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God's Water Carrier
God's Water Carrier
God's Water Carrier
Ebook204 pages3 hours

God's Water Carrier

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About this ebook

It was written from author's journals from all the times God would send me out to pray for different people at different times. Being a great honour to work with God and watch him work inspired the author to write about her walk with God over a period of 10 years.  

Release dateApr 4, 2024
God's Water Carrier

Susannah Ralph

Susannah is a person who loves God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. She is a prayer warrior and intercessor. She doesn't see herself as qualified but called to write this book as led by the Lord and Holy Spirit. She has been married to Ian for 51years and they have 2 daughters together, unfortunately losing their older daughter at the age of 17yrs old. Living is South Africa for 26yrs was sent back to the U.K. in 2010 to work and minister at Ellel Ministries in Frensham

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    Book preview

    God's Water Carrier - Susannah Ralph

    CHAPTER ONE  |  Encountering God


    hen I first met the Lord, I wanted to know His story.

    We all have stories of how things happened in our lives, and I believe the bible is God’s story.

    He formed a people for Himself to bless and be a blessing to others.

    When I read the bible for the first time, I was amazed at His story and so I read it through a second time. I read all the way through from Genesis to Revelation.

    As I read, it was as if I was there, it was so real and things started jumping out at me, things I did not know about, God was giving me revelations.

    I remember my first encounter with God a few weeks later.

    We had been asked to host a baptism at our home as the people who normally did it were away on leave. I started preparing the house making sure that everything was neat and tidy, as I started mopping the floors I suddenly started to shake and weep.

    As nothing like this had ever happened to me at home before, I asked a question, Lord is that You? I wanted to make sure that it was Him.

    Suddenly I heard a voice saying, You are a Christian and you are surrounded by Egyptians.

    A few years earlier, we had taken a holiday in Egypt and of course had bought numerous touristy Items, including papyruses, which we hung on the walls of our lounge and dining room. I also had a bust of Tutankhamun as a table centre and other keepsakes of the sphinx and pyramids in my wall cabinets.

    As all these things seemed to fill my mind, with tears streaming down my face, the voice spoke a second time. You are a Christian, but you are surrounded by Egyptians!

    Believing it was the Lord speaking to me, I asked again, Lord is that You? What do You want me to do?

    I did not hear anything audibly, but I knew deep down that I had to take everything off the walls. Through the tears, I took down all the papyruses from the walls, and all the other items and I put them into the home office until Ian came home from work.

    Ian’s first reaction was not what I thought it would be and he put everything back on the walls. My first instinct was to ask the Lord for forgiveness and ask Him to speak to Ian’s heart.

    About a week later, Ian asked if I really wanted to get rid of everything and with what I would replace the items in question.

    I said that I would decide and if that is what God wants us to do then we should do it. We then together took everything out of the house and destroyed it or burned it. We had help from our church intercessors and cell group leaders; they also taught us how to carry out spiritual house cleaning.

    Later the Lord led us through the house and showed us all the things that needed to be cleared out that were displeasing to Him.

    God not only wanted to dwell in our hearts but to dwell in our home as well. He wanted His manifest presence to be recognised when people visited us. Everyone commented on how peaceful our home was when they visited and said they could sense God’s presence when they entered the front door. What a privilege and honour.

    Thank you, Lord God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

    CHAPTER TWO  |  The Start of My Journey


    uite a while later, I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, and what felt like an explosion from deep within me came out of my mouth in a language I had not spoken before, it came with such an intense feeling of joy and happiness, with tears pouring down my face.

    My friend who had been praying for me looked on amazed at what God was doing!

    It was an amazing moment that will live with me always, the only way I could describe it, is that it was like a volcano erupting and only something that God could do.

    One morning as I was preparing to sit with the Lord, I suddenly had an open vision. As I had made some tea, I suddenly saw myself stood by the side of Jesus. I saw a long line of people standing in my dining room and kitchen; it was strange as I could see right through them like holograms.

    I asked the Lord what I was looking at to which He replied, These people are all the people that you will be praying for!

    The line of people did not get shorter as people seemed to keep joining the end of the queue. It was wonderful to watch but again I wondered what it meant for me and my journey with God. As I was watching and looking, I tried to see more, but the vision started to fade, and I was left to contemplate.

    I wanted to learn everything that God wanted to teach me, and in the years that followed, He taught me so much. He did not teach me just through His word, but He also taught me through obedience to Him as He sent me out with different assignments.

    I learned to sit with Him in the mornings daily and listen for His voice. I learned that when He says something, He means it.

    I learned that I could trust Him and that He does what He says He will do. Over the next eight years, God was training me to see His heart and know Him.

    CHAPTER THREE  |  Meeting the Holy Spirit


    od started to introduce me to the work of the Holy Spirit and as I sat with Him, He would give me, an assignment (what I like to call a DVD). He would show me precisely what to do and how to do it. I cannot say it was always easy to approach people that I had never met, but it was always worth it just to see Him at work in their lives.

    As I was learning then He started giving me visions, again I can only say that it was in DVD form, I would see the whole thing and then go out to do what He had shown me.

    He would speak to me in dreams and give me revelations of seeking the Kingdom of God first and foremost.

    One morning, as I sat with the Lord, I was suddenly transported onto a beach (in the spirit). I saw Jesus cooking breakfast just as He had cooked fish for the disciples. He said, Come and have breakfast with Me!

    He gave me revelation of seeking His Kingdom first and His righteousness and that everything will be added unto you.

    This was an amazing time with the Lord and as we sat on the beach, I realised it was the beach at Tiberias in Israel, it actually became more real as my husband and I went to Israel eight years later and I was able to put my feet in the water there. He said, Come and eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed,

    Song of Solomon 5:19 (to His friends) Eat, O friends! Drink, yes, drink deeply, O beloved ones!

    When I opened my eyes, I was still sitting in the lounge with my cat on my lap and a cup of coffee in my hand.

    This was a wonderful start of my walk with the Lord and there was more to come.

    CHAPTER FOUR  |  Healing Touches


    tarting a new year with the Lord is always exciting in the way He speaks to us and shows us what He is going to do. It is not normally the way we think, as His ways are not ours. At the beginning of this year, God decided to give me a new name. I was led by the Holy Spirit to read Isaiah 62:3-5, which reads as follows.

    You will be a glorious crown in the hand of Adonai, a royal diadem held by your God, you will no longer be spoken of as ‘abandoned’ or your land be spoken of as ‘desolate,’ rather you will be called Hephzibah (My delight is in her) and your land ‘Beulah.’ for Adonai delights in you.

    Although I did not hear an audible voice, I heard deep in my heart God say to me, Make your flesh ready as the blessings that I am going to pour out on you will be so much that you will not cope if you do not prepare yourself..... PREPARE YOURSELF.

    As I sat and pondered on what that entailed and what it meant, I started to prepare my heart by sitting at Jesus feet and listening for His voice and for any instruction.

    On Monday evenings, it was our regular practice to go through all the worship songs ready for the following Sunday service.

    I had been in the worship group for a while and had become very good friends with Donne, one of the other backup singers. Donne had fallen at the back of the platform a few weeks earlier and had broken her wrist in three places. She was in a lot of pain and had been crying out to God for healing as she had been for x-rays in the morning, and they had shown no healing in her wrist after three whole weeks.

    As we sat praying before worship started, I heard a very quiet voice in my right ear saying to me, Tell Donne, by My stripes she is healed.

    It was so quiet that I asked, Is that You Lord? and a second time I heard the same voice say the same thing.

    Tell Donne by My stripes she is healed.

    Prayer time was coming to an end and as we walked into our positions at the microphones, I said to her what God had told me. Imagine as I started to speak, we both felt the presence of God so strong that I can only describe it as lightning coming down from heaven.

    Our feet were both pinned to the floor, we could not move, my hand was so hot that Donne said to me, Sue your hand is getting so hot!

    I sheepishly replied, Donne, God is healing your wrist!

    I do not know which of us was more surprised as we had not prayed for healing except to say that I believe God gave me a word of knowledge and He had carried it out. We just looked at each other not knowing what to say but after what seemed like an age, which was probably only between 10-20 seconds, her wrist was healed and she had no more pain.

    The following day she was booked to have new plaster put onto her arm and even though she had the experience of healing, she decided to go to the hospital as she had not told anyone what had happened. A week later, she had to take her daughter to the hospital for another appointment, but her plaster was so uncomfortable that the doctor decided to cut it off and send her for x-rays to find out more.

    When the x-rays came back, they showed that there was nothing wrong with her wrist and that it had totally healed. The doctor asked her, Donne what is wrong with your wrist?

    After telling the doctor the whole story she realised God had done what He said, and had healed her wrist. She also realised that she now had proof as she had two sets of x-rays, the first one showing her wrist broken in three places, and a week later, a second set showing her wrist totally healed.

    We gave God all the glory and thanks and it built our faith tremendously. We also prayed for her daughter who was also in pain due to a procedure that she was having done. Again, God came through and touched her amazingly.

    God was teaching me that the power of His word is conceived in our hearts, and then formed by the tongue and when we are obedient to speak it as He instructs, it becomes a force releasing the ability of God in us.

    God is compassionate. He gave both mother and daughter the strength they needed at the right time.

    We all have stories in our lives and as we walk with God, He will open the story of our life to us. I see the bible as God’s story from the beginning to the end; this book is part of my life story with Him.

    My friend and I would regularly get together for a worship session at her home and, as usual, we decided to hold a morning session. When I arrived, I wondered why the guitar stand etc. had not been set up, as she was always organised.

    We made coffee and then retired into the lounge, suddenly Leslie came into the room and said, Sue I have a word from God for you, and I am praying that I don’t get it wrong!

    God had laid this on her heart, and she had written it down so that she would remember everything that He had said. I also heard in my spirit as we prayed and gave the time to Him: Remember this day - it was the 20.1.2007.

    This is what she believed God had told her to say to me, and when she started to speak, it was as if He was right there with us; His presence was so tangible.

    The word was:

    He was giving me a healing ministry, and that money would never be a problem for me.

    For me to remember that He always gets the glory.

    I need to stay childlike and be obedient.

    I must be careful to whom I testify and not to cast my pearls before swine.

    My husband, Ian, will be raised up to support what the Lord has called us to do.

    God had already started using me to heal people so I took this as a confirmation of my calling, or at least part of it.

    The Lord had spoken to me about sharing daily communion with Him, which I took to mean that we break bread together every day, something that is still ongoing in my life.

    We need to watch our egos lest we become too full of ourselves. We need to humble ourselves under His Mighty hand as we have nothing of ourselves to offer anyone.

    Faith operates in two places, heart and mouth.

    I remember when God said to me one day, if you cannot say something good about somebody, then do not say anything at all. He said this as I used to be a very negative person. I could only see the negative instead of looking for the positive.

    God gave me a picture of a laser beam coming out of my mouth; it opened up and was full of words. God asked, "How did I create the world?

    Looking up at the ceiling, (I do not know why) I answered Him, Lord, you spoke it into being! You said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. He then directed me to the scriptures, Genesis 1:3 God said, ‘let there be light’, and there was light.

    He then took me to scriptures about the tongue.

    Proverbs 13:2. We eat the fruit of our lips

    James 3:9-10 ...with it we curse men who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.

    I was so convicted by the Holy Spirit that I repented there and then and asked God to cleanse my mouth, which He did. He helped me change the way I think and to see things from a different perspective.

    I learned to speak God’s blessing over people as He was teaching me and said that we are blessed to be a blessing. From that day on, I watched my words very carefully. This does not mean to say that I am perfect, but when I stumble, I am quick to repent and ask God to forgive and cleanse me.

    Let me share with you another healing assignment that the Holy Spirit had prompted in me. The Holy Spirit often speaks to me when I have my hands in water, although sometimes it is when I am in the shower. This particular day, as I was showering, God started to give me a DVD of a woman in the local hospital. I saw this woman lying down

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