then noticing us watching her, our mouths agape.

I’d never seen her before, but Elizabeth had. Within seconds of the door closing, Elizabeth flung herself at the newcomer. Nikki! I’m so sorry! How are you coping?

Judging by her lack of tears or distress, Nikki was coping fine, except, perhaps, with Elizabeth. She patted Elizabeth on the back and extricated herself from the embrace.

She turned to me with a pageant smile, featuring loads of straight, blue-white teeth. I’m Nikki Gray. Pardon the intrusion.

Everything about Nikki was overdone and big, unless it was supposed to be small: tiny waist, impressive cleavage, full golden-brown hair, skyscraper heels, and sparkly diamonds and other gemstones. At first glance, she was the young, slim, tan L.A. stereotype. With a second look, I revised my estimation of her age and number of surgical procedures upward, seeing the unnaturally taut skin under her eyes and the way the corners of her plump mouth tilted up even at rest.

I noted my own flat hair, how the little bit of mascara I’d put on that morning had run under my eyes, and that I’d somehow collected a stain on the front of my white team polo. I dragged a finger under each eye to scrape away mascara. Kate Reilly. Public place. All yours.

She tee-heed. I simply had to have a break from those cameras.

Elizabeth sniffed, though her eyes were dry. You’ve got the crew here? But what are you doing about Billy? You know what happened? You can’t be using that on your show!

They’ve been here all day. Nikki turned to me and smiled brightly. I’m shooting a reality show pilot about my life since my husband’s death in a tragic badminton accident.

I kept my mouth shut, not sure how badminton could be tragic or how tragedy translated to her chipper tone. Not sure how she and Elizabeth knew each other or how Billy fit in. Especially a dead Billy.

But, Elizabeth put in, you were dating.

I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly.

Nikki moved to the counter and peered at her reflection in the mirror. I heard what happened. Poor Billy. She turned to me again. We were spending time together. ‘Dating’ sounds so high school, doesn’t it? She tittered.

What soap opera had I been dropped into? She’d been sleeping with Billy? What did she see in him other than a pretty face and a twenty-four-year-old body? Oh, right. Hello, rich, bimbo, Southern California cougar.

Won’t it look bad if you’re not upset? Elizabeth asked.

Nikki pouted again, watching herself in the mirror, as if verifying a pout was a good look for her—it was—and patted Elizabeth’s cheek. The first thing you learn about reality television is not to deal with real emotion on-camera. Tamara made that mistake a couple seasons ago on her show about running her spa in Santa Monica. The last was addressed to me, before she looked back at Elizabeth. I feel terrible about Billy, but I’ll handle that at home, alone. Not in front of the cameras. Nikki might have frowned, the barest wrinkling of her brow. But honestly, it’s not as if we were deeply in love. We’d only known each other a couple months.

I couldn’t tell if she was unaffected by Billy’s death or if she had the self-control to hold off grieving until later.

She fluttered her fingers. Excuse me a minute while I tinkle. She tiptoed off to the stalls in her stripper heels.

I also wondered if the clueless persona was an act or a way of life. I’d never heard anyone over the age of five use the word tinkle. My whole experience in that bathroom had felt like a visit to a foreign country. One I was ready to leave.

I looked at a visibly calmer Elizabeth. Will you be all right?

I’ll be fine. Holden is on his way here from San Diego, so I’ll pull myself together to be strong for him. Her eyes got watery again, and she took a deep breath. It’s kind of you to ask.

I left, thinking it was the most intimate conversation I’d ever had with Elizabeth. Then again, murder brought all kinds of people and behavior out of the woodwork.

I exited the bathroom into the glare of lights and the stares of cameras, which were quickly lowered when they saw I wasn’t Nikki.

Sorry, called a man with a clipboard.

I exited the media center building, still blinking away spots in my eyes, and almost ran into someone.

Easy there, Kate. I heard a hint of laughter in a voice I recognized.

Ryan Johnston. It’s been a while.

To be precise, it had been fifteen months since the grim and emotional 24 Hours of Daytona where I’d met Ryan, an FBI agent undercover

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