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The Spy and the Spinster: The Ashbourne Legacy, #7
The Spy and the Spinster: The Ashbourne Legacy, #7
The Spy and the Spinster: The Ashbourne Legacy, #7
Ebook73 pages55 minutes

The Spy and the Spinster: The Ashbourne Legacy, #7

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About this ebook

She's resolved to be a spinster and doesn't need anyone to watch out for her.

He's made a vow to be her protector. Only she doesn't know it. So really, he's spying on her.


Lady Hali has had enough high society men (fortune hunters) trying to trap her into marriage. They're all after her money, being the sister of a duke, and she can't trust a single one of them. Without trust, it's impossible to find love, so she has accepted the life that fate has dealt her: spinsterhood.


When fate crushes Hali to Lord Giles' body not once, not twice, but thrice in the span of less than twenty four hours, he figures there's nothing wrong with allowing one kiss to happen. He's the youngest of seven brothers in the Ashbourne family, so maybe it is his turn to consider marriage. Yet he respects Hali's vow of independence to tell her how he feels.


Can Giles shake the guilt he feels for overstepping his role as protector? Will Hali allow her heart to trust a man enough to fall into a love match?


This is the seventh book in the steamy new regency romance series, The Ashbourne Legacy, that follows the seven mislabeled brothers of Snow White.


Read this novelette if you like sweet and spicy easy reads with witty banter and lovable characters.


The Ashbourne Legacy:

  1. The Blighter and the Bluestocking
  2. The Scoundrel and the Scientist
  3. The Virgin and the Vixen
  4. The Rogue and the Rose
  5. The Rake and the Writer
  6. The Wastrel and the Wallflower
  7. The Spy and the Spinster
Release dateApr 3, 2024
The Spy and the Spinster: The Ashbourne Legacy, #7

Eliana Piers

What makes people fall in love? Why do two people end up together? Every love story is unique, and I love love.

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    The Spy and the Spinster - Eliana Piers


    The Spy and the Spinster is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 

    Copyright © 2024 by Eliana Piers

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact author.

    Cover image © Eliana Piers

    Cover design Copyright © 2024 Eliana Piers

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN E-Book 978-1-998281-26-8

    ISBN Print 978-1-998281-27-5

    ISBN Audiobook 978-1-998281-28-2

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    Author's Note

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

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    About the Author

    Also By Eliana Piers

    Read More: Dukes for Christmas

    A Beauty for a Duke

    Read More: The Good Dukes

    Good Duke Gone Cold

    Author's Note


    Hello Beautiful Reader, 

    Welcome to the Beau Monde. Most, if not all, of my books are part of an interconnected world with the Good Dukes, where it all started. This series, The Ashbourne Legacy follows the 7 brothers of Snow White, and it has some enchanting fairytale vibes for you.

    If you like SHORT, SWEET & SPICY, you are in for a treat.

    I love to write funny, easy, breezy stories where the characters learn things about themselves and the world around them, all the while continuing to reach for hope, joy, and above all, LOVE.  

    Love always wins. Love never fails. 

    You will always read a happy ending in my stories. 

    I write to have fun, and so I make stories fit into a historical context, but I often take leeway with history. SO, if you are looking for a 100% accurate depiction of historical language and settings, please put this book down. You will be disappointed. And I don’t want that. You don’t want that. Neither of us wants you to be disappointed. Let’s just be happy. The world is a hard enough place as it is. 

    IF, however, you don’t mind to sacrifice some historical truths in the name of LOVE and HUMOR, AND you want to read about some HOT men falling head over heels in love with some INTELLIGENT, STRONG, INDEPENDENT women, then read on, dear reader.

    Much love, 

    Eliana Piers

    Chapter 1


    1816 England

    IT WAS AN ODD feeling to sense being watched. Not watched as in observed across a crowded room. Not watched as in on a stage or completing a performance of some kind. But watched as in, the person watching was hiding, and the person being watched couldn’t see them. That was what was odd.

    It could almost be frightening except for two things, Lady Hali Collins, the Duke of Tinsder’s sister, did not scare easily, and two, Hali knew exactly who was watching her. He was not as discreet as he hoped to be. Oh, she had known the first time it occurred, too. She had been out for a solitary walk in the gardens when she sensed being watched.

    When she casually turned to survey the landscape, she saw him. Him! Just watching her. He had pressed himself up behind a tree, but he was much wider than the tree. She almost laughed out loud, but then she thought of why he might be following her. If she laughed, she would give away that she was on to him. So instead, she kept her secret and devised a trick of her own.

    Her first test was to meander through the garden, retracing her steps, overlapping her tracks, and then doubling and tripling back. Sure enough, he followed. She had even heard a few overwrought sighs a time or two. Certainly those made it difficult to contain her amusement, but now she had a mission. First and foremost, she wanted to see just how

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